Breaking The (Bad) News....

Iā€™m not sure whoā€™s a bigger idiot ā€” Coulter for saying that, or you for believing it.

Maybe we should ask Trump. Oh wait heā€™s busy watching Fox News

Let's prove it together.

Can you provide three or four political tomes that you've read, that have informed your outlook?

Please don't hesitate to ask me for the same indicia.
I havenā€™t read a political book in a while. But thatā€™s not what was said. Ann/you said that as a liberal, I donā€™t read books at all.

But the last four books I read were:

2001: A Space Odyssey and 2010: Odyssey Two by Arthur C Clarke

The Corner by David Simon and Ed Burns

Wiseguy by Nicholas Pileggi

I believe we each proved our own point.
:lol: yeah you proved that I donā€™t read books...oh wait no you didnā€™t

I proved that the sort of political tomes that might be informative to one commenting in this forum are beyond your ken.

That was my point: that you're a dunce.

If you'd like me to offer a curriculum that would result in you appearing less a dunce.....say the word.
No thanks. Iā€™m not into Ayn Rand.

Iā€™m sorry that youā€™re so shallow and stuck up that you think I have to read volumes of political books to form an opinion on the state of the world. Thatā€™s your problem; not mine.

You said liberals donā€™t read at all. Youā€™re an idiot.
Let's prove it together.

Can you provide three or four political tomes that you've read, that have informed your outlook?

Please don't hesitate to ask me for the same indicia.
I havenā€™t read a political book in a while. But thatā€™s not what was said. Ann/you said that as a liberal, I donā€™t read books at all.

But the last four books I read were:

2001: A Space Odyssey and 2010: Odyssey Two by Arthur C Clarke

The Corner by David Simon and Ed Burns

Wiseguy by Nicholas Pileggi

I believe we each proved our own point.
:lol: yeah you proved that I donā€™t read books...oh wait no you didnā€™t

I proved that the sort of political tomes that might be informative to one commenting in this forum are beyond your ken.

That was my point: that you're a dunce.

If you'd like me to offer a curriculum that would result in you appearing less a dunce.....say the word.
It's all about the insults when you've got nothing else, isn't it?
And she probably copy/pasted that, too :lol:
Let's prove it together.

Can you provide three or four political tomes that you've read, that have informed your outlook?

Please don't hesitate to ask me for the same indicia.
I havenā€™t read a political book in a while. But thatā€™s not what was said. Ann/you said that as a liberal, I donā€™t read books at all.

But the last four books I read were:

2001: A Space Odyssey and 2010: Odyssey Two by Arthur C Clarke

The Corner by David Simon and Ed Burns

Wiseguy by Nicholas Pileggi

I believe we each proved our own point.
:lol: yeah you proved that I donā€™t read books...oh wait no you didnā€™t

I proved that the sort of political tomes that might be informative to one commenting in this forum are beyond your ken.

That was my point: that you're a dunce.

If you'd like me to offer a curriculum that would result in you appearing less a dunce.....say the word.
It's all about the insults when you've got nothing else, isn't it?

Are you suggesting (lying) that I haven't made a point, one that stung you so very much that it brought you slithering out to pretend it didn't sting?????


With Jon Stewart out of the picture, Democrats/Liberals had to find a new 'news' source.....and, for many, it is SNL.

Sooo.....the Democrats, needing away to let their faithful....(read that as 'true believers') down gently, sent the memo via the largely un-funny SNL.

That's right: the Democrats pulled the rug out from under their drones via Saturday Night Live....

"....special counsel Robert Mueller. Kate McKinnon essentially impersonates Arie in Mueller makeup while breaking the news.

ā€œSo, uh, you know that Iā€™ve been struggling a little bit over the last few months just trying to figure this whole thing out and just grasp everything,ā€ McKinnonā€™s Mueller says. ā€œThe reality is I donā€™t think I can give you everything that you want right now, and I think you sense that.ā€

Strongā€™s Becca replies: ā€œSo ā€¦ what? You donā€™t have Trump on collusion?ā€

ā€œI think I need to explore the possibility that I have a stronger case with some other stuff,ā€ the fake Mueller replies. ā€œIā€™m just trying to be honest with you in telling you I canā€™t commit to collusion right now.ā€

ā€œyou indicted like 13 Russians and like everything that happened at Seychelles, that means nothing?ā€

ā€œNo, I mean the Seychelles were amazing and itā€™s definitely something,ā€ he responds. ā€œItā€™s just the more time that goes by, the more that I keep thinking about obstruction.ā€

The fake Becca canā€™t handle the embarrassment. ā€œCollusion is literally the only thing that Iā€™ve been looking forward to the past year.ā€
SNLā€™s disastrous ā€˜Bachelorā€™ finale stars Robert Mueller, who canā€™t commit to collusion

The only funny thing here is that SNL became the vehicle by which the Democrats warned their shock troops that the bottom just fell out of the lies they've been advancing for a year or more.

The punch line?
There's no collusion.


Did it hurt more, or less, this time?
PoliticalChic trying to school liberals on reading and education when she apparently gets her news from Jon Stewart and SNL
Love the new "Listening to SNL now" talking point.....heard it in about 4 different sources today. :lol:

This is neither an articulate nor well documented post

But, it is the sort one has come to expect from you.

Would you care to try again?
Odd, that you think this is about me.

And I have no need to "try again".....carry on with your "now we trumpanzees listen to SNL" talking point.

See.....I embarrassed you into 'trying again.' did a marginally better job this time.

Summer school was advantageous.

In full disclosure, I never watch SNL.

I heard about it from the very best conservative radio talk show host, Chris Plante, WMAL.
Because it's the RW pundit talking point de I told you.

...the Democrats, needing away to let their faithful....(read that as 'true believers') down gently, sent the memo via the largely un-funny SNL.

That's right: the Democrats pulled the rug out from under their drones via Saturday Night Live....

As I told you. now take SNL seriously. :lol: Ok hun. :abgg2q.jpg: You believe in land sharks and Steve Bannon as Death too.
Let's prove it together.

Can you provide three or four political tomes that you've read, that have informed your outlook?

Please don't hesitate to ask me for the same indicia.
I havenā€™t read a political book in a while. But thatā€™s not what was said. Ann/you said that as a liberal, I donā€™t read books at all.

But the last four books I read were:

2001: A Space Odyssey and 2010: Odyssey Two by Arthur C Clarke

The Corner by David Simon and Ed Burns

Wiseguy by Nicholas Pileggi

I believe we each proved our own point.
:lol: yeah you proved that I donā€™t read books...oh wait no you didnā€™t

I proved that the sort of political tomes that might be informative to one commenting in this forum are beyond your ken.

That was my point: that you're a dunce.

If you'd like me to offer a curriculum that would result in you appearing less a dunce.....say the word.
No thanks. Iā€™m not into Ayn Rand.

Iā€™m sorry that youā€™re so shallow and stuck up that you think I have to read volumes of political books to form an opinion on the state of the world. Thatā€™s your problem; not mine.

You said liberals donā€™t read at all. Youā€™re an idiot.

You don't read...and you've proven me correct, as I always am.

What do you imagine it means (I almost said 'think') when you evince fear of the books I might mention?
I havenā€™t read a political book in a while. But thatā€™s not what was said. Ann/you said that as a liberal, I donā€™t read books at all.

But the last four books I read were:

2001: A Space Odyssey and 2010: Odyssey Two by Arthur C Clarke

The Corner by David Simon and Ed Burns

Wiseguy by Nicholas Pileggi

I believe we each proved our own point.
:lol: yeah you proved that I donā€™t read books...oh wait no you didnā€™t

I proved that the sort of political tomes that might be informative to one commenting in this forum are beyond your ken.

That was my point: that you're a dunce.

If you'd like me to offer a curriculum that would result in you appearing less a dunce.....say the word.
It's all about the insults when you've got nothing else, isn't it?

Are you suggesting (lying) that I haven't made a point, one that stung you so very much that it brought you slithering out to pretend it didn't sting?????


With Jon Stewart out of the picture, Democrats/Liberals had to find a new 'news' source.....and, for many, it is SNL.

Sooo.....the Democrats, needing away to let their faithful....(read that as 'true believers') down gently, sent the memo via the largely un-funny SNL.

That's right: the Democrats pulled the rug out from under their drones via Saturday Night Live....

"....special counsel Robert Mueller. Kate McKinnon essentially impersonates Arie in Mueller makeup while breaking the news.

ā€œSo, uh, you know that Iā€™ve been struggling a little bit over the last few months just trying to figure this whole thing out and just grasp everything,ā€ McKinnonā€™s Mueller says. ā€œThe reality is I donā€™t think I can give you everything that you want right now, and I think you sense that.ā€

Strongā€™s Becca replies: ā€œSo ā€¦ what? You donā€™t have Trump on collusion?ā€

ā€œI think I need to explore the possibility that I have a stronger case with some other stuff,ā€ the fake Mueller replies. ā€œIā€™m just trying to be honest with you in telling you I canā€™t commit to collusion right now.ā€

ā€œyou indicted like 13 Russians and like everything that happened at Seychelles, that means nothing?ā€

ā€œNo, I mean the Seychelles were amazing and itā€™s definitely something,ā€ he responds. ā€œItā€™s just the more time that goes by, the more that I keep thinking about obstruction.ā€

The fake Becca canā€™t handle the embarrassment. ā€œCollusion is literally the only thing that Iā€™ve been looking forward to the past year.ā€
SNLā€™s disastrous ā€˜Bachelorā€™ finale stars Robert Mueller, who canā€™t commit to collusion

The only funny thing here is that SNL became the vehicle by which the Democrats warned their shock troops that the bottom just fell out of the lies they've been advancing for a year or more.

The punch line?
There's no collusion.


Did it hurt more, or less, this time?
What? You think you hurt me with your uninformed, copy/paste nonsense?

Holy shit, youā€™re full of yourself :lmao:
I havenā€™t read a political book in a while. But thatā€™s not what was said. Ann/you said that as a liberal, I donā€™t read books at all.

But the last four books I read were:

2001: A Space Odyssey and 2010: Odyssey Two by Arthur C Clarke

The Corner by David Simon and Ed Burns

Wiseguy by Nicholas Pileggi

I believe we each proved our own point.
:lol: yeah you proved that I donā€™t read books...oh wait no you didnā€™t

I proved that the sort of political tomes that might be informative to one commenting in this forum are beyond your ken.

That was my point: that you're a dunce.

If you'd like me to offer a curriculum that would result in you appearing less a dunce.....say the word.
It's all about the insults when you've got nothing else, isn't it?
And she probably copy/pasted that, too :lol:

The anti-intellectuals always object to documentation.

Quite a hole you're digging for yourself.
You don't read...and you've proven me correct, as I always am.
Sure, I donā€™t read....huh? I just listed the last four books Iā€™ve read, but that wasnā€™t good enough because they werenā€™t political in nature or something. You have some serious issues
This is neither an articulate nor well documented post

But, it is the sort one has come to expect from you.

Would you care to try again?
Odd, that you think this is about me.

And I have no need to "try again".....carry on with your "now we trumpanzees listen to SNL" talking point.

See.....I embarrassed you into 'trying again.' did a marginally better job this time.

Summer school was advantageous.

In full disclosure, I never watch SNL.

I heard about it from the very best conservative radio talk show host, Chris Plante, WMAL.
Because it's the RW pundit talking point de I told you.

...the Democrats, needing away to let their faithful....(read that as 'true believers') down gently, sent the memo via the largely un-funny SNL.

That's right: the Democrats pulled the rug out from under their drones via Saturday Night Live....

As I told you. now take SNL seriously. :lol: Ok hun. :abgg2q.jpg: You believe in land sharks and Steve Bannon as Death too.

Is there some alternative interpretation for this?

...the Democrats, needing away to let their faithful....(read that as 'true believers') down gently, sent the memo via the largely un-funny SNL.

That's right: the Democrats pulled the rug out from under their drones via Saturday Night Live....
I havenā€™t read a political book in a while. But thatā€™s not what was said. Ann/you said that as a liberal, I donā€™t read books at all.

But the last four books I read were:

2001: A Space Odyssey and 2010: Odyssey Two by Arthur C Clarke

The Corner by David Simon and Ed Burns

Wiseguy by Nicholas Pileggi

I believe we each proved our own point.
:lol: yeah you proved that I donā€™t read books...oh wait no you didnā€™t

I proved that the sort of political tomes that might be informative to one commenting in this forum are beyond your ken.

That was my point: that you're a dunce.

If you'd like me to offer a curriculum that would result in you appearing less a dunce.....say the word.
No thanks. Iā€™m not into Ayn Rand.

Iā€™m sorry that youā€™re so shallow and stuck up that you think I have to read volumes of political books to form an opinion on the state of the world. Thatā€™s your problem; not mine.

You said liberals donā€™t read at all. Youā€™re an idiot.

You don't read...and you've proven me correct, as I always am.

What do you imagine it means (I almost said 'think') when you evince fear of the books I might mention?
Too funny. The man tells you what he just read and you (follower of Jon Stewart and SNL that you are) seem to know SOOOOOOOOOOO much more about him. :113:
The anti-intellectuals always object to documentation.

Quite a hole you're digging for yourself.
Oh now youā€™re an intellectual? I thought that was poison to conservatives. You think theyā€™ll kick you out of the club after admitting that?
I believe we each proved our own point.
:lol: yeah you proved that I donā€™t read books...oh wait no you didnā€™t

I proved that the sort of political tomes that might be informative to one commenting in this forum are beyond your ken.

That was my point: that you're a dunce.

If you'd like me to offer a curriculum that would result in you appearing less a dunce.....say the word.
It's all about the insults when you've got nothing else, isn't it?

Are you suggesting (lying) that I haven't made a point, one that stung you so very much that it brought you slithering out to pretend it didn't sting?????


With Jon Stewart out of the picture, Democrats/Liberals had to find a new 'news' source.....and, for many, it is SNL.

Sooo.....the Democrats, needing away to let their faithful....(read that as 'true believers') down gently, sent the memo via the largely un-funny SNL.

That's right: the Democrats pulled the rug out from under their drones via Saturday Night Live....

"....special counsel Robert Mueller. Kate McKinnon essentially impersonates Arie in Mueller makeup while breaking the news.

ā€œSo, uh, you know that Iā€™ve been struggling a little bit over the last few months just trying to figure this whole thing out and just grasp everything,ā€ McKinnonā€™s Mueller says. ā€œThe reality is I donā€™t think I can give you everything that you want right now, and I think you sense that.ā€

Strongā€™s Becca replies: ā€œSo ā€¦ what? You donā€™t have Trump on collusion?ā€

ā€œI think I need to explore the possibility that I have a stronger case with some other stuff,ā€ the fake Mueller replies. ā€œIā€™m just trying to be honest with you in telling you I canā€™t commit to collusion right now.ā€

ā€œyou indicted like 13 Russians and like everything that happened at Seychelles, that means nothing?ā€

ā€œNo, I mean the Seychelles were amazing and itā€™s definitely something,ā€ he responds. ā€œItā€™s just the more time that goes by, the more that I keep thinking about obstruction.ā€

The fake Becca canā€™t handle the embarrassment. ā€œCollusion is literally the only thing that Iā€™ve been looking forward to the past year.ā€
SNLā€™s disastrous ā€˜Bachelorā€™ finale stars Robert Mueller, who canā€™t commit to collusion

The only funny thing here is that SNL became the vehicle by which the Democrats warned their shock troops that the bottom just fell out of the lies they've been advancing for a year or more.

The punch line?
There's no collusion.


Did it hurt more, or less, this time?
What? You think you hurt me with your uninformed, copy/paste nonsense?

Holy shit, youā€™re full of yourself :lmao:

1. I don't use vulgarity, 'cause, y'know, I'm an adult.

2. What I intended,and accomplished, was using you to embarrass Liberals.
Let's prove it together.

Can you provide three or four political tomes that you've read, that have informed your outlook?

Please don't hesitate to ask me for the same indicia.
I havenā€™t read a political book in a while. But thatā€™s not what was said. Ann/you said that as a liberal, I donā€™t read books at all.

But the last four books I read were:

2001: A Space Odyssey and 2010: Odyssey Two by Arthur C Clarke

The Corner by David Simon and Ed Burns

Wiseguy by Nicholas Pileggi

I believe we each proved our own point.
:lol: yeah you proved that I donā€™t read books...oh wait no you didnā€™t

I proved that the sort of political tomes that might be informative to one commenting in this forum are beyond your ken.

That was my point: that you're a dunce.

If you'd like me to offer a curriculum that would result in you appearing less a dunce.....say the word.
No thanks. Iā€™m not into Ayn Rand.

Iā€™m sorry that youā€™re so shallow and stuck up that you think I have to read volumes of political books to form an opinion on the state of the world. Thatā€™s your problem; not mine.

You said liberals donā€™t read at all. Youā€™re an idiot.
Read Atlas Shrugged when I was in college....a load of dingos' kidneys. The Fountainhead was a little better....but not much.
I believe we each proved our own point.
:lol: yeah you proved that I donā€™t read books...oh wait no you didnā€™t

I proved that the sort of political tomes that might be informative to one commenting in this forum are beyond your ken.

That was my point: that you're a dunce.

If you'd like me to offer a curriculum that would result in you appearing less a dunce.....say the word.
It's all about the insults when you've got nothing else, isn't it?
And she probably copy/pasted that, too :lol:

The anti-intellectuals always object to documentation.

Quite a hole you're digging for yourself. fancy yourself an intellectual, do you? Is cut n' pasting what your brand of intellectual does? In college, that's called plagarism.
1. I don't use vulgarity, 'cause, y'know, I'm an adult.

2. What I intended,and accomplished, was using you to embarrass Liberals.
1. You act like a child. And I guess insulting my intelligence after losing an argument is technically not using vulgarities, but itā€™s certainly not mature.

2. If thatā€™s what you intended, you failed. You succeeded in embarrassing yourself
With Jon Stewart out of the picture, Democrats/Liberals had to find a new 'news' source.....and, for many, it is SNL.

Sooo.....the Democrats, needing away to let their faithful....(read that as 'true believers') down gently, sent the memo via the largely un-funny SNL.

That's right: the Democrats pulled the rug out from under their drones via Saturday Night Live....

"....special counsel Robert Mueller. Kate McKinnon essentially impersonates Arie in Mueller makeup while breaking the news.

ā€œSo, uh, you know that Iā€™ve been struggling a little bit over the last few months just trying to figure this whole thing out and just grasp everything,ā€ McKinnonā€™s Mueller says. ā€œThe reality is I donā€™t think I can give you everything that you want right now, and I think you sense that.ā€

Strongā€™s Becca replies: ā€œSo ā€¦ what? You donā€™t have Trump on collusion?ā€

ā€œI think I need to explore the possibility that I have a stronger case with some other stuff,ā€ the fake Mueller replies. ā€œIā€™m just trying to be honest with you in telling you I canā€™t commit to collusion right now.ā€

ā€œyou indicted like 13 Russians and like everything that happened at Seychelles, that means nothing?ā€

ā€œNo, I mean the Seychelles were amazing and itā€™s definitely something,ā€ he responds. ā€œItā€™s just the more time that goes by, the more that I keep thinking about obstruction.ā€

The fake Becca canā€™t handle the embarrassment. ā€œCollusion is literally the only thing that Iā€™ve been looking forward to the past year.ā€
SNLā€™s disastrous ā€˜Bachelorā€™ finale stars Robert Mueller, who canā€™t commit to collusion

The only funny thing here is that SNL became the vehicle by which the Democrats warned their shock troops that the bottom just fell out of the lies they've been advancing for a year or more.

The punch line?
There's no collusion.

Luckily we also have all the journalists and fact Checkers in the world, super duper. By the way, Mueller and his investigation are so secret and leak proof all the gabbing about it's findings is total BS. our cable TV media is a joke, like you and the rest of the dupes.
Odd, that you think this is about me.

And I have no need to "try again".....carry on with your "now we trumpanzees listen to SNL" talking point.

See.....I embarrassed you into 'trying again.' did a marginally better job this time.

Summer school was advantageous.

In full disclosure, I never watch SNL.

I heard about it from the very best conservative radio talk show host, Chris Plante, WMAL.
Because it's the RW pundit talking point de I told you.

...the Democrats, needing away to let their faithful....(read that as 'true believers') down gently, sent the memo via the largely un-funny SNL.

That's right: the Democrats pulled the rug out from under their drones via Saturday Night Live....

As I told you. now take SNL seriously. :lol: Ok hun. :abgg2q.jpg: You believe in land sharks and Steve Bannon as Death too.

Is there some alternative interpretation for this?

...the Democrats, needing away to let their faithful....(read that as 'true believers') down gently, sent the memo via the largely un-funny SNL.

That's right: the Democrats pulled the rug out from under their drones via Saturday Night Live....
The intellectual goes on and on about SNL. Perhaps you will write a dissertation on it for your PhD............
With Jon Stewart out of the picture, Democrats/Liberals had to find a new 'news' source.....and, for many, it is SNL.

Sooo.....the Democrats, needing away to let their faithful....(read that as 'true believers') down gently, sent the memo via the largely un-funny SNL.

That's right: the Democrats pulled the rug out from under their drones via Saturday Night Live....

"....special counsel Robert Mueller. Kate McKinnon essentially impersonates Arie in Mueller makeup while breaking the news.

ā€œSo, uh, you know that Iā€™ve been struggling a little bit over the last few months just trying to figure this whole thing out and just grasp everything,ā€ McKinnonā€™s Mueller says. ā€œThe reality is I donā€™t think I can give you everything that you want right now, and I think you sense that.ā€

Strongā€™s Becca replies: ā€œSo ā€¦ what? You donā€™t have Trump on collusion?ā€

ā€œI think I need to explore the possibility that I have a stronger case with some other stuff,ā€ the fake Mueller replies. ā€œIā€™m just trying to be honest with you in telling you I canā€™t commit to collusion right now.ā€

ā€œyou indicted like 13 Russians and like everything that happened at Seychelles, that means nothing?ā€

ā€œNo, I mean the Seychelles were amazing and itā€™s definitely something,ā€ he responds. ā€œItā€™s just the more time that goes by, the more that I keep thinking about obstruction.ā€

The fake Becca canā€™t handle the embarrassment. ā€œCollusion is literally the only thing that Iā€™ve been looking forward to the past year.ā€
SNLā€™s disastrous ā€˜Bachelorā€™ finale stars Robert Mueller, who canā€™t commit to collusion

The only funny thing here is that SNL became the vehicle by which the Democrats warned their shock troops that the bottom just fell out of the lies they've been advancing for a year or more.

The punch line?
There's no collusion.

Luckily we also have all the journalists and fact Checkers in the world, super duper. By the way, Mueller and his investigation are so secret and leak proof all the gabbing about it's findings is total BS. our cable TV media is a joke, like you and the rest of the dupes.

Now that you got the memo....

Strongā€™s Becca replies: ā€œSo ā€¦ what? You donā€™t have Trump on collusion?ā€

ā€œI think I need to explore the possibility that I have a stronger case with some other stuff,ā€ the fake Mueller replies. ā€œIā€™m just trying to be honest with you in telling you I canā€™t commit to collusion right now.ā€

Really hurt, huh?

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