Breaking: terror attack in London

You fucking piece of shit! A serving soldier has been hacked to death with his head near severed and all you can do is politicize the event for your own agenda.

Since when is the call to defend our rights "polticizing" anything.

Wouldn't it have been a great ending if the serving solider had shot the fucker to death, instead of himself being hacked up with a machete.

Doesn't seem like politics to me, just good common sense.

I only wish that soldier had a gun on him when this happened. That jihadist would be laying in the street instead of the soldier. Yes it is certainly good common sense and some folks here are in dire need of a good dose of it themselves!

I thought the same thing Jeri....until I heard on the news tonight that the soldier was first hit by a car, driven by someone in on this....then with him laying in the street the guy proceeded in hitting him with the machete. He may not have been able to do anything :(
Link soon. Machete attack shouting allahu Akbar

Yes. A video has just been aired on TV of one of the bastards justifying his actions. They were black Africans and clearly islamist's. The authorities have declared it a terrorist attack.

May the dead soldier rest in peace and condolences to his family and loved ones.

If this same kind of incident happened in the US, it would be days before it was ever declared a terrorist attack. Then there are others in the US that claim that it's only terrorism if a bomb goes off. No bomb, no terrorism.

Assholes like you and jeri are the SHAME of the US.

You know nothing and you love screeching your ignorance to skies.

Incredible footage, TinyDancer! Wow! Yes, there are alot of Muslim immigrants in the UK from Algeria, Somalia, some pretty vicious places where bloodshed in the streets is the norm. Americans need to keep in mind that these same type people have been allowed to immigrate here to the USA.

About the murderer:
If someone had been carrying a gun they could have legally killed him while he was standing there with the weapon in his hands. What court is going to convict that guy when you've got it all on camera?

Might be jumping the gun on this one, but the guy's accent is clearly British Afro-Carribean. Heck he don't even look Somali, Algerian or from anywhere else north of the Sahel. Just another I mean nutter.
Baloney! I have dozens of blogger friends in the UK. Those are the people trying to save your sorry butts! You bunch of cowards! Start speaking up, Colin, because the tolerance that Islam demands from you will not be reciprocated when they are great enough in numbers to take you down. Wake up! - Jeri

I suspect that you're not as big a man as the size of your mouth, Jeri. Please do carry on demonstrating your idiocy and ignorance, but preferably not in a thread about a dead soldier.


[ame=]Muslims destroying British , Australian,Canadian war graves. - YouTube[/ame]

Jeri "respects" soldiers?

When did that happen?

That's quite a huge change for you. I remember you shitting on soldiers in other threads.

Oh well, congrats on the change.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Yes. A video has just been aired on TV of one of the bastards justifying his actions. They were black Africans and clearly islamist's. The authorities have declared it a terrorist attack.

May the dead soldier rest in peace and condolences to his family and loved ones.

If this same kind of incident happened in the US, it would be days before it was ever declared a terrorist attack. Then there are others in the US that claim that it's only terrorism if a bomb goes off. No bomb, no terrorism.

Assholes like you and jeri are the SHAME of the US.

You know nothing and you love screeching your ignorance to skies.


your not exactly a bright spot Dudley.....maybe you should the fuck up....
I should say there are many British who are at a loss for what to do - do not like the Muslim invasion but worry about owning a gun too because their govt says they can protect them. It doesn't look much like that is working out though.

Jerry, talking about guns to us Brits is meaningless. Gun ownership is a non-issue over here; we don't like 'em full stop. Your previous point about being over-run by Muslims is very valid. That issue does worry many (currently most) of us, as it will lead to (birth rates and immigration considered) a Muslim majority within a century. Consequently, asss a democracy, sharia will prevail. Allahu Wackybar : DESPAIR:

the link is not working for me colin.

got to love that religion of peace.

One guy, who might be a Muslim, goes berserk, and you are going to blame a whole religion.
When it happens daily around the wrold 24/7 365......yes. You blame them for nut rising up. Why dont they, because the radicals are the majority. When the majority feel this way then you blame them all.
I should say there are many British who are at a loss for what to do - do not like the Muslim invasion but worry about owning a gun too because their govt says they can protect them. It doesn't look much like that is working out though.

Yeah, the cops always arrive after the fact.

It also looks like they can't shoot too well, either. I'm assuming that as the perp ran toward the cop, he would have instinctively made a center mass shot to the chest at almost point blank range, yet the guy is still alive. Either the bullet didn't strike a major organ, or the cop, under duress, missed the center.
And before you go all nuclear NO NUKES and call me a bigot or racsit, ponder this Joker, what are the muslims doing daily throughout the ME? Killing and running Christians out of their countries.
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I should say there are many British who are at a loss for what to do - do not like the Muslim invasion but worry about owning a gun too because their govt says they can protect them. It doesn't look much like that is working out though.

Jerry, talking about guns to us Brits is meaningless. Gun ownership is a non-issue over here; we don't like 'em full stop. Your previous point about being over-run by Muslims is very valid. That issue does worry many (currently most) of us, as it will lead to (birth rates and immigration considered) a Muslim majority within a century. Consequently, asss a democracy, sharia will prevail. Allahu Wackybar : DESPAIR:

You have an accurate handle on the demographics. Muslim majority in the UK within a century, and a Muslim majority in France 50 years before that.
This is not a compliment, just a compatible observation.
Drudge Report.

Blood on his hands, hatred in his eyes: 2.30pm on a suburban high street, Islamic fanatics wielding meat cleavers butcher a British soldier, taking their war on the West to a new level of horror

Two men repeatedly stab and try to behead off-duty soldier in SE London
During attack they shouted 'Allah Akbar' and told witnesses to film them
Charged at police officers with rusty revolver, knives and meat cleavers
Killing took place 200 yards from barracks and close to primary school
Both men placed under arrest after being treated for gunshot wounds
PM: Killing is 'sickening' and Britain will 'never buckle' in face of terror

Read more: Woolwich attack: Two men 'hack soldier wearing Help for Heroes T-shirt to death with machetes in suspected terror attack' | Mail Online

Sad day.
British media still denying they mentioned Allah in the video. Unrealistic. The Political correctness there is absolutely astounding.
The people (and that woman confronting the other guy) who surrounded the mans body to prevent further hacking, are to be commended.
Did you ever read the Leveson report? How about the Ouesley report? How much do you know about how minorities are thought of in Britian?

i bet he knows more than you since he lives there....

Look at all the Americans who live here and don't know anything!

Look at all the people who live abroad and come here spouting off about American politics like they know more than the American citizens.
British media still denying they mentioned Allah in the video. Unrealistic. The Political correctness there is absolutely astounding.

They don't want to offend Muslim sensitivities whatsoever ...the problem is "our fault" for not being nice to them! :cuckoo: ...and the thinking goes it's basically "our fault" that they are chopping heads off in the name of jihad.

Islam is spreading all over the UK and is forcing what once was a mighty nation to change its culture to suit the jihadists.

Perhaps sadly, it will have to take more atrocities like this one for the British to wake up to the fact tha the Islamists are winning.

Sad state of affairs.
British media still denying they mentioned Allah in the video. Unrealistic. The Political correctness there is absolutely astounding.

They don't want to offend Muslim sensitivities whatsoever ...the problem is "our fault" for not being nice to them! :cuckoo: ...and the thinking goes it's basically "our fault" that they are chopping heads off in the name of jihad.

Islam is spreading all over the UK and is forcing what once was a mighty nation to change its culture to suit the jihadists.

Perhaps sadly, it will have to take more atrocities like this one for the British to wake up to the fact tha the Islamists are winning.

Sad state of affairs.
LBC just had a caller, "Tony" alleging himself to be a former police officer, say to not believe when they said about allah. Basically implying they were a false flag operation as a possibility. Anything but them being islamic terrorists.

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