Breaking: Trump CFO Granted Immunity

Not at all, dope.
/—-/ Google perjury trap and get back to us.

Admission of guilt and naming the president as a co-conspirator.

To something that isn’t Illegal. So?

Yes, dope. Cohen plead guilty in open court to a crime that was not illegal. :cuckoo:
I can't help you, it isn't illegal. you can post the law for me that says it is.

These are the laws that he plead guilty to breaking...

52 U.S. Code § 30118 - Contributions or expenditures by national banks, corporations, or labor organizations

52 U.S. Code § 30116 - Limitations on contributions and expenditures
Hillary was guilty of insider trading.
Bill lied about having sex with Monica Lewinsky.
This has no relevance to the fraudulent Russian Collusion investigation.
Perjury in a FISA court does not justify this. Making a bunch of false accusations does not justify a massive anal probe investigation like this.

What did having sex with Monica have to do with White Water?

And do you have a link to Hillary being found guilty of insider trading?
Hillary was guilty of insider trading.
Bill lied about having sex with Monica Lewinsky.
This has no relevance to the fraudulent Russian Collusion investigation.
Perjury in a FISA court does not justify this. Making a bunch of false accusations does not justify a massive anal probe investigation like this.

What did having sex with Monica have to do with White Water?

And do you have a link to Hillary being found guilty of insider trading?
Being guilty and being convicted are two different things.
You know that.
The problems the Clintons have is they have committed so many crimes that they spend all of their time covering them up.
In Trump’s case the FBI never had a crime to begin with. Any investigation, according to regulations, must have a crime first to start an investigation. It's called probable-cause.
In the Russian Investigation there is no crime. It started as an investigation in search of a crime. There lies the difference.
Insider trading is a crime.
Collusion is not.
Hillary was guilty of insider trading.
Bill lied about having sex with Monica Lewinsky.
This has no relevance to the fraudulent Russian Collusion investigation.
Perjury in a FISA court does not justify this. Making a bunch of false accusations does not justify a massive anal probe investigation like this.

What did having sex with Monica have to do with White Water?

And do you have a link to Hillary being found guilty of insider trading?
Being guilty and being convicted are two different things.
You know that.
The problems the Clintons have is they have committed so many crimes that they spend all of their time covering them up.
In Trump’s case the FBI never had a crime to begin with. Any investigation, according to regulations, must have a crime first to start an investigation. It's called probable-cause.
In the Russian Investigation there is no crime. It started as an investigation in search of a crime. There lies the difference.
Insider trading is a crime.
Collusion is not.

Being convicted is all that really matters, you know that. Plus we are told that 100 times a week when people bring up things about Trump.
You're desperate now, you're going to Fake News. So here's what they say:

"The counts against Cohen included tax fraud, false statements to a bank and campaign finance violations tied to his work for Trump, including payments Cohen made or helped orchestrate that were designed to silence women who claimed affairs with the then-candidate."

There is nothing illegal about paying women to keep quiet about an affair. And I keep directly alluding to that Trump hired Cohen, a lawyer, to do it LEGALLY you stupid fuck.

Hello :1041::1041::1041: anybody in there?

Repeat after me.

Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
A thing of value

Hush money

Not reported

Changed an election

If the money had been reported, it would be legal. When you try to hid it, it's illegal.

That's the way it works.

If Clinton hadn't said yea, I got a BJ, Republicans wouldn't have been able to impeach him. It's all about the cover up. If you have to hide what you are doing, don't do it.

Also, Trump didn't make the payments. He directed Cohen to make the payments BEFORE the election. And reimbursed him AFTER the election, through fraud.

Laughing harder. Obama did that all the time, so do other politicians. They get fined.

More accurately, you *imagine* that Obama did that all the time. And then use your imagination as an excuse to ignore the actual crimes and actual guilty pleas that are actually happening.

That's one of the reasons why its so hard to have a rational discussion with Trump supporters; they keep offering up their imagination to counter real evidence.

You can't name one specific criminal act that Cohen accused Trump of committing. You keep talking about hush money, which isn't a crime
You can't name one specific criminal act that Cohen accused Trump of committing. You keep talking about hush money, which isn't a crime

Playing dumb only makes you appear dumb.

With Michael Cohen’s Guilty Plea, President Trump Has Been Implicated in a Criminal Conspiracy

"Cohen, the President’s longtime adviser, fixer, and, until recently, personal attorney, told a judge that Trump explicitly instructed him to break campaign-finance laws by paying two women not to publicly disclose the affairs they had with Trump."
A thing of value

Hush money

Not reported

Changed an election

If the money had been reported, it would be legal. When you try to hid it, it's illegal.

That's the way it works.

If Clinton hadn't said yea, I got a BJ, Republicans wouldn't have been able to impeach him. It's all about the cover up. If you have to hide what you are doing, don't do it.

Also, Trump didn't make the payments. He directed Cohen to make the payments BEFORE the election. And reimbursed him AFTER the election, through fraud.

Laughing harder. Obama did that all the time, so do other politicians. They get fined.

More accurately, you *imagine* that Obama did that all the time. And then use your imagination as an excuse to ignore the actual crimes and actual guilty pleas that are actually happening.

That's one of the reasons why its so hard to have a rational discussion with Trump supporters; they keep offering up their imagination to counter real evidence.

You can't name one specific criminal act that Cohen accused Trump of committing. You keep talking about hush money, which isn't a crime
You can't name one specific criminal act that Cohen accused Trump of committing. You keep talking about hush money, which isn't a crime

Playing dumb only makes you appear dumb.

With Michael Cohen’s Guilty Plea, President Trump Has Been Implicated in a Criminal Conspiracy

"Cohen, the President’s longtime adviser, fixer, and, until recently, personal attorney, told a judge that Trump explicitly instructed him to break campaign-finance laws by paying two women not to publicly disclose the affairs they had with Trump."

Trust me, Kaz is not playing. He really is dumb.
Also, Trump didn't make the payments. He directed Cohen to make the payments BEFORE the election. And reimbursed him AFTER the election, through fraud.

Laughing harder. Obama did that all the time, so do other politicians. They get fined.

More accurately, you *imagine* that Obama did that all the time. And then use your imagination as an excuse to ignore the actual crimes and actual guilty pleas that are actually happening.

That's one of the reasons why its so hard to have a rational discussion with Trump supporters; they keep offering up their imagination to counter real evidence.

You can't name one specific criminal act that Cohen accused Trump of committing. You keep talking about hush money, which isn't a crime

I keep talking about the payment of excessive campaign contributions and Trump's direction and coordination of the payment of excessive campaign contributions.

You keep babbling about 'hush money'.

When the payments are to benefit a political campaign, they are campaign contributions. And are thus limited to about $2700. Trump directed Cohen to make over $400,000 in such campaign contributions. Which blew past the $2700 limit.

Again, you don't know what you're talking about. And your ignorance isn't a legal analysis.

Wow, the payment of excessive campaign contributions!!! I forget, what statute covers excessive and what is the dollar amount for excessive?

Read Cohen's plea, dope.
Do you really think that the law is going to matter to these poor souls? They're denying that an evidence exists, that any crime exists.....despite Cohen pleading guilty and admitting to these very crimes.

You're dealing with a level of naked denial and willful ignorance that can't be overcome with evidence.

It matters to me.

I demand they take the portion of Obama's fine that was for failing to report over donations 1,300 times, divide it by 1,300 since Trump did it once, and fine Trump. And make damn sure he pays it. We need to send a message about filing forms. It's important. Bureaucrats need jobs too, damn it

Apparently soon as you are presented with the very law in question that Trump violated, you ignore it and start babbling about Obama.

Demonstrating my point elegantly. You can't use evidence to convince irrational Trump supporters who ignore evidence.

But you can use evidence to convince a grand jury. And federal prosecutors. And a judge. And apparently Trump's CFO and personal lawyer. And the Deputy Attorney General.

Skylar: Trump didn't file a form

kaz: Obama didn't file the same form 1,300 times

Skylar: WTF, what does that have to do with it???

LOL, what a stupid douche. Absolutely. I keep saying I agree with you. Trump should have to pay whatever Obama did. Divided by 1,300 times of course since Obama did it 1,300 times and Trump only did it once. Nail Trump's ass to the wall.

The total fines Obama paid was $375,000 for his criminal campaign's violations of election laws. But that was beyond the forms he didn't file, so I don't know how much of it was for not filing the forms that Trump didn't file.

Maybe Mueller can see if Trump got any traffic tickets. I mean sure, he probably paid them, but it's critical to know, don't you think?

Trump directed his personal lawyer to make illegal campaign contributions before the election. Then Trump reimbursed Cohen after the election through fraud. And lied to cover it up. And compelled others to lie to cover it up.

The fact that Trump didn't file any paperwork on his direction of illegal campaign contributions and fraud is just icing on the cake.

And there's zero evidence that Obama personally directed anything that resulted in a campaign finance violation. Or compelled anyone else to lie about it. Or reimbursed anyone through fraud.

While there is lots of evidence that Trump did.

It wasn't an illegal campaign contribution, dumb ass. Even in your story, Trump paid it back. I'm curious. In this criminal conspiracy to commit a crime, what is the statute number for the crime of plotting to not file a form?

Skylar: It's OK that Obama didn't file the form 1,300 times, he didn't conspire to not file the form like Trump did. Obama just didn't file the form. No conspiracy, see??? If you just don't file the form, it's a fine. But if you conspire to not file the form, that's a felony ...

It wasn't an illegal campaign contribution, dumb ass. Even in your story, Trump paid it back.

Yes, dope. Trump made a payment to cover for a felony. Also a felony.
Holy shit! This guy worked for Fred Trump.
He's been around forever.
And he's flipping!!!!!!


Allen Weisselberg, Longtime Trump Organization CFO, Is Granted Immunity in Cohen Probe

"Mr. Cohen on Tuesday pleaded guilty to eight criminal charges and told a federal judge that Mr. Trump had directed him during the 2016 campaign to buy the silence of two women who alleged affairs with Mr. Trump, a move that implicated the president in a federal crime. That was the first time Mr. Cohen admitted to coordinating with the president on the hush-money deals, which Mr. Trump denied."

Jeff Sessions (crawls into his little turtle shell of not wanting to do /anything/ the slightest bit political throwing the guy who hired and believed in him under the wheels)
Rod Rosenstein (a conflicted man himself writing a one-sided "investigation" that totally protects the democrats needing investigated gives "unlimited scope" to everything else)
Robert Mueller (another conflicted person who should not be there unable to find a single bit of truth to Trump actually colluding with Russians turns to personal attacks and is shaking down every person who ever knew Trump now until he can get Trump on something, even if it was an unpaid parking ticket in 1973 or an affair he had in 1996).

What happened to Russia?

What happened to the election?

Proof once again this was never about the above but just a witch-hunt to go after Trump to overturn an lawful election. Welcome to Venezuela.

Question: Just what would he find if the Obamas or Clintons were subjected to such scrutiny, and what are the Democrats hiding to try to personally destroy a president sworn to investigate THEM? And what have they threatened or promised Sessions with that he won't do any of the investigating? All this and more coming this fall.

Are you fucking kidding?
The Clintons have been under scrutiny for almost 30 years.
Bill Clinton was fucking impeached!
Hillary sat for 12 hours and watched Trey Gowdy sweat to death over Benghazi.
Jeebus, where have you been?

Look you drooling moron, BIG DIFFERENCE between answering questions at a nice table sipping water before a bunch of impotent senators whom you can lie to, claim the 5th, not show up and even delay, stall and never deliver subpoenaed documents for YEARS until the whole thing just blows over---- and being investigated by a Special Counsel with unlimited legal scope to use the full weight of the DOJ and FBI to shake you down, threaten you, harass you, break into your offices, take all your computers and files, threaten legal action, prison, IRS investigation, you name it, of you and every person you ever met and threaten THEM with turning their lives inside out too unless they spill their guts.

The Clintons never faced Special Counsel investigation with unlimited power and the full weight of a government that WANTED to get them. They were protected. Even impeached, the Democratic senators saved him from being thrown out of office. Hillary sat through nothing. No Special Counsel. It was a farce. They are putting 10,000X more weight on Trump than they ever put on the Clintons in their entire lives because they are out to personally destroy Trump to stop him from ever getting at and revealing the truth they are hiding about themselves to the public, that the Deep State really controls this country, and you like a total jackass CELEBRATE being made a fool of!
So Ken Starr is just chopped liver then?

Ken Starr was limited as to what he could investigate. He wasn't on the type of fishing expedition that Mueller is enjoying.

Questions regarding a blowjob are pertinent to an investigation of a failed land deal.
No need for the online version to see that article. And I've already offered you the relevant quote.

You're just giving us excuses for why you are so poorly informed on this case. Remain ignorant. Its genuinely not important that you know what's going on.

Even to you, apparently.

Us? Sorry guy, you're still suffering from low self esteem, huh? You need hordes of imaginary people to hang on your every word to stiffen up your Johnson. I hope you're getting help with that. I'd say you shouldn't be so insecure, but probably with that stupid shit you should be.

And your quote said nothing about what Trump had to do with this, Martina

You continue to babble about 'Johnsons'.

I just keep quoting Cohen and the WSJ.

Cohen admitted that "in coordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office," he kept information that would have harmed Trump from becoming public during the 2016 election cycle.

Michael Cohen implicates Trump in hush money scheme - CNNPolitics

And Weisselberg....

President Trump’s financial gatekeeper was granted immunity by federal authorities in New York and testified before a grand jury, the third longtime confidant of Mr. Trump known to have provided information in an illegal hush-money investigation that has implicated the president.

Allen Weisselberg, Longtime Trump Organization CFO, Testified and Was Granted Immunity in Cohen Probe

But keep those eyes screwed shut, Kaz. It gets harder from here.

You're desperate now, you're going to Fake News. So here's what they say:

"The counts against Cohen included tax fraud, false statements to a bank and campaign finance violations tied to his work for Trump, including payments Cohen made or helped orchestrate that were designed to silence women who claimed affairs with the then-candidate."

There is nothing illegal about paying women to keep quiet about an affair. And I keep directly alluding to that Trump hired Cohen, a lawyer, to do it LEGALLY you stupid fuck.

Hello :1041::1041::1041: anybody in there?

Repeat after me.

Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Cohen is the lawyer
Paying hush money is illegal when associated with election campaign, if its not reported to FEC. And Trump previously disclosed he reimbursed Cohen for it, which means Trump authorized it.

No, paying hush money using campaign funds or ONLY to protect a candidate's reputation for campaign purposes is illegal. If it's for ongoing activities done for personal reasons, it's not something that has to be reported to the FEC.

Did President Trump violate campaign finance laws?

How do you draw a distinction when it was done during the campaign?

You cannot get around the fact that it was a benefit to the campaign.
Are you fucking kidding?
The Clintons have been under scrutiny for almost 30 years.
Bill Clinton was fucking impeached!
Hillary sat for 12 hours and watched Trey Gowdy sweat to death over Benghazi.
Jeebus, where have you been?

Look you drooling moron, BIG DIFFERENCE between answering questions at a nice table sipping water before a bunch of impotent senators whom you can lie to, claim the 5th, not show up and even delay, stall and never deliver subpoenaed documents for YEARS until the whole thing just blows over---- and being investigated by a Special Counsel with unlimited legal scope to use the full weight of the DOJ and FBI to shake you down, threaten you, harass you, break into your offices, take all your computers and files, threaten legal action, prison, IRS investigation, you name it, of you and every person you ever met and threaten THEM with turning their lives inside out too unless they spill their guts.

The Clintons never faced Special Counsel investigation with unlimited power and the full weight of a government that WANTED to get them. They were protected. Even impeached, the Democratic senators saved him from being thrown out of office. Hillary sat through nothing. No Special Counsel. It was a farce. They are putting 10,000X more weight on Trump than they ever put on the Clintons in their entire lives because they are out to personally destroy Trump to stop him from ever getting at and revealing the truth they are hiding about themselves to the public, that the Deep State really controls this country, and you like a total jackass CELEBRATE being made a fool of!
So Ken Starr is just chopped liver then?

Ken Starr was limited as to what he could investigate. He wasn't on the type of fishing expedition that Mueller is enjoying.
Sure, that how he ended up impeaching for a blowjob.

Sorry to fracture another one of your failed recollections of history, but Clinton was impeached for suborning perjury. The fact that he was a scum-sucking lowlife is another matter. Try reading up on a topic before you stick your foot in your mouth next time. Here's a good place to start.

Why Bill Clinton Was Impeached

A distinction without a difference.

Lying about a blowjob = perjury

Address the fact that the questions concerning sexual relations were not pertinent to a failed land deal.
Apparently soon as you are presented with the very law in question that Trump violated, you ignore it and start babbling about Obama.

Demonstrating my point elegantly. You can't use evidence to convince irrational Trump supporters who ignore evidence.

But you can use evidence to convince a grand jury. And federal prosecutors. And a judge. And apparently Trump's CFO and personal lawyer. And the Deputy Attorney General.

Skylar: Trump didn't file a form

kaz: Obama didn't file the same form 1,300 times

Skylar: WTF, what does that have to do with it???

LOL, what a stupid douche. Absolutely. I keep saying I agree with you. Trump should have to pay whatever Obama did. Divided by 1,300 times of course since Obama did it 1,300 times and Trump only did it once. Nail Trump's ass to the wall.

The total fines Obama paid was $375,000 for his criminal campaign's violations of election laws. But that was beyond the forms he didn't file, so I don't know how much of it was for not filing the forms that Trump didn't file.

Maybe Mueller can see if Trump got any traffic tickets. I mean sure, he probably paid them, but it's critical to know, don't you think?

Trump directed his personal lawyer to make illegal campaign contributions before the election. Then Trump reimbursed Cohen after the election through fraud. And lied to cover it up. And compelled others to lie to cover it up.

The fact that Trump didn't file any paperwork on his direction of illegal campaign contributions and fraud is just icing on the cake.

And there's zero evidence that Obama personally directed anything that resulted in a campaign finance violation. Or compelled anyone else to lie about it. Or reimbursed anyone through fraud.

While there is lots of evidence that Trump did.

It wasn't an illegal campaign contribution, dumb ass.

Says you, citing yourself. Meanwhile, back in reality.....the prosecutors charged him with making illegal campaign contributions, Cohen admitted to it and acknowledged that he did it under the direction of Donald Trump, and the Judge accepted Cohen's plea.

Remember, you don't have a clue what you're talking about. It tends to sap your 'legal' arguments.

It's hilarious you're talking about legal arguments and you still don't grasp, that ... Cohen ... is ... the ... lawyer ...

Trump hired him because ... Cohen ... is ... the ... lawyer ...

And he wanted to stay out of trouble, so he hired a lawyer? You know who his lawyer was? ... Cohen ... is ... the ... lawyer ...

You're flat out stupid as shit. Lawyers don't commit crimes because their clients tell them too.

Marriott split itself into two companies. One got all the assets, the other all the debts. Debt holders sued. The judge threw it out. He said you are PROFESSIONAL lenders. Why did you agree to bylaws that allowed them to do that? You are the professionals, get that shit out of here.

That's the answer to Cohen. This is all stills sailing over your head, isn't it? But a hint, ... Cohen ... is ... the ... lawyer ...

Dumb ass

Yes, Trump and his "lawyer" are on audio discussing the particulars of these payments before they were made. Trump knew how it would be handled.

You can't get around that.
Paying hush money is illegal when associated with election campaign, if its not reported to FEC. And Trump previously disclosed he reimbursed Cohen for it, which means Trump authorized it.

No, paying hush money using campaign funds or ONLY to protect a candidate's reputation for campaign purposes is illegal. If it's for ongoing activities done for personal reasons, it's not something that has to be reported to the FEC.

Did President Trump violate campaign finance laws?

11 days before the election....but it had nothing to do with the election?


And if he violated this law, so fcking what?

Obama did the same, got a small fine. It's a total non-story even if true. Good thing we now have a president who addresses the insane over regulation.

What should not be a non-story is how the Mueller investigation has turned into a witch hunt and threatening the democracy.

Where did Obama use campaign funds to pay off porns stars?

The fact that you say “Obama did the same thing” shows how firmly your head is up Trump’s ass because the Obama campaign finance violations were NOTHING like Trump’s problem. They involved late reporting and technical issues with the website.

You're a liar. Trump paid the campaign back, the campaign fund didn't pay for the porn star
You're a liar. Trump paid the campaign back, the campaign fund didn't pay for the porn star

Truly dopey.
Not at all, dope.
/—-/ Google perjury trap and get back to us.

Admission of guilt and naming the president as a co-conspirator.

To something that isn’t Illegal. So?

Yes, dope. Cohen plead guilty in open court to a crime that was not illegal. :cuckoo:
I can't help you, it isn't illegal. you can post the law for me that says it is.

Or you could just look it up yourself.
/—-/ Google perjury trap and get back to us.

Admission of guilt and naming the president as a co-conspirator.

To something that isn’t Illegal. So?

Yes, dope. Cohen plead guilty in open court to a crime that was not illegal. :cuckoo:
I can't help you, it isn't illegal. you can post the law for me that says it is.

Or you could just look it up yourself.
I looked didn't find a law. you said it was illegal, all you have to do is back up your claim. Why can't you do that? are you truly that lousy of a message boarder that you can't back your claims? hmmmmm seems so.
Admission of guilt and naming the president as a co-conspirator.

To something that isn’t Illegal. So?

Yes, dope. Cohen plead guilty in open court to a crime that was not illegal. :cuckoo:
I can't help you, it isn't illegal. you can post the law for me that says it is.

Or you could just look it up yourself.
I looked didn't find a law. you said it was illegal, all you have to do is back up your claim. Why can't you do that? are you truly that lousy of a message boarder that you can't back your claims? hmmmmm seems so.

Are you asserting that Cohen did not in fact plead guilty?

If not, why are you unable to discover what he plead to?

Does your obvious incompetence with simple tasks interfere with your life plans?
To something that isn’t Illegal. So?

Yes, dope. Cohen plead guilty in open court to a crime that was not illegal. :cuckoo:
I can't help you, it isn't illegal. you can post the law for me that says it is.

Or you could just look it up yourself.
I looked didn't find a law. you said it was illegal, all you have to do is back up your claim. Why can't you do that? are you truly that lousy of a message boarder that you can't back your claims? hmmmmm seems so.

Are you asserting that Cohen did not in fact plead guilty?

If not, why are you unable to discover what he plead to?

Does your obvious incompetence with simple tasks interfere with your life plans?
I did infact say he plead guilty, to a not illegal action. yep I said it. now you said, it was illegal, and I asked you to point out the law he broke then. and you stay silent and deflect like ricochet rabbit. bing, bing bing.....
Skylar: Trump didn't file a form

kaz: Obama didn't file the same form 1,300 times

Skylar: WTF, what does that have to do with it???

LOL, what a stupid douche. Absolutely. I keep saying I agree with you. Trump should have to pay whatever Obama did. Divided by 1,300 times of course since Obama did it 1,300 times and Trump only did it once. Nail Trump's ass to the wall.

The total fines Obama paid was $375,000 for his criminal campaign's violations of election laws. But that was beyond the forms he didn't file, so I don't know how much of it was for not filing the forms that Trump didn't file.

Maybe Mueller can see if Trump got any traffic tickets. I mean sure, he probably paid them, but it's critical to know, don't you think?

Trump directed his personal lawyer to make illegal campaign contributions before the election. Then Trump reimbursed Cohen after the election through fraud. And lied to cover it up. And compelled others to lie to cover it up.

The fact that Trump didn't file any paperwork on his direction of illegal campaign contributions and fraud is just icing on the cake.

And there's zero evidence that Obama personally directed anything that resulted in a campaign finance violation. Or compelled anyone else to lie about it. Or reimbursed anyone through fraud.

While there is lots of evidence that Trump did.

It wasn't an illegal campaign contribution, dumb ass.

Says you, citing yourself. Meanwhile, back in reality.....the prosecutors charged him with making illegal campaign contributions, Cohen admitted to it and acknowledged that he did it under the direction of Donald Trump, and the Judge accepted Cohen's plea.

Remember, you don't have a clue what you're talking about. It tends to sap your 'legal' arguments.

It's hilarious you're talking about legal arguments and you still don't grasp, that ... Cohen ... is ... the ... lawyer ...

Trump hired him because ... Cohen ... is ... the ... lawyer ...

And he wanted to stay out of trouble, so he hired a lawyer? You know who his lawyer was? ... Cohen ... is ... the ... lawyer ...

You're flat out stupid as shit. Lawyers don't commit crimes because their clients tell them too.

Marriott split itself into two companies. One got all the assets, the other all the debts. Debt holders sued. The judge threw it out. He said you are PROFESSIONAL lenders. Why did you agree to bylaws that allowed them to do that? You are the professionals, get that shit out of here.

That's the answer to Cohen. This is all stills sailing over your head, isn't it? But a hint, ... Cohen ... is ... the ... lawyer ...

Dumb ass

Yes, Trump and his "lawyer" are on audio discussing the particulars of these payments before they were made. Trump knew how it would be handled.

You can't get around that.
again, what law did that violate? do you even know or are you just a parrot.

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