Breaking: Trump CFO Granted Immunity

Are you fucking kidding?
The Clintons have been under scrutiny for almost 30 years.
Bill Clinton was fucking impeached!
Hillary sat for 12 hours and watched Trey Gowdy sweat to death over Benghazi.
Jeebus, where have you been?
I know right?
30 years of endless investigations with unlimited tax payer money. And what did they get? A BJ. He lied about a BJ because he didn't want his wife to know. He didn't know Monica would keep a souvenir.

And white Republicans against the first black president? If it were there, they would have found it.

And now, a year and a half into the Trump administration and endless felony convictions. And many more on the horizon.

Endless? They have people on crimes unrelated to Trump. Get a grip Rdean.

His campaign manager - FOR WEEKS

His personal lawyer - for allegedly paying off a slut? At least she was a good looking WOMAN (hint hint)

His national security advisor - FOR WEEKS.

I wonder how many bag eggs we would find if Sessions ever hired a SPECIAL PROSECUTOR with UNLIMITED POWER to look into every nook and cranny in Obama and Hillary's lives?

It would be like beating a floor board and watching all the cockroaches and spiders come pouring out!

So you're countering the actual evidence, actual crimes, actual convictions, actual indictments, the actual grifters, liars, frauds, tax cheats, and embezzlers that Trump has surrounded himself with....

.......with your imagination on what we 'woulda' found with Obama and Hillary?

That's why its hard to talk rationally with a Trump supporter: they try and counter facts and evidence with imagination and fantasy.
It's the Republican way.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
You continue to babble about 'Johnsons'.

I just keep quoting Cohen and the WSJ.

And Weisselberg....

But keep those eyes screwed shut, Kaz. It gets harder from here.

You're desperate now, you're going to Fake News. So here's what they say:

"The counts against Cohen included tax fraud, false statements to a bank and campaign finance violations tied to his work for Trump, including payments Cohen made or helped orchestrate that were designed to silence women who claimed affairs with the then-candidate."

There is nothing illegal about paying women to keep quiet about an affair. And I keep directly alluding to that Trump hired Cohen, a lawyer, to do it LEGALLY you stupid fuck.

Hello :1041::1041::1041: anybody in there?

Repeat after me.

Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Paying hush money is illegal when associated with election campaign, if its not reported to FEC. And Trump previously disclosed he reimbursed Cohen for it, which means Trump authorized it.

No, paying hush money using campaign funds or ONLY to protect a candidate's reputation for campaign purposes is illegal. If it's for ongoing activities done for personal reasons, it's not something that has to be reported to the FEC.

Did President Trump violate campaign finance laws?

11 days before the election....but it had nothing to do with the election?


And if he violated this law, so fcking what?

Obama did the same, got a small fine. It's a total non-story even if true. Good thing we now have a president who addresses the insane over regulation.

What should not be a non-story is how the Mueller investigation has turned into a witch hunt and threatening the democracy.

Obama did it 1,300 times. He was fined $375K for that and other campaign violations.

Let's say even though it covered other actions, the whole $375K was for not filing the form Trump didn't file. And let's round up to the nearest hundred.

Donald J. Trump now owes the FCC $300 in fines. And damn it, I demand he pay it!

Happy now, Skylar?
You're desperate now, you're going to Fake News. So here's what they say:

"The counts against Cohen included tax fraud, false statements to a bank and campaign finance violations tied to his work for Trump, including payments Cohen made or helped orchestrate that were designed to silence women who claimed affairs with the then-candidate."

There is nothing illegal about paying women to keep quiet about an affair. And I keep directly alluding to that Trump hired Cohen, a lawyer, to do it LEGALLY you stupid fuck.

Hello :1041::1041::1041: anybody in there?

Repeat after me.

Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Paying hush money is illegal when associated with election campaign, if its not reported to FEC. And Trump previously disclosed he reimbursed Cohen for it, which means Trump authorized it.

No, paying hush money using campaign funds or ONLY to protect a candidate's reputation for campaign purposes is illegal. If it's for ongoing activities done for personal reasons, it's not something that has to be reported to the FEC.

Did President Trump violate campaign finance laws?

11 days before the election....but it had nothing to do with the election?


And if he violated this law, so fcking what?

Obama did the same, got a small fine. It's a total non-story even if true. Good thing we now have a president who addresses the insane over regulation.

What should not be a non-story is how the Mueller investigation has turned into a witch hunt and threatening the democracy.

Where did Obama use campaign funds to pay off porns stars?

The fact that you say “Obama did the same thing” shows how firmly your head is up Trump’s ass because the Obama campaign finance violations were NOTHING like Trump’s problem. They involved late reporting and technical issues with the website.

You're a liar. Trump paid the campaign back, the campaign fund didn't pay for the porn star

His campaign manager - FOR WEEKS

His personal lawyer - for allegedly paying off a slut? At least she was a good looking WOMAN (hint hint)

His national security advisor - FOR WEEKS.

I wonder how many bag eggs we would find if Sessions ever hired a SPECIAL PROSECUTOR with UNLIMITED POWER to look into every nook and cranny in Obama and Hillary's lives?

It would be like beating a floor board and watching all the cockroaches and spiders come pouring out!

So you're countering the actual evidence, actual crimes, actual convictions, actual indictments, the actual grifters, liars, frauds, tax cheats, and embezzlers that Trump has surrounded himself with.....

Surrounded himself with? Cohen surrounded Trump? He was just a long time general attorney he used. One of many.
Manafort surrounded Trump? They were almost like two ships in the night.
Any of these convictions involve Trump, Russia and the election period between 2015 to 2017? No?
Grifters? Embezzlers? Where are they? Can you even show me a picture of all these people standing around the Oval Office with Trump?
Besides, what you are describing, it sure seems to have worked out real, well for Hillary Clinton. It has MADE HER RICH. Her entire life has been one of crime, investigation, pay-offs, assaults, lying, fraud, personal destruction, murder, cheating, stumbling, falling, destruction of evidence, crooked foundations, selling out for money and deep state protection, and you have supported that for 25 years!


Trump hand picked Cohen. Trump hand picked Manafort. Trump hand picked Flynn. Trump hand picked Gates. Liars, grifters, thieves, tax cheats, frauds and embezzlers. Or as Trump lies to refer to them...

....the 'best people'.

And the evidence against them is overwhelming, including numerous guilty pleas. But rather than address *actual* evidence, you focus on *imaginary* evidence. The things that 'woulda' been found, per your imagination, if an investigation had been done on Hillary or Obama.

Alas, your fantasies aren't evidence. Nor will your desperate, willful ignorance magically make the evidence against Trump and his campaign disappear.

And we hand-picked you as board jester. That hasn't worked out too well either.
But then, how serious can you take a guy whose image is a panda bear flapping his wings in the clouds? Pretty much tells where your brain is.
Cohen hasn't done anything wrong in paying off an attacker. It is done all the time to save money not having to go to court. And those other people, well, everyone makes mistakes, and as soon as Trump had wind of Flynn and Manafort's issues, they were out the door. In fact, Trump fired Flynn just for not being 100% honest with the VP, didn't he?

I haven't a problem at all with this investigation, AS SOON AS I START SEEING THE LAW APPLIED EVENLY, FAIRLY, and Mueller or Sessions starts taking a look at ALL influences in the election: Russia, Steele, the FBI, Hillary, the DNC, the Media, Obama, EVERYONE.

Until then, I'll know it is just a witch hunt and political coup by the Left because THEY HAVEN'T GOT WHAT IT TAKES to win fairly at the polls.
Who on the left is orchestrating this?

Name them.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
You're desperate now, you're going to Fake News. So here's what they say:

"The counts against Cohen included tax fraud, false statements to a bank and campaign finance violations tied to his work for Trump, including payments Cohen made or helped orchestrate that were designed to silence women who claimed affairs with the then-candidate."

There is nothing illegal about paying women to keep quiet about an affair. And I keep directly alluding to that Trump hired Cohen, a lawyer, to do it LEGALLY you stupid fuck.

Hello :1041::1041::1041: anybody in there?

Repeat after me.

Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Paying hush money is illegal when associated with election campaign, if its not reported to FEC. And Trump previously disclosed he reimbursed Cohen for it, which means Trump authorized it.

No, paying hush money using campaign funds or ONLY to protect a candidate's reputation for campaign purposes is illegal. If it's for ongoing activities done for personal reasons, it's not something that has to be reported to the FEC.

Did President Trump violate campaign finance laws?

11 days before the election....but it had nothing to do with the election?


And if he violated this law, so fcking what?

Obama did the same, got a small fine. It's a total non-story even if true. Good thing we now have a president who addresses the insane over regulation.

What should not be a non-story is how the Mueller investigation has turned into a witch hunt and threatening the democracy.
Obama did the same? Obama had a few donors exceed the donation limit, and had to pay a huge fine because of it.

"witch hunt" = "im not a crook"

Right, Obama didn't repay the money until he had to. Trump had already repaid the money before anyone even knew about it.

Obama: Held $1.8 million in illegal donations. Didn't report the overpays 1,300 times.

Trump: Held zero in illegal donations, didn't report the overpays 1 time.

So let's say they're the same even though Obama did more than not file the form. Obama was fined $375K. Let's divide that by 1,300 and round up.

Trump owes us, the taxpayers, $300. Pay up, man! Pay up!
More accurately, you *imagine* that Obama did that all the time. And then use your imagination as an excuse to ignore the actual crimes and actual guilty pleas that are actually happening.

That's one of the reasons why its so hard to have a rational discussion with Trump supporters; they keep offering up their imagination to counter real evidence.

You can't name one specific criminal act that Cohen accused Trump of committing. You keep talking about hush money, which isn't a crime

I keep talking about the payment of excessive campaign contributions and Trump's direction and coordination of the payment of excessive campaign contributions.

You keep babbling about 'hush money'.

When the payments are to benefit a political campaign, they are campaign contributions. And are thus limited to about $2700. Trump directed Cohen to make over $400,000 in such campaign contributions. Which blew past the $2700 limit.

Again, you don't know what you're talking about. And your ignorance isn't a legal analysis.

You idiots have been babbling about how I am not paying attention to the facts for over a year and a half.

Keep in mind you didn't think perjury, obstruction of justice, witness tampering, abuse of power, assaulting women in the oval office or sexual abuse with the disproportionate power between himself and Monica were sufficient to remove a President. You're just a hypocrite.

Frankly, I'm impressed with Trump that two years of investigation haven't found shit. With that an investigation with much money, no limit on scope and that low a standard, I'd think they'd be able to come up with crimes on anyone.

Trump is apparently turning out to be remarkably clean

The mueller investigation has yet to release its full evidence or criminal recommendations on Trump. Making your assessment of what the Mueller investigation has found just more imagination.

What we do have is damning. Trump admitting to colluding with the Russians, with emails from Trump's campaign affirming that the info they were to receive was from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump. With the Spanish turning over wire taps of Don Jr. and Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin to set up yet another secret meeting.

We have Trump lying about the Trump tower meeting, compelling others to lie about it, and trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting.

We have Trump's personal lawyer implicating Trump in federal felonies, with Cohen's lawyer revealing the Trump campaign had preknowledge of the DNC email hack. WIth Cohen admitting that Trump knew about the meeting between his campaign and a Russian Operative.

We've had Trump's campaign manager, his national security advisor, his foreign policy adviser, and his personal lawyer that have all plead guilty to felonies or have been convicted of them. Trump has surrounded himself with grifters, liars, thieves, tax frauds, and embezzlers. Or as Trump likes to call them....his best people.

And this in only 15 months of investigation. And only the evidence that has been revealed so far.

But according to you, nothing has happened and there's nothing to see. Good luck with that.

It's funny how I don't think any evidence against Trump isn't proof of guilt and you think the lack of evidence against Trump is proof of guilt.

And you think you're the logical one. That's funny
Paying hush money is illegal when associated with election campaign, if its not reported to FEC. And Trump previously disclosed he reimbursed Cohen for it, which means Trump authorized it.

No, paying hush money using campaign funds or ONLY to protect a candidate's reputation for campaign purposes is illegal. If it's for ongoing activities done for personal reasons, it's not something that has to be reported to the FEC.

Did President Trump violate campaign finance laws?

11 days before the election....but it had nothing to do with the election?


And if he violated this law, so fcking what?

Obama did the same, got a small fine. It's a total non-story even if true. Good thing we now have a president who addresses the insane over regulation.

What should not be a non-story is how the Mueller investigation has turned into a witch hunt and threatening the democracy.
Obama did the same? Obama had a few donors exceed the donation limit, and had to pay a huge fine because of it.

"witch hunt" = "im not a crook"

Right, Obama didn't repay the money until he had to. Trump had already repaid the money before anyone even knew about it.

Obama: Held $1.8 million in illegal donations. Didn't report the overpays 1,300 times.

Trump: Held zero in illegal donations, didn't report the overpays 1 time.

So let's say they're the same even though Obama did more than not file the form. Obama was fined $375K. Let's divide that by 1,300 and round up.

Trump owes us, the taxpayers, $300. Pay up, man! Pay up!
Apparently you didnt read the link i provided: campaign finance violations “become crimes when they satisfy a monetary threshold and are committed with specific criminal intent”

If you did read it, you'd know Dinesh D'souza committed felony because he did cross the line. But obama's campaign didnt, it was only civil violation.
No, paying hush money using campaign funds or ONLY to protect a candidate's reputation for campaign purposes is illegal. If it's for ongoing activities done for personal reasons, it's not something that has to be reported to the FEC.

Did President Trump violate campaign finance laws?

11 days before the election....but it had nothing to do with the election?


And if he violated this law, so fcking what?

Obama did the same, got a small fine. It's a total non-story even if true. Good thing we now have a president who addresses the insane over regulation.

What should not be a non-story is how the Mueller investigation has turned into a witch hunt and threatening the democracy.
Obama did the same? Obama had a few donors exceed the donation limit, and had to pay a huge fine because of it.

"witch hunt" = "im not a crook"

Right, Obama didn't repay the money until he had to. Trump had already repaid the money before anyone even knew about it.

Obama: Held $1.8 million in illegal donations. Didn't report the overpays 1,300 times.

Trump: Held zero in illegal donations, didn't report the overpays 1 time.

So let's say they're the same even though Obama did more than not file the form. Obama was fined $375K. Let's divide that by 1,300 and round up.

Trump owes us, the taxpayers, $300. Pay up, man! Pay up!
Apparently you didnt read the link i provided: campaign finance violations “become crimes when they satisfy a monetary threshold and are committed with specific criminal intent”

If you did read it, you'd know Dinesh D'souza committed felony because he did cross the line. But obama's campaign didnt, it was only civil violation.

None of those hurdles were remotely met.

Trump instructed Cohen to pay off the tart, which is perfectly legal. Cohen was apparently paid with campaign money, which would have made Cohen's payment an excessive campaign contribution, which isn't a felony. However, Trump repaid the campaign so it wasn't an excessive campaign contribution at all. No form was filed, which Obama did 1,300 times. Obama was fined a couple hundred bucks per incident.

There is no felony and no felony cover up. Saying what would be a crime if Trump had done it is irrelevant when he didn't do it.

You realize if Hillary shot someone, that would be murder. OMG, you want her arrested now, right? That's what you're advocating for Trump, DaSchmuck
Look you drooling moron, BIG DIFFERENCE between answering questions at a nice table sipping water before a bunch of impotent senators whom you can lie to, claim the 5th, not show up and even delay, stall and never deliver subpoenaed documents for YEARS until the whole thing just blows over---- and being investigated by a Special Counsel with unlimited legal scope to use the full weight of the DOJ and FBI to shake you down, threaten you, harass you, break into your offices, take all your computers and files, threaten legal action, prison, IRS investigation, you name it, of you and every person you ever met and threaten THEM with turning their lives inside out too unless they spill their guts.

The Clintons never faced Special Counsel investigation with unlimited power and the full weight of a government that WANTED to get them. They were protected. Even impeached, the Democratic senators saved him from being thrown out of office. Hillary sat through nothing. No Special Counsel. It was a farce. They are putting 10,000X more weight on Trump than they ever put on the Clintons in their entire lives because they are out to personally destroy Trump to stop him from ever getting at and revealing the truth they are hiding about themselves to the public, that the Deep State really controls this country, and you like a total jackass CELEBRATE being made a fool of!
So Ken Starr is just chopped liver then?

Ken Starr was limited as to what he could investigate. He wasn't on the type of fishing expedition that Mueller is enjoying.
Sure, that how he ended up impeaching for a blowjob.

Sorry to fracture another one of your failed recollections of history, but Clinton was impeached for suborning perjury. The fact that he was a scum-sucking lowlife is another matter. Try reading up on a topic before you stick your foot in your mouth next time. Here's a good place to start.

Why Bill Clinton Was Impeached
Lol, do you and that other guy share a brain? You are using the same lines in your lame attempt at insults.

If I am the "that other guy" you were referring to, no, I don't share a brain with him. I'm telling the truth and you think you're being insulted. That's a shame. Oh, and repeating your lie doesn't make it true. It just shows how dishonest you are.
11 days before the election....but it had nothing to do with the election?


And if he violated this law, so fcking what?

Obama did the same, got a small fine. It's a total non-story even if true. Good thing we now have a president who addresses the insane over regulation.

What should not be a non-story is how the Mueller investigation has turned into a witch hunt and threatening the democracy.
Obama did the same? Obama had a few donors exceed the donation limit, and had to pay a huge fine because of it.

"witch hunt" = "im not a crook"

Right, Obama didn't repay the money until he had to. Trump had already repaid the money before anyone even knew about it.

Obama: Held $1.8 million in illegal donations. Didn't report the overpays 1,300 times.

Trump: Held zero in illegal donations, didn't report the overpays 1 time.

So let's say they're the same even though Obama did more than not file the form. Obama was fined $375K. Let's divide that by 1,300 and round up.

Trump owes us, the taxpayers, $300. Pay up, man! Pay up!
Apparently you didnt read the link i provided: campaign finance violations “become crimes when they satisfy a monetary threshold and are committed with specific criminal intent”

If you did read it, you'd know Dinesh D'souza committed felony because he did cross the line. But obama's campaign didnt, it was only civil violation.

None of those hurdles were remotely met.

Trump instructed Cohen to pay off the tart, which is perfectly legal. Cohen was apparently paid with campaign money, which would have made Cohen's payment an excessive campaign contribution, which isn't a felony. However, Trump repaid the campaign so it wasn't an excessive campaign contribution at all. No form was filed, which Obama did 1,300 times. Obama was fined a couple hundred bucks per incident.

There is no felony and no felony cover up. Saying what would be a crime if Trump had done it is irrelevant when he didn't do it.

You realize if Hillary shot someone, that would be murder. OMG, you want her arrested now, right? That's what you're advocating for Trump, DaSchmuck
Obama's campaign only failed to file FEC paperwork within the 48hour window.
But Cohen intentionally obscured an unlawful contribution from the FEC. And this accompanies tax fraud and bank fraud.

Obama's campaign violation was so insignificant at the time 2008, it wasnt even reported. Compare 375,000 to a billion in total campaign.
So Ken Starr is just chopped liver then?

Ken Starr was limited as to what he could investigate. He wasn't on the type of fishing expedition that Mueller is enjoying.
Sure, that how he ended up impeaching for a blowjob.

Sorry to fracture another one of your failed recollections of history, but Clinton was impeached for suborning perjury. The fact that he was a scum-sucking lowlife is another matter. Try reading up on a topic before you stick your foot in your mouth next time. Here's a good place to start.

Why Bill Clinton Was Impeached
Lol, do you and that other guy share a brain? You are using the same lines in your lame attempt at insults.

If I am the "that other guy" you were referring to, no, I don't share a brain with him. I'm telling the truth and you think you're being insulted. That's a shame. Oh, and repeating your lie doesn't make it true. It just shows how dishonest you are.
IDK if you're him or not, all you conservitards look alike on the internet. As far as "repeating a lie", you need to tell that to every conservative in the USA starting with dOnald tRump and working your way down.
Ken Starr was limited as to what he could investigate. He wasn't on the type of fishing expedition that Mueller is enjoying.
Sure, that how he ended up impeaching for a blowjob.

Sorry to fracture another one of your failed recollections of history, but Clinton was impeached for suborning perjury. The fact that he was a scum-sucking lowlife is another matter. Try reading up on a topic before you stick your foot in your mouth next time. Here's a good place to start.

Why Bill Clinton Was Impeached
Lol, do you and that other guy share a brain? You are using the same lines in your lame attempt at insults.

If I am the "that other guy" you were referring to, no, I don't share a brain with him. I'm telling the truth and you think you're being insulted. That's a shame. Oh, and repeating your lie doesn't make it true. It just shows how dishonest you are.
IDK if you're him or not, all you conservitards look alike on the internet. As far as "repeating a lie", you need to tell that to every conservative in the USA starting with dOnald tRump and working your way down.

Nope, it applies to you and your claim that Clinton was impeached for a blowjob.
Sure, that how he ended up impeaching for a blowjob.

Sorry to fracture another one of your failed recollections of history, but Clinton was impeached for suborning perjury. The fact that he was a scum-sucking lowlife is another matter. Try reading up on a topic before you stick your foot in your mouth next time. Here's a good place to start.

Why Bill Clinton Was Impeached
Lol, do you and that other guy share a brain? You are using the same lines in your lame attempt at insults.

If I am the "that other guy" you were referring to, no, I don't share a brain with him. I'm telling the truth and you think you're being insulted. That's a shame. Oh, and repeating your lie doesn't make it true. It just shows how dishonest you are.
IDK if you're him or not, all you conservitards look alike on the internet. As far as "repeating a lie", you need to tell that to every conservative in the USA starting with dOnald tRump and working your way down.

Nope, it applies to you and your claim that Clinton was impeached for a blowjob.
No it doesn't.
Sorry to fracture another one of your failed recollections of history, but Clinton was impeached for suborning perjury. The fact that he was a scum-sucking lowlife is another matter. Try reading up on a topic before you stick your foot in your mouth next time. Here's a good place to start.

Why Bill Clinton Was Impeached
Lol, do you and that other guy share a brain? You are using the same lines in your lame attempt at insults.

If I am the "that other guy" you were referring to, no, I don't share a brain with him. I'm telling the truth and you think you're being insulted. That's a shame. Oh, and repeating your lie doesn't make it true. It just shows how dishonest you are.
IDK if you're him or not, all you conservitards look alike on the internet. As far as "repeating a lie", you need to tell that to every conservative in the USA starting with dOnald tRump and working your way down.

Nope, it applies to you and your claim that Clinton was impeached for a blowjob.
No it doesn't.

You sir, are an unrepentant liar. And like all liar, you think that other people don't know the truth, so you can convince them that you are right. That is not going to happen. Clinton was impeached for perjury. The "why" doesn't mean anything. It is what he was impeached for. Now, go waste your time somewhere else. Since you have lost your credibility, nothing you say here will mean anything in the future.
Lol, do you and that other guy share a brain? You are using the same lines in your lame attempt at insults.

If I am the "that other guy" you were referring to, no, I don't share a brain with him. I'm telling the truth and you think you're being insulted. That's a shame. Oh, and repeating your lie doesn't make it true. It just shows how dishonest you are.
IDK if you're him or not, all you conservitards look alike on the internet. As far as "repeating a lie", you need to tell that to every conservative in the USA starting with dOnald tRump and working your way down.

Nope, it applies to you and your claim that Clinton was impeached for a blowjob.
No it doesn't.

You sir, are an unrepentant liar. And like all liar, you think that other people don't know the truth, so you can convince them that you are right. That is not going to happen. Clinton was impeached for perjury. The "why" doesn't mean anything. It is what he was impeached for. Now, go waste your time somewhere else. Since you have lost your credibility, nothing you say here will mean anything in the future.
Lol, then you admit that the problem tRump is having isn't that he paid off people to keep them quiet, it's than and how right?
If I am the "that other guy" you were referring to, no, I don't share a brain with him. I'm telling the truth and you think you're being insulted. That's a shame. Oh, and repeating your lie doesn't make it true. It just shows how dishonest you are.
IDK if you're him or not, all you conservitards look alike on the internet. As far as "repeating a lie", you need to tell that to every conservative in the USA starting with dOnald tRump and working your way down.

Nope, it applies to you and your claim that Clinton was impeached for a blowjob.
No it doesn't.

You sir, are an unrepentant liar. And like all liar, you think that other people don't know the truth, so you can convince them that you are right. That is not going to happen. Clinton was impeached for perjury. The "why" doesn't mean anything. It is what he was impeached for. Now, go waste your time somewhere else. Since you have lost your credibility, nothing you say here will mean anything in the future.
Lol, then you admit that the problem tRump is having isn't that he paid off people to keep them quiet, it's than and how right?

What, do you need a Kleenex? Go wipe your nose, stop sniffling and start being truthful.
11 days before the election....but it had nothing to do with the election?


The plea deal states that the payments were in fact meant to influence the election, though that could be argued by Trump's lawyers if it ever came to that. Spakovsky said Trump had a history of making these kinds of payments before he was a candidate.

Further, Spakovsky said "a candidate can spend as much of their own money as they want to—even if it was a campaign-related expense.”

Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz made a similar argument.

He said it’s “not a crime” for a candidate like Trump to contribute to his own campaign, and probably not even a crime to direct someone else to contribute if he plans to pay that back.

If Trump had made these type of payments before he was a candidate, it doesn't matter if if was 11 day, 11 months or 11 minutes...the basis that this had nothing to do with the campaign is set in concrete.
IDK if you're him or not, all you conservitards look alike on the internet. As far as "repeating a lie", you need to tell that to every conservative in the USA starting with dOnald tRump and working your way down.

Nope, it applies to you and your claim that Clinton was impeached for a blowjob.
No it doesn't.

You sir, are an unrepentant liar. And like all liar, you think that other people don't know the truth, so you can convince them that you are right. That is not going to happen. Clinton was impeached for perjury. The "why" doesn't mean anything. It is what he was impeached for. Now, go waste your time somewhere else. Since you have lost your credibility, nothing you say here will mean anything in the future.
Lol, then you admit that the problem tRump is having isn't that he paid off people to keep them quiet, it's than and how right?

What, do you need a Kleenex? Go wipe your nose, stop sniffling and start being truthful.

You dinks are so easy.
Nope, it applies to you and your claim that Clinton was impeached for a blowjob.
No it doesn't.

You sir, are an unrepentant liar. And like all liar, you think that other people don't know the truth, so you can convince them that you are right. That is not going to happen. Clinton was impeached for perjury. The "why" doesn't mean anything. It is what he was impeached for. Now, go waste your time somewhere else. Since you have lost your credibility, nothing you say here will mean anything in the future.
Lol, then you admit that the problem tRump is having isn't that he paid off people to keep them quiet, it's than and how right?

What, do you need a Kleenex? Go wipe your nose, stop sniffling and start being truthful.

You dinks are so easy.

You liars are so ignorable.
And if he violated this law, so fcking what?

Obama did the same, got a small fine. It's a total non-story even if true. Good thing we now have a president who addresses the insane over regulation.

What should not be a non-story is how the Mueller investigation has turned into a witch hunt and threatening the democracy.
Obama did the same? Obama had a few donors exceed the donation limit, and had to pay a huge fine because of it.

"witch hunt" = "im not a crook"

Right, Obama didn't repay the money until he had to. Trump had already repaid the money before anyone even knew about it.

Obama: Held $1.8 million in illegal donations. Didn't report the overpays 1,300 times.

Trump: Held zero in illegal donations, didn't report the overpays 1 time.

So let's say they're the same even though Obama did more than not file the form. Obama was fined $375K. Let's divide that by 1,300 and round up.

Trump owes us, the taxpayers, $300. Pay up, man! Pay up!
Apparently you didnt read the link i provided: campaign finance violations “become crimes when they satisfy a monetary threshold and are committed with specific criminal intent”

If you did read it, you'd know Dinesh D'souza committed felony because he did cross the line. But obama's campaign didnt, it was only civil violation.

None of those hurdles were remotely met.

Trump instructed Cohen to pay off the tart, which is perfectly legal. Cohen was apparently paid with campaign money, which would have made Cohen's payment an excessive campaign contribution, which isn't a felony. However, Trump repaid the campaign so it wasn't an excessive campaign contribution at all. No form was filed, which Obama did 1,300 times. Obama was fined a couple hundred bucks per incident.

There is no felony and no felony cover up. Saying what would be a crime if Trump had done it is irrelevant when he didn't do it.

You realize if Hillary shot someone, that would be murder. OMG, you want her arrested now, right? That's what you're advocating for Trump, DaSchmuck
Obama's campaign only failed to file FEC paperwork within the 48hour window.
But Cohen intentionally obscured an unlawful contribution from the FEC. And this accompanies tax fraud and bank fraud.

Obama's campaign violation was so insignificant at the time 2008, it wasnt even reported. Compare 375,000 to a billion in total campaign.

You're a liar, DaSchmuck. You omitted that Trump had repaid the campaign before anyone even knew about it because you're a liar and you realized that worked against you.

And Obama did NOT repay it in the 48 hour window, which is one of the things he was fined for, liar

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