Breaking: Trump loses again....Manhattan DA to get Trump's tax returns

Dude, you said you would release them in 2015 that was 6 years ago. Release your taxes you poor bastard. We all know you're not worth as much as you claim.

What does that have to do with taxes?
Zuckerberg, Dorsey, the Google faggots and CNN told AFrench2 that tax returns validate net worth therefore they do.

No they really don't

There is no accounting of assets and liabilities on an income tax form. All you can get is income or losses from various sources.
Donald "Court Case Massive Loser" Trump ... still this GOP still bows to him and kisses his raggedy ass ... WTF moment for sure. Typical Trump cabinet meeting - remember???
The GOP didn't understand its own base. The base wanted an arrogant, ignorant, pugilistic, autocratic authoritarian all these years. They pretended to be "conservatives", but they were after something else.
actually, they wanted a rep with a fking backbone and policies that fit those people's needs. Trump was that guy. The man has more backbone than all gop reps in the party combined. cowtying is not his game as it is theirs. And factually, we didn't care if he was a known asshole or not.
Dude, you said you would release them in 2015 that was 6 years ago. Release your taxes you poor bastard. We all know you're not worth as much as you claim.

What does that have to do with taxes?
Zuckerberg, Dorsey, the Google faggots and CNN told AFrench2 that tax returns validate net worth therefore they do.

No they really don't

There is no accounting of assets and liabilities on an income tax form. All you can get is income or losses from various sources.
correct. that's it. 1099's and any other documents that reflect the monies he made and lost. Doesn't say the project, nor any mention of other individuals.
The fact is no matter how you slice it there is no legal requirement for any president or presidential candidate to make his tax returns public.

It is when they are court ordered.
on what precedent?
Even if the tax returns are released to the DA for use in a Grand Jury they will not be made public
correct. I'm still waiting for the policy from the demofks that changes that fact.
How does Trump lose? What on earth do you think is going to happen to Trump if his taxes are released?
When he repeatedly lied about his intent to release his returns like every other presidential candidate, he had a reason for doing so.

The Loser has been under investigation concerning the Trump Corporation's artificially inflating the value of Trump properties to get the best possible loans while presenting different much lower values to tax authorities - tax fraud.

In addition, with massive personal loans coming due, and banks already refusing to do business with him, his ability to raise the funds needed to meet his financial obligations could be further eroded by revelations of his actual worth.

He's already the man on the way down, his precipitous descent accelerated by his goons' insurrection that failed to thwart the democratic process, and this is but one of several criminal and civil cases pending against him.

so how is that found in a tax return exactly?
Hey demofk asshats, what evidence do you have that shows Trump committed any fraud to go before a grand jury? You know, that same question you asked us about China Joe.
How does Trump lose? What on earth do you think is going to happen to Trump if his taxes are released?
When he repeatedly lied about his intent to release his returns like every other presidential candidate, he had a reason for doing so.

The Loser has been under investigation concerning the Trump Corporation's artificially inflating the value of Trump properties to get the best possible loans while presenting different much lower values to tax authorities - tax fraud.

In addition, with massive personal loans coming due, and banks already refusing to do business with him, his ability to raise the funds needed to meet his financial obligations could be further eroded by revelations of his actual worth.

He's already the man on the way down, his precipitous descent accelerated by his goons' insurrection that failed to thwart the democratic process, and this is but one of several criminal and civil cases pending against him.

What a bank loans you on a property has little to do with what real estate taxes you pay on that property. And banks perform their own appraisals of properties before they loan money where that property will be used a collateral. States, counties cities and towns perform their own assessment of the value of any property for tax purposes the owner of that property has no input as to what the state will assess as the worth of that property.

The only thing that a bank loan has to do with taxes is in the setting of the depreciation schedule.
How does Trump lose? What on earth do you think is going to happen to Trump if his taxes are released?
When he repeatedly lied about his intent to release his returns like every other presidential candidate, he had a reason for doing so.

The Loser has been under investigation concerning the Trump Corporation's artificially inflating the value of Trump properties to get the best possible loans while presenting different much lower values to tax authorities - tax fraud.

In addition, with massive personal loans coming due, and banks already refusing to do business with him, his ability to raise the funds needed to meet his financial obligations could be further eroded by revelations of his actual worth.

He's already the man on the way down, his precipitous descent accelerated by his goons' insurrection that failed to thwart the democratic process, and this is but one of several criminal and civil cases pending against him.

What a bank loans you on a property has little to do with what real estate taxes you pay on that property. And banks perform their own appraisals of properties before they loan money where that property will be used a collateral. States, counties cities and towns perform their own assessment of the value of any property for tax purposes the owner of that property has no input as to what the state will assess as the worth of that property.

The only thing that a bank loan has to do with taxes is in the setting of the depreciation schedule.

You should be on the TRump defense team, he can always use another dumb fuck.
How does Trump lose? What on earth do you think is going to happen to Trump if his taxes are released?
When he repeatedly lied about his intent to release his returns like every other presidential candidate, he had a reason for doing so.

The Loser has been under investigation concerning the Trump Corporation's artificially inflating the value of Trump properties to get the best possible loans while presenting different much lower values to tax authorities - tax fraud.

In addition, with massive personal loans coming due, and banks already refusing to do business with him, his ability to raise the funds needed to meet his financial obligations could be further eroded by revelations of his actual worth.

He's already the man on the way down, his precipitous descent accelerated by his goons' insurrection that failed to thwart the democratic process, and this is but one of several criminal and civil cases pending against him.

What a bank loans you on a property has little to do with what real estate taxes you pay on that property. And banks perform their own appraisals of properties before they loan money where that property will be used a collateral. States, counties cities and towns perform their own assessment of the value of any property for tax purposes the owner of that property has no input as to what the state will assess as the worth of that property.

The only thing that a bank loan has to do with taxes is in the setting of the depreciation schedule.

You should be on the TRump defense team, he can always use another dumb fuck.
This has nothing to do with Trump Fucknut.

It's how the real world works.

Or would you rather sound like an ignorant Shitforbrains when talking about this subject?
Dude, you said you would release them in 2015 that was 6 years ago. Release your taxes you poor bastard. We all know you're not worth as much as you claim.

What does that have to do with taxes?
Zuckerberg, Dorsey, the Google faggots and CNN told AFrench2 that tax returns validate net worth therefore they do.

No they really don't

There is no accounting of assets and liabilities on an income tax form. All you can get is income or losses from various sources.
You are right, but the DA has a lot more than what is on the returns. They will connect the dots and nail his fat ass. This is how they got Al Capone

Trump’s Tax Returns Aren’t the Only Crucial Records Prosecutors Will Get - The New York Times (

When New York prosecutors finally get to examine the federal tax returns of former President Donald J. Trump, they will discover a veritable how-to guide for getting rich while losing millions of dollars and paying little to no income taxes.

Whether they find evidence of crimes, however, will also depend on other information not found in the actual returns.
More proof Dems are stupid crybabies. If they honestly looked at Biden and pissoli's financial records they would be in jail by now.

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