Breaking: Trump CFO Granted Immunity

Trump is going to do what he does best....lie his ass off to buy more time.
He said he drew the red line if the investigation got into his personal or corporate finances.
And it has.
He's an unpredictable motherfucker, but I say he'll try to fire Mueller.

If they're going for the chief financial officer (CFO) this could imply financial links to Russia... as in financing real estate deals using Russian capital. Remember that Putin has his hands on the central bank of Russia and that, like an octopus, he has links to all the related Russian banking institutions.

In 2008, Donald Trump Jr mentioned that a big portion of family assets came from Russia. Which makes sense since no local (US) bank would loan millions to Donald Trump with his bad solvency ratio at the time and the financial crisis in effect.
Trump's oldest son said a decade ago that a lot of the family's assets came from Russia

The CFO is the key to all this. Add to this the 'Steele dossier' and you wonder why the hell Donald Trump decided to become president of the USA? Narcissism? Makes no sense at all. WTF... Trump: 'I know nothing about Russia'

This also could be an avenue to access his taxes as well.
This is WHY Trump never released his tax returns.
He's got a lot more shit to hide than paying off porn stars with phony Delaware LLCs.
We're going to find out exactly why now.

The IRS has his tax returns and can review them at any time for accuracy and fraud and can refer the case the the Justice Department. He doesn’t need to release them to the general public in order to be busted for tax fraud.

Derp derp derp

Good lord, people, button your shit up. You are embarrassing yourselves.
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Holy shit! This guy worked for Fred Trump.
He's been around forever.
And he's flipping!!!!!!


Allen Weisselberg, Longtime Trump Organization CFO, Is Granted Immunity in Cohen Probe

"Mr. Cohen on Tuesday pleaded guilty to eight criminal charges and told a federal judge that Mr. Trump had directed him during the 2016 campaign to buy the silence of two women who alleged affairs with Mr. Trump, a move that implicated the president in a federal crime. That was the first time Mr. Cohen admitted to coordinating with the president on the hush-money deals, which Mr. Trump denied."

Jeff Sessions (crawls into his little turtle shell of not wanting to do /anything/ the slightest bit political throwing the guy who hired and believed in him under the wheels)
Rod Rosenstein (a conflicted man himself writing a one-sided "investigation" that totally protects the democrats needing investigated gives "unlimited scope" to everything else)
Robert Mueller (another conflicted person who should not be there unable to find a single bit of truth to Trump actually colluding with Russians turns to personal attacks and is shaking down every person who ever knew Trump now until he can get Trump on something, even if it was an unpaid parking ticket in 1973 or an affair he had in 1996).

What happened to Russia?

What happened to the election?

Proof once again this was never about the above but just a witch-hunt to go after Trump to overturn an lawful election. Welcome to Venezuela.

Question: Just what would he find if the Obamas or Clintons were subjected to such scrutiny, and what are the Democrats hiding to try to personally destroy a president sworn to investigate THEM? And what have they threatened or promised Sessions with that he won't do any of the investigating? All this and more coming this fall.

Are you fucking kidding?
The Clintons have been under scrutiny for almost 30 years.
Bill Clinton was fucking impeached!
Hillary sat for 12 hours and watched Trey Gowdy sweat to death over Benghazi.
Jeebus, where have you been?
I know right?
30 years of endless investigations with unlimited tax payer money. And what did they get? A BJ. He lied about a BJ because he didn't want his wife to know. He didn't know Monica would keep a souvenir.

And white Republicans against the first black president? If it were there, they would have found it.

And now, a year and a half into the Trump administration and endless felony convictions. And many more on the horizon.

Endless? They have people on crimes unrelated to Trump. Get a grip Rdean.

Unrelated to Trump?

Cohen is on audio with Trump discussing the particulars of the very payment that cohen just admitted was done with criminal intent.
Holy shit! This guy worked for Fred Trump.
He's been around forever.
And he's flipping!!!!!!


Allen Weisselberg, Longtime Trump Organization CFO, Is Granted Immunity in Cohen Probe

"Mr. Cohen on Tuesday pleaded guilty to eight criminal charges and told a federal judge that Mr. Trump had directed him during the 2016 campaign to buy the silence of two women who alleged affairs with Mr. Trump, a move that implicated the president in a federal crime. That was the first time Mr. Cohen admitted to coordinating with the president on the hush-money deals, which Mr. Trump denied."

Jeff Sessions (crawls into his little turtle shell of not wanting to do /anything/ the slightest bit political throwing the guy who hired and believed in him under the wheels)
Rod Rosenstein (a conflicted man himself writing a one-sided "investigation" that totally protects the democrats needing investigated gives "unlimited scope" to everything else)
Robert Mueller (another conflicted person who should not be there unable to find a single bit of truth to Trump actually colluding with Russians turns to personal attacks and is shaking down every person who ever knew Trump now until he can get Trump on something, even if it was an unpaid parking ticket in 1973 or an affair he had in 1996).

What happened to Russia?

What happened to the election?

Proof once again this was never about the above but just a witch-hunt to go after Trump to overturn an lawful election. Welcome to Venezuela.

Question: Just what would he find if the Obamas or Clintons were subjected to such scrutiny, and what are the Democrats hiding to try to personally destroy a president sworn to investigate THEM? And what have they threatened or promised Sessions with that he won't do any of the investigating? All this and more coming this fall.

Are you fucking kidding?
The Clintons have been under scrutiny for almost 30 years.
Bill Clinton was fucking impeached!
Hillary sat for 12 hours and watched Trey Gowdy sweat to death over Benghazi.
Jeebus, where have you been?
I know right?
30 years of endless investigations with unlimited tax payer money. And what did they get? A BJ. He lied about a BJ because he didn't want his wife to know. He didn't know Monica would keep a souvenir.

And white Republicans against the first black president? If it were there, they would have found it.

And now, a year and a half into the Trump administration and endless felony convictions. And many more on the horizon.

Endless? They have people on crimes unrelated to Trump. Get a grip Rdean.

Unrelated to Trump?

Cohen is on audio with Trump discussing the particulars of the very payment that cohen just admitted was done with criminal intent.
and? :dunno:
Holy shit! This guy worked for Fred Trump.
He's been around forever.
And he's flipping!!!!!!


Allen Weisselberg, Longtime Trump Organization CFO, Is Granted Immunity in Cohen Probe

"Mr. Cohen on Tuesday pleaded guilty to eight criminal charges and told a federal judge that Mr. Trump had directed him during the 2016 campaign to buy the silence of two women who alleged affairs with Mr. Trump, a move that implicated the president in a federal crime. That was the first time Mr. Cohen admitted to coordinating with the president on the hush-money deals, which Mr. Trump denied."

Jeff Sessions (crawls into his little turtle shell of not wanting to do /anything/ the slightest bit political throwing the guy who hired and believed in him under the wheels)
Rod Rosenstein (a conflicted man himself writing a one-sided "investigation" that totally protects the democrats needing investigated gives "unlimited scope" to everything else)
Robert Mueller (another conflicted person who should not be there unable to find a single bit of truth to Trump actually colluding with Russians turns to personal attacks and is shaking down every person who ever knew Trump now until he can get Trump on something, even if it was an unpaid parking ticket in 1973 or an affair he had in 1996).

What happened to Russia?

What happened to the election?

Proof once again this was never about the above but just a witch-hunt to go after Trump to overturn an lawful election. Welcome to Venezuela.

Question: Just what would he find if the Obamas or Clintons were subjected to such scrutiny, and what are the Democrats hiding to try to personally destroy a president sworn to investigate THEM? And what have they threatened or promised Sessions with that he won't do any of the investigating? All this and more coming this fall.

Are you fucking kidding?
The Clintons have been under scrutiny for almost 30 years.
Bill Clinton was fucking impeached!
Hillary sat for 12 hours and watched Trey Gowdy sweat to death over Benghazi.
Jeebus, where have you been?
I know right?
30 years of endless investigations with unlimited tax payer money. And what did they get? A BJ. He lied about a BJ because he didn't want his wife to know. He didn't know Monica would keep a souvenir.

And white Republicans against the first black president? If it were there, they would have found it.

And now, a year and a half into the Trump administration and endless felony convictions. And many more on the horizon.

Endless? They have people on crimes unrelated to Trump. Get a grip Rdean.

Unrelated to Trump?

Cohen is on audio with Trump discussing the particulars of the very payment that cohen just admitted was done with criminal intent.

Got a link to said audio?

Trump Organization finance chief Allen Weisselberg has been granted immunity by prosecutors. Photo: JB Miller/Trump Organization

Allen Weisselberg, Longtime Trump Organization CFO, Is Granted Immunity in Cohen Probe

That month, according to charging documents filed Tuesday, Mr. Cohen gave executives at the Trump Organization a copy of the bank statement from his bank account for Essential Consultants LLC, the company he used to pay Ms. Clifford the previous fall. The statement reflected Mr. Cohen’s $130,000 payment to Ms. Clifford, as well as an additional $50,000 that Mr. Cohen added in handwriting was for “tech services.”

Executives at the Trump Organization “ ‘grossed up’ for tax purposes” Mr. Cohen’s requested reimbursement, doubling it to $360,000, and added a $60,000 bonus, the document said. The next month, one executive at the company asked another executive to pay Mr. Cohen’s monthly retainer “from the trust” and to “post to legal expenses.”
Holy shit! This guy worked for Fred Trump.
He's been around forever.
And he's flipping!!!!!!


Allen Weisselberg, Longtime Trump Organization CFO, Is Granted Immunity in Cohen Probe

"Mr. Cohen on Tuesday pleaded guilty to eight criminal charges and told a federal judge that Mr. Trump had directed him during the 2016 campaign to buy the silence of two women who alleged affairs with Mr. Trump, a move that implicated the president in a federal crime. That was the first time Mr. Cohen admitted to coordinating with the president on the hush-money deals, which Mr. Trump denied.""""


Before all is said & done Mueller's investigation will reveal to the WORLD that Donald J. Trump is nothing more than a wanna B mafia business thug & ALL of Trump's criminal activities will be laid bare, for ALL the world to witness.

There is one thing however; those that supported Trump will have to answer for their stupidity & America as a nation will end up paying a great & painful price for the stupidity of the few.

Trump Organization finance chief Allen Weisselberg has been granted immunity by prosecutors. Photo: JB Miller/Trump Organization

Allen Weisselberg, Longtime Trump Organization CFO, Is Granted Immunity in Cohen Probe

That month, according to charging documents filed Tuesday, Mr. Cohen gave executives at the Trump Organization a copy of the bank statement from his bank account for Essential Consultants LLC, the company he used to pay Ms. Clifford the previous fall. The statement reflected Mr. Cohen’s $130,000 payment to Ms. Clifford, as well as an additional $50,000 that Mr. Cohen added in handwriting was for “tech services.”

Executives at the Trump Organization “ ‘grossed up’ for tax purposes” Mr. Cohen’s requested reimbursement, doubling it to $360,000, and added a $60,000 bonus, the document said. The next month, one executive at the company asked another executive to pay Mr. Cohen’s monthly retainer “from the trust” and to “post to legal expenses.”

Sure looks like Cohen is a crook.
Holy shit! This guy worked for Fred Trump.
He's been around forever.
And he's flipping!!!!!!


Allen Weisselberg, Longtime Trump Organization CFO, Is Granted Immunity in Cohen Probe

"Mr. Cohen on Tuesday pleaded guilty to eight criminal charges and told a federal judge that Mr. Trump had directed him during the 2016 campaign to buy the silence of two women who alleged affairs with Mr. Trump, a move that implicated the president in a federal crime. That was the first time Mr. Cohen admitted to coordinating with the president on the hush-money deals, which Mr. Trump denied.""""

Change your panties, the wet spots are showing through.
The Trump CFO was involved in Trump and Putin rigging the 2016 POTUS election?
Wow, that’s nuts.
I wonder what he did to help rig the election or Trump.

These are all sideshows relevant to tax fraud lol... Cohen, Manafort... etc... for the umpteenth time, Mueller will eventually submit his Russia investigation results (hint hint)
I know, I know... everyone wants to see the movie before it comes out. Some movies get previews, this one doesn't lol. .... Amazing !

Are you a Star Wars fan ?

Mueller is taking care of tax cheats he finds while proving that Trump and Putin colluded to rig the election.

I think I understand.

This is what I understand.

A Dossier compiled by Steele, with help from Russian intelligence was sworn to be accurate by FBI agents and used to secure a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page, a member of the Trump campaign who had supposedly met with Russian agents to rig the 2016 POTUS election for Trump.

As a result, Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller to head up a special invesigation into Russia and Trump colluding to rig the election, or any other illegal activities perpetrated by anyone connected to Donald Trump.

Now the Mueller team has caught Flynn lying about when he met with the Russian government about Obama imposed sanctions, because the FBI had spied on him and knew when the meeting took place.

Mueller caught George Papadopoulos lying to the FBI about when he had meetings with Russian government officials because they spied on him and knew when the meetings took place, and his statement to the FBI contradicted the evidence gather from the spying.

Mueller found that Manaforte did not properly register as a foreign agent and did not report income received from Ukraine and did not pay taxes on that income.

Mueller determined that Michael Cohen, Trumps personal attorney did not pay taxes and also arranged for payment of $130,000 and an NDA to porn Star Stormy Daniels to not disclose that she had sex with Trump.

Mueller determined that Rick Gates, Manaforte’s deputy, also did not pay taxes. Those charges were dismissed.

Mueller charged Richard Pinedo with identity fraud.

Mueller also issued warrants for about a dozen Russian citizens for posting fake Facebook posts in order to influence the election.

This is what I understand.

So far it looks like we have Trump hiring tax cheats to work his campaign.

If that’s a crime, just to be clear, then Obama committed the same crime when he appointed multiple tax cheats to his cabinet, most notably Tim Geithner, Obama’s Treasury Secretary from 2009-2013.

When the Mueller investigation concludes, he will have determined if Trump and Putin colluded to rig the election.

The FBI knew in July 2016, that the Russians were trying to rig the election, but Obama did nothing about it....just to be clear. That is fact.
This is what I understand.

A Dossier compiled by Steele, with help from Russian intelligence was sworn to be accurate by FBI agents and used to secure a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page, a member of the Trump campaign who had supposedly met with Russian agents to rig the 2016 POTUS election for Trump.

As a result, Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller to head up a special invesigation into Russia and Trump colluding to rig the election, or any other illegal activities perpetrated by anyone connected to Donald Trump.

Your understanding is faulty.

Mueller was appointed only after Trump himself fired Comey with the intent to disrupt the FBI investigation.

Mueller took over the FBI investigation.

The warrant had absolutely nothing to do with any investigation.
Holy shit! This guy worked for Fred Trump.
He's been around forever.
And he's flipping!!!!!!


Allen Weisselberg, Longtime Trump Organization CFO, Is Granted Immunity in Cohen Probe

"Mr. Cohen on Tuesday pleaded guilty to eight criminal charges and told a federal judge that Mr. Trump had directed him during the 2016 campaign to buy the silence of two women who alleged affairs with Mr. Trump, a move that implicated the president in a federal crime. That was the first time Mr. Cohen admitted to coordinating with the president on the hush-money deals, which Mr. Trump denied.""""

Change your panties, the wet spots are showing through.

That's nothing compared to the drool on his chin. LOL
Holy shit! This guy worked for Fred Trump.
He's been around forever.
And he's flipping!!!!!!


Allen Weisselberg, Longtime Trump Organization CFO, Is Granted Immunity in Cohen Probe

"Mr. Cohen on Tuesday pleaded guilty to eight criminal charges and told a federal judge that Mr. Trump had directed him during the 2016 campaign to buy the silence of two women who alleged affairs with Mr. Trump, a move that implicated the president in a federal crime. That was the first time Mr. Cohen admitted to coordinating with the president on the hush-money deals, which Mr. Trump denied.""""


To testify against Cohen, not Trump.
why? he plead out. no testimony needed now.

Didn't read the story? The immunity was granted for Weisselberg to testify in front of the Grand Jury that brought the charges against Cohen.
won't hurt cohen, he plead out already.
won't hurt cohen, he plead out already.

Correct. Now take it to the next logical step.
Holy shit! This guy worked for Fred Trump.
He's been around forever.
And he's flipping!!!!!!


Allen Weisselberg, Longtime Trump Organization CFO, Is Granted Immunity in Cohen Probe

"Mr. Cohen on Tuesday pleaded guilty to eight criminal charges and told a federal judge that Mr. Trump had directed him during the 2016 campaign to buy the silence of two women who alleged affairs with Mr. Trump, a move that implicated the president in a federal crime. That was the first time Mr. Cohen admitted to coordinating with the president on the hush-money deals, which Mr. Trump denied.""""


To testify against Cohen, not Trump.
why? he plead out. no testimony needed now.

Didn't read the story? The immunity was granted for Weisselberg to testify in front of the Grand Jury that brought the charges against Cohen.
won't hurt cohen, he plead out already.
won't hurt cohen, he plead out already.

Correct. Now take it to the next logical step.
Sorry, there isn’t one!
The Trump CFO was involved in Trump and Putin rigging the 2016 POTUS election?
Wow, that’s nuts.
I wonder what he did to help rig the election or Trump.

These are all sideshows relevant to tax fraud lol... Cohen, Manafort... etc... for the umpteenth time, Mueller will eventually submit his Russia investigation results (hint hint)
I know, I know... everyone wants to see the movie before it comes out. Some movies get previews, this one doesn't lol. .... Amazing !

Are you a Star Wars fan ?

Mueller is taking care of tax cheats he finds while proving that Trump and Putin colluded to rig the election.

I think I understand.

This is what I understand.

A Dossier compiled by Steele, with help from Russian intelligence was sworn to be accurate by FBI agents and used to secure a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page, a member of the Trump campaign who had supposedly met with Russian agents to rig the 2016 POTUS election for Trump.

As a result, Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller to head up a special invesigation into Russia and Trump colluding to rig the election, or any other illegal activities perpetrated by anyone connected to Donald Trump.

Now the Mueller team has caught Flynn lying about when he met with the Russian government about Obama imposed sanctions, because the FBI had spied on him and knew when the meeting took place.

Mueller caught George Papadopoulos lying to the FBI about when he had meetings with Russian government officials because they spied on him and knew when the meetings took place, and his statement to the FBI contradicted the evidence gather from the spying.

Mueller found that Manaforte did not properly register as a foreign agent and did not report income received from Ukraine and did not pay taxes on that income.

Mueller determined that Michael Cohen, Trumps personal attorney did not pay taxes and also arranged for payment of $130,000 and an NDA to porn Star Stormy Daniels to not disclose that she had sex with Trump.

Mueller determined that Rick Gates, Manaforte’s deputy, also did not pay taxes. Those charges were dismissed.

Mueller charged Richard Pinedo with identity fraud.

Mueller also issued warrants for about a dozen Russian citizens for posting fake Facebook posts in order to influence the election.

This is what I understand.

So far it looks like we have Trump hiring tax cheats to work his campaign.

If that’s a crime, just to be clear, then Obama committed the same crime when he appointed multiple tax cheats to his cabinet, most notably Tim Geithner, Obama’s Treasury Secretary from 2009-2013.

When the Mueller investigation concludes, he will have determined if Trump and Putin colluded to rig the election.

The FBI knew in July 2016, that the Russians were trying to rig the election, but Obama did nothing about it....just to be clear. That is fact.
This is what I understand.

A Dossier compiled by Steele, with help from Russian intelligence was sworn to be accurate by FBI agents and used to secure a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page, a member of the Trump campaign who had supposedly met with Russian agents to rig the 2016 POTUS election for Trump.

As a result, Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller to head up a special invesigation into Russia and Trump colluding to rig the election, or any other illegal activities perpetrated by anyone connected to Donald Trump.

Your understanding is faulty.

Yeah right, jackass. BTW, when will you link us to this Cohen audio you claim connected to "crimes?" Don't try running away from your own claims.

Mueller was appointed only after Trump himself fired Comey with the intent to disrupt the FBI investigation.

Comey was fired by the president who has FULL AUTHORITY to fire him, no reason needed. He was fired for the same reasons Hillary would have fired him: he was a crook. And his removal had no effect on any ongoing investigation.

Mueller took over the FBI investigation.
Mueller was appointed to a NEW investigation with totally different mandates, dimwit. And if Mueller is heading an FBI investigation, why hasn't there been one word about the FBI's FISA abuses?
Lawyers work around the edges
A good lawyer knows where the edge is

A profitable lawyer knows how far he can go over the edge

Ok. That still makes Cohen not a good lawyer AND not a profitable lawyer.

And it doesn't change the fact that people go to a lawyer for their expertise...and their expertise is knowing what is legal and what isn't.

By going through a lawyer...Trump satisfied the due diligence requirement of this business translation.

My lawyer fucked me, huh?

It won't fly.
Lawyers work around the edges
A good lawyer knows where the edge is

A profitable lawyer knows how far he can go over the edge

Ok. That still makes Cohen not a good lawyer AND not a profitable lawyer.

And it doesn't change the fact that people go to a lawyer for their expertise...and their expertise is knowing what is legal and what isn't.

By going through a lawyer...Trump satisfied the due diligence requirement of this business translation.

My lawyer fucked me, huh?

It won't fly.
No one asked it to
Yes. As co-conspirators. :laugh2:

In what exactly?

Are you daft?

You honestly can't think of a single thing that Cohen maybe plead guilty to recently?

I can, and none of it has to do with Russian collusion.

No one said it did.

OK then, why hasn't the Russian collusion investigation been shutdown? On what authority does Mueller have the authority to just investigate everyone?

It's spelled out in his mandate.
You really don't have even a basic understanding of any of this.

Read something.

Mueller has broader authority in his Russia investigation than Trump may realize

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