Breaking: Trump CFO Granted Immunity

Jeff Sessions (crawls into his little turtle shell of not wanting to do /anything/ the slightest bit political throwing the guy who hired and believed in him under the wheels)
Rod Rosenstein (a conflicted man himself writing a one-sided "investigation" that totally protects the democrats needing investigated gives "unlimited scope" to everything else)
Robert Mueller (another conflicted person who should not be there unable to find a single bit of truth to Trump actually colluding with Russians turns to personal attacks and is shaking down every person who ever knew Trump now until he can get Trump on something, even if it was an unpaid parking ticket in 1973 or an affair he had in 1996).

What happened to Russia?

What happened to the election?

Proof once again this was never about the above but just a witch-hunt to go after Trump to overturn an lawful election. Welcome to Venezuela.

Question: Just what would he find if the Obamas or Clintons were subjected to such scrutiny, and what are the Democrats hiding to try to personally destroy a president sworn to investigate THEM? And what have they threatened or promised Sessions with that he won't do any of the investigating? All this and more coming this fall.

Are you fucking kidding?
The Clintons have been under scrutiny for almost 30 years.
Bill Clinton was fucking impeached!
Hillary sat for 12 hours and watched Trey Gowdy sweat to death over Benghazi.
Jeebus, where have you been?
I know right?
30 years of endless investigations with unlimited tax payer money. And what did they get? A BJ. He lied about a BJ because he didn't want his wife to know. He didn't know Monica would keep a souvenir.

And white Republicans against the first black president? If it were there, they would have found it.

And now, a year and a half into the Trump administration and endless felony convictions. And many more on the horizon.

Endless? They have people on crimes unrelated to Trump. Get a grip Rdean.

Unrelated to Trump?

Cohen is on audio with Trump discussing the particulars of the very payment that cohen just admitted was done with criminal intent.

Got a link to said audio?

You are a functional moron.

Google cohen- trump audio, you lazy fuck.
In what exactly?

Are you daft?

You honestly can't think of a single thing that Cohen maybe plead guilty to recently?

I can, and none of it has to do with Russian collusion.

No one said it did.

OK then, why hasn't the Russian collusion investigation been shutdown? On what authority does Mueller have the authority to just investigate everyone?

It's spelled out in his mandate.
You really don't have even a basic understanding of any of this.

Read something.

Mueller has broader authority in his Russia investigation than Trump may realize

Meh, there are legal scholars who beg to differ regarding Mueller's authority, Mark Levine for one, Alan Dershowitz is another. Natasha Bertrand is a correspondent, not a lawyer.
To testify against Cohen, not Trump.
why? he plead out. no testimony needed now.

Didn't read the story? The immunity was granted for Weisselberg to testify in front of the Grand Jury that brought the charges against Cohen.
won't hurt cohen, he plead out already.
won't hurt cohen, he plead out already.

Correct. Now take it to the next logical step.
Sorry, there isn’t one!

Sure, dope. That's why they're having him testify before a grand jury.
The Trump CFO was involved in Trump and Putin rigging the 2016 POTUS election?
Wow, that’s nuts.
I wonder what he did to help rig the election or Trump.

These are all sideshows relevant to tax fraud lol... Cohen, Manafort... etc... for the umpteenth time, Mueller will eventually submit his Russia investigation results (hint hint)
I know, I know... everyone wants to see the movie before it comes out. Some movies get previews, this one doesn't lol. .... Amazing !

Are you a Star Wars fan ?

Mueller is taking care of tax cheats he finds while proving that Trump and Putin colluded to rig the election.

I think I understand.

This is what I understand.

A Dossier compiled by Steele, with help from Russian intelligence was sworn to be accurate by FBI agents and used to secure a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page, a member of the Trump campaign who had supposedly met with Russian agents to rig the 2016 POTUS election for Trump.

As a result, Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller to head up a special invesigation into Russia and Trump colluding to rig the election, or any other illegal activities perpetrated by anyone connected to Donald Trump.

Now the Mueller team has caught Flynn lying about when he met with the Russian government about Obama imposed sanctions, because the FBI had spied on him and knew when the meeting took place.

Mueller caught George Papadopoulos lying to the FBI about when he had meetings with Russian government officials because they spied on him and knew when the meetings took place, and his statement to the FBI contradicted the evidence gather from the spying.

Mueller found that Manaforte did not properly register as a foreign agent and did not report income received from Ukraine and did not pay taxes on that income.

Mueller determined that Michael Cohen, Trumps personal attorney did not pay taxes and also arranged for payment of $130,000 and an NDA to porn Star Stormy Daniels to not disclose that she had sex with Trump.

Mueller determined that Rick Gates, Manaforte’s deputy, also did not pay taxes. Those charges were dismissed.

Mueller charged Richard Pinedo with identity fraud.

Mueller also issued warrants for about a dozen Russian citizens for posting fake Facebook posts in order to influence the election.

This is what I understand.

So far it looks like we have Trump hiring tax cheats to work his campaign.

If that’s a crime, just to be clear, then Obama committed the same crime when he appointed multiple tax cheats to his cabinet, most notably Tim Geithner, Obama’s Treasury Secretary from 2009-2013.

When the Mueller investigation concludes, he will have determined if Trump and Putin colluded to rig the election.

The FBI knew in July 2016, that the Russians were trying to rig the election, but Obama did nothing about it....just to be clear. That is fact.
This is what I understand.

A Dossier compiled by Steele, with help from Russian intelligence was sworn to be accurate by FBI agents and used to secure a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page, a member of the Trump campaign who had supposedly met with Russian agents to rig the 2016 POTUS election for Trump.

As a result, Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller to head up a special invesigation into Russia and Trump colluding to rig the election, or any other illegal activities perpetrated by anyone connected to Donald Trump.

Your understanding is faulty.

Yeah right, jackass. BTW, when will you link us to this Cohen audio you claim connected to "crimes?" Don't try running away from your own claims.

Mueller was appointed only after Trump himself fired Comey with the intent to disrupt the FBI investigation.

Comey was fired by the president who has FULL AUTHORITY to fire him, no reason needed. He was fired for the same reasons Hillary would have fired him: he was a crook. And his removal had no effect on any ongoing investigation.

Mueller took over the FBI investigation.
Mueller was appointed to a NEW investigation with totally different mandates, dimwit. And if Mueller is heading an FBI investigation, why hasn't there been one word about the FBI's FISA abuses?

Another uninformed loser. You dopes really should catch up.

Robert Mueller takes over FBI’s Russia investigation at pivotal moment

"In a surprise move, former FBI Director Robert Mueller was appointed special counsel to oversee the FBI’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, including potential collusion between Russian agents and members of the Trump campaign, by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Wednesday."

How Michael Cohen’s Audio Clip Unraveled Trump’s False Statements
In what exactly?

Are you daft?

You honestly can't think of a single thing that Cohen maybe plead guilty to recently?

I can, and none of it has to do with Russian collusion.

No one said it did.

OK then, why hasn't the Russian collusion investigation been shutdown? On what authority does Mueller have the authority to just investigate everyone?

It's spelled out in his mandate.
You really don't have even a basic understanding of any of this.

Read something.

Mueller has broader authority in his Russia investigation than Trump may realize

The chick that wrote that is not an attorney. People like Levin & Dershowitz opine differently, and these folks are well versed in the constitution.
Are you daft?

You honestly can't think of a single thing that Cohen maybe plead guilty to recently?

I can, and none of it has to do with Russian collusion.

No one said it did.

OK then, why hasn't the Russian collusion investigation been shutdown? On what authority does Mueller have the authority to just investigate everyone?

It's spelled out in his mandate.
You really don't have even a basic understanding of any of this.

Read something.

Mueller has broader authority in his Russia investigation than Trump may realize

Meh, there are legal scholars who beg to differ regarding Mueller's authority, Mark Levine for one, Alan Dershowitz is another. Natasha Bertrand is a correspondent, not a lawyer.

Just no one who matters.
Are you daft?

You honestly can't think of a single thing that Cohen maybe plead guilty to recently?

I can, and none of it has to do with Russian collusion.

No one said it did.

OK then, why hasn't the Russian collusion investigation been shutdown? On what authority does Mueller have the authority to just investigate everyone?

It's spelled out in his mandate.
You really don't have even a basic understanding of any of this.

Read something.

Mueller has broader authority in his Russia investigation than Trump may realize

The chick that wrote that is not an attorney. People like Levin & Dershowitz opine differently, and these folks are well versed in the constitution.

The "chick" is just describing whats in the mandate laid out by Rosenstein. Google the original text if it's not linked in the article.

None of those "experts" have a say in the matter.
I can, and none of it has to do with Russian collusion.

No one said it did.

OK then, why hasn't the Russian collusion investigation been shutdown? On what authority does Mueller have the authority to just investigate everyone?

It's spelled out in his mandate.
You really don't have even a basic understanding of any of this.

Read something.

Mueller has broader authority in his Russia investigation than Trump may realize

Meh, there are legal scholars who beg to differ regarding Mueller's authority, Mark Levine for one, Alan Dershowitz is another. Natasha Bertrand is a correspondent, not a lawyer.

Just no one who matters.

Of course they don't matter, they contradict you ill-informed opinions. You'd better read up on their resumes, they put you and that Bertrand person to shame.
No one said it did.

OK then, why hasn't the Russian collusion investigation been shutdown? On what authority does Mueller have the authority to just investigate everyone?

It's spelled out in his mandate.
You really don't have even a basic understanding of any of this.

Read something.

Mueller has broader authority in his Russia investigation than Trump may realize

Meh, there are legal scholars who beg to differ regarding Mueller's authority, Mark Levine for one, Alan Dershowitz is another. Natasha Bertrand is a correspondent, not a lawyer.

Just no one who matters.

Of course they don't matter, they contradict you ill-informed opinions. You'd better read up on their resumes, they put you and that Bertrand person to shame.

They don't matter because they have no authority, dope. Call your representatives. They have the majority after all. They don't seem concerned over the opinions of your "experts".
I can, and none of it has to do with Russian collusion.

No one said it did.

OK then, why hasn't the Russian collusion investigation been shutdown? On what authority does Mueller have the authority to just investigate everyone?

It's spelled out in his mandate.
You really don't have even a basic understanding of any of this.

Read something.

Mueller has broader authority in his Russia investigation than Trump may realize

The chick that wrote that is not an attorney. People like Levin & Dershowitz opine differently, and these folks are well versed in the constitution.

The "chick" is just describing whats in the mandate laid out by Rosenstein. Google the original text if it's not linked in the article.

None of those "experts" have a say in the matter.

Didn't say they do goofball. I stated that they are saying Mueller has overstepped his boundaries and that the mandate is way too broad. So, what if the DOJ issued a "mandate" to investigate every person Trump has know over the course of his life (which effectively what Mueller seems to have the ability to do), you'd be OK with that?
The Trump CFO was involved in Trump and Putin rigging the 2016 POTUS election?
Wow, that’s nuts.
I wonder what he did to help rig the election or Trump.

These are all sideshows relevant to tax fraud lol... Cohen, Manafort... etc... for the umpteenth time, Mueller will eventually submit his Russia investigation results (hint hint)
I know, I know... everyone wants to see the movie before it comes out. Some movies get previews, this one doesn't lol. .... Amazing !

Are you a Star Wars fan ?

Mueller is taking care of tax cheats he finds while proving that Trump and Putin colluded to rig the election.

I think I understand.

This is what I understand.

A Dossier compiled by Steele, with help from Russian intelligence was sworn to be accurate by FBI agents and used to secure a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page, a member of the Trump campaign who had supposedly met with Russian agents to rig the 2016 POTUS election for Trump.

As a result, Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller to head up a special invesigation into Russia and Trump colluding to rig the election, or any other illegal activities perpetrated by anyone connected to Donald Trump.

Now the Mueller team has caught Flynn lying about when he met with the Russian government about Obama imposed sanctions, because the FBI had spied on him and knew when the meeting took place.

Mueller caught George Papadopoulos lying to the FBI about when he had meetings with Russian government officials because they spied on him and knew when the meetings took place, and his statement to the FBI contradicted the evidence gather from the spying.

Mueller found that Manaforte did not properly register as a foreign agent and did not report income received from Ukraine and did not pay taxes on that income.

Mueller determined that Michael Cohen, Trumps personal attorney did not pay taxes and also arranged for payment of $130,000 and an NDA to porn Star Stormy Daniels to not disclose that she had sex with Trump.

Mueller determined that Rick Gates, Manaforte’s deputy, also did not pay taxes. Those charges were dismissed.

Mueller charged Richard Pinedo with identity fraud.

Mueller also issued warrants for about a dozen Russian citizens for posting fake Facebook posts in order to influence the election.

This is what I understand.

So far it looks like we have Trump hiring tax cheats to work his campaign.

If that’s a crime, just to be clear, then Obama committed the same crime when he appointed multiple tax cheats to his cabinet, most notably Tim Geithner, Obama’s Treasury Secretary from 2009-2013.

When the Mueller investigation concludes, he will have determined if Trump and Putin colluded to rig the election.

The FBI knew in July 2016, that the Russians were trying to rig the election, but Obama did nothing about it....just to be clear. That is fact.
This is what I understand.

A Dossier compiled by Steele, with help from Russian intelligence was sworn to be accurate by FBI agents and used to secure a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page, a member of the Trump campaign who had supposedly met with Russian agents to rig the 2016 POTUS election for Trump.

As a result, Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller to head up a special invesigation into Russia and Trump colluding to rig the election, or any other illegal activities perpetrated by anyone connected to Donald Trump.

Your understanding is faulty.

Yeah right, jackass. BTW, when will you link us to this Cohen audio you claim connected to "crimes?" Don't try running away from your own claims.

Mueller was appointed only after Trump himself fired Comey with the intent to disrupt the FBI investigation.

Comey was fired by the president who has FULL AUTHORITY to fire him, no reason needed. He was fired for the same reasons Hillary would have fired him: he was a crook. And his removal had no effect on any ongoing investigation.

Mueller took over the FBI investigation.
Mueller was appointed to a NEW investigation with totally different mandates, dimwit. And if Mueller is heading an FBI investigation, why hasn't there been one word about the FBI's FISA abuses?

Another uninformed loser. You dopes really should catch up.

Robert Mueller takes over FBI’s Russia investigation at pivotal moment

Here's another asshole who'll believe anything he reads so long as it supports his agenda! Hey Ace, if that were true, then why did Rosenstein need to write a WHOLE NEW mandate and investigation that focuses totally on Trump, sidesteps the Democrats, even though it was supposed to be about Russia and the election wherever that takes you? And whatever happened to Russia and the election anyway? I know Manafort had some DEALINGS with foreign interests but for business sake, and was Cohen now a Russian spy?

THERE WOULD BE NO RUSSIAN investigation had Hillary simply won. Even if she had fired Comey. Because Comey never would have implied she was in cahoots with Russia even though she was. And why did Comey imply Trump was when he wasn't? And if Trump was assigned a Special Prosecutor with no clear evidence of wrongdoing, then how did Bill and Hillary avoid ever getting investigated by a Special Prosecutor over a QUARTER-CENTURY if criminal investigation with MASSIVE evidence?

Oh please




OK then, why hasn't the Russian collusion investigation been shutdown? On what authority does Mueller have the authority to just investigate everyone?

It's spelled out in his mandate.
You really don't have even a basic understanding of any of this.

Read something.

Mueller has broader authority in his Russia investigation than Trump may realize

Meh, there are legal scholars who beg to differ regarding Mueller's authority, Mark Levine for one, Alan Dershowitz is another. Natasha Bertrand is a correspondent, not a lawyer.

Just no one who matters.

Of course they don't matter, they contradict you ill-informed opinions. You'd better read up on their resumes, they put you and that Bertrand person to shame.

They don't matter because they have no authority, dope. Call your representatives. They have the majority after all. They don't seem concerned over the opinions of your "experts".

I never said they did, dope. Comprehensionally challenged?
No one said it did.

OK then, why hasn't the Russian collusion investigation been shutdown? On what authority does Mueller have the authority to just investigate everyone?

It's spelled out in his mandate.
You really don't have even a basic understanding of any of this.

Read something.

Mueller has broader authority in his Russia investigation than Trump may realize

The chick that wrote that is not an attorney. People like Levin & Dershowitz opine differently, and these folks are well versed in the constitution.

The "chick" is just describing whats in the mandate laid out by Rosenstein. Google the original text if it's not linked in the article.

None of those "experts" have a say in the matter.

Didn't say they do goofball. I stated that they are saying Mueller has overstepped his boundaries and that the mandate is way too broad. So, what if the DOJ issued a "mandate" to investigate every person Trump has know over the course of his life (which effectively what Mueller seems to have the ability to do), you'd be OK with that?

If you've demonstated one thing, its that what things "seem" like to you are not anywhere close to reality.
It's spelled out in his mandate.
You really don't have even a basic understanding of any of this.

Read something.

Mueller has broader authority in his Russia investigation than Trump may realize

Meh, there are legal scholars who beg to differ regarding Mueller's authority, Mark Levine for one, Alan Dershowitz is another. Natasha Bertrand is a correspondent, not a lawyer.

Just no one who matters.

Of course they don't matter, they contradict you ill-informed opinions. You'd better read up on their resumes, they put you and that Bertrand person to shame.

They don't matter because they have no authority, dope. Call your representatives. They have the majority after all. They don't seem concerned over the opinions of your "experts".

I never said they did, dope. Comprehensionally challenged?
I never said they did, dope.

I guess that's why you posted about their expertise at least three times. :laugh2:
These are all sideshows relevant to tax fraud lol... Cohen, Manafort... etc... for the umpteenth time, Mueller will eventually submit his Russia investigation results (hint hint)
I know, I know... everyone wants to see the movie before it comes out. Some movies get previews, this one doesn't lol. .... Amazing !

Are you a Star Wars fan ?

Mueller is taking care of tax cheats he finds while proving that Trump and Putin colluded to rig the election.

I think I understand.

This is what I understand.

A Dossier compiled by Steele, with help from Russian intelligence was sworn to be accurate by FBI agents and used to secure a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page, a member of the Trump campaign who had supposedly met with Russian agents to rig the 2016 POTUS election for Trump.

As a result, Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller to head up a special invesigation into Russia and Trump colluding to rig the election, or any other illegal activities perpetrated by anyone connected to Donald Trump.

Now the Mueller team has caught Flynn lying about when he met with the Russian government about Obama imposed sanctions, because the FBI had spied on him and knew when the meeting took place.

Mueller caught George Papadopoulos lying to the FBI about when he had meetings with Russian government officials because they spied on him and knew when the meetings took place, and his statement to the FBI contradicted the evidence gather from the spying.

Mueller found that Manaforte did not properly register as a foreign agent and did not report income received from Ukraine and did not pay taxes on that income.

Mueller determined that Michael Cohen, Trumps personal attorney did not pay taxes and also arranged for payment of $130,000 and an NDA to porn Star Stormy Daniels to not disclose that she had sex with Trump.

Mueller determined that Rick Gates, Manaforte’s deputy, also did not pay taxes. Those charges were dismissed.

Mueller charged Richard Pinedo with identity fraud.

Mueller also issued warrants for about a dozen Russian citizens for posting fake Facebook posts in order to influence the election.

This is what I understand.

So far it looks like we have Trump hiring tax cheats to work his campaign.

If that’s a crime, just to be clear, then Obama committed the same crime when he appointed multiple tax cheats to his cabinet, most notably Tim Geithner, Obama’s Treasury Secretary from 2009-2013.

When the Mueller investigation concludes, he will have determined if Trump and Putin colluded to rig the election.

The FBI knew in July 2016, that the Russians were trying to rig the election, but Obama did nothing about it....just to be clear. That is fact.
This is what I understand.

A Dossier compiled by Steele, with help from Russian intelligence was sworn to be accurate by FBI agents and used to secure a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page, a member of the Trump campaign who had supposedly met with Russian agents to rig the 2016 POTUS election for Trump.

As a result, Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller to head up a special invesigation into Russia and Trump colluding to rig the election, or any other illegal activities perpetrated by anyone connected to Donald Trump.

Your understanding is faulty.

Yeah right, jackass. BTW, when will you link us to this Cohen audio you claim connected to "crimes?" Don't try running away from your own claims.

Mueller was appointed only after Trump himself fired Comey with the intent to disrupt the FBI investigation.

Comey was fired by the president who has FULL AUTHORITY to fire him, no reason needed. He was fired for the same reasons Hillary would have fired him: he was a crook. And his removal had no effect on any ongoing investigation.

Mueller took over the FBI investigation.
Mueller was appointed to a NEW investigation with totally different mandates, dimwit. And if Mueller is heading an FBI investigation, why hasn't there been one word about the FBI's FISA abuses?

Another uninformed loser. You dopes really should catch up.

Robert Mueller takes over FBI’s Russia investigation at pivotal moment

Here's another asshole who'll believe anything he reads so long as it supports his agenda! Hey Ace, if that were true, then why did Rosenstein need to write a WHOLE NEW mandate and investigation that focuses totally on Trump, sidesteps the Democrats, even though it was supposed to be about Russia and the election wherever that takes you? And whatever happened to Russia and the election anyway? I know Manafort had some DEALINGS with foreign interests but for business sake, and was Cohen now a Russian spy?

THERE WOULD BE NO RUSSIAN investigation had Hillary simply won. Even if she had fired Comey. Because Comey never would have implied she was in cahoots with Russia even though she was. And why did Comey imply Trump was when he wasn't? And if Trump was assigned a Special Prosecutor with no clear evidence of wrongdoing, then how did Bill and Hillary avoid ever getting investigated by a Special Prosecutor over a QUARTER-CENTURY if criminal investigation with MASSIVE evidence?

Oh please





Every special counsel is given a mandate, dope.

Mueller is not the FBI. He is not bound by their scope or their rules. The DOJ must specify what they may investigate.

Appointment of Special Counsel

Appointment of Special Counsel
Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein today announced the appointment of former Department of Justice official and FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III to serve as Special Counsel to oversee the previously-confirmed FBI investigation of Russian government efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election and related matters.

“In my capacity as acting Attorney General, I determined that it is in the public interest for me to exercise my authority and appoint a Special Counsel to assume responsibility for this matter,” said Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein. “My decision is not a finding that crimes have been committed or that any prosecution is warranted. I have made no such determination. What I have determined is that based upon the unique circumstances, the public interest requires me to place this investigation under the authority of a person who exercises a degree of independence from the normal chain of command.”

Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein added, “Each year, the career professionals of the U.S. Department of Justice conduct tens of thousands of criminal investigations and handle countless other matters without regard to partisan political considerations. I have great confidence in the independence and integrity of our people and our processes. Considering the unique circumstances of this matter, however, I determined that a Special Counsel is necessary in order for the American people to have full confidence in the outcome. Our nation is grounded on the rule of law, and the public must be assured that government officials administer the law fairly. Special Counsel Mueller will have all appropriate resources to conduct a thorough and complete investigation, and I am confident that he will follow the facts, apply the law and reach a just result.”

Special Counsel Mueller has agreed to resign from his private law firm in order to avoid any conflicts of interest with firm clients or attorneys.
Last edited:
Meh, there are legal scholars who beg to differ regarding Mueller's authority, Mark Levine for one, Alan Dershowitz is another. Natasha Bertrand is a correspondent, not a lawyer.

Just no one who matters.

Of course they don't matter, they contradict you ill-informed opinions. You'd better read up on their resumes, they put you and that Bertrand person to shame.

They don't matter because they have no authority, dope. Call your representatives. They have the majority after all. They don't seem concerned over the opinions of your "experts".

I never said they did, dope. Comprehensionally challenged?
I never said they did, dope.

I guess that's why you posted about their expertise at least three times. :laugh2:

Expertise and authority are not even in the same galaxy.
why? he plead out. no testimony needed now.

Didn't read the story? The immunity was granted for Weisselberg to testify in front of the Grand Jury that brought the charges against Cohen.
won't hurt cohen, he plead out already.
won't hurt cohen, he plead out already.

Correct. Now take it to the next logical step.
Sorry, there isn’t one!

Sure, dope. That's why they're having him testify before a grand jury.
Seems stupid to me too.
Didn't read the story? The immunity was granted for Weisselberg to testify in front of the Grand Jury that brought the charges against Cohen.
won't hurt cohen, he plead out already.
won't hurt cohen, he plead out already.

Correct. Now take it to the next logical step.
Sorry, there isn’t one!

Sure, dope. That's why they're having him testify before a grand jury.
Seems stupid to me too.

That's because it is.
Ya got him now!!!!!!!!......#652

Allen Weisselberg was granted immunity by federal prosecutors for providing information about Michael Cohen. The left are once again hopeful they can be twisted into a Trump witch hunt.

Wake the fuck up.

Even morons like you should be able to connect the dots.

""""Last year, Mr. Weisselberg arranged for the Trump Organization to reimburse Mr. Cohen, who had in October 2016 made a $130,000 payment to Stephanie Clifford, a former adult-film actress who claimed she had sex with Mr. Trump a decade earlier, in exchange for her silence about the alleged affair...."

Allen Weisselberg, Longtime Trump Organization CFO, Is Granted Immunity in Cohen Probe

Don't get mad at me because you started a thread on assumptions and wishful thinking and I poked a giant hole in it. :itsok:

I'm not mad at you because you didn't. You couldn't poke a hole in a wet kleenex.

Lib please I destroyed your OP. Presumption of innocence, heard of it? Its only one of the most sacred principles in the American criminal justice system, holding that a defendant is innocent until proven guilty.

Who's the defendant, dumb ass?
Pseudocon, there's no charges filed against Weisselberg.
Cohen has entered a guilty plea.
So what the fuck are you even talking about?

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