Breaking: Trump CFO Granted Immunity

Obama did the same? Obama had a few donors exceed the donation limit, and had to pay a huge fine because of it.

"witch hunt" = "im not a crook"

Right, Obama didn't repay the money until he had to. Trump had already repaid the money before anyone even knew about it.

Obama: Held $1.8 million in illegal donations. Didn't report the overpays 1,300 times.

Trump: Held zero in illegal donations, didn't report the overpays 1 time.

So let's say they're the same even though Obama did more than not file the form. Obama was fined $375K. Let's divide that by 1,300 and round up.

Trump owes us, the taxpayers, $300. Pay up, man! Pay up!
Apparently you didnt read the link i provided: campaign finance violations “become crimes when they satisfy a monetary threshold and are committed with specific criminal intent”

If you did read it, you'd know Dinesh D'souza committed felony because he did cross the line. But obama's campaign didnt, it was only civil violation.

None of those hurdles were remotely met.

Trump instructed Cohen to pay off the tart, which is perfectly legal. Cohen was apparently paid with campaign money, which would have made Cohen's payment an excessive campaign contribution, which isn't a felony. However, Trump repaid the campaign so it wasn't an excessive campaign contribution at all. No form was filed, which Obama did 1,300 times. Obama was fined a couple hundred bucks per incident.

There is no felony and no felony cover up. Saying what would be a crime if Trump had done it is irrelevant when he didn't do it.

You realize if Hillary shot someone, that would be murder. OMG, you want her arrested now, right? That's what you're advocating for Trump, DaSchmuck
Obama's campaign only failed to file FEC paperwork within the 48hour window.
But Cohen intentionally obscured an unlawful contribution from the FEC. And this accompanies tax fraud and bank fraud.

Obama's campaign violation was so insignificant at the time 2008, it wasnt even reported. Compare 375,000 to a billion in total campaign.

You're a liar, DaSchmuck. You omitted that Trump had repaid the campaign before anyone even knew about it because you're a liar and you realized that worked against you.

And Obama did NOT repay it in the 48 hour window, which is one of the things he was fined for, liar
The obama campaign didnt need to repay within 48hrs, they only needed to file FEC paperwork within 48hrs.
Here is another description: one count of “willful cause of unlawful corporate contribution”, which Cohen pleaded guilty to. Whether Trump repaid immediately is irrelevant.
No it doesn't.

You sir, are an unrepentant liar. And like all liar, you think that other people don't know the truth, so you can convince them that you are right. That is not going to happen. Clinton was impeached for perjury. The "why" doesn't mean anything. It is what he was impeached for. Now, go waste your time somewhere else. Since you have lost your credibility, nothing you say here will mean anything in the future.
Lol, then you admit that the problem tRump is having isn't that he paid off people to keep them quiet, it's than and how right?

What, do you need a Kleenex? Go wipe your nose, stop sniffling and start being truthful.

You dinks are so easy.

You liars are so ignorable.
So ignore me. Bury your head in the sand like a good little tRumpkin.
OMG someone told someone to hush up a whore!

Telling someone? No problem.

Paying someone hundreds of thousands of dollars to aid a campaign? Huge problem.

Directing someone to make hundreds of thousands in illegal campaign contributions? Even bigger problem.

The person directed to make hundreds of thousands in illegal contributions flipping and giving all his records to federal investigators, including tapes of conversations about the payments, faked invoices and a paper trail of the payments?

Oh, that's just fun.
Possible fines! OMG
Its pathetic. This has went from conspiring with a hostile NAtion to banging sluts, and shit probably 50% of politicians do.
I hope Mueller has something on Trump or i am going to be laughing for a VERY long time.
Right, Obama didn't repay the money until he had to. Trump had already repaid the money before anyone even knew about it.

Obama: Held $1.8 million in illegal donations. Didn't report the overpays 1,300 times.

Trump: Held zero in illegal donations, didn't report the overpays 1 time.

So let's say they're the same even though Obama did more than not file the form. Obama was fined $375K. Let's divide that by 1,300 and round up.

Trump owes us, the taxpayers, $300. Pay up, man! Pay up!
Apparently you didnt read the link i provided: campaign finance violations “become crimes when they satisfy a monetary threshold and are committed with specific criminal intent”

If you did read it, you'd know Dinesh D'souza committed felony because he did cross the line. But obama's campaign didnt, it was only civil violation.

None of those hurdles were remotely met.

Trump instructed Cohen to pay off the tart, which is perfectly legal. Cohen was apparently paid with campaign money, which would have made Cohen's payment an excessive campaign contribution, which isn't a felony. However, Trump repaid the campaign so it wasn't an excessive campaign contribution at all. No form was filed, which Obama did 1,300 times. Obama was fined a couple hundred bucks per incident.

There is no felony and no felony cover up. Saying what would be a crime if Trump had done it is irrelevant when he didn't do it.

You realize if Hillary shot someone, that would be murder. OMG, you want her arrested now, right? That's what you're advocating for Trump, DaSchmuck
Obama's campaign only failed to file FEC paperwork within the 48hour window.
But Cohen intentionally obscured an unlawful contribution from the FEC. And this accompanies tax fraud and bank fraud.

Obama's campaign violation was so insignificant at the time 2008, it wasnt even reported. Compare 375,000 to a billion in total campaign.

You're a liar, DaSchmuck. You omitted that Trump had repaid the campaign before anyone even knew about it because you're a liar and you realized that worked against you.

And Obama did NOT repay it in the 48 hour window, which is one of the things he was fined for, liar
The obama campaign didnt need to repay within 48hrs, they only needed to file FEC paperwork within 48hrs.
Here is another description: one count of “willful cause of unlawful corporate contribution”, which Cohen pleaded guilty to. Whether Trump repaid immediately is irrelevant.

Another leftist liar. While the standard is not 48 hours, Obama was fined for paying it back too slowly

It's interesting that even when leftists tell the truth about a factoid, you still have to lie. It's what you do.

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

"The Obama campaign was also late returning some contributions that exceeded the legal limit."
Apparently you didnt read the link i provided: campaign finance violations “become crimes when they satisfy a monetary threshold and are committed with specific criminal intent”

If you did read it, you'd know Dinesh D'souza committed felony because he did cross the line. But obama's campaign didnt, it was only civil violation.

None of those hurdles were remotely met.

Trump instructed Cohen to pay off the tart, which is perfectly legal. Cohen was apparently paid with campaign money, which would have made Cohen's payment an excessive campaign contribution, which isn't a felony. However, Trump repaid the campaign so it wasn't an excessive campaign contribution at all. No form was filed, which Obama did 1,300 times. Obama was fined a couple hundred bucks per incident.

There is no felony and no felony cover up. Saying what would be a crime if Trump had done it is irrelevant when he didn't do it.

You realize if Hillary shot someone, that would be murder. OMG, you want her arrested now, right? That's what you're advocating for Trump, DaSchmuck
Obama's campaign only failed to file FEC paperwork within the 48hour window.
But Cohen intentionally obscured an unlawful contribution from the FEC. And this accompanies tax fraud and bank fraud.

Obama's campaign violation was so insignificant at the time 2008, it wasnt even reported. Compare 375,000 to a billion in total campaign.

You're a liar, DaSchmuck. You omitted that Trump had repaid the campaign before anyone even knew about it because you're a liar and you realized that worked against you.

And Obama did NOT repay it in the 48 hour window, which is one of the things he was fined for, liar
The obama campaign didnt need to repay within 48hrs, they only needed to file FEC paperwork within 48hrs.
Here is another description: one count of “willful cause of unlawful corporate contribution”, which Cohen pleaded guilty to. Whether Trump repaid immediately is irrelevant.

Another leftist liar. While the standard is not 48 hours, Obama was fined for paying it back too slowly

It's interesting that even when leftists tell the truth about a factoid, you still have to lie. It's what you do.

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

"The Obama campaign was also late returning some contributions that exceeded the legal limit."
Apparently you didnt see the part there where they said "its not out of line" and "the infractions were relatively minor, given the scope of the campaign""
None of those hurdles were remotely met.

Trump instructed Cohen to pay off the tart, which is perfectly legal. Cohen was apparently paid with campaign money, which would have made Cohen's payment an excessive campaign contribution, which isn't a felony. However, Trump repaid the campaign so it wasn't an excessive campaign contribution at all. No form was filed, which Obama did 1,300 times. Obama was fined a couple hundred bucks per incident.

There is no felony and no felony cover up. Saying what would be a crime if Trump had done it is irrelevant when he didn't do it.

You realize if Hillary shot someone, that would be murder. OMG, you want her arrested now, right? That's what you're advocating for Trump, DaSchmuck
Obama's campaign only failed to file FEC paperwork within the 48hour window.
But Cohen intentionally obscured an unlawful contribution from the FEC. And this accompanies tax fraud and bank fraud.

Obama's campaign violation was so insignificant at the time 2008, it wasnt even reported. Compare 375,000 to a billion in total campaign.

You're a liar, DaSchmuck. You omitted that Trump had repaid the campaign before anyone even knew about it because you're a liar and you realized that worked against you.

And Obama did NOT repay it in the 48 hour window, which is one of the things he was fined for, liar
The obama campaign didnt need to repay within 48hrs, they only needed to file FEC paperwork within 48hrs.
Here is another description: one count of “willful cause of unlawful corporate contribution”, which Cohen pleaded guilty to. Whether Trump repaid immediately is irrelevant.

Another leftist liar. While the standard is not 48 hours, Obama was fined for paying it back too slowly

It's interesting that even when leftists tell the truth about a factoid, you still have to lie. It's what you do.

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

"The Obama campaign was also late returning some contributions that exceeded the legal limit."
Apparently you didnt see the part there where they said "its not out of line" and "the infractions were relatively minor, given the scope of the campaign""


That's my point, dumb ass
Obama's campaign only failed to file FEC paperwork within the 48hour window.
But Cohen intentionally obscured an unlawful contribution from the FEC. And this accompanies tax fraud and bank fraud.

Obama's campaign violation was so insignificant at the time 2008, it wasnt even reported. Compare 375,000 to a billion in total campaign.

You're a liar, DaSchmuck. You omitted that Trump had repaid the campaign before anyone even knew about it because you're a liar and you realized that worked against you.

And Obama did NOT repay it in the 48 hour window, which is one of the things he was fined for, liar
The obama campaign didnt need to repay within 48hrs, they only needed to file FEC paperwork within 48hrs.
Here is another description: one count of “willful cause of unlawful corporate contribution”, which Cohen pleaded guilty to. Whether Trump repaid immediately is irrelevant.

Another leftist liar. While the standard is not 48 hours, Obama was fined for paying it back too slowly

It's interesting that even when leftists tell the truth about a factoid, you still have to lie. It's what you do.

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

"The Obama campaign was also late returning some contributions that exceeded the legal limit."
Apparently you didnt see the part there where they said "its not out of line" and "the infractions were relatively minor, given the scope of the campaign""


That's my point, dumb ass
Great, then you understand now how Cohen committed felony, while Obama's campaign didnt.
You're a liar, DaSchmuck. You omitted that Trump had repaid the campaign before anyone even knew about it because you're a liar and you realized that worked against you.

And Obama did NOT repay it in the 48 hour window, which is one of the things he was fined for, liar
The obama campaign didnt need to repay within 48hrs, they only needed to file FEC paperwork within 48hrs.
Here is another description: one count of “willful cause of unlawful corporate contribution”, which Cohen pleaded guilty to. Whether Trump repaid immediately is irrelevant.

Another leftist liar. While the standard is not 48 hours, Obama was fined for paying it back too slowly

It's interesting that even when leftists tell the truth about a factoid, you still have to lie. It's what you do.

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

"The Obama campaign was also late returning some contributions that exceeded the legal limit."
Apparently you didnt see the part there where they said "its not out of line" and "the infractions were relatively minor, given the scope of the campaign""


That's my point, dumb ass
Great, then you understand now how Cohen committed felony, while Obama's campaign didnt.

Dont care about cohen
the dude prepared drumpf's tax returns & knows where all the cash came from & how it got washed.

And all the dude did was show that Cohen got Trump's money on false pretenses.

he's prepared trump's tax returns for years... to get immunity from the feds is a big deal. it's more than what you are saying.

Holy shit! This guy worked for Fred Trump.
He's been around forever.
And he's flipping!!!!!!


Allen Weisselberg, Longtime Trump Organization CFO, Is Granted Immunity in Cohen Probe

"Mr. Cohen on Tuesday pleaded guilty to eight criminal charges and told a federal judge that Mr. Trump had directed him during the 2016 campaign to buy the silence of two women who alleged affairs with Mr. Trump, a move that implicated the president in a federal crime. That was the first time Mr. Cohen admitted to coordinating with the president on the hush-money deals, which Mr. Trump denied."

Jeff Sessions (crawls into his little turtle shell of not wanting to do /anything/ the slightest bit political throwing the guy who hired and believed in him under the wheels)
Rod Rosenstein (a conflicted man himself writing a one-sided "investigation" that totally protects the democrats needing investigated gives "unlimited scope" to everything else)
Robert Mueller (another conflicted person who should not be there unable to find a single bit of truth to Trump actually colluding with Russians turns to personal attacks and is shaking down every person who ever knew Trump now until he can get Trump on something, even if it was an unpaid parking ticket in 1973 or an affair he had in 1996).

What happened to Russia?

What happened to the election?

Proof once again this was never about the above but just a witch-hunt to go after Trump to overturn an lawful election. Welcome to Venezuela.

Question: Just what would he find if the Obamas or Clintons were subjected to such scrutiny, and what are the Democrats hiding to try to personally destroy a president sworn to investigate THEM? And what have they threatened or promised Sessions with that he won't do any of the investigating? All this and more coming this fall.

Are you fucking kidding?
The Clintons have been under scrutiny for almost 30 years.
Bill Clinton was fucking impeached!
Hillary sat for 12 hours and watched Trey Gowdy sweat to death over Benghazi.
Jeebus, where have you been?

Look you drooling moron, BIG DIFFERENCE between answering questions at a nice table sipping water before a bunch of impotent senators whom you can lie to, claim the 5th, not show up and even delay, stall and never deliver subpoenaed documents for YEARS until the whole thing just blows over---- and being investigated by a Special Counsel with unlimited legal scope to use the full weight of the DOJ and FBI to shake you down, threaten you, harass you, break into your offices, take all your computers and files, threaten legal action, prison, IRS investigation, you name it, of you and every person you ever met and threaten THEM with turning their lives inside out too unless they spill their guts.

The Clintons never faced Special Counsel investigation with unlimited power and the full weight of a government that WANTED to get them. They were protected. Even impeached, the Democratic senators saved him from being thrown out of office. Hillary sat through nothing. No Special Counsel. It was a farce. They are putting 10,000X more weight on Trump than they ever put on the Clintons in their entire lives because they are out to personally destroy Trump to stop him from ever getting at and revealing the truth they are hiding about themselves to the public, that the Deep State really controls this country, and you like a total jackass CELEBRATE being made a fool of!
So Ken Starr is just chopped liver then?

Ken Starr was limited as to what he could investigate. He wasn't on the type of fishing expedition that Mueller is enjoying.

mueller was granted the right to go as far & deep as needed. however... he is outsourcing any potential crimes to their respected agency/experts. that's why he has people that were involved with watergate, & enron, etc. the NYS attorney general has had his own cases going on simultaneously. any overlapping just shows how far the guilt runs.
Apparently you didnt read the link i provided: campaign finance violations “become crimes when they satisfy a monetary threshold and are committed with specific criminal intent”

If you did read it, you'd know Dinesh D'souza committed felony because he did cross the line. But obama's campaign didnt, it was only civil violation.

None of those hurdles were remotely met.

Trump instructed Cohen to pay off the tart, which is perfectly legal. Cohen was apparently paid with campaign money, which would have made Cohen's payment an excessive campaign contribution, which isn't a felony. However, Trump repaid the campaign so it wasn't an excessive campaign contribution at all. No form was filed, which Obama did 1,300 times. Obama was fined a couple hundred bucks per incident.

There is no felony and no felony cover up. Saying what would be a crime if Trump had done it is irrelevant when he didn't do it.

You realize if Hillary shot someone, that would be murder. OMG, you want her arrested now, right? That's what you're advocating for Trump, DaSchmuck
Obama's campaign only failed to file FEC paperwork within the 48hour window.
But Cohen intentionally obscured an unlawful contribution from the FEC. And this accompanies tax fraud and bank fraud.

Obama's campaign violation was so insignificant at the time 2008, it wasnt even reported. Compare 375,000 to a billion in total campaign.

You're a liar, DaSchmuck. You omitted that Trump had repaid the campaign before anyone even knew about it because you're a liar and you realized that worked against you.

And Obama did NOT repay it in the 48 hour window, which is one of the things he was fined for, liar
The obama campaign didnt need to repay within 48hrs, they only needed to file FEC paperwork within 48hrs.
Here is another description: one count of “willful cause of unlawful corporate contribution”, which Cohen pleaded guilty to. Whether Trump repaid immediately is irrelevant.

Another leftist liar. While the standard is not 48 hours, Obama was fined for paying it back too slowly

It's interesting that even when leftists tell the truth about a factoid, you still have to lie. It's what you do.

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

"The Obama campaign was also late returning some contributions that exceeded the legal limit."

Obama wasn't fined for anything. Obama's campaign was.

Where as Cohen's crimes are individual. As are Trump's direction and coordination of said federal felonies.
None of those hurdles were remotely met.

Trump instructed Cohen to pay off the tart, which is perfectly legal. Cohen was apparently paid with campaign money, which would have made Cohen's payment an excessive campaign contribution, which isn't a felony. However, Trump repaid the campaign so it wasn't an excessive campaign contribution at all. No form was filed, which Obama did 1,300 times. Obama was fined a couple hundred bucks per incident.

There is no felony and no felony cover up. Saying what would be a crime if Trump had done it is irrelevant when he didn't do it.

You realize if Hillary shot someone, that would be murder. OMG, you want her arrested now, right? That's what you're advocating for Trump, DaSchmuck
Obama's campaign only failed to file FEC paperwork within the 48hour window.
But Cohen intentionally obscured an unlawful contribution from the FEC. And this accompanies tax fraud and bank fraud.

Obama's campaign violation was so insignificant at the time 2008, it wasnt even reported. Compare 375,000 to a billion in total campaign.

You're a liar, DaSchmuck. You omitted that Trump had repaid the campaign before anyone even knew about it because you're a liar and you realized that worked against you.

And Obama did NOT repay it in the 48 hour window, which is one of the things he was fined for, liar
The obama campaign didnt need to repay within 48hrs, they only needed to file FEC paperwork within 48hrs.
Here is another description: one count of “willful cause of unlawful corporate contribution”, which Cohen pleaded guilty to. Whether Trump repaid immediately is irrelevant.

Another leftist liar. While the standard is not 48 hours, Obama was fined for paying it back too slowly

It's interesting that even when leftists tell the truth about a factoid, you still have to lie. It's what you do.

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

"The Obama campaign was also late returning some contributions that exceeded the legal limit."

Obama wasn't fined for anything. Obama's campaign was.

Where as Cohen's crimes are individual. As are Trump's direction and coordination of said federal felonies.

Obama's campaign only failed to file FEC paperwork within the 48hour window.
But Cohen intentionally obscured an unlawful contribution from the FEC. And this accompanies tax fraud and bank fraud.

Obama's campaign violation was so insignificant at the time 2008, it wasnt even reported. Compare 375,000 to a billion in total campaign.

You're a liar, DaSchmuck. You omitted that Trump had repaid the campaign before anyone even knew about it because you're a liar and you realized that worked against you.

And Obama did NOT repay it in the 48 hour window, which is one of the things he was fined for, liar
The obama campaign didnt need to repay within 48hrs, they only needed to file FEC paperwork within 48hrs.
Here is another description: one count of “willful cause of unlawful corporate contribution”, which Cohen pleaded guilty to. Whether Trump repaid immediately is irrelevant.

Another leftist liar. While the standard is not 48 hours, Obama was fined for paying it back too slowly

It's interesting that even when leftists tell the truth about a factoid, you still have to lie. It's what you do.

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

"The Obama campaign was also late returning some contributions that exceeded the legal limit."

Obama wasn't fined for anything. Obama's campaign was.

Where as Cohen's crimes are individual. As are Trump's direction and coordination of said federal felonies.


And now Trump's CFO has been granted immunity to tell the feds everything he knows.

After Cohen swore under oath, with accompanying documents, that Trump coordinated and directed the commission of federal felonies.

Ignore as you will. It won't matter.
None of those hurdles were remotely met.

Trump instructed Cohen to pay off the tart, which is perfectly legal. Cohen was apparently paid with campaign money, which would have made Cohen's payment an excessive campaign contribution, which isn't a felony. However, Trump repaid the campaign so it wasn't an excessive campaign contribution at all. No form was filed, which Obama did 1,300 times. Obama was fined a couple hundred bucks per incident.

There is no felony and no felony cover up. Saying what would be a crime if Trump had done it is irrelevant when he didn't do it.

You realize if Hillary shot someone, that would be murder. OMG, you want her arrested now, right? That's what you're advocating for Trump, DaSchmuck
Obama's campaign only failed to file FEC paperwork within the 48hour window.
But Cohen intentionally obscured an unlawful contribution from the FEC. And this accompanies tax fraud and bank fraud.

Obama's campaign violation was so insignificant at the time 2008, it wasnt even reported. Compare 375,000 to a billion in total campaign.

You're a liar, DaSchmuck. You omitted that Trump had repaid the campaign before anyone even knew about it because you're a liar and you realized that worked against you.

And Obama did NOT repay it in the 48 hour window, which is one of the things he was fined for, liar
The obama campaign didnt need to repay within 48hrs, they only needed to file FEC paperwork within 48hrs.
Here is another description: one count of “willful cause of unlawful corporate contribution”, which Cohen pleaded guilty to. Whether Trump repaid immediately is irrelevant.

Another leftist liar. While the standard is not 48 hours, Obama was fined for paying it back too slowly

It's interesting that even when leftists tell the truth about a factoid, you still have to lie. It's what you do.

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

"The Obama campaign was also late returning some contributions that exceeded the legal limit."

Obama wasn't fined for anything. Obama's campaign was.

Where as Cohen's crimes are individual. As are Trump's direction and coordination of said federal felonies.

The shit you're pulling out of your ass stinks, guy

Obama's campaign only failed to file FEC paperwork within the 48hour window.
But Cohen intentionally obscured an unlawful contribution from the FEC. And this accompanies tax fraud and bank fraud.

Obama's campaign violation was so insignificant at the time 2008, it wasnt even reported. Compare 375,000 to a billion in total campaign.

You're a liar, DaSchmuck. You omitted that Trump had repaid the campaign before anyone even knew about it because you're a liar and you realized that worked against you.

And Obama did NOT repay it in the 48 hour window, which is one of the things he was fined for, liar
The obama campaign didnt need to repay within 48hrs, they only needed to file FEC paperwork within 48hrs.
Here is another description: one count of “willful cause of unlawful corporate contribution”, which Cohen pleaded guilty to. Whether Trump repaid immediately is irrelevant.

Another leftist liar. While the standard is not 48 hours, Obama was fined for paying it back too slowly

It's interesting that even when leftists tell the truth about a factoid, you still have to lie. It's what you do.

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

"The Obama campaign was also late returning some contributions that exceeded the legal limit."

Obama wasn't fined for anything. Obama's campaign was.

Where as Cohen's crimes are individual. As are Trump's direction and coordination of said federal felonies.


You're a liar, DaSchmuck. You omitted that Trump had repaid the campaign before anyone even knew about it because you're a liar and you realized that worked against you.

And Obama did NOT repay it in the 48 hour window, which is one of the things he was fined for, liar
The obama campaign didnt need to repay within 48hrs, they only needed to file FEC paperwork within 48hrs.
Here is another description: one count of “willful cause of unlawful corporate contribution”, which Cohen pleaded guilty to. Whether Trump repaid immediately is irrelevant.

Another leftist liar. While the standard is not 48 hours, Obama was fined for paying it back too slowly

It's interesting that even when leftists tell the truth about a factoid, you still have to lie. It's what you do.

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

"The Obama campaign was also late returning some contributions that exceeded the legal limit."

Obama wasn't fined for anything. Obama's campaign was.

Where as Cohen's crimes are individual. As are Trump's direction and coordination of said federal felonies.


And now Trump's CFO has been granted immunity to tell the feds everything he knows.

After Cohen swore under oath, with accompanying documents, that Trump coordinated and directed the commission of federal felonies.

Ignore as you will. It won't matter.

And cohen wouldn't lie, that would be wrong. He's proven nothing if not that!!!

The obama campaign didnt need to repay within 48hrs, they only needed to file FEC paperwork within 48hrs.
Here is another description: one count of “willful cause of unlawful corporate contribution”, which Cohen pleaded guilty to. Whether Trump repaid immediately is irrelevant.

Another leftist liar. While the standard is not 48 hours, Obama was fined for paying it back too slowly

It's interesting that even when leftists tell the truth about a factoid, you still have to lie. It's what you do.

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

"The Obama campaign was also late returning some contributions that exceeded the legal limit."

Obama wasn't fined for anything. Obama's campaign was.

Where as Cohen's crimes are individual. As are Trump's direction and coordination of said federal felonies.


And now Trump's CFO has been granted immunity to tell the feds everything he knows.

After Cohen swore under oath, with accompanying documents, that Trump coordinated and directed the commission of federal felonies.

Ignore as you will. It won't matter.

And cohen wouldn't lie, that would be wrong. He's proven nothing if not that!!!


We've got sworn testimony backed by a paper trail vs. Trump who has lied repeatedly about the entire situation. And yet to give any sworn testimony on the matter.

Sworn testimony, a threat of perjury and a sizable paper trail would be rational reasons to believe Cohen.

But why would you ever believe Trump on this issue when he's lied repeatedly to you and can't back up any of his stories?
Obama's campaign only failed to file FEC paperwork within the 48hour window.
But Cohen intentionally obscured an unlawful contribution from the FEC. And this accompanies tax fraud and bank fraud.

Obama's campaign violation was so insignificant at the time 2008, it wasnt even reported. Compare 375,000 to a billion in total campaign.

You're a liar, DaSchmuck. You omitted that Trump had repaid the campaign before anyone even knew about it because you're a liar and you realized that worked against you.

And Obama did NOT repay it in the 48 hour window, which is one of the things he was fined for, liar
The obama campaign didnt need to repay within 48hrs, they only needed to file FEC paperwork within 48hrs.
Here is another description: one count of “willful cause of unlawful corporate contribution”, which Cohen pleaded guilty to. Whether Trump repaid immediately is irrelevant.

Another leftist liar. While the standard is not 48 hours, Obama was fined for paying it back too slowly

It's interesting that even when leftists tell the truth about a factoid, you still have to lie. It's what you do.

Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000

"The Obama campaign was also late returning some contributions that exceeded the legal limit."

Obama wasn't fined for anything. Obama's campaign was.

Where as Cohen's crimes are individual. As are Trump's direction and coordination of said federal felonies.

The shit you're pulling out of your ass stinks, guy


Then show me the campaign contribution violations against Obama personally. Or any sworn testimony backed by a paper trail that Obama directed any campaign contribution violations.

You can't. No such violation against Obama personally exist. No such sworn testimony exists. No such paper trail exists.

In contrast, I can show you Cohen being personally charged with campaign contribution crimes in court. And pleading his guilt before that court, admitting that he did so in coordination and at the direction of Donald Trump. Not the 'Trump campaign'. But Donald Trump himself.

With documents, faked invoices, fraudulent time lines and faked work descriptions to back up his account.

See how actual evidence works?

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