BREAKING: Terrorist attack in Paris ?

Politico is reporting that Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are executing people one by one at a concert.
According to my sources currently there are about 500 deads but I hope this is not true and just a delusion.

10........100........500 ??? Body counts gonna be high.
What sources are those?

Ask Mineva who quoted 500. A body count of 10 or 100 isn't high enough for you to be outraged?

I haven't heard anyone reporting any numbers that high.

So, how many innocents killed by Muzzies does it take for you to be outraged?
According to my sources currently there are about 500 deads but I hope this is not true and just a delusion.

10........100........500 ??? Body counts gonna be high.
What sources are those?

Ask Mineva who quoted 500. A body count of 10 or 100 isn't high enough for you to be outraged?

I haven't heard anyone reporting any numbers that high.
I'm watching France 24 directly from Paris, and nothing near those numbers.
According to my sources currently there are about 500 deads but I hope this is not true and just a delusion.

10........100........500 ??? Body counts gonna be high.
What sources are those?

Ask Mineva who quoted 500. A body count of 10 or 100 isn't high enough for you to be outraged?

I haven't heard anyone reporting any numbers that high.
I'm watching France 24 directly from Paris, and nothing near those numbers.

Initial reports are almost always wrong. Don't fixate on the numbers.
To bad even at least one in the concert hall had a gun.
Victims being executed one by one.
And not a single gun owner in there.

This is why we have the 2nd ammendment in a free society.
That would have done nothing. This is not some kid in a high school cafeteria. These guys were trained for this, and not a one of them expects to survive.
Oh come on. Are some folks that fucking stupid?
If you want to kill people because you are committing jihad, and there are refugees pouring IN to those countries you want to commit Jihad you not sneak in WITH them? Yes!
The hostages are being executed one by one, and 5 explosions have just been heard. Confirmed.

Hey, but do not let any white people wear sombreros.
The main shooting appeared to have broken out at a popular concert hall, The Bataclan, where the American band the Eagles of Death Metal was playing
Will be blamed on Muslims as always but you know this is a showdown between intelligence services. There are some strong probabilities.

US vs France Africa domination war

Turkish intellingence

British-Israel cooperative

Ya sure. That is the most likely scenario. Lol.

Mineva, this was sarcasm. I am betting it is . . . Muslim terrorists who are responsible.

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