BREAKING: Trump fires Comey....YOU'RE FIRED!

So, after 48 pages of noise, let's be clear:

1). No one in Congress or the FBI can name one Russian who actually colluded with President Trump!

2). While that flaming buttwipe Schummer calls for an Independent Special Prosecutor to investigate Trump for firing an errant director that everyone in both parties for the past 6 months had been saying was way out of line and not doing his job, now pursuing another half-baked investigation forced by the democrats to pursue an issue with zero evidence to back it up:

Will Chuck Schummer support an independent special prosecutor against Hillary for multiple violations of the Espionage Act?

Will Chuck Schummer support an independent special prosecutor against Obama for the illegal surveillance and unmasking of the Trump transition team members?

Will Chuck Schummer support an independent special prosecutor to investigate and prosecute the illegal surveillance and unmasking of the Israeli Ambassador, the Israeli Prime Minister, members of Congress, and Jewish leaders and groups?

Will Chuck Schummer support an independent special prosecutor to investigate and prosecute the seedy Iran deal, secret payments, and the release of numerous terrorists not revealed to the public until much later?

If the answer is no to the above (and you know it is), then all the rest about Trump is total bullshit.
This fiasco of the FBI investigating Trump and/or his associates just goes to show how insane it is to have someone investigating their boss. Whenever an investigation is started that may involve the president, his administration or colleagues it should be turned over to an independent special prosecutor. How can someone conduct an investigation that may involve their boss. That's just nuts.

If the investigation shows that neither Trump nor his people did anything wrong, the public is just going to assume Trump replaced Comey with someone that would produce the desired results.

If the investigation concludes there is no Trump involvement in the Russia interference in the election, then Trump has made a huge political mistake by not waiting for the investigation to complete before firing Comey.
I guess you should have been ok with a SP for Hillary Clinton and Obama over Benghazi.. But then you said there wasnt a problem then and no one lied or died.... Liberal Idiots..

Billyboy------- Can't believed you are bringing this up -------- you are obselete. It took 2 years and cost $7 millions to investigate Hillary headed by GOPs led by Trey Gowdy but came out nothing. Are you saying that GOPs are inept?

House Benghazi Report Finds No New Evidence of Wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton
Best news I've heard in over 8 years.

Comey was so obviously a leftist HACK it was pathetic.

So the swamp continues to be drained... awesome.
Putin agrees with you.
Well, wait a minute... didn't Hitlery sell Putin 20% or our strategic uranium?

Hmmm... I think you're a little screwed up with who's doing what.
First you lefties screamed that Russian hacked the elections.
Now it's actually interference and you are talking about it like it did happen. Just like hacking.

After months of searching... No evidence.

The investigation continues.

Tell me, at what point you lefties will accept the investigation outcome and shut up?
As I recall 19 security agencies after reviewing the evidence collected by 4 of the agencies agree the Russians were involve.

Trump's firing and replacement of Comey will certainly look like Trump was trying to influence the investigation. How can it not when he fire the guy that's investigating his campaign? His lack of understanding of politics and how Washington works is just incredible.
Those same four stated that no evidence of collusion was found. Or did you conveniently ignore that part of their assessments.

All investigations should be long past completed by this time. Even last week the update given to congress stated that their is no evidence of collusion. Not even incidental (suggestive) evidence is present...

If there are no collusion----- So why bother to interfere with the investigation? Why not just let them finish what the heck they are doing so he come out clean. But NOOOOO --------- this means he is scared they might find something sinister. Just like his tax returns.

And what supposed to be the time frame to satisfy your curiosity? They have not even talk to 4 of Trump puppet that are focus of the investigation.
Don't forget there are several investigations going on. Republican Graham just added another one----- investigate financial dealings in Russia.

Don't forget this is Republican investigation republican.
Best news I've heard in over 8 years.

Comey was so obviously a leftist HACK it was pathetic.

So the swamp continues to be drained... awesome.
Putin agrees with you.
Well, wait a minute... didn't Hitlery sell Putin 20% or our strategic uranium?

Hmmm... I think you're a little screwed up with who's doing what.

The uranium deal with Putin was done legally.
In an interview with Lester Holt (full interview will air tonight on NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt), Trump said he fired Comey because he was a showboat and a grandstander.

I'm gonna watch that interview tonight, it should be interesting.

Trump administration is like having a massive diarrhea--------- Cannot get his shit together.
This fiasco of the FBI investigating Trump...

Stopped reading here.

FBI is not investigating Trump. Got it?

Personally or directly NO ------ but his advisers are the focus -------- then that will all funneled to Trump.
Which part of that don't you understand?
The FBI are investigating what sort of contact the "Trump campaign" had with the Russians. This includes Trump himself. Tied to this is investigating whether the contacts amounted to collusion, for example asking the Russians to find anything incriminating in Hillary Clinton's e- mails. Trump is not off the hook and he is behaving like a guilty man.
Best news I've heard in over 8 years.

Comey was so obviously a leftist HACK it was pathetic.

So the swamp continues to be drained... awesome.
Putin agrees with you.
Well, wait a minute... didn't Hitlery sell Putin 20% or our strategic uranium?

Hmmm... I think you're a little screwed up with who's doing what.
Hmmmmmmm..........can you provide a link to back up your post??????
So, after 48 pages of noise, let's be clear:

1). No one in Congress or the FBI can name one Russian who actually colluded with President Trump!

2). While that flaming buttwipe Schummer calls for an Independent Special Prosecutor to investigate Trump for firing an errant director that everyone in both parties for the past 6 months had been saying was way out of line and not doing his job, now pursuing another half-baked investigation forced by the democrats to pursue an issue with zero evidence to back it up:

Will Chuck Schummer support an independent special prosecutor against Hillary for multiple violations of the Espionage Act?

Will Chuck Schummer support an independent special prosecutor against Obama for the illegal surveillance and unmasking of the Trump transition team members?

Will Chuck Schummer support an independent special prosecutor to investigate and prosecute the illegal surveillance and unmasking of the Israeli Ambassador, the Israeli Prime Minister, members of Congress, and Jewish leaders and groups?

Will Chuck Schummer support an independent special prosecutor to investigate and prosecute the seedy Iran deal, secret payments, and the release of numerous terrorists not revealed to the public until much later?

If the answer is no to the above (and you know it is), then all the rest about Trump is total bullshit.
Meh~ These investigations take time. With the GOP congress stalling at every turn because they can't decide whether to be Republicans or Americans is one reason the investigations will take at least 2 years. However, this will only allow the FBI to gather more evidence. Tick....tick time is not on Trumps side. In the end Trump will either be impeaced or will step down from the Presidency and resign. I suspect Trump will resign after the 500 billion dollare oil deal with Mother Russia goes thru.
First you lefties screamed that Russian hacked the elections.
Now it's actually interference and you are talking about it like it did happen. Just like hacking.

After months of searching... No evidence.

The investigation continues.

Tell me, at what point you lefties will accept the investigation outcome and shut up?
You can say Trump is now experiencing his own Benghazi. Trump thinks firing key investigators will save his presidency.......but it wont in the end. All Trump supporters should be asking yourselves how will it end for Trump.
"Federal law has a four-part definition of obstruction of justice. (1) "Corrupt" intent, (2) Interference with a pending judicial proceeding, (3) A material impact on that proceeding, and (4) Knowledge of that proceeding. Trump and Sessions obviously knew that Comey was conducting an investigation. And, firing him will interfere with that investigation in a materially impactful fashion. (also picking his replacement and denying additional resources). So, the only real question is whether the actions of Trump and Sessions fulfilled the first condition—was it actually their intent to interfere with Comey's investigation? Trump admits in the NBC interview that it was his intent.

According to the legal experts consulted by both the Washington Post and CNN, it is probable that the President and the AG are guilty of obstructing justice. This was, it should be noted, the very first item of impeachment filed against Richard Nixon."


Trump is the symptom.

Republicans are the disease.
James Comey told Senators he had an in-depth knowledge of how Russia worked. But he didn't know Gazprom was a gas company.


Comey was incompetent, that's why he was fired.
Trump's first official act as president should have been to ask for an independent special prosecutor. Big Mistake! Having the FBI Director lead an investigation of the Trump administration which includes himself and his boss is gross incompetence.

It's not the firing of Comey, that has created the outrage but the timing. Now, even if the investigation shows Trump and his associates are clean, the investigation will be tainted by this incredibly stupid action by Trump. I think Comey needed to go but not like this.

Trump doesn't give a rats ass about that. He knows he isn't guilty and he fired Comey because he's incompetent. That useless and expensive witch hunt needs to stop, now.


Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -


The last President to fire people who knew too much was Richard Nixon. There is nothing worse than firing the Lead Investigator when you're the subject of that investigation.

Now if Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--it's to hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education on what that Emoluments clause is all about in the constitution.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

Republicans have two options:
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 and beyond.

And the smartest thing Republicans should do right now is DEMAND an independent investigation that is 100 miles away from the Trump administration and any political affliliation otherwise they will implicate THEMSELVES in this cover-up.

No dumbass, Trump doesn't give a rats ass about this investigation. Just because he's asked questions constantly doesn't mean he cares about it.
Trump is starting to sweat

Comey fired because of his treatment of Hillary?
More like Comey is able to testify about Trumps connections to Russia

Let's hear Comey testify on Trumps connections to Russia

Hey nutjob, your tin foil hat is cutting off the circulation to your brain.
It's no longer tin foil

Trump is showing the pressure is getting to him

Do you actually believe Trump fired Comey because of what he did to Hillary?

No, Trump fired Comey because he is incompetent.

I'll give way to your supreme knowledge of tin foil hats.

Where were you when Schumer was calling for Comey to be fired? For once and for all, would you people make up your fukin' minds and decide if you love or hate Comey?

I have no feelings at all about Comey.
"Federal law has a four-part definition of obstruction of justice. (1) "Corrupt" intent, (2) Interference with a pending judicial proceeding, (3) A material impact on that proceeding, and (4) Knowledge of that proceeding. Trump and Sessions obviously knew that Comey was conducting an investigation. And, firing him will interfere with that investigation in a materially impactful fashion. (also picking his replacement and denying additional resources). So, the only real question is whether the actions of Trump and Sessions fulfilled the first condition—was it actually their intent to interfere with Comey's investigation? Trump admits in the NBC interview that it was his intent.

According to the legal experts consulted by both the Washington Post and CNN, it is probable that the President and the AG are guilty of obstructing justice. This was, it should be noted, the very first item of impeachment filed against Richard Nixon."


Trump is the symptom.

Republicans are the disease.

You're right--it is obstuction of Justice and probably on two counts. Not only the Russian investigation--but Comey was also under investigation for his interference into the election. Why would you fire him until that investigation was complete. The issue- is what happens if Comey is relinquished for any wrong doing in his actions regarding sending a letter to congress--and other issues. I doubt he would be--but you never know?
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

As of Trump's excuse for firing Comey--it changes faster than the Doppler on the national weather station--he stated this.
  • I Was Going to Fire Comey Anyway, Trump Tells Lester Holt in Interview 2:34
"He's a showboat, he's grandstander, the FBI has been in turmoil," Trump said of Comey in his wide-ranging interview with Holt. "You know that, I know that. Everybody knows that. You take a look at the FBI a year ago, it was in virtual turmoil, less than a year ago. It hasn't recovered from that."
EXCLUSIVE: President Trump reveals he asked Comey whether he was under investigation

That's a true statement Comey was looking for his 15 minutes of Fame & was breaking long standing DOJ protocol all over the place regarding Hillary Clinton's emails. But no one really believes that Trump fired Comey because he was mean to Hillary Clinton. That's laughable.

Trump sure didn't mind when Comey was showboating & grandstanding about Hillary Clinton's emails.

Last edited:
James Comey told Senators he had an in-depth knowledge of how Russia worked. But he didn't know Gazprom was a gas company.


Comey was incompetent, that's why he was fired.
Trump's first official act as president should have been to ask for an independent special prosecutor. Big Mistake! Having the FBI Director lead an investigation of the Trump administration which includes himself and his boss is gross incompetence.

It's not the firing of Comey, that has created the outrage but the timing. Now, even if the investigation shows Trump and his associates are clean, the investigation will be tainted by this incredibly stupid action by Trump. I think Comey needed to go but not like this.

Trump doesn't give a rats ass about that. He knows he isn't guilty and he fired Comey because he's incompetent. That useless and expensive witch hunt needs to stop, now.


Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -


The last President to fire people who knew too much was Richard Nixon. There is nothing worse than firing the Lead Investigator when you're the subject of that investigation.

Now if Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--it's to hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education on what that Emoluments clause is all about in the constitution.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

Republicans have two options:
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018--2020 and beyond.

And the smartest thing Republicans should do right now is DEMAND an independent investigation that is 100 miles away from the Trump administration and any political affliliation otherwise they will implicate THEMSELVES in this cover-up.

No dumbass, Trump doesn't give a rats ass about this investigation. Just because he's asked questions constantly doesn't mean he cares about it.

Ha.Ha.--Trump doesn't care about this investigation? That's like saying the rat doesn't care about the rat poison.

Republicans are the disease.

Well, you know, the door is wide open. Nothing keeping you here. This IS a Republic and shall STAY a Republic! If you think half the people in this country which support the principles this nation was founded on are a disease, off hand I'd say you have a problem.

The door is wide open for you all to head to Russia. The only TRUE Patriots in this country are the ones demanding to know answers regarding all this Trump campaign contact between not only the Russian ambassador but also Russian Intelligence agents during the campaign. Of which the Trump administration DENIED any contact with Russians FIVE times.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

In this video Shep Smith of FOX NEWS talks about these phone calls.

And TRUMP continually denied the intelligence coming out of the CIA--the FBI--the Department of Homeland Security and 14 other intelligence agencies.


If you half-brainTrump supporters can't connect those dots--You get the F..k out of this country.
Republicans are the disease.

Well, you know, the door is wide open. Nothing keeping you here. This IS a Republic and shall STAY a Republic! If you think half the people in this country which support the principles this nation was founded on are a disease, off hand I'd say you have a problem.

The door is wide open for you all to head to Russia. The only TRUE Patriots in this country are the ones demanding to know answers regarding all this Trump campaign contact between not only the Russian ambassador but also Russian Intelligence agents during the campaign. Of which the Trump administration DENIED any contact with Russians FIVE times.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

In this video Shep Smith of FOX NEWS talks about these phone calls.

And TRUMP continually denied the intelligence coming out of the CIA--the FBI--the Department of Homeland Security and 14 other intelligence agencies.


If you half-brainTrump supporters can't connect those dots--You get the F..k out of this country.

HaHaHa! What a laugh it will be when all of your baloney is proven wrong and the investigations come up empty against president Trump, meantime, there are numerous other legitimate investigations waiting in the wings for your buddy Barack and his bitch Hillary. Mr. Trump won the election fairly and constitutionally, he is your president, and he will be your president next year, and the year after that. But I think it is great that you Libs are all squealing like a stuck pig! Squeal some more! More cartoons! More fake facts!
Look at the Time stamps on these tweets ...Trump is Bull Goose Loony

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!
5:26 AM - 12 May 2017
4,642 4,642 Retweets 12,080 12,080 likes

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
...Maybe the best thing to do would be to cancel all future "press briefings" and hand out written responses for the sake of accuracy???
5:07 AM - 12 May 2017
4,691 4,691 Retweets 17,621 17,621 likes

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
As a very active President with lots of things happening, it is not possible for my surrogates to stand at podium with perfect accuracy!....
4:59 AM - 12 May 2017
3,686 3,686 Retweets 14,754 14,754 likes

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
Again, the story that there was collusion between the Russians & Trump campaign was fabricated by Dems as an excuse for losing the election.
4:51 AM - 12 May 2017
5,353 5,353 Retweets 18,933 18,933 likes

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