Breaking: Thousands of Catholics have shut down the main entrance to Dodger Stadium

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I haven't looked it up. According to your link:

"It has also been studied and concluded that about 4.4% of all clerics were known to sexually abuse children between 1946 and 2014."

That's kind of a lot. There's a lot in education as well, but I highly doubt it's 4.4% of all education staff.

I think the numbers are getting twisted around because there's a lot more education staff than Catholic priests, hence why I'm looking for the actual data and not seeing it.

That was from 1946 to 2014. It also points out that an estimated 5% of all men are pedos, so the Catholic priests are lower than the national average. Nice how you left that out. Not defending any pedos, I say hang them all, and also root them out before they touch any children. We can do that by not promoting the LGBTQ Agenda. Do you support preventing these crimes from ever happening by keeping gays and trannies away from kids? Yes or no?
I don't do any protesting. But sure, I have no problem with that.
Cool and I protest all molesters of all backgrounds. Now we understand each other. If there are any priests parading around at a ball game declaring anti christ and pedophilia please post it. Nobody approves of child molesting priests, teachers, transgender, heteros unless they are one too.
Are there Catholic priests parading around announcing that at a dodgers game? I am sure that would be protested. Get real dude.
Catholic priests parading around announcing that they molest children? No.

They do it secretly, get caught, and then get shuffled to a different church to molest other children. And Catholics don't give a shit about protesting against that.

Catholic priests parading around announcing that they molest children? No.

They do it secretly, get caught, and then get shuffled to a different church to molest other children. And Catholics don't give a shit about protesting against that.

Correct they do it just like transgenders and when they are caught nobody approves. Are you seriously that dishonest?

Couple charged with molesting their adopted sons and pimping them out​

A US couple has been charged with molesting their two adopted sons and using them to record child porn, according to a disturbing new report.

The pair also allegedly pimped them out to members of a local paedophile ring.

A months-long investigation by Townhall revealed that William Dale Zulock, 33, and Zachary Jacoby Zulock, 35, allegedly used social media to prostitute their young two sons, the New York Post reports.

I didn't see any transgender parade protesting it either. Get real. No one likes it when it happens.
NOTHING was shut down, but you gullible suckers will believe anything.
Cool and I protest all molesters of all backgrounds. Now we understand each other. If there are any priests parading around at a ball game declaring anti christ and pedophilia please post it. Nobody approves of child molesting priests, teachers, transgender, heteros unless they are one too.
Those Catholics have plenty more pressing issues to protest.
Correct they do it just like transgenders and when they are caught nobody approves. Are you seriously that dishonest?

Couple charged with molesting their adopted sons and pimping them out​

I didn't see any transgender parade protesting it either. Get real. No one likes it when it happens.
A single couple.

Your buddy just posted a link showing that 4.4% of all clerics were known to have molested children. That's kind of a lot. Maybe Catholics should be protesting that.
I applaud the Catholics for sticking up for God.

Your opinion is just that an opinion.
Do you applaud Catholics for allowing at least 4.4% of their clergy to molest children? (Those are just the ones they know about)

Do you applaud Catholics for shuffling priests to different locations after they get caught?

Maybe Catholics should be protesting that.
Swing and a miss.

From your own link: "Child molestation stats from studies by Dr. Michael Seto at the Royal Ottawa Healthcare Group tentatively suggest that as much as 5% of men are pedophiles attracted to underage but developed girls."

The 5% number is the percentage that are attracted to underage girls, not the ones who molested children. The 4.4% number is the amount of clerics who were known to have actually molested children.
That would suggest that most pedos then are homosexuals. Any data on that?

Most gays are ”recruited” when they are underaged by older men, and there are a large amount of gay men now.

You also didn’t answer the question if you oppose the LGBTQ Agenda which targets children. We can argue statistics all day since there is no clear data on the subject, but the way to FIX this problem is addressing the root cause and stopping it. The root cause are homos and pedos having access to children. The root cause is the LGBTQ Agenda. Does the Catholic Church promote that Agenda? No, they are one of the few that oppose it. While the public school system openly promotes it, so it will attract the LGBTQ/Pedo crowd and that is why we see so much sexual abuse happening to kids these days.
A single couple.

Your buddy just posted a link showing that 4.4% of all clerics were known to have molested children. That's kind of a lot. Maybe Catholics should be protesting that.

Would you like me to dig for more? Molesters come from all backgrounds but I can get more trans ones if you prefer. Or you could be honest and admit they come from all walks of life and nobody likes it unless they are themselves a molester.

Kelsey Meta Boren, who mentored drag queen, 11, sentenced to less than a year for child sex crimes​

Kelsey Meta Boren, who mentored drag queen, 11, sentenced to less than a year for child sex crimes

Hannah Tubbs, formerly known as James Tubbs, is a child molester and accused murderer​

Trans child molester Hannah Tubbs crafted new female identity in jailhouse call with dad, sources say
That would suggest that most pedos then are homosexuals. Any data on that?

Most gays are ”recruited” when they are underaged by older men, and there are a large amount of gay men now.

You also didn’t answer the question if you oppose the LGBTQ Agenda which targets children. We can argue statistics all day since there is no clear data on the subject, but the way to FIX this problem is addressing the root cause and stopping it. The root cause are homos and pedos having access to children. The root cause is the LGBTQ Agenda. Does the Catholic Church promote that Agenda? No, they are one of the few that oppose it. While the public school system openly promotes it, so it will attract the LGBTQ/Pedo crowd and that is why we see so much sexual abuse happening to kids these days.
LoL get back to me when you decide to take a stand against the 4.4% of clergy who were known to have molested children. You're trying to defend them.
Would you like me to dig for more? Molesters come from all backgrounds but I can get more trans ones if you prefer. Or you could be honest and admit they come from all walks of life and nobody likes it unless they are themselves a molester.

Kelsey Meta Boren, who mentored drag queen, 11, sentenced to less than a year for child sex crimes​

Kelsey Meta Boren, who mentored drag queen, 11, sentenced to less than a year for child sex crimes

Hannah Tubbs, formerly known as James Tubbs, is a child molester and accused murderer​

Trans child molester Hannah Tubbs crafted new female identity in jailhouse call with dad, sources say
Knock yourself out. Keep digging. Let me know when you get to 4.4%.

I'll wait.
I applaud the Catholics for sticking up for God when transgenders are mocking them at a ball game. Back on the actual topic.
No of course not. I don't applaud any molester from any background. I call them all molesters that infiltrate groups of non molesters. The groups they infiltrate get damaged by their crimes.
Yet Catholics are out protesting Dodgers games instead of protesting the huge issue in their own house.
Knock yourself out. Keep digging. Let me know when you get to 4.4%.

I'll wait.
I get nothing out of it. It is you who wants more proof that transgenders molest children and actually, it is teachers and friends of the family that molest the most statistically speaking.
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