Breaking: Trump loses again....Manhattan DA to get Trump's tax returns

what they’re looking for wouldn’t be there, he had to have filed, and any concerns would trigger an.......... audit,
So this is the madeup cultist self defense mechanism?

That all loan and tax fraud is always caught in IRS audits?

And you have convinced yourselves of this?
You're telling me the same IRS that had Lois Lerner running one of it's divisions wouldn't have had someone who would have leaked any damaging information YEARS ago if it was there? Aren't you the naive one!

The head of the IRS is a Trump appointee.
There are hundreds of thousands of people who work in the IRS. What you're claiming is that none of them...even in this hyper partisan environment...would do something blatantly political like Lois Lerner did if they had information on Trump that would have hurt him? Common sense tells me that is highly unlikely! If it was there...SOMEONE would have leaked it!
Has it occurred to you yet that surada is an idiot?
YOU ARE THE IDIOT NOT SURADA. Like all Trumpsters, financially ignorant.
When you see the current President fondling little girls on TV time after time and nothing is done about it, why should we believe Progs with their endless slanders.

This post is sickening. The internet protects your basement dwelling ass. I hope you slip up and say this in public one day.
I live in Nassau County and the Town of Hempstead...the most corrupt municipality on earth.


I will say, Nassau county and Ocean county in NJ are home the the most awful humans on the east coast
If you think someone in government testified honestly then you're an idiot.

Yeah, when someone enters the IRS they take a course in perjury.

I am done with you. You are an idiot.
Welcome to Ignore.
I live in Nassau County and the Town of Hempstead...the most corrupt municipality on earth.


I will say, Nassau county and Ocean county in NJ are home the the most awful humans on the east coast
If you think someone in government testified honestly then you're an idiot.

Yeah, when someone enters the IRS they take a course in perjury.

I am done with you. You are an idiot.
Got nothing as all demofks
I live in Nassau County and the Town of Hempstead...the most corrupt municipality on earth.


I will say, Nassau county and Ocean county in NJ are home the the most awful humans on the east coast
If you think someone in government testified honestly then you're an idiot.

Yeah, when someone enters the IRS they take a course in perjury.

I am done with you. You are an idiot.
Got nothing as all demofks
Yet another schmuck on Ignore.
I live in Nassau County and the Town of Hempstead...the most corrupt municipality on earth.


I will say, Nassau county and Ocean county in NJ are home the the most awful humans on the east coast
If you think someone in government testified honestly then you're an idiot.

Yeah, when someone enters the IRS they take a course in perjury.

I am done with you. You are an idiot.
Got nothing as all demofks
Yet another schmuck on Ignore.
I don’t do that anymore, instead I let them show their stupid
In my opinion this is neither a liberal or conservative issue. Why Trump refused to show his taxes before and after his 2016 election we don't know and we shouldn't assume anything one way or the other. As far as his corporation and their handling of the taxes, we are also clueless. So I'll just wait and see the outcome and then I can make a sound judgement. I for one was suspicious that he wouldn't release his taxes and put his holdings in a blind trust but that's just me. I can bet with the utmost assurance that any important decisions regarding Trump Enterprizes while he was president was made or okayed by him. That would be a problem according to the emoluments clause.
In my opinion this is neither a liberal or conservative issue. Why Trump refused to show his taxes before and after his 2016 election we don't know and we shouldn't assume anything one way or the other. As far as his corporation and their handling of the taxes, we are also clueless. So I'll just wait and see the outcome and then I can make a sound judgement. I for one was suspicious that he wouldn't release his taxes and put his holdings in a blind trust but that's just me. I can bet with the utmost assurance that any important decisions regarding Trump Enterprizes while he was president was made or okayed by him. That would be a problem according to the emoluments clause.
Your post was your answer. He wasn’t a politician, he was head of a corporation. No other political rep has those credentials
I guess he's going to be very angry with his SCOTUS appointees letting him down, but SCOTUS denied Trump's appeal.


Under state law, materials turned over to a grand jury must be kept secret. But Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance can now require Trump's accountants to turn over the records that the president has steadfastly refused to surrender to prosecutors or Congress.

“The work continues,” Vance said in response to the Supreme Court order.

Vance is seeking tax returns covering eight years for a grand jury investigation of hush money payments and other financial transactions."""
Makes sense. Trump is a loser.
When do we get to see the tax returns of all Congressmen and Senators?
Is there a standard for that sort of thing?

Or are you, as a far rightwinger, simply trying to obfuscate and shill for your side?
Donald "Court Case Massive Loser" Trump ... still this GOP still bows to him and kisses his raggedy ass ... WTF moment for sure. Typical Trump cabinet meeting - remember???
I guess he's going to be very angry with his SCOTUS appointees letting him down, but SCOTUS denied Trump's appeal.


Under state law, materials turned over to a grand jury must be kept secret. But Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance can now require Trump's accountants to turn over the records that the president has steadfastly refused to surrender to prosecutors or Congress.

“The work continues,” Vance said in response to the Supreme Court order.

Vance is seeking tax returns covering eight years for a grand jury investigation of hush money payments and other financial transactions."""
LOLOL. His accuntants do those returns. LOL.He is audited every year......LOLOL....................But you'll get him this time.....LOLOL................You fukterds ain't talking about impeachment now that you got fist fukd...LOLOLOL
So his accountants will be in trouble if they find tax fraud?? Why would his accountants want to do that??
Where did you get that idea, he is in noway responsible for what he is given by the pile of shit.
It may not be over in court yet because the last thing that the pond scum wants is his tax returns made public, it will, once scrutenized, bring criminal charges. I said once he left office he will be spending the rest of his life in court or in jail and the joy of watching that is at the top of every patriots list.

Did you forget that the IRS has been auditing him for years?
That would be following the money and not the criminals actions that it funded , or was involved with. Big big difference!

Your ignorance of the congressionally backed IRS power to expose and punish criminal activities of misuse of their taxes and their tax returns.
Bullshit, They can if the have all the paperwork , like New york has now. Just his tax returns are hard to get information needed, He is a total piece of shit criminal, he will go down just because the man is Scum.
It may not be over in court yet because the last thing that the pond scum wants is his tax returns made public, it will, once scrutenized, bring criminal charges. I said once he left office he will be spending the rest of his life in court or in jail and the joy of watching that is at the top of every patriots list.
What you seem to be unable to grasp is the fact that his tax returns are between he and the IRS. Just like yours. Your privacy is protected from prying eyes and so is his. The call for making returns public for a POTUS is voluntary--always has been. Some past presidents have used the release to boost credibility, but they were not required to do so. Did Joe Biden "release" his. You see the operative word is release. It is strictly voluntary. If the IRS finds problems with Trumps taxes--they will levy penalties, but they will never release that info to the public. The same is true for the grand jury. If they compel Trump to reveal his taxes, that information is confidential as well. Let it go. You'll never see them. You are just getting wound up over nothing.
You don't know what you are talking about, if his tax returns becomes part of the charges and are used in the case . They are then public.
Trumpism must be crushed so it does not raise it's ugly head again. Trumpism is a bigger danger to the US than China, Russia or Islamic extremists. They are home grown domestic terrorists that must be and will be stopped.

first off, you are terrified aren't you. 2ndly...not gonna happen and 3rd..this is america and not everyone has to agree with the Evil of the Left.

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