Breaking: terror attack in London

You fucking piece of shit! A serving soldier has been hacked to death with his head near severed and all you can do is politicize the event for your own agenda.

If you think I am going to stand and say nothing while my own countrymen listen to you liberals preach about the peacefulness of Islam you've got another thing coming, Buddy! Get out of my way or get run over! Your choice - this is America - you putz!


Idiots like you always seem to assume the minority represents the majority. Clearly you have no perception of what the British public feels about islam. Not surprising. Your type seems to know little of reality outside of your parochial bubble.

I was born in and have lived in London all my life. I wouldn't claim to know what 'the British public feels about Islam' and I suspect you shouldn't either. There are many reasons for not assuming one knows what people really think, one being that here in the UK many people are literally afraid to criticise Islam or Muslims for fear of being branded racists. There are also plenty of people who dont understand it at all, and there is no shortage of useful idiots and dhimmies IMHO. I have also seen countless people interviewed today saying they will not voice what they really think because they will know airing their concerns will simply result in them being labelled ignorant racists, and they persisted with that even when really being pushed by interviewers. I don't mind saying what I think of Islam, I despise it and believe it to be a very dangerous, hateful ideology.
If you think I am going to stand and say nothing while my own countrymen listen to you liberals preach about the peacefulness of Islam you've got another thing coming, Buddy! Get out of my way or get run over! Your choice - this is America - you putz!


Idiots like you always seem to assume the minority represents the majority. Clearly you have no perception of what the British public feels about islam. Not surprising. Your type seems to know little of reality outside of your parochial bubble.

I was born in and have lived in London all my life. I wouldn't claim to know what 'the British public feels about Islam' and I suspect you shouldn't either. There are many reasons for not assuming one knows what people really think, one being that here in the UK many people are literally afraid to criticise Islam or Muslims for fear of being branded racists. There are also plenty of people who dont understand it at all, and there is no shortage of useful idiots and dhimmies IMHO. I have also seen countless people interviewed today saying they will not voice what they really think because they will know airing their concerns will simply result in them being labelled ignorant racists, and they persisted with that even when really being pushed by interviewers. I don't mind saying what I think of Islam, I despise it and believe it to be a very dangerous, hateful ideology.

Obamacrats are trying to accomplish the same here; the 'same' being, specifically, stifling public opinion.
Here, they've been doing it through the IRS, spying on journalists, and incessantly playing the race card when faced with oppositional views.
Anjem Choudary, for those who are clueless, is a serious nutter.
Turns out he knew at least one of the murderers.

Exclusive: Woolwich attack suspect was known to banned terror group and security services - Crime - UK - The Independent

No, he's a serious Muslim and a qualified lawyer who does a very good job of radicalising others ,getting them to do the dirty work whilst he stays just about on the right side of the law whilst still publically inciting others. There are plenty like him and they are committed Muslims not serious nutters.
"...I was born in and have lived in London all my life... here in the UK many people are literally afraid to criticise Islam or Muslims for fear of being branded racists..."

Such an admission should send a shudder down the spines of every American who walks through life without a set of P(olitically) C(orrect) blinkers on.

Our Brit cousins seem to be running out of time and may no longer be masters in their own house within a generation or two or three.

We pride ourselves in being more resolute and forceful and stronger in modern times than the U.K. and we may yet escape their looming fate but that is by no means a certainty.

Perhaps they started down their present path in the same manner as we are now proceeding.

But any way you slice it, such a state of affairs (as is being shared above) is pitiful - a real stinker - a bummer for them.

Let's not let that happen here as well.
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"...I was born in and have lived in London all my life... here in the UK many people are literally afraid to criticise Islam or Muslims for fear of being branded racists..."

Such an admission should send a shudder down the spines of every American who walks through life without a set of P(olitically) C(orrect) blinkers on.

Our Brit cousins seen to be running out of time and may no longer be masters in their own house within a generation or two or three.

We pride ourselves in being more resolute and forceful and stronger in modern times than the U.K. and we may yet escape their looming fate but that is by no means a certainty.

Perhaps they started down their present path in the same manner as we are now proceeding.

But any way you slice it, such a state of affairs (as is being shared above) is pitiful - a real stinker - a bummer for them.

Let's not let that happen here as well.

It isn't just the UK, Kondor, it's most of Europe. France and Sweden, for example, have numerous No Go areas such as Malmo, where even the police won't go. Little Mogadishu's and so on, where the police have no power. It's a tragedy aided and abetted by the loony liberal PC and their idiotic support for multiculturalism and the ghettoisation that invariably leads to.
The UK is turning itdelf into the next European Pakistan, then acts surprised when fanatic wackos are not afraid to raise their heads anymore.

There seems to be a serious disconnect between the reality and the average Jane/Joe in UK. They do not seem to realize that UK government uses Islamists as a tool to destabilize certain countries. This flawed policy brings in some dangerous Jihadi elements into UK. UK acts as a launch pad for many terror organizations. There are elements in UK that engage in active fundraising and PR for terror outfits. This is all done with the blessing of UK government. So it does not matter how much we wail on this forum, UK government's policy is not going to change towards Islamic fundamentalism other than some britons harming some innocent muslims on the streets of UK.
Not as upset as I am that everyone got their Youtube on instead of helping.
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Anjem Choudary, for those who are clueless, is a serious nutter.
Turns out he knew at least one of the murderers.

Exclusive: Woolwich attack suspect was known to banned terror group and security services - Crime - UK - The Independent

No, he's a serious Muslim and a qualified lawyer who does a very good job of radicalising others ,getting them to do the dirty work whilst he stays just about on the right side of the law whilst still publically inciting others. There are plenty like him and they are committed Muslims not serious nutters.

Close but no cigar
That soft bastard gets idiots to do his stupidity for him. The people he radicalises aren't even good Muslims; more idiots looking for answers to the wrong question.
People like him are the cause of pretty much all of the problems and should be removed to where ever or bunged in prison for being daft twats.

Did you know, Choudary is a strict Muslim - not.

Islamic Subversives

OK, the site is hardly reliable but their photos check out as true.
He's just one more idiot trying to purge his own demons with hate for others.
What a cretin.
I really love this one and, if Islamic law had been in place, we would have been rid of the git.

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Anjem Choudary, for those who are clueless, is a serious nutter.
Turns out he knew at least one of the murderers.

Exclusive: Woolwich attack suspect was known to banned terror group and security services - Crime - UK - The Independent

No, he's a serious Muslim and a qualified lawyer who does a very good job of radicalising others ,getting them to do the dirty work whilst he stays just about on the right side of the law whilst still publically inciting others. There are plenty like him and they are committed Muslims not serious nutters.

Close but no cigar
That soft bastard gets idiots to do his stupidity for him. The people he radicalises aren't even good Muslims; more idiots looking for answers to the wrong question.
People like him are the cause of pretty much all of the problems and should be removed to where ever or bunged in prison for being daft twats.

Did you know, Choudary is a strict Muslim - not.

Islamic Subversives

OK, the site is hardly reliable but their photos check out as true.
He's just one more idiot trying to purge his own demons with hate for others.
What a cretin.

You aren't telling me anything I don't know about his past, and I think maybe you haven't understood what I am saying. I'm not sure why you are attempting to paint him as 'daft' or as a 'nutter', nor why you are insisting he is not a 'strict Muslim'. He is not daft, he is very cunning, that is how he manages to get the message of pure islam out and how he manages to get other muslims to take him seriously and act, whilst not being charged himself. It is how he manages to obtain jizzya for himself and his family, whilst preaching hate, in the form of dole money year in and year out, when he is perfectly capable of working. The 'best' followers of Islam, ie those that are easiest to cohabit with, are, imho, those that don't follow Islam closely. The more strictly one follows Islam, the more radical one becomes, IMO, and that's because Islam is a system that demands intolerance and utter disrespect for other faiths, for homosexuals, for women, for governments and for anyone who challenges the ideology. Choudry is simply doing what devout Muslims are supposed to do, he's just jumped the gun a bit in his enthusiasm and impatience. He is a 'strict' Muslim.
No, he's a serious Muslim and a qualified lawyer who does a very good job of radicalising others ,getting them to do the dirty work whilst he stays just about on the right side of the law whilst still publically inciting others. There are plenty like him and they are committed Muslims not serious nutters.

Close but no cigar
That soft bastard gets idiots to do his stupidity for him. The people he radicalises aren't even good Muslims; more idiots looking for answers to the wrong question.
People like him are the cause of pretty much all of the problems and should be removed to where ever or bunged in prison for being daft twats.

Did you know, Choudary is a strict Muslim - not.

Islamic Subversives

OK, the site is hardly reliable but their photos check out as true.
He's just one more idiot trying to purge his own demons with hate for others.
What a cretin.

You aren't telling me anything I don't know about his past, and I think maybe you haven't understood what I am saying. I'm not sure why you are attempting to paint him as 'daft' or as a 'nutter', nor why you are insisting he is not a 'strict Muslim'. He is not daft, he is very cunning, that is how he manages to get the message of pure islam out and how he manages to get other muslims to take him seriously and act, whilst not being charged himself. It is how he manages to obtain jizzya for himself and his family, whilst preaching hate, in the form of dole money year in and year out, when he is perfectly capable of working. The 'best' followers of Islam, ie those that are easiest to cohabit with, are, imho, those that don't follow Islam closely. The more strictly one follows Islam, the more radical one becomes, IMO, and that's because Islam is a system that demands intolerance and utter disrespect for other faiths, for homosexuals, for women, for governments and for anyone who challenges the ideology. Choudry is simply doing what devout Muslims are supposed to do, he's just jumped the gun a bit in his enthusiasm and impatience. He is a 'strict' Muslim.

Way wrong.
If he's such a good Muslim, why has he got so few followers (About 30 or 40 idiots and a pet dog with a limp)?
No, the man is just a steaming dog turd who really should be locked away in some deep, dark hole with all the keys tossed into a bin (At the bottom of the Atlantic).

1.5 million Muslims in the UK and most think he's a daft twat.
However, there are those who agree with him. I'm arguing with one daft sod at the moment who seems to be making up as many excuses as she can for the murdering bastards and pillocks such as Chowdary.
This woman was radicalised after Israeli bastard pirates attacked her ship and murdered some of her friends in front of her.
She used to be a lovely lady and a pleasure to chat with but seeing her friends murdered at close quarters and being arrested warped her mind to the point of hating all Jews and supporting extremist Islam.

I can see how such things would effect someone but I can't agree with what she's become.

However, Chowdary and these idiot murderers don't fit that at all; they're just fools out to purge their stupidity by hating others.
As The Dalai Lama suggested, "All major religious traditions carry basically the same message, that is love, compassion and forgiveness the important thing is they should be part of our daily lives".

Fools are fools when they claim to know what they don't.
Try this.
This guys says a lot in just a couple of minutes.

[ame=]Woolwich Attack Response - Nabil Goes In - YouTube[/ame]!
The truth will out.

Michael Adebolajo, London terror suspect

Michael Adebolajo's sister Blessing grins as she is led away from her home | Mail Online

A drug puddled idiot with a long history of violence, theft and stupidity.
Hardly a good Muslim or good anything.
The British police, whist restricted by stupid European laws regarding human rights, still cocked up and allowed the drummer to be murdered by their failings.

People of this type are known to the police and should be at least tagged and monitored to keep them from their actions.
I have unconfirmed reports, Adebolajo tried to go to Somalia to fight for Islam there but was stopped.
Big mistake- He should have been allowed to leave but his passport taken away and his UK citizenship revoked.
That way he would have just been one more dead idiot and we would have one more live person on our street along with the bonus of no one blaming "Muslims" for the actions of a few.
Funny, this guy was just one of those peaceful protesting Muslims. I'm sure if you were side by side with him at that time, you'd be vouching for him, Indofred.


It is believed he may have also been held by the Met in 2006 after protesting outside the Old Bailey during the trial of four Muslim men.

The defendants were ultimately jailed for their part in protests at the Danish embassy in London against cartoons satirising the Prophet Muhammad

Read more: Woolwich attack: How MI5 had ex-prisoner in sights as he preached at Poundland just yards from murder scene | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Woolwich attack: How MI5 had ex-prisoner in sights as he preached at Poundland just yards from murder scene | Mail Online
Close but no cigar
That soft bastard gets idiots to do his stupidity for him. The people he radicalises aren't even good Muslims; more idiots looking for answers to the wrong question.
People like him are the cause of pretty much all of the problems and should be removed to where ever or bunged in prison for being daft twats.

Did you know, Choudary is a strict Muslim - not.

Islamic Subversives

OK, the site is hardly reliable but their photos check out as true.
He's just one more idiot trying to purge his own demons with hate for others.
What a cretin.

You aren't telling me anything I don't know about his past, and I think maybe you haven't understood what I am saying. I'm not sure why you are attempting to paint him as 'daft' or as a 'nutter', nor why you are insisting he is not a 'strict Muslim'. He is not daft, he is very cunning, that is how he manages to get the message of pure islam out and how he manages to get other muslims to take him seriously and act, whilst not being charged himself. It is how he manages to obtain jizzya for himself and his family, whilst preaching hate, in the form of dole money year in and year out, when he is perfectly capable of working. The 'best' followers of Islam, ie those that are easiest to cohabit with, are, imho, those that don't follow Islam closely. The more strictly one follows Islam, the more radical one becomes, IMO, and that's because Islam is a system that demands intolerance and utter disrespect for other faiths, for homosexuals, for women, for governments and for anyone who challenges the ideology. Choudry is simply doing what devout Muslims are supposed to do, he's just jumped the gun a bit in his enthusiasm and impatience. He is a 'strict' Muslim.

Way wrong.
If he's such a good Muslim, why has he got so few followers (About 30 or 40 idiots and a pet dog with a limp)?
No, the man is just a steaming dog turd who really should be locked away in some deep, dark hole with all the keys tossed into a bin (At the bottom of the Atlantic).

1.5 million Muslims in the UK and most think he's a daft twat.
However, there are those who agree with him. I'm arguing with one daft sod at the moment who seems to be making up as many excuses as she can for the murdering bastards and pillocks such as Chowdary.
This woman was radicalised after Israeli bastard pirates attacked her ship and murdered some of her friends in front of her.
She used to be a lovely lady and a pleasure to chat with but seeing her friends murdered at close quarters and being arrested warped her mind to the point of hating all Jews and supporting extremist Islam.

I can see how such things would effect someone but I can't agree with what she's become.

However, Chowdary and these idiot murderers don't fit that at all; they're just fools out to purge their stupidity by hating others.
As The Dalai Lama suggested, "All major religious traditions carry basically the same message, that is love, compassion and forgiveness the important thing is they should be part of our daily lives".

Fools are fools when they claim to know what they don't.

You keep claiming he is just a fool, but also allege you want him locked up and the key thrown away. I dont think we have legislation for doing that. Lol.
You, btw, have absolutely no idea how many people he influences. There are lots of causes and organisations and people I support or agree with, without taking to the streets and demonstrating that publically, for all sorts of reasons, and that is true of many people. If you are a Muslim, I can understand how he might be an embarrassment to you, or even how he is recognised as not good for Islam right now since he is way too forthcoming about what Islam is and what Islam wants. Too much information too early. Like I said, he is an example of a strict Muslim.
I'm sorry your friend has chosen to embrace the fairly common Islamic view of Jews, she sounds like she is also becoming a more strict Muslim. Does she do the one about the rock, the tree, the Jew? Let us hope that the people of Woolwich don't follow her example.
Funny, this guy was just one of those peaceful protesting Muslims. I'm sure if you were side by side with him at that time, you'd be vouching for him, Indofred.

The only reason I would want to be side by side with any of those pillocks is if I was the arresting officer and they were cuffed to me.

Then I'd feel the need to take a very long shower to remove the stink of their stupidity.

I'll make this very clear as you seem to be a little too stupid to work out I'm seriously anti extremism:

Fuck the murdering bastards and rest in peace, Drummer Lee Rigby.

I hope that's clear enough, even for the stupid to understand. :)
Funny, this guy was just one of those peaceful protesting Muslims. I'm sure if you were side by side with him at that time, you'd be vouching for him, Indofred.

The only reason I would want to be side by side with any of those pillocks is if I was the arresting officer and they were cuffed to me.

Then I'd feel the need to take a very long shower to remove the stink of their stupidity.

I'll make this very clear as you seem to be a little too stupid to work out I'm seriously anti extremism:

Fuck the murdering bastards and rest in peace, Drummer Lee Rigby.

I hope that's clear enough, even for the stupid to understand. :)

And I hope you really are 'seriously anti extremism'. However, you work so hard to downplay the role people such as Choudary play, and you are duplicitous when you pretend the message he promulgates is not Islam, so, who knows?
You keep claiming he is just a fool, but also allege you want him locked up and the key thrown away. I dont think we have legislation for doing that. Lol.
You, btw, have absolutely no idea how many people he influences. There are lots of causes and organisations and people I support or agree with, without taking to the streets and demonstrating that publically, for all sorts of reasons, and that is true of many people. If you are a Muslim, I can understand how he might be an embarrassment to you, or even how he is recognised as not good for Islam right now since he is way too forthcoming about what Islam is and what Islam wants. Too much information too early. Like I said, he is an example of a strict Muslim.
I'm sorry your friend has chosen to embrace the fairly common Islamic view of Jews, she sounds like she is also becoming a more strict Muslim. Does she do the one about the rock, the tree, the Jew? Let us hope that the people of Woolwich don't follow her example.

I don't believe the UK has a suitable law but it really needs one.
Chowary is exactly the sort of Idiot the UK (Muslims, Christians, whoever) does not need around.

"embarrassment" doesn't even come close.
It is the duty of all Musllims to promote Islam and never soil it; people of this nature are easily as much my enemy as yours because, apart from the death, destruction and misery you guys focus on, we have to put up with you hating us because of what they do.
As for al-Mahdi, given his rather notable anti Jewish outlook, I suspect she will probably have it on her bedroom wall.

The difference is, whist I can't agree with that lady, I can understand her but I can't understand violent thieves with a history of drug use and knife crime doing anything at all for Islam, regardless of how their warped ideas see it.

They are clearly mad morons, probably radicalised by Chowdary and some of his idiot pals.
I would love to see the whole bunch of his followers caught with something they can be arrested and locked up for, before any more of the dogs slip the leash and bite some other poor sod.
And I hope you really are 'seriously anti extremism'. However, you work so hard to downplay the role people such as Choudary play, and you are duplicitous when you pretend the message he promulgates is not Islam, so, who knows?

Downplay - are you joking?

Read my posts; I'm blaming the bastard and want to see him locked up for his part in this.
As far as I'm concerned, the person who trained the dog to bite is just as guilty as the dog.
I don't believe you, Indo. I believe there is more truth in your name and line underneath - extremist muslim - than you are letting on. Your video choice tells me all I need to know. You are busy working to present this poster child of Islam as some sort of abberation when in fact he is nothing of the sort.

After years of blogging I have learned to identify your type fairly easily and the only thing I can tell you is that those who live by the sword will die by the sword. Islam is a dead end road. It is at its roots a terrorist organization with the goal of overthrowing whatever government / nation it moves in on and replacing it with Sharia law. If you are married I am sure your wife is under a burka as I'm writing this. She has my sympathy. - Jeri

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