Breaking: terror attack in London

Yes, I'm afraid to say we may be hearing about that here in the USA pretty soon. The Muslims are pretty radical in the UK because everyone has already been disarmed. You can't own a gun over there.

This is what happens when the Muslims know you have no permit to carry and don't own firearms. Better get involved in defending your 2nd amendment rights. ( if you are not already ) It can become personal real fast.

- Jeri

You fucking piece of shit! A serving soldier has been hacked to death with his head near severed and all you can do is politicize the event for your own agenda.

I agree she is as pathetic as they come.
the link is not working for me colin.

got to love that religion of peace.

Click my link, Syrenn! Mine works and you can see the pictures of the blood in the streets over there! Literally! Hows that Kumbaya thingy working out for you guys over there, Colin? Why don't you pick up a copy of Fallacis book, "The Rage and the Pride" and gain an education on what you are dealing with. ( a "real" education ) - Jeri

I'm well educated on what the world is dealing with. Probably more so than you.

We all are.
Link soon. Machete attack shouting allahu Akbar

Yes. A video has just been aired on TV of one of the bastards justifying his actions. They were black Africans and clearly islamist's. The authorities have declared it a terrorist attack.

May the dead soldier rest in peace and condolences to his family and loved ones.

If this same kind of incident happened in the US, it would be days before it was ever declared a terrorist attack. Then there are others in the US that claim that it's only terrorism if a bomb goes off. No bomb, no terrorism.

Well, there is no question that the royal family belong to the Church of England~!
Baloney! I have dozens of blogger friends in the UK. Those are the people trying to save your sorry butts! You bunch of cowards! Start speaking up, Colin, because the tolerance that Islam demands from you will not be reciprocated when they are great enough in numbers to take you down. Wake up! - Jeri

I suspect that you're not as big a man as the size of your mouth, Jeri. Please do carry on demonstrating your idiocy and ignorance, but preferably not in a thread about a dead soldier.

He didn't say anything wrong....he wasn't putting the soldier at fault. But he's telling the truth! Don't take the warning, we couldn't care less. Just keep trying to protect the will backfire on you one day. Well...actually, I could see you joining them just so you can kill all those horrible conservatives out there.

Oh, so I'm now protecting terrorists, am I? As for me joining them, you clearly are deranged if you think that. Killing conservatives? Really? Why would I want to do that? I'm a conservative myself! I suggest you buy yourself a crystal ball that works!
I suspect that you're not as big a man as the size of your mouth, Jeri. Please do carry on demonstrating your idiocy and ignorance, but preferably not in a thread about a dead soldier.

He didn't say anything wrong....he wasn't putting the soldier at fault. But he's telling the truth! Don't take the warning, we couldn't care less. Just keep trying to protect the will backfire on you one day. Well...actually, I could see you joining them just so you can kill all those horrible conservatives out there.

Oh, so I'm now protecting terrorists, am I? As for me joining them, you clearly are deranged if you think that. Killing conservatives? Really? Why would I want to do that? I'm a conservative myself! I suggest you buy yourself a crystal ball that works!

If you say anything good about Muslims or treat them as actual people, you are protecting terrorists and harbor a secret desire to commit mass murder.
Breaking: terror attack in London

Wrong they just reported a terrorist act. We all know that's different. The questions is was it an act of terrorism?

I have noticed lately the British have become very adamant about America being disarmed and embracing Islam as they have. It must be true. Misery DOES love company!

- Jeremiah

Really? Where are you noticing this? Besides in your head?

Umm just look at the posts here. Or turn on Piers Morgan any given night if you want to really see an anti gun bonerfest.

Lol! So the opinions of Piers Morgan or posters on here represent the views of the mass British public. Talk about clutching at straws!
This is some scarey stuff.

I think what's really getting to me is that the perpetrators seemed just so "matter of fact" and "dispassionate".

Like it's just another day in the neighborhood to butcher a man to death in the street.
I am surprised the UK government is willing to actually call it terrorism. When Islamists attack in the US we're told "don't jump to conclusions", and "lets get all the facts" before we're allowed to call it what it is.

This is just more proof that all Western countries need to deport foreign born Muslims. They have no place in civilized society.
Yes, I'm afraid to say we may be hearing about that here in the USA pretty soon. The Muslims are pretty radical in the UK because everyone has already been disarmed. You can't own a gun over there.

This is what happens when the Muslims know you have no permit to carry and don't own firearms. Better get involved in defending your 2nd amendment rights. ( if you are not already ) It can become personal real fast.

- Jeri

You fucking piece of shit! A serving soldier has been hacked to death with his head near severed and all you can do is politicize the event for your own agenda.

With all due respect, the "event" was politicized by the murdering thugs doing it soley for a political further the cause of Islam.
I suspect that you're not as big a man as the size of your mouth, Jeri. Please do carry on demonstrating your idiocy and ignorance, but preferably not in a thread about a dead soldier.

He didn't say anything wrong....he wasn't putting the soldier at fault. But he's telling the truth! Don't take the warning, we couldn't care less. Just keep trying to protect the will backfire on you one day. Well...actually, I could see you joining them just so you can kill all those horrible conservatives out there.

Oh, so I'm now protecting terrorists, am I? As for me joining them, you clearly are deranged if you think that. Killing conservatives? Really? Why would I want to do that? I'm a conservative myself! I suggest you buy yourself a crystal ball that works!

For some reason, merely by being from Britian, many people have assumed you are as liberal as many British are.
Unfortunately the UK has become so accomodating to the rise of Muslim and Islamic influence for so many years now, that these brutal barbarians are frighten of nothing and feel all powerful! It is probably too late for the UK, which has bent over backwards to allow semi-independent Muslim areas throughout the country and in Londonistan.

No more accomodation, but drastic measures should be required to stop the spread of malignant Islam in the UK.
I am surprised the UK government is willing to actually call it terrorism. When Islamists attack in the US we're told "don't jump to conclusions", and "lets get all the facts" before we're allowed to call it what it is.

This is just more proof that all Western countries need to deport foreign born Muslims. They have no place in civilized society.

I noticed it too that they called it terrorism. Some in US gov't act like it's a dirty word..don't want to offend the "religion of peace." Deport until it is sorted out who is friend and who is foe is a good idea. But what about the practitioners born in Western countries who are radicalized?

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