BREAKING: Trump Shared Highly Classified Info With Russians!

Is donnie begging for impeachment?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 52.9%
  • No

    Votes: 24 47.1%

  • Total voters
To those of you cheering the most recent "misstep" of President Trump, calling him the full gambit of names, calling for impeachment, and so on. Have you stopped long enough to ask yourself one simple question: "what damage to the country am I doing by furthering this line of attack?" Have you stopped, in your blind hatred long enough to ask if YOUR actions are further damaging our country? Have you stopped your blind attacks long enough to wonder if YOU are feeding into the division of this country that will be its demise?
Just set aside what Trump may or may not have done for a moment and ask yourself if what YOU are doing is part of the problem or part of the solution. If you are not part of the solution (AKA ending the division in our country)

Trump has made some significant errors. Simply backing off is not an option. He should be removed before something catastrophic happens. The circle of support for the president is shrinking while bipartisan concern is growing.

total horseshit. Nothing he has done has caused any damage to US security. However, when Hillary violated national security laws regarding classified material she did real damage to US security. Then lied repeatedly about it, then the AG and Bubba made a deal on an airport tarmac, then the FBI director covered her fat ass saying that she was too stupid to know what she was doing.

you libs need to get the fuck over it, YOU LOST. TRUMP IS PRESIDENT, HILLARY IS A CRIMINAL..

continuing to post your bullshit talking points only destroys what little credibility the dem party and the lying media have left.
Trumps going to be scrutinized like Obama was and we already know you hold Democrats to a much higher standard.

Oh please, the vast majority of the media gave obama a 100% pass on anything and everything. smh


Thoughts And Prayers For All The GOP Lawmakers Concerned About Trump's Behavior

What a cowardly bunch of anti-American partisans.

New terrorist laptop bombs may evade airport security, intel sources say
Two things to note.


First on CNN


Updated 3:50 AM ET, Sat April 1, 2017

First on CNN: New terrorist laptop bombs may evade airport security, intel sources say -

You Dem's really look stupid here.
We don't know what stupid thing twirler said.

You're all crying bout him talking about the Laptop shit, it's already been reported on by your side.
it's right next to the evidence trump did it.

still don't see the evidence, just a lot of shouting it's coming.

Trump admitted it.
that he leaked classified information? that i don't see yet. i see people get that out of what he said...

but you had *us* pinned that we could not prove hillary had classified mail in the deleted mail. great. good job.

now that you can't prove trump did it, you run to speculation and forgo this "proof" you were just asking for earlier.
In response to the report that he revealed classified intel to Russia, he said he has the "absolute right to share facts".

Trump says he has 'absolute right' to share facts with Russians

So ? Then all this is much adu about nothing by your own words in this post I'm quoting. That he can declassify on the spot at will means he did nothing wron and it's backed by the article you quoted. So back to what you were getting at, what's the impeachable offense then?
It's beyond ludicrous to think the president did nothing wrong just because he has the authority to declassify intel. In this case, he may or may not have done anything wrong. Time will possibly tell. But certainly, a president can do wrong by passing along classified intel to those not allowed to receive it. If a president were to give Russians classified intel regarding our nuclear arsenal where they could interfere with our abilities to use them if needed, you don't see where that would be wrong, If not criminal?
I wonder if Obama was given this courtesy in Benghazi. And anything Hillary emailed on her private server, even classified info. Was it OK for Hillary to email whatever she wanted? Once she made the emails public all she did was declassify the info, with Obama's approval of course
If it's OK for Trump to give classified secrets to Russia why can't Hillary and Obama email classified emails from a private server? If the POTUS and sos want to use private emails isn't that their right?


Thoughts And Prayers For All The GOP Lawmakers Concerned About Trump's Behavior

What a cowardly bunch of anti-American partisans.

New terrorist laptop bombs may evade airport security, intel sources say
Two things to note.


First on CNN


Updated 3:50 AM ET, Sat April 1, 2017

First on CNN: New terrorist laptop bombs may evade airport security, intel sources say -

You Dem's really look stupid here.
We don't know what stupid thing twirler said.

You're all crying bout him talking about the Laptop shit, it's already been reported on by your side.
We don't know what stupid thing he said. He talks too much. China and Russia laughing at his dumb ass.
Gregg Jarrett: Comey's revenge is a gun without powder

Now, only after Comey was fired, the memo magically surfaces in an inflammatory New York Times report which alleges that Mr. Trump asked Comey to end the Michael Flynn investigation.

Those who don’t know the first thing about the law immediately began hurling words like “obstruction of justice”, “high crimes and misdemeanors” and “impeachment“. Typically, these people don’t know what they don’t know.....and more precisely, don't know shit.

Here is what we do know.

Under the law, Comey is required to immediately inform the Department of Justice of any attempt to obstruct justice by any person, even the President of the United States. Failure to do so would result in criminal charges against Comey. (18 USC 4 and 28 USC 1361) He would also, upon sufficient proof, lose his license to practice law.

So, if Comey believed Trump attempted to obstruct justice, did he comply with the law by reporting it to the DOJ? If not, it calls into question whether the events occurred as the Times reported it.

The ultra corrupt left will stop at nothing to ensure America falls.

Each day it becomes more evident that the number one threat to America comes from within...and it comes from the left.
Gregg Jarrett: Comey's revenge is a gun without powder

Now, only after Comey was fired, the memo magically surfaces in an inflammatory New York Times report which alleges that Mr. Trump asked Comey to end the Michael Flynn investigation.

Those who don’t know the first thing about the law immediately began hurling words like “obstruction of justice”, “high crimes and misdemeanors” and “impeachment“. Typically, these people don’t know what they don’t know.....and more precisely, don't know shit.

Here is what we do know.

Under the law, Comey is required to immediately inform the Department of Justice of any attempt to obstruct justice by any person, even the President of the United States. Failure to do so would result in criminal charges against Comey. (18 USC 4 and 28 USC 1361) He would also, upon sufficient proof, lose his license to practice law.

So, if Comey believed Trump attempted to obstruct justice, did he comply with the law by reporting it to the DOJ? If not, it calls into question whether the events occurred as the Times reported it.

The ultra corrupt left will stop at nothing to ensure America falls.

Each day it becomes more evident that the number one threat to America comes from within...and it comes from the left.
There were hardliners who defended Nixon, too, and some still do.
You know what should REALLY piss everyone off?

The fact that while the left plays these fucking games and blows smoke about Trump and Russia all in an effort to derail his Presidency, the LEFT is protecting millions of illegal aliens, many of which are dangerous criminals, killing our fellow Americans (including children) DAILY......
"Illegal IS a Crime"

California Spens $15 MILLION to protect ILLEGAL aliens
Calif. budget includes $15 million to protect illegals
3year old killed by drunken illegal immigrant
Boy, 3, killed after drunk driving illegal immigrant with no insurance slammed into family's vehicle | Daily Mail Online

Just Google the terms illegal immigrant and death or killed by.....the list is becoming a national tragedy.
And these morons have the nerve to be calling out Trump ? Please!
They can go crucify themselves on a feces covered cross.
Except that would be too good for them.
Last edited:
There were hardliners who defended Nixon, too, and some still do.

This is not a good comparison. The outrageous level of insanity and rotten behavior today far overshadows what you are referring to.
Unfortunately, today you don't have to look as hard to find's millions upon millions of hardliners on the left attempting to destroy a good Presidency for no valid reason other than their hatred, racism, agenda and indoctrinated Communist / Socialist dream Utopia.

There is absolutely no sense of fair play, give and take or tolerance on the mainstream left.
Gregg Jarrett: Comey's revenge is a gun without powder

Now, only after Comey was fired, the memo magically surfaces in an inflammatory New York Times report which alleges that Mr. Trump asked Comey to end the Michael Flynn investigation.

Those who don’t know the first thing about the law immediately began hurling words like “obstruction of justice”, “high crimes and misdemeanors” and “impeachment“. Typically, these people don’t know what they don’t know.....and more precisely, don't know shit.

Here is what we do know.

Under the law, Comey is required to immediately inform the Department of Justice of any attempt to obstruct justice by any person, even the President of the United States. Failure to do so would result in criminal charges against Comey. (18 USC 4 and 28 USC 1361) He would also, upon sufficient proof, lose his license to practice law.

So, if Comey believed Trump attempted to obstruct justice, did he comply with the law by reporting it to the DOJ? If not, it calls into question whether the events occurred as the Times reported it.

The ultra corrupt left will stop at nothing to ensure America falls.

Each day it becomes more evident that the number one threat to America comes from within...and it comes from the left.
You guys have control of all three houses. This is when you are your most corrupt and trumps no different. You guys really suck admit it. You thought it was going to be much easier implementing your right wing policies.

It's not just the left that's got buyers remorse
There were hardliners who defended Nixon, too, and some still do.

This is not a good comparison. The outrageous level of insanity and rotten behavior today far overshadows what you are referring to.
Unfortunately, today you don't have to look as hard to find's millions upon millions of hardliners on the left attempting to destroy a good Presidency for no valid reason other than their hatred, racism, agenda and indoctrinated Communist / Socialist dream Utopia.

There is absolutely no sense of fair play, give and take or tolerance on the mainstream left.

You got I backwards dude. Did the left created all these chaos or Trump?
Trump created all these self inflicted nonsense because of his amateurism.

Also give one good example why you called Trump is a good president? So far all he has proven are nothing but lousy president.
You know what should REALLY piss everyone off?

The fact that while the left plays these fucking games and blows smoke about Trump and Russia all in an effort to derail his Presidency, the LEFT is protecting millions of illegal aliens, many of which are dangerous criminals, killing our fellow Americans (including children) DAILY......
"Illegal IS a Crime"

California Spens $15 MILLION to protect ILLEGAL aliens
Calif. budget includes $15 million to protect illegals
3year old killed by drunken illegal immigrant
Boy, 3, killed after drunk driving illegal immigrant with no insurance slammed into family's vehicle | Daily Mail Online

Just Google the terms illegal immigrant and death or killed by.....the list is becoming a national tragedy.
And these morons have the nerve to be calling out Trump ? Please!
They can go crucify themselves on a feces covered cross.
Except that would be too good for them.

Despite with the highest number of illegals here in California------- We are NOT the highest in crimes, drugiest, poorest, stupidest state in the entire America.
California is the 6th largest economy of the world, contribute $360 billions to federal tax every year. Maybe we are doing something right.
As far as I'm concerned FUCK Trump.
What concerns me more is the apparent collusion in the media to try to destroy a president before he even gets settled into the office..

my concern also - regardless of who is in office. all the media is doing is saying they do indeed play favorites. for now the libs love it cause they share a common "enemy". but if the media would ever turn on them (and face it, if you're willing to do this to trump, you're willing to do this to anyone) they would HATE IT and cry foul.

if hillary won for example and for whatever reason the media crucified her, i admit at first i'd love it. but if that's all there was then i'd have to ask myself if i'm basing my emotional stance about her on misinformation. i would then take hillary out of the picture and say this is wrong to do - to anyone.

we've trusted our media to be honest, not back a party they like. that is no longer the case and we don't have news anymore, we have corporate blogs with tons of advertising catering for the most hits.

we all share come blame in this but as long as we let it happen - especially to someone we can't stand, we have zero footing to say it's wrong when done to someone you like.

the action is right, or wrong. not partisan.

I just know if I were Trump I'd ban the media from the WH grounds. Let them submit questions in writing and wait on written responses. That would put a stop to all this gotcha bullshit and dissecting every spoken word. Every reporter gets the same written answer sheet at the same time, no exclusives and no scoops.

It's too late, the cats out the bag.
Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation
That's obstruction of justice.


Trump admitted it.
that he leaked classified information? that i don't see yet. i see people get that out of what he said...

but you had *us* pinned that we could not prove hillary had classified mail in the deleted mail. great. good job.

now that you can't prove trump did it, you run to speculation and forgo this "proof" you were just asking for earlier.
In response to the report that he revealed classified intel to Russia, he said he has the "absolute right to share facts".

Trump says he has 'absolute right' to share facts with Russians

So ? Then all this is much adu about nothing by your own words in this post I'm quoting. That he can declassify on the spot at will means he did nothing wron and it's backed by the article you quoted. So back to what you were getting at, what's the impeachable offense then?
It's beyond ludicrous to think the president did nothing wrong just because he has the authority to declassify intel. In this case, he may or may not have done anything wrong. Time will possibly tell. But certainly, a president can do wrong by passing along classified intel to those not allowed to receive it. If a president were to give Russians classified intel regarding our nuclear arsenal where they could interfere with our abilities to use them if needed, you don't see where that would be wrong, If not criminal?
I wonder if Obama was given this courtesy in Benghazi. And anything Hillary emailed on her private server, even classified info. Was it OK for Hillary to email whatever she wanted? Once she made the emails public all she did was declassify the info, with Obama's approval of course

Mmm what difference does it make, I mean, she didn't INTEND to break any laws. Ask Comey he has notes he showed a friend of a friend who knew a guy who was there.
What concerns me more is the apparent collusion in the media to try to destroy a president before he even gets settled into the office..

my concern also - regardless of who is in office. all the media is doing is saying they do indeed play favorites. for now the libs love it cause they share a common "enemy". but if the media would ever turn on them (and face it, if you're willing to do this to trump, you're willing to do this to anyone) they would HATE IT and cry foul.

if hillary won for example and for whatever reason the media crucified her, i admit at first i'd love it. but if that's all there was then i'd have to ask myself if i'm basing my emotional stance about her on misinformation. i would then take hillary out of the picture and say this is wrong to do - to anyone.

we've trusted our media to be honest, not back a party they like. that is no longer the case and we don't have news anymore, we have corporate blogs with tons of advertising catering for the most hits.

we all share come blame in this but as long as we let it happen - especially to someone we can't stand, we have zero footing to say it's wrong when done to someone you like.

the action is right, or wrong. not partisan.

I just know if I were Trump I'd ban the media from the WH grounds. Let them submit questions in writing and wait on written responses. That would put a stop to all this gotcha bullshit and dissecting every spoken word. Every reporter gets the same written answer sheet at the same time, no exclusives and no scoops.

It's too late, the cats out the bag.
Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation
That's obstruction of justice.

IF it happened at all.

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