Breaking: terror attack in London

London better wake the fuck up, :evil: identify those who share similar views to this thug, and arrest and deport them before its too late

It's been identified. It is called "Islam". Time to classify Islam as a terrorist organization and that announcement should come from the UN. If they refuse to make it, disband the UN and form a coalition of nations who are willing to defend their liberty against the terrorism of Islam.

Islam isn't a religion. It's a terrorist organization with religious underpinnings. Forget about the religious element and focus on what it does. That is how it must be approached.
The UK's Muslim problem exists because their balls haven't dropped yet regarding immigration.

London attacker British, of Nigerian origin - source | Reuters

(Reuters) - British authorities have established that one and possibly both of the men who hacked a soldier to death on a London street was born in Britain of Nigerian descent, a source with knowledge of the investigation said on Thursday.

Local media named the man who was definitely born in the country as 28-year-old Michael Adebolajo and said police raided the home of his Nigerian family in a village near the eastern English city of Lincoln. Both men appeared to have converted to Islam from Christian immigrant backgrounds, British media said.

Gets stranger.
London better wake the fuck up, :evil: identify those who share similar views to this thug, and arrest and deport them before its too late

It's been identified. It is called "Islam". Time to classify Islam as a terrorist organization and that announcement should come from the UN. If they refuse to make it, disband the UN and form a coalition of nations who are willing to defend their liberty against the terrorism of Islam.

Islam isn't a religion. It's a terrorist organization with religious underpinnings. Forget about the religious element and focus on what it does. That is how it must be approached.

I believe a grand total of 53 people have been murdered by 5 Muslim terrorists since Tony (The corrupt bastard)) Blair took Bush's money to drag Britain into illegal wars.
Now, how many Americans have been killed so far this year by gun toting idiots?
I believe, using your logic, America should be declared a terrorist organization.
The UK's Muslim problem exists because their balls haven't dropped yet regarding immigration.

London attacker British, of Nigerian origin - source | Reuters

(Reuters) - British authorities have established that one and possibly both of the men who hacked a soldier to death on a London street was born in Britain of Nigerian descent, a source with knowledge of the investigation said on Thursday.

Local media named the man who was definitely born in the country as 28-year-old Michael Adebolajo and said police raided the home of his Nigerian family in a village near the eastern English city of Lincoln. Both men appeared to have converted to Islam from Christian immigrant backgrounds, British media said.

Gets stranger.

North Nigerian Muslims are some of the worst. This news doesn't surprise me. They have been responsible for some of the most horrific slaughters of Christian churches - mass murders and most of it doesn't get reported by western media. This is what these guys do. I remember one church story - the Nigerian Muslims came in and hacked the breasts off of all the women in the church, mass rapes, arms and limbs of children all over the floor - it was quite a scene - same type crimes against innocent civilians throughout the continent of Africa.

If I am not mistaken the Muslim Hutus that the Rwandan govt gave safe passage to Congo and Uganda ( after they used machetes to hack to death over 1 million Christian Tutsis - UN downplayed death toll to 800,000.) and other nations where they claimed asylum to Europe and are now waiting to do a Rwandan style jihad in Europe. I wouldn't be surprised to learn some of them are inside the USA as well. - Jeri
I find extremism very difficult to understand.
Their murders and oppression simply make people hate what they're claiming to defend.

Personally, I believe the extremists would do far better to put their bomb making money into funding aid groups to assist those in need.
Still, what I think won't change the world and they'll always be violent bastards who find reason to kill someone.

Don't live for your church, live by it.
London better wake the fuck up, :evil: identify those who share similar views to this thug, and arrest and deport them before its too late

It's been identified. It is called "Islam". Time to classify Islam as a terrorist organization and that announcement should come from the UN. If they refuse to make it, disband the UN and form a coalition of nations who are willing to defend their liberty against the terrorism of Islam.

Islam isn't a religion. It's a terrorist organization with religious underpinnings. Forget about the religious element and focus on what it does. That is how it must be approached.

So, all Muslims in the U.S. and the U.K. should be classified as terrorists?
The problem with Islam is it is not just a religion, and that does not meld with our Republic.

Watching the video it is chilling to notice how most everyone in it are just going on with their business as though they are conditioned to violence like this and it is everyday life - even with 2 knife welding terrorists walking about. Is this an immigrant neighborhood where they are used to it from their home countries?
That is sad, and chilling no matter the reason, that people would be so numb to such an attack it doesn't even phase them.
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London better wake the fuck up, :evil: identify those who share similar views to this thug, and arrest and deport them before its too late

It's been identified. It is called "Islam". Time to classify Islam as a terrorist organization and that announcement should come from the UN. If they refuse to make it, disband the UN and form a coalition of nations who are willing to defend their liberty against the terrorism of Islam.

Islam isn't a religion. It's a terrorist organization with religious underpinnings. Forget about the religious element and focus on what it does. That is how it must be approached.

I believe a grand total of 53 people have been murdered by 5 Muslim terrorists since Tony (The corrupt bastard)) Blair took Bush's money to drag Britain into illegal wars.
Now, how many Americans have been killed so far this year by gun toting idiots?
I believe, using your logic, America should be declared a terrorist organization.

Incomplete data...

We need to take the total number of gun deaths in the country...

Then we need to filter-out everything but those with a religious motive...

Then we need to filter-out those hearing voices compelling them to kill (clinical insanity)...

Then we need to filter-out everything but those designed to support or advance a faith or one's co-religionists...

Then we need to categorize the tiny handful remaining, by Major Religious Confession...

When you tally-up the columns 'Christian', 'Muslim', 'Sikh', 'Buddhist', etc...

Care to take bets on which column will hold the highest number, by a vast, wide margin?
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Incredible footage, TinyDancer! Wow! Yes, there are alot of Muslim immigrants in the UK from Algeria, Somalia, some pretty vicious places where bloodshed in the streets is the norm. Americans need to keep in mind that these same type people have been allowed to immigrate here to the USA.

About the murderer:
If someone had been carrying a gun they could have legally killed him while he was standing there with the weapon in his hands. What court is going to convict that guy when you've got it all on camera?

People need to keep in mind that the vast majority of Muslim immigrants are not violent.
The UK's Muslim problem exists because their balls haven't dropped yet regarding immigration.

London attacker British, of Nigerian origin - source | Reuters

(Reuters) - British authorities have established that one and possibly both of the men who hacked a soldier to death on a London street was born in Britain of Nigerian descent, a source with knowledge of the investigation said on Thursday.

Local media named the man who was definitely born in the country as 28-year-old Michael Adebolajo and said police raided the home of his Nigerian family in a village near the eastern English city of Lincoln. Both men appeared to have converted to Islam from Christian immigrant backgrounds, British media said.

Gets stranger.

North Nigerian Muslims are some of the worst. This news doesn't surprise me. They have been responsible for some of the most horrific slaughters of Christian churches - mass murders and most of it doesn't get reported by western media. This is what these guys do. I remember one church story - the Nigerian Muslims came in and hacked the breasts off of all the women in the church, mass rapes, arms and limbs of children all over the floor - it was quite a scene - same type crimes against innocent civilians throughout the continent of Africa.

If I am not mistaken the Muslim Hutus that the Rwandan govt gave safe passage to Congo and Uganda ( after they used machetes to hack to death over 1 million Christian Tutsis - UN downplayed death toll to 800,000.) and other nations where they claimed asylum to Europe and are now waiting to do a Rwandan style jihad in Europe. I wouldn't be surprised to learn some of them are inside the USA as well. - Jeri

You are mistaken in your details and in that the Rwandan conflict had little to do with religion (they are both majority CHRISTIAN) and with both sides engaging in bloody massacres over a period of time: Tutsis and Hutus - Why There Is Conflict Between Tutsis and Hutus

The bloody history of Hutu and Tutsi conflict stained the 20th century, from the slaughter of 80,000 to 200,000 Hutus by the Tutsi army in Burundi in 1972 to the 1994 Rwanda genocide in which Hutu militias targeted Tutsis, resulting in a 100-day death toll between 800,000 and 1 million.

But many observers would be surprised to learn that the longstanding conflict between the Hutu and Tutsi has nothing to do with language or religion -- they speak the same Bantu tongues as well as French, and generally practice Christianity -- and many geneticists have been hard-pressed to find marked ethnic differences between the two, though the Tutsi have generally been noted to be taller. Many believe that German and Belgian colonizers tried to find differences between the Hutu and Tutsi in order to better categorize native peoples in their censuses.

Generally, the Hutu-Tutsi strife stems from class warfare, with the Tutsis perceived to have greater wealth and social status (as well as favoring cattle ranching over what is seen as the lower-class farming of the Hutus). The Tutsis are thought to have originally come from Ethiopia, and arrived after the Hutu came from Chad. The Tutsis had a monarchy dating back to the 15th century; this was overthrown at the urging of Belgian colonizers in the early 1960s and the Hutu took power by force in Rwanda. In Burundi, however, a Hutu uprising failed and the Tutsis controlled the country.

On the Hutu: Most of the Hutu people believe in Christianity due to influence from the Middle East and Europe. Some of the indigenous people have
different beliefs based on tradition and ancestral spirits
. One of the most common beliefs was a belief in a man named Imaana, a Hutu god.

On the Tutsis: Although most religious beliefs between the Hutu and Tutsi are the same, including the fact that they are mainly Christian. However, Tutsi people also believe in the concept of 'divine right to rule', as it was called in Europe, the concept that god (or Imaana/Jesus Christ in this case) gave the king (or mwaami) the power to rule.

It's no wonder hate is spread so easily when false information like this is spread as fact :(
London better wake the fuck up, :evil: identify those who share similar views to this thug, and arrest and deport them before its too late

It's been identified. It is called "Islam". Time to classify Islam as a terrorist organization and that announcement should come from the UN. If they refuse to make it, disband the UN and form a coalition of nations who are willing to defend their liberty against the terrorism of Islam.

Islam isn't a religion. It's a terrorist organization with religious underpinnings. Forget about the religious element and focus on what it does. That is how it must be approached.

So, all Muslims in the U.S. and the U.K. should be classified as terrorists?

Islam should be classified as a terrorist organization. Call it the Muslim Mafia. If you are part of the Fam? You're part of a terrorist organization. Period. Drastic times call for drastic measures. Time to stop tip - toeing around here.

- Jeri

North Nigerian Muslims are some of the worst. This news doesn't surprise me. They have been responsible for some of the most horrific slaughters of Christian churches - mass murders and most of it doesn't get reported by western media. This is what these guys do. I remember one church story - the Nigerian Muslims came in and hacked the breasts off of all the women in the church, mass rapes, arms and limbs of children all over the floor - it was quite a scene - same type crimes against innocent civilians throughout the continent of Africa.

If I am not mistaken the Muslim Hutus that the Rwandan govt gave safe passage to Congo and Uganda ( after they used machetes to hack to death over 1 million Christian Tutsis - UN downplayed death toll to 800,000.) and other nations where they claimed asylum to Europe and are now waiting to do a Rwandan style jihad in Europe. I wouldn't be surprised to learn some of them are inside the USA as well. - Jeri

You are mistaken in your details and in that the Rwandan conflict had little to do with religion (they are both majority CHRISTIAN) and with both sides engaging in bloody massacres over a period of time: Tutsis and Hutus - Why There Is Conflict Between Tutsis and Hutus

The bloody history of Hutu and Tutsi conflict stained the 20th century, from the slaughter of 80,000 to 200,000 Hutus by the Tutsi army in Burundi in 1972 to the 1994 Rwanda genocide in which Hutu militias targeted Tutsis, resulting in a 100-day death toll between 800,000 and 1 million.

But many observers would be surprised to learn that the longstanding conflict between the Hutu and Tutsi has nothing to do with language or religion -- they speak the same Bantu tongues as well as French, and generally practice Christianity -- and many geneticists have been hard-pressed to find marked ethnic differences between the two, though the Tutsi have generally been noted to be taller. Many believe that German and Belgian colonizers tried to find differences between the Hutu and Tutsi in order to better categorize native peoples in their censuses.

Generally, the Hutu-Tutsi strife stems from class warfare, with the Tutsis perceived to have greater wealth and social status (as well as favoring cattle ranching over what is seen as the lower-class farming of the Hutus). The Tutsis are thought to have originally come from Ethiopia, and arrived after the Hutu came from Chad. The Tutsis had a monarchy dating back to the 15th century; this was overthrown at the urging of Belgian colonizers in the early 1960s and the Hutu took power by force in Rwanda. In Burundi, however, a Hutu uprising failed and the Tutsis controlled the country.

On the Hutu: Most of the Hutu people believe in Christianity due to influence from the Middle East and Europe. Some of the indigenous people have
different beliefs based on tradition and ancestral spirits
. One of the most common beliefs was a belief in a man named Imaana, a Hutu god.

On the Tutsis: Although most religious beliefs between the Hutu and Tutsi are the same, including the fact that they are mainly Christian. However, Tutsi people also believe in the concept of 'divine right to rule', as it was called in Europe, the concept that god (or Imaana/Jesus Christ in this case) gave the king (or mwaami) the power to rule.

It's no wonder hate is spread so easily when false information like this is spread as fact :(

You have disinformation there. I listened to the first hand testimony of priests and nuns who survived Rwanda and have told their story. The Hutus were ALL MUSLIMS. The Tutsis were Christians. The Hutus wanted to take the nation for Islam and the UN assisted them in the genocide of non muslims by telling the US military and the Belgian army to leave and then telling the UN peacekeepers to stand down while the slaughter took place. It rests squarely on the shoulders of the Muslim controlled UN. Blame them for the disinformation campaign and coverup of mass executions by machete on Tutsi Christians by Muslim machete wielding Hutus. They rounded them up into a soccer stadium and hacked them to pieces - 50,000 at a time - until they were all dead. That is the awful truth.

I care about the truth. Furthermore, the number of murdered Tutsis was over 1 million while the UN continues to lie and claim it was around 800,000 dead. I have a problem with that too. - Jeri
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You have disinformation there. I listened to the first hand testimony of priests and nuns who survived Rwanda and have told their story. The Hutus were ALL MUSLIMS. The Tutsis were Christians.

That's demographically impossible.

According to the CIA Factbook:
Hutu (Bantu) 84%, Tutsi (Hamitic) 15%, Twa (Pygmy) 1%
Roman Catholic 56.5%, Protestant 26%, Adventist 11.1%, Muslim 4.6%, indigenous beliefs 0.1%, none 1.7% (2001)

In Burundi, where it also occurred:
Hutu (Bantu) 85%, Tutsi (Hamitic) 14%, Twa (Pygmy) 1%,
Christian 82.8% (Roman Catholic 61.4%, Protestant 21.4%), Muslim 2.5%, Adventist 2.3%, other 6.5%, unknown 5.9%

They Hutus and Tutsi's in the conflicts were the same religion. Here is another rather poignant article on survivors who ended up turning to Islam as a result:

Twenty-year-old Zafran Mukantwari was the only person in her family who survived the genocide...

Her family were Catholic, she says. Those who killed them worshipped at the same church. At the age of 10, Zafran found herself alone and at first she continued going to church. She thought she could find support there. But then she began to question her faith. "When I realised that the people I was praying with killed my parents, I preferred to become a Muslim because Muslims did not kill."

No protection

Before the genocide more than 60% of Rwandans were Catholic. And when the killings started, tens of thousands of Tutsis fled to churches for sanctuary. But they found little protection there. Churches became sites of slaughter, carried out even at the altar.

On the opposite side of Kigali from Al Aqsa mosque, is the church of Sainte Famille. As dawn mass is celebrated, the sound of hymns carries outside and floats across the waking city. During the genocide, hundreds of Tutsis crammed inside here trying to escape the horrors unfolding outside. But Hutu militias came repeatedly with lists of those to be killed.

The priest in charge of the church, Father Wenceslas Munyeshyaka, is blamed for colluding with the killers. Discarding his priest's cassock, witnesses say he took to wearing a flack jacket and carrying a pistol.

"Some members of the Church failed in their mission, they contradicted what they stood for," says Father Antoine Kambanda, director of the charity, Caritas, in Kigali. He acknowledges that while some priests and nuns risked their lives trying to stop the slaughter, others were implicated in the killings. "We are sorry for what took place, sorry for the members of the Church that did crimes, sorry for the victims who lost their lives.

"But the Pope says the members who went against their mission are to answer for it. The Church cannot answer for them."

Turning to Islam

This position that blame lies with individuals, rather the Church as an institution, is still highly controversial, as Rwanda marks the tenth anniversary of the genocide.

The Church hierarchy in Rwanda supported the previous regime of President Juvenal Habyarimana. And they failed to denounce ethnic hatred then being disseminated.

Some survivors like Zafran have since left the Catholic Church, unable to reconcile the Church's teaching with the actions of its most senior members during the genocide.

Sheikh Saleh Habimana, the Mufti of Rwanda, is the representative of the country's Muslims. He says many turned to Islam because Muslims were seen to have acted differently. "The roofs of Muslim houses were full of non-Muslims hiding. Muslims are not answerable before God for the blood of innocent people."

But after the genocide, converting to Islam was also seen by some as the safest option.

"For the Hutus, everyone was saying as long as I look like a Muslim everybody will accept that I don't have blood on my hands.

"And for the Tutsis they said let me embrace Islam because Muslims in genocide never die. So one was looking for purification, the other was looking for protection."

The Hutus wanted to take the nation for Islam and the UN assisted them in the genocide of non muslims by telling the US military and the Belgian army to leave and then telling the UN peacekeepers to stand down while the slaughter took place. It rests squarely on the shoulders of the Muslim controlled UN. Blame them for the disinformation campaign and coverup of mass executions by machete on Tutsi Christians by Muslim machete wielding Hutus. They rounded them up into a soccer stadium and hacked them to pieces - 50,000 at a time - until they were all dead. That is the awful truth.

I care about the truth. Furthermore, the number of murdered Tutsis was over 1 million while the UN continues to lie and claim it was around 800,000 dead. I have a problem with that too. - Jeri

The awful truth is it isn't truth - you haven't shown any facts to back up what you claim. Don't you think your extreme dislike of Muslims is shading things for you?
It's been identified. It is called "Islam". Time to classify Islam as a terrorist organization and that announcement should come from the UN. If they refuse to make it, disband the UN and form a coalition of nations who are willing to defend their liberty against the terrorism of Islam.

Islam isn't a religion. It's a terrorist organization with religious underpinnings. Forget about the religious element and focus on what it does. That is how it must be approached.

So, all Muslims in the U.S. and the U.K. should be classified as terrorists?

Islam should be classified as a terrorist organization. Call it the Muslim Mafia. If you are part of the Fam? You're part of a terrorist organization. Period. Drastic times call for drastic measures. Time to stop tip - toeing around here.

- Jeri

Seriously? So you'd round up and arrest all Muslims as terrorists???
You are mistaken. Go rent the movie Hotel Rwanda and learn the truth. It is all in there although the producers who made the film were told to not point out the Tutsis were christians they showed them wearing crosses and praying to the Lord while they were in fear for their lives. The machete wielding Hutus were all Muslims, Coyote. Forget CIA Facts because the CIA is neck deep in their lies and coverups with UN and always have been. - Jeri
So, all Muslims in the U.S. and the U.K. should be classified as terrorists?

Islam should be classified as a terrorist organization. Call it the Muslim Mafia. If you are part of the Fam? You're part of a terrorist organization. Period. Drastic times call for drastic measures. Time to stop tip - toeing around here.

- Jeri

Seriously? So you'd round up and arrest all Muslims as terrorists???

After Islam goes on the State Dept list of terrorist organizations? Absolutely!!!

- Jeri
You have disinformation there. I listened to the first hand testimony of priests and nuns who survived Rwanda and have told their story. The Hutus were ALL MUSLIMS. The Tutsis were Christians.

That's demographically impossible.

According to the CIA Factbook:
Hutu (Bantu) 84%, Tutsi (Hamitic) 15%, Twa (Pygmy) 1%
Roman Catholic 56.5%, Protestant 26%, Adventist 11.1%, Muslim 4.6%, indigenous beliefs 0.1%, none 1.7% (2001)

In Burundi, where it also occurred:
Hutu (Bantu) 85%, Tutsi (Hamitic) 14%, Twa (Pygmy) 1%,
Christian 82.8% (Roman Catholic 61.4%, Protestant 21.4%), Muslim 2.5%, Adventist 2.3%, other 6.5%, unknown 5.9%

They Hutus and Tutsi's in the conflicts were the same religion. Here is another rather poignant article on survivors who ended up turning to Islam as a result:

Twenty-year-old Zafran Mukantwari was the only person in her family who survived the genocide...

Her family were Catholic, she says. Those who killed them worshipped at the same church. At the age of 10, Zafran found herself alone and at first she continued going to church. She thought she could find support there. But then she began to question her faith. "When I realised that the people I was praying with killed my parents, I preferred to become a Muslim because Muslims did not kill."

No protection

Before the genocide more than 60% of Rwandans were Catholic. And when the killings started, tens of thousands of Tutsis fled to churches for sanctuary. But they found little protection there. Churches became sites of slaughter, carried out even at the altar.

On the opposite side of Kigali from Al Aqsa mosque, is the church of Sainte Famille. As dawn mass is celebrated, the sound of hymns carries outside and floats across the waking city. During the genocide, hundreds of Tutsis crammed inside here trying to escape the horrors unfolding outside. But Hutu militias came repeatedly with lists of those to be killed.

The priest in charge of the church, Father Wenceslas Munyeshyaka, is blamed for colluding with the killers. Discarding his priest's cassock, witnesses say he took to wearing a flack jacket and carrying a pistol.

"Some members of the Church failed in their mission, they contradicted what they stood for," says Father Antoine Kambanda, director of the charity, Caritas, in Kigali. He acknowledges that while some priests and nuns risked their lives trying to stop the slaughter, others were implicated in the killings. "We are sorry for what took place, sorry for the members of the Church that did crimes, sorry for the victims who lost their lives.

"But the Pope says the members who went against their mission are to answer for it. The Church cannot answer for them."

Turning to Islam

This position that blame lies with individuals, rather the Church as an institution, is still highly controversial, as Rwanda marks the tenth anniversary of the genocide.

The Church hierarchy in Rwanda supported the previous regime of President Juvenal Habyarimana. And they failed to denounce ethnic hatred then being disseminated.

Some survivors like Zafran have since left the Catholic Church, unable to reconcile the Church's teaching with the actions of its most senior members during the genocide.

Sheikh Saleh Habimana, the Mufti of Rwanda, is the representative of the country's Muslims. He says many turned to Islam because Muslims were seen to have acted differently. "The roofs of Muslim houses were full of non-Muslims hiding. Muslims are not answerable before God for the blood of innocent people."

But after the genocide, converting to Islam was also seen by some as the safest option.

"For the Hutus, everyone was saying as long as I look like a Muslim everybody will accept that I don't have blood on my hands.

"And for the Tutsis they said let me embrace Islam because Muslims in genocide never die. So one was looking for purification, the other was looking for protection."

The Hutus wanted to take the nation for Islam and the UN assisted them in the genocide of non muslims by telling the US military and the Belgian army to leave and then telling the UN peacekeepers to stand down while the slaughter took place. It rests squarely on the shoulders of the Muslim controlled UN. Blame them for the disinformation campaign and coverup of mass executions by machete on Tutsi Christians by Muslim machete wielding Hutus. They rounded them up into a soccer stadium and hacked them to pieces - 50,000 at a time - until they were all dead. That is the awful truth.

I care about the truth. Furthermore, the number of murdered Tutsis was over 1 million while the UN continues to lie and claim it was around 800,000 dead. I have a problem with that too. - Jeri

The awful truth is it isn't truth - you haven't shown any facts to back up what you claim. Don't you think your extreme dislike of Muslims is shading things for you?

On your last statement here. I am telling you the truth. As to your claim that I have an exteme dislike of Muslims. Not true at all. I have met some very likable Muslims. I have nothing against them as to personality traits - etc. it is Islam I have a problem with. Not the individual. Get rid of Islam and we can get these people the help they need and deserve. That is my take on it, Coyote. It isn't anything personal. Not at all. - Jeri

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