BREAKING: Trump Shared Highly Classified Info With Russians!

Is donnie begging for impeachment?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 52.9%
  • No

    Votes: 24 47.1%

  • Total voters
What concerns me more is the apparent collusion in the media to try to destroy a president before he even gets settled into the office..

my concern also - regardless of who is in office. all the media is doing is saying they do indeed play favorites. for now the libs love it cause they share a common "enemy". but if the media would ever turn on them (and face it, if you're willing to do this to trump, you're willing to do this to anyone) they would HATE IT and cry foul.

if hillary won for example and for whatever reason the media crucified her, i admit at first i'd love it. but if that's all there was then i'd have to ask myself if i'm basing my emotional stance about her on misinformation. i would then take hillary out of the picture and say this is wrong to do - to anyone.

we've trusted our media to be honest, not back a party they like. that is no longer the case and we don't have news anymore, we have corporate blogs with tons of advertising catering for the most hits.

we all share come blame in this but as long as we let it happen - especially to someone we can't stand, we have zero footing to say it's wrong when done to someone you like.

the action is right, or wrong. not partisan.

I just know if I were Trump I'd ban the media from the WH grounds. Let them submit questions in writing and wait on written responses. That would put a stop to all this gotcha bullshit and dissecting every spoken word. Every reporter gets the same written answer sheet at the same time, no exclusives and no scoops.

It's too late, the cats out the bag.
Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation
That's obstruction of justice.

So you've seen this alleged memo? The Deputy Director testified that there had been no effort made to obstruct the investigation. Don't you think he would be on the CC list?

What concerns me more is the apparent collusion in the media to try to destroy a president before he even gets settled into the office..

my concern also - regardless of who is in office. all the media is doing is saying they do indeed play favorites. for now the libs love it cause they share a common "enemy". but if the media would ever turn on them (and face it, if you're willing to do this to trump, you're willing to do this to anyone) they would HATE IT and cry foul.

if hillary won for example and for whatever reason the media crucified her, i admit at first i'd love it. but if that's all there was then i'd have to ask myself if i'm basing my emotional stance about her on misinformation. i would then take hillary out of the picture and say this is wrong to do - to anyone.

we've trusted our media to be honest, not back a party they like. that is no longer the case and we don't have news anymore, we have corporate blogs with tons of advertising catering for the most hits.

we all share come blame in this but as long as we let it happen - especially to someone we can't stand, we have zero footing to say it's wrong when done to someone you like.

the action is right, or wrong. not partisan.

I just know if I were Trump I'd ban the media from the WH grounds. Let them submit questions in writing and wait on written responses. That would put a stop to all this gotcha bullshit and dissecting every spoken word. Every reporter gets the same written answer sheet at the same time, no exclusives and no scoops.

It's too late, the cats out the bag.
Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation
That's obstruction of justice.

IF it happened at all.
According to two people who read the memo, it was part of a paper trail Mr. Comey created documenting what he perceived as the president’s improper efforts to influence a continuing investigation. I think we will see that memo in a matter of days. According to Sen. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah the necessary paperwork to get the memo is being drafted.
What concerns me more is the apparent collusion in the media to try to destroy a president before he even gets settled into the office..

my concern also - regardless of who is in office. all the media is doing is saying they do indeed play favorites. for now the libs love it cause they share a common "enemy". but if the media would ever turn on them (and face it, if you're willing to do this to trump, you're willing to do this to anyone) they would HATE IT and cry foul.

if hillary won for example and for whatever reason the media crucified her, i admit at first i'd love it. but if that's all there was then i'd have to ask myself if i'm basing my emotional stance about her on misinformation. i would then take hillary out of the picture and say this is wrong to do - to anyone.

we've trusted our media to be honest, not back a party they like. that is no longer the case and we don't have news anymore, we have corporate blogs with tons of advertising catering for the most hits.

we all share come blame in this but as long as we let it happen - especially to someone we can't stand, we have zero footing to say it's wrong when done to someone you like.

the action is right, or wrong. not partisan.

I just know if I were Trump I'd ban the media from the WH grounds. Let them submit questions in writing and wait on written responses. That would put a stop to all this gotcha bullshit and dissecting every spoken word. Every reporter gets the same written answer sheet at the same time, no exclusives and no scoops.

It's too late, the cats out the bag.
Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation
That's obstruction of justice.

IF it happened at all.
According to two people who read the memo, it was part of a paper trail Mr. Comey created documenting what he perceived as the president’s improper efforts to influence a continuing investigation. I think we see that memo in a matter of days. According to Sen. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah the necessary paperwork to get the memo is being drafted so we will find out in a hurry if it's out there.

Mm, Comey also said four times Trump did
Nothing of the kind. McCabe said the same I believe both were under oath. As for the memo, those get sent to people so who was Comey sending memos to after and during meetings with the presidant? Then there is the guy who said Comey showed the memo to him. That person needs to be up on capital hill under oath.

Trump Reportedly Revealed "Highly Classified Information" During Meeting With Russian Officials

Russian media was allowed in last week’s meeting, but American outlets were not.

President Donald Trump revealed “highly classified information” last week during a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak, The Washington Post reported Monday.

The Post, citing current and former U.S. officials with ties to the administration, reports that the information “jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.” The publication did not elaborate on what the president’s disclosure entailed due to the sensitive nature of the information.

A White House spokeswoman did not immediately return a request for comment.

Read the Washington Post’s full report here.

Trump Reportedly Revealed Classified Info During Meeting With Russian Officials

Well, this doesn't sound good. I wonder what "highly classified information" Trump shared with the Russians? This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

BuzzFeed later confirmed the Post’s report, quoting an official who said the president’s disclosure is “far worse than what has already been reported.”
Washington Redskin, progressives don't get to say what is classified and what is not classified. Progressives and intelligence are like oil and water they cannot mix… Stay out of the fucking firewater you fucking drunk Indian
that he leaked classified information? that i don't see yet. i see people get that out of what he said...

but you had *us* pinned that we could not prove hillary had classified mail in the deleted mail. great. good job.

now that you can't prove trump did it, you run to speculation and forgo this "proof" you were just asking for earlier.
In response to the report that he revealed classified intel to Russia, he said he has the "absolute right to share facts".

Trump says he has 'absolute right' to share facts with Russians

So ? Then all this is much adu about nothing by your own words in this post I'm quoting. That he can declassify on the spot at will means he did nothing wron and it's backed by the article you quoted. So back to what you were getting at, what's the impeachable offense then?
It's beyond ludicrous to think the president did nothing wrong just because he has the authority to declassify intel. In this case, he may or may not have done anything wrong. Time will possibly tell. But certainly, a president can do wrong by passing along classified intel to those not allowed to receive it. If a president were to give Russians classified intel regarding our nuclear arsenal where they could interfere with our abilities to use them if needed, you don't see where that would be wrong, If not criminal?
I wonder if Obama was given this courtesy in Benghazi. And anything Hillary emailed on her private server, even classified info. Was it OK for Hillary to email whatever she wanted? Once she made the emails public all she did was declassify the info, with Obama's approval of course

Mmm what difference does it make, I mean, she didn't INTEND to break any laws. Ask Comey he has notes he showed a friend of a friend who knew a guy who was there.
You guys never admitted how bad George was until Jeb ran so I don't expect you to admit what a fiasco the Trump presidency is
You guys never admitted how bad George was until Jeb ran so I don't expect you to admit what a fiasco the Trump presidency is

what's this admit shit? you gonna admit obama caused huge racial divide in this country? that he slammed policemen at every opportunity and always took side of anyone AGAINST the police?

jeb is a joke of another level. let's go ahead and see how obama's brother does if he runs, shall we? :)

but seriously - a failure is only a failure if they don't do what *you* want them to do. so if bush did what the people who elected to do, then he was a success to them. if they keep their promises - a success. if you don't like them or what they are doing you may want to call them a failure but that's hardly fair now is it cause they went in NOT doing what you'd want.

that said bush was the one who started this whole invasion of privacy crap and obama said "hold my beer" and that shit needs to be dismantled. the problem with giving gov power, they never give it back.
It sounds like RussiaGate and BlabberGate will take Trump down.
and how funny - both are made up hit jobs by the DNC and media.

notice how no one cared about the DNC wikileaks hacks being FROM the DNC? we much more cared trump did less that what obama did with intel but it's impeachable for trump, not even newsworthy for obama.

that sort of favoritism to either side has to end. period. if it's wrong, it's wrong. not who does it makes it ok.


Thoughts And Prayers For All The GOP Lawmakers Concerned About Trump's Behavior

What a cowardly bunch of anti-American partisans.

New terrorist laptop bombs may evade airport security, intel sources say
Two things to note.


First on CNN


Updated 3:50 AM ET, Sat April 1, 2017

First on CNN: New terrorist laptop bombs may evade airport security, intel sources say -

You Dem's really look stupid here.
We don't know what stupid thing twirler said.

You're all crying bout him talking about the Laptop shit, it's already been reported on by your side.
We don't know what stupid thing he said. He talks too much. China and Russia laughing at his dumb ass.

You're all crying bout this laptop story, you know...the one CNN broke on April 1st.
In response to the report that he revealed classified intel to Russia, he said he has the "absolute right to share facts".

Trump says he has 'absolute right' to share facts with Russians

So ? Then all this is much adu about nothing by your own words in this post I'm quoting. That he can declassify on the spot at will means he did nothing wron and it's backed by the article you quoted. So back to what you were getting at, what's the impeachable offense then?
It's beyond ludicrous to think the president did nothing wrong just because he has the authority to declassify intel. In this case, he may or may not have done anything wrong. Time will possibly tell. But certainly, a president can do wrong by passing along classified intel to those not allowed to receive it. If a president were to give Russians classified intel regarding our nuclear arsenal where they could interfere with our abilities to use them if needed, you don't see where that would be wrong, If not criminal?
I wonder if Obama was given this courtesy in Benghazi. And anything Hillary emailed on her private server, even classified info. Was it OK for Hillary to email whatever she wanted? Once she made the emails public all she did was declassify the info, with Obama's approval of course

Mmm what difference does it make, I mean, she didn't INTEND to break any laws. Ask Comey he has notes he showed a friend of a friend who knew a guy who was there.
You guys never admitted how bad George was until Jeb ran so I don't expect you to admit what a fiasco the Trump presidency is
That day will come.
Vlad to the Rescue
Vlad is a bad M F r
Putin Offers to Hand Over Records of Meeting
May 17, 2017
Russian President Vladimir Putin said he “would be willing to provide the U.S. Congress a record of President Trump’s meeting with top Russian envoys, possibly offering new details on the disclosures of reportly highly classified intelligence information,” the Washington Post reports.

“The remarkable offer for the Kremlin to share evidence with U.S. oversight committees came with the caveat that the request for the transcript would have to come from the Trump administration.”

Putin also said that “political schizophrenia” had gripped the United States.
In response to the report that he revealed classified intel to Russia, he said he has the "absolute right to share facts".

Trump says he has 'absolute right' to share facts with Russians

So ? Then all this is much adu about nothing by your own words in this post I'm quoting. That he can declassify on the spot at will means he did nothing wron and it's backed by the article you quoted. So back to what you were getting at, what's the impeachable offense then?
It's beyond ludicrous to think the president did nothing wrong just because he has the authority to declassify intel. In this case, he may or may not have done anything wrong. Time will possibly tell. But certainly, a president can do wrong by passing along classified intel to those not allowed to receive it. If a president were to give Russians classified intel regarding our nuclear arsenal where they could interfere with our abilities to use them if needed, you don't see where that would be wrong, If not criminal?
I wonder if Obama was given this courtesy in Benghazi. And anything Hillary emailed on her private server, even classified info. Was it OK for Hillary to email whatever she wanted? Once she made the emails public all she did was declassify the info, with Obama's approval of course

Mmm what difference does it make, I mean, she didn't INTEND to break any laws. Ask Comey he has notes he showed a friend of a friend who knew a guy who was there.
You guys never admitted how bad George was until Jeb ran so I don't expect you to admit what a fiasco the Trump presidency is

Wrong. Booosh, all of them are useless kennebunkport Maine yankee turds. Yet another dynasty of political like the Kennedy's, Gores and like the Clintons wanted to be.
So ? Then all this is much adu about nothing by your own words in this post I'm quoting. That he can declassify on the spot at will means he did nothing wron and it's backed by the article you quoted. So back to what you were getting at, what's the impeachable offense then?
It's beyond ludicrous to think the president did nothing wrong just because he has the authority to declassify intel. In this case, he may or may not have done anything wrong. Time will possibly tell. But certainly, a president can do wrong by passing along classified intel to those not allowed to receive it. If a president were to give Russians classified intel regarding our nuclear arsenal where they could interfere with our abilities to use them if needed, you don't see where that would be wrong, If not criminal?
I wonder if Obama was given this courtesy in Benghazi. And anything Hillary emailed on her private server, even classified info. Was it OK for Hillary to email whatever she wanted? Once she made the emails public all she did was declassify the info, with Obama's approval of course

Mmm what difference does it make, I mean, she didn't INTEND to break any laws. Ask Comey he has notes he showed a friend of a friend who knew a guy who was there.
You guys never admitted how bad George was until Jeb ran so I don't expect you to admit what a fiasco the Trump presidency is

Wrong. Booosh, all of them are useless kennebunkport Maine yankee turds. Yet another dynasty of political like the Kennedy's, Gores and like the Clintons wanted to be.

The Bush family is pure evil, however Bush, Clinton, Obama et al are all cut from the same Neo-Con cloth.
Just the latest childish anti American ploy to try and harm the President by a bunch of sore losers. I was just a few days ago trying to explain to libs that this constant BS coming from an angry Trump hating media is actually helping Trump.

His support among his voters is still at 98%. The liberals are going bat crazy trying to understand why that is. It's easy, only the very duped are goose stepping along side of the liberal media.

You are goose stepping your democrat party right down a rat hole right beside the failing media. You will not win support this way but the aging leaders of the democrat party are too stupid out of touch and angry to see it.

Donald Trump's poll numbers should terrify Republicans -
He would get 20 extra points with a friendly media.

What are his big wins? So far I see mostly chaos. A country divided. Heck even republicans are divided.
Precisely why Putin wanted Trump in office. The hysterical opposition is doing exactly what he hoped they would do.
Just the latest childish anti American ploy to try and harm the President by a bunch of sore losers. I was just a few days ago trying to explain to libs that this constant BS coming from an angry Trump hating media is actually helping Trump.

His support among his voters is still at 98%. The liberals are going bat crazy trying to understand why that is. It's easy, only the very duped are goose stepping along side of the liberal media.

You are goose stepping your democrat party right down a rat hole right beside the failing media. You will not win support this way but the aging leaders of the democrat party are too stupid out of touch and angry to see it.

Donald Trump's poll numbers should terrify Republicans -
He would get 20 extra points with a friendly media.

What are his big wins? So far I see mostly chaos. A country divided. Heck even republicans are divided.
Precisely why Putin wanted Trump in office. The hysterical opposition is doing exactly what he hoped they would do.

Yeah, the media being democrat one kind of sees how they are so suggestable to dictators like Putin.
Just the latest childish anti American ploy to try and harm the President by a bunch of sore losers. I was just a few days ago trying to explain to libs that this constant BS coming from an angry Trump hating media is actually helping Trump.

His support among his voters is still at 98%. The liberals are going bat crazy trying to understand why that is. It's easy, only the very duped are goose stepping along side of the liberal media.

You are goose stepping your democrat party right down a rat hole right beside the failing media. You will not win support this way but the aging leaders of the democrat party are too stupid out of touch and angry to see it.

Donald Trump's poll numbers should terrify Republicans -
He would get 20 extra points with a friendly media.

What are his big wins? So far I see mostly chaos. A country divided. Heck even republicans are divided.
Precisely why Putin wanted Trump in office. The hysterical opposition is doing exactly what he hoped they would do.

Yeah, the media being democrat one kind of sees how they are so suggestable to dictators like Putin.
The longer he can keep America divided and focused inward, the more he can do without our notice and intervention.

What are his big wins? So far I see mostly chaos. A country divided. Heck even republicans are divided.
Precisely why Putin wanted Trump in office. The hysterical opposition is doing exactly what he hoped they would do.

Yeah, the media being democrat one kind of sees how they are so suggestable to dictators like Putin.
The longer he can keep America divided and focused inward, the more he can do without our notice and intervention.

Yep, we love our drama and the rest of the world watches and shakes their heads.
He would get 20 extra points with a friendly media.

What are his big wins? So far I see mostly chaos. A country divided. Heck even republicans are divided.
Precisely why Putin wanted Trump in office. The hysterical opposition is doing exactly what he hoped they would do.

Yeah, the media being democrat one kind of sees how they are so suggestable to dictators like Putin.
The longer he can keep America divided and focused inward, the more he can do without our notice and intervention.

Yep, we love our drama and the rest of the world watches and shakes their heads.

Yeah, Schumer crying on TV, that stupid slut Pelozi mumble my what ever the hell she does incoherently, yeah the democrat party an 99.9% percent of the republicans are useless fucks.

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