BREAKING: Trump Shared Highly Classified Info With Russians!

Is donnie begging for impeachment?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 52.9%
  • No

    Votes: 24 47.1%

  • Total voters
Yeah, the media being democrat one kind of sees how they are so suggestable to dictators like Putin.
The longer he can keep America divided and focused inward, the more he can do without our notice and intervention.

Yep, we love our drama and the rest of the world watches and shakes their heads.

Yeah, Schumer crying on TV, that stupid slut Pelozi mumble my what ever the hell she does incoherently, yeah the democrat party an 99.9% percent of the republicans are useless fucks.
One only hopes that Trump remains strong in the face of this tidal wave of hatred. If they can get rid of him, they set back any chance to force reform on the parties.
That's nonsense. There is no way Trump can make real changes because this is not the way you do it. A president can make major lasting changes only with strong support from congress and a clear mandate from the public. He has neither. Lasting changes comes only through legislation, not executive orders, threats, and bogus claims.

I think you fascists have shot yourself in the foot. Putin is exposing that you openly and deliberately lied. Will the sheeple continue to listen to WaPo when it is snared in this big of an openly treasonous propaganda effort designed to bring down the government of the United States?
The longer he can keep America divided and focused inward, the more he can do without our notice and intervention.

Yep, we love our drama and the rest of the world watches and shakes their heads.

Yeah, Schumer crying on TV, that stupid slut Pelozi mumble my what ever the hell she does incoherently, yeah the democrat party an 99.9% percent of the republicans are useless fucks.
One only hopes that Trump remains strong in the face of this tidal wave of hatred. If they can get rid of him, they set back any chance to force reform on the parties.
That's nonsense. There is no way Trump can make real changes because this is not the way you do it. A president can make major lasting changes only with strong support from congress and a clear mandate from the public. He has neither. Lasting changes comes only through legislation, not executive orders, threats, and bogus claims.

I think you fascists have shot yourself in the foot. Putin is exposing that you openly and deliberately lied. Will the sheeple continue to listen to WaPo when it is snared in this big of an openly treasonous propaganda effort designed to bring down the government of the United States?
The government will function just fine without a buffoon in the Oval Office.
The government will function just fine without a buffoon in the Oval Office.

Yes, we have seen that since Jan. 20, 2017.

I just know if I were Trump I'd ban the media from the WH grounds. Let them submit questions in writing and wait on written responses. That would put a stop to all this gotcha bullshit and dissecting every spoken word. Every reporter gets the same written answer sheet at the same time, no exclusives and no scoops.

It's too late, the cats out the bag.
Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation
That's obstruction of justice.

IF it happened at all.
According to two people who read the memo, it was part of a paper trail Mr. Comey created documenting what he perceived as the president’s improper efforts to influence a continuing investigation. I think we see that memo in a matter of days. According to Sen. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah the necessary paperwork to get the memo is being drafted so we will find out in a hurry if it's out there.

Mm, Comey also said four times Trump did
Nothing of the kind. McCabe said the same I believe both were under oath. As for the memo, those get sent to people so who was Comey sending memos to after and during meetings with the presidant? Then there is the guy who said Comey showed the memo to him. That person needs to be up on capital hill under oath.
“The obstruction of justice articles of impeachment counts are stacking up, it seems,” an active duty FBI agent told The Daily Beast on Tuesday. Firing Comey, the agent added, was a “big gamble. You’ve got to kill him, metaphorically. You can’t just wound him.”

IMHO, Comey appears to be a very meticulous person that documents everything so I think we will see more than just this memo. The House Over site Committee has demanded that the FBI turnover all memorandum, notes, summaries, and recordings of meetings between Trump and Comey. This will likely contain the memo.

Trump Officials on Comey Memo: ‘Don’t See How Trump Isn’t Completely F*cked’

Guess what skippy, if Comey truly thought Trump was trying to obstruct justice and didn't report it, he is fucked. He has a duty to report. On the other hand if Comey thought it was innocent conversation, then this is much a do about nothing.

To those of you cheering the most recent "misstep" of President Trump, calling him the full gambit of names, calling for impeachment, and so on. Have you stopped long enough to ask yourself one simple question: "what damage to the country am I doing by furthering this line of attack?" Have you stopped, in your blind hatred long enough to ask if YOUR actions are further damaging our country? Have you stopped your blind attacks long enough to wonder if YOU are feeding into the division of this country that will be its demise?
Just set aside what Trump may or may not have done for a moment and ask yourself if what YOU are doing is part of the problem or part of the solution. If you are not part of the solution (AKA ending the division in our country)

Trump has made some significant errors. Simply backing off is not an option. He should be removed before something catastrophic happens. The circle of support for the president is shrinking while bipartisan concern is growing.
I don't disagree. My point, however, is that there is a difference between holding him accountable, and adding to the divisiveness of the country.
It's too late, the cats out the bag.
Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation
That's obstruction of justice.

IF it happened at all.
According to two people who read the memo, it was part of a paper trail Mr. Comey created documenting what he perceived as the president’s improper efforts to influence a continuing investigation. I think we see that memo in a matter of days. According to Sen. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah the necessary paperwork to get the memo is being drafted so we will find out in a hurry if it's out there.

Mm, Comey also said four times Trump did
Nothing of the kind. McCabe said the same I believe both were under oath. As for the memo, those get sent to people so who was Comey sending memos to after and during meetings with the presidant? Then there is the guy who said Comey showed the memo to him. That person needs to be up on capital hill under oath.
“The obstruction of justice articles of impeachment counts are stacking up, it seems,” an active duty FBI agent told The Daily Beast on Tuesday. Firing Comey, the agent added, was a “big gamble. You’ve got to kill him, metaphorically. You can’t just wound him.”

IMHO, Comey appears to be a very meticulous person that documents everything so I think we will see more than just this memo. The House Over site Committee has demanded that the FBI turnover all memorandum, notes, summaries, and recordings of meetings between Trump and Comey. This will likely contain the memo.

Trump Officials on Comey Memo: ‘Don’t See How Trump Isn’t Completely F*cked’

Guess what skippy, if Comey truly thought Trump was trying to obstruct justice and didn't report it, he is fucked. He has a duty to report. On the other hand if Comey thought it was innocent conversation, then this is much a do about nothing.


And Comey will face his own obstruction charges along with acting director McCabe. I say let's go down that rabbit hole. Call Maxine waters and Al Greens bluff and bring it. All of it. Notice there are no takers? Even Nanci Pelozi has jumped off the crazy wagon.
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To those of you cheering the most recent "misstep" of President Trump, calling him the full gambit of names, calling for impeachment, and so on. Have you stopped long enough to ask yourself one simple question: "what damage to the country am I doing by furthering this line of attack?" Have you stopped, in your blind hatred long enough to ask if YOUR actions are further damaging our country? Have you stopped your blind attacks long enough to wonder if YOU are feeding into the division of this country that will be its demise?
Just set aside what Trump may or may not have done for a moment and ask yourself if what YOU are doing is part of the problem or part of the solution. If you are not part of the solution (AKA ending the division in our country)
Sometimes the treatment for a disease is painful! The excising of festering and necrotic flesh at times is the only cure for the survival of the patient. The infection to our Nation must be removed so it may rise again. The sooner the Orange One is removed, the sooner the Nation can heal. Fuck your status quo!
See, now this is exactly what I am talking about. Did you/do you say the same about other people who have made similar errors? Hillary Clinton for example?

I agree that there is a disease infecting our country, I, however, also realise, and accept, that it is not one person, one party, or any one group. There are people from ALL walks of life that are adding to the divisiveness(even I have been part of the problem), and ultimate destruction, of our great nation. Trump is one, Hillary is another, so are ALL the people who are doing NOTHING to end the divisiveness.

So, what are YOU doing to end this disease called "Divisiveness"?
To those of you cheering the most recent "misstep" of President Trump, calling him the full gambit of names, calling for impeachment, and so on. Have you stopped long enough to ask yourself one simple question: "what damage to the country am I doing by furthering this line of attack?" Have you stopped, in your blind hatred long enough to ask if YOUR actions are further damaging our country? Have you stopped your blind attacks long enough to wonder if YOU are feeding into the division of this country that will be its demise?
Just set aside what Trump may or may not have done for a moment and ask yourself if what YOU are doing is part of the problem or part of the solution. If you are not part of the solution (AKA ending the division in our country)
Sometimes the treatment for a disease is painful! The excising of festering and necrotic flesh at times is the only cure for the survival of the patient. The infection to our Nation must be removed so it may rise again. The sooner the Orange One is removed, the sooner the Nation can heal. Fuck your status quo!

So you like posting dumb ass shit huh?
Good for you.
One more example of the problem...
It's too late, the cats out the bag.
Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation
That's obstruction of justice.

IF it happened at all.
According to two people who read the memo, it was part of a paper trail Mr. Comey created documenting what he perceived as the president’s improper efforts to influence a continuing investigation. I think we see that memo in a matter of days. According to Sen. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah the necessary paperwork to get the memo is being drafted so we will find out in a hurry if it's out there.

Mm, Comey also said four times Trump did
Nothing of the kind. McCabe said the same I believe both were under oath. As for the memo, those get sent to people so who was Comey sending memos to after and during meetings with the presidant? Then there is the guy who said Comey showed the memo to him. That person needs to be up on capital hill under oath.
“The obstruction of justice articles of impeachment counts are stacking up, it seems,” an active duty FBI agent told The Daily Beast on Tuesday. Firing Comey, the agent added, was a “big gamble. You’ve got to kill him, metaphorically. You can’t just wound him.”

IMHO, Comey appears to be a very meticulous person that documents everything so I think we will see more than just this memo. The House Over site Committee has demanded that the FBI turnover all memorandum, notes, summaries, and recordings of meetings between Trump and Comey. This will likely contain the memo.

Trump Officials on Comey Memo: ‘Don’t See How Trump Isn’t Completely F*cked’

Guess what skippy, if Comey truly thought Trump was trying to obstruct justice and didn't report it, he is fucked. He has a duty to report. On the other hand if Comey thought it was innocent conversation, then this is much a do about nothing.

If Comey didn't do his duty as director, what's Trump going to do, fire him.
Apparently he did report it in his memo. It will be interesting to see who got copies of it.
IF it happened at all.
According to two people who read the memo, it was part of a paper trail Mr. Comey created documenting what he perceived as the president’s improper efforts to influence a continuing investigation. I think we see that memo in a matter of days. According to Sen. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah the necessary paperwork to get the memo is being drafted so we will find out in a hurry if it's out there.

Mm, Comey also said four times Trump did
Nothing of the kind. McCabe said the same I believe both were under oath. As for the memo, those get sent to people so who was Comey sending memos to after and during meetings with the presidant? Then there is the guy who said Comey showed the memo to him. That person needs to be up on capital hill under oath.
“The obstruction of justice articles of impeachment counts are stacking up, it seems,” an active duty FBI agent told The Daily Beast on Tuesday. Firing Comey, the agent added, was a “big gamble. You’ve got to kill him, metaphorically. You can’t just wound him.”

IMHO, Comey appears to be a very meticulous person that documents everything so I think we will see more than just this memo. The House Over site Committee has demanded that the FBI turnover all memorandum, notes, summaries, and recordings of meetings between Trump and Comey. This will likely contain the memo.

Trump Officials on Comey Memo: ‘Don’t See How Trump Isn’t Completely F*cked’

Guess what skippy, if Comey truly thought Trump was trying to obstruct justice and didn't report it, he is fucked. He has a duty to report. On the other hand if Comey thought it was innocent conversation, then this is much a do about nothing.

If Comey didn't do his duty as director, what's Trump going to do, fire him.
Apparently he did report it in his memo. It will be interesting to see who got copies of it.

Well, so far the only proof that memo exists is a phone call between a third party and a reporter. If this memo exists Comey will have legal issues as will his replacement McCabe and others. Watch Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelozi both have backed WAAAAY off their rhetoric. It's all slowing down as they realize, it ain't going good for them.
IF it happened at all.
According to two people who read the memo, it was part of a paper trail Mr. Comey created documenting what he perceived as the president’s improper efforts to influence a continuing investigation. I think we see that memo in a matter of days. According to Sen. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah the necessary paperwork to get the memo is being drafted so we will find out in a hurry if it's out there.

Mm, Comey also said four times Trump did
Nothing of the kind. McCabe said the same I believe both were under oath. As for the memo, those get sent to people so who was Comey sending memos to after and during meetings with the presidant? Then there is the guy who said Comey showed the memo to him. That person needs to be up on capital hill under oath.
“The obstruction of justice articles of impeachment counts are stacking up, it seems,” an active duty FBI agent told The Daily Beast on Tuesday. Firing Comey, the agent added, was a “big gamble. You’ve got to kill him, metaphorically. You can’t just wound him.”

IMHO, Comey appears to be a very meticulous person that documents everything so I think we will see more than just this memo. The House Over site Committee has demanded that the FBI turnover all memorandum, notes, summaries, and recordings of meetings between Trump and Comey. This will likely contain the memo.

Trump Officials on Comey Memo: ‘Don’t See How Trump Isn’t Completely F*cked’

Guess what skippy, if Comey truly thought Trump was trying to obstruct justice and didn't report it, he is fucked. He has a duty to report. On the other hand if Comey thought it was innocent conversation, then this is much a do about nothing.

If Comey didn't do his duty as director, what's Trump going to do, fire him.
Apparently he did report it in his memo. It will be interesting to see who got copies of it.

Actually he could face obstruction charges himself, and possible perjury charges since he testified under oath that no one has tried to interfere with the investigation.

According to two people who read the memo, it was part of a paper trail Mr. Comey created documenting what he perceived as the president’s improper efforts to influence a continuing investigation. I think we see that memo in a matter of days. According to Sen. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah the necessary paperwork to get the memo is being drafted so we will find out in a hurry if it's out there.

Mm, Comey also said four times Trump did
Nothing of the kind. McCabe said the same I believe both were under oath. As for the memo, those get sent to people so who was Comey sending memos to after and during meetings with the presidant? Then there is the guy who said Comey showed the memo to him. That person needs to be up on capital hill under oath.
“The obstruction of justice articles of impeachment counts are stacking up, it seems,” an active duty FBI agent told The Daily Beast on Tuesday. Firing Comey, the agent added, was a “big gamble. You’ve got to kill him, metaphorically. You can’t just wound him.”

IMHO, Comey appears to be a very meticulous person that documents everything so I think we will see more than just this memo. The House Over site Committee has demanded that the FBI turnover all memorandum, notes, summaries, and recordings of meetings between Trump and Comey. This will likely contain the memo.

Trump Officials on Comey Memo: ‘Don’t See How Trump Isn’t Completely F*cked’

Guess what skippy, if Comey truly thought Trump was trying to obstruct justice and didn't report it, he is fucked. He has a duty to report. On the other hand if Comey thought it was innocent conversation, then this is much a do about nothing.

If Comey didn't do his duty as director, what's Trump going to do, fire him.
Apparently he did report it in his memo. It will be interesting to see who got copies of it.

Well, so far the only proof that memo exists is a phone call between a third party and a reporter. If this memo exists Comey will have legal issues as will his replacement McCabe and others. Watch Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelozi both have backed WAAAAY off their rhetoric. It's all slowing down as they realize, it ain't going good for them.
Correct. If the memo exists and Comey didn't immediately turn it over to the Dept of Justice when Trump allegedly spoke to him about Flynn, then he's committed 'Obstruction of Justice'...

(18 USC 4 and 28 USC 1361) He would also, upon sufficient proof, lose his license to practice law.

18 U.S. Code § 4 - Misprision of felony

28 U.S. Code § 1361 - Action to compel an officer of the United States to perform his duty
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Mm, Comey also said four times Trump did
Nothing of the kind. McCabe said the same I believe both were under oath. As for the memo, those get sent to people so who was Comey sending memos to after and during meetings with the presidant? Then there is the guy who said Comey showed the memo to him. That person needs to be up on capital hill under oath.
“The obstruction of justice articles of impeachment counts are stacking up, it seems,” an active duty FBI agent told The Daily Beast on Tuesday. Firing Comey, the agent added, was a “big gamble. You’ve got to kill him, metaphorically. You can’t just wound him.”

IMHO, Comey appears to be a very meticulous person that documents everything so I think we will see more than just this memo. The House Over site Committee has demanded that the FBI turnover all memorandum, notes, summaries, and recordings of meetings between Trump and Comey. This will likely contain the memo.

Trump Officials on Comey Memo: ‘Don’t See How Trump Isn’t Completely F*cked’

Guess what skippy, if Comey truly thought Trump was trying to obstruct justice and didn't report it, he is fucked. He has a duty to report. On the other hand if Comey thought it was innocent conversation, then this is much a do about nothing.

If Comey didn't do his duty as director, what's Trump going to do, fire him.
Apparently he did report it in his memo. It will be interesting to see who got copies of it.

Well, so far the only proof that memo exists is a phone call between a third party and a reporter. If this memo exists Comey will have legal issues as will his replacement McCabe and others. Watch Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelozi both have backed WAAAAY off their rhetoric. It's all slowing down as they realize, it ain't going good for them.
Correct. If the memo exists and Comey didn't immediately turn it over to the Dept of Justice when Trump allegedly spoke to him about Flynn, then he's committed 'Obstruction of Justice'.

18 U.S. Code § 1505 - Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees

18 U.S. Code § 1505 - Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees

There is McCabe too. By Comey's actions he also lied under Oath.
According to two people who read the memo, it was part of a paper trail Mr. Comey created documenting what he perceived as the president’s improper efforts to influence a continuing investigation. I think we see that memo in a matter of days. According to Sen. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah the necessary paperwork to get the memo is being drafted so we will find out in a hurry if it's out there.

Mm, Comey also said four times Trump did
Nothing of the kind. McCabe said the same I believe both were under oath. As for the memo, those get sent to people so who was Comey sending memos to after and during meetings with the presidant? Then there is the guy who said Comey showed the memo to him. That person needs to be up on capital hill under oath.
“The obstruction of justice articles of impeachment counts are stacking up, it seems,” an active duty FBI agent told The Daily Beast on Tuesday. Firing Comey, the agent added, was a “big gamble. You’ve got to kill him, metaphorically. You can’t just wound him.”

IMHO, Comey appears to be a very meticulous person that documents everything so I think we will see more than just this memo. The House Over site Committee has demanded that the FBI turnover all memorandum, notes, summaries, and recordings of meetings between Trump and Comey. This will likely contain the memo.

Trump Officials on Comey Memo: ‘Don’t See How Trump Isn’t Completely F*cked’

Guess what skippy, if Comey truly thought Trump was trying to obstruct justice and didn't report it, he is fucked. He has a duty to report. On the other hand if Comey thought it was innocent conversation, then this is much a do about nothing.

If Comey didn't do his duty as director, what's Trump going to do, fire him.
Apparently he did report it in his memo. It will be interesting to see who got copies of it.

Actually he could face obstruction charges himself, and possible perjury charges since he testified under oath that no one has tried to interfere with the investigation.

How could he face obstruction charges if he documented the incident and saw to it that others in the bureau got the information. He probably acted by the book because it was in his interest to do so. What we're doing is just speculating.
Mm, Comey also said four times Trump did
Nothing of the kind. McCabe said the same I believe both were under oath. As for the memo, those get sent to people so who was Comey sending memos to after and during meetings with the presidant? Then there is the guy who said Comey showed the memo to him. That person needs to be up on capital hill under oath.
“The obstruction of justice articles of impeachment counts are stacking up, it seems,” an active duty FBI agent told The Daily Beast on Tuesday. Firing Comey, the agent added, was a “big gamble. You’ve got to kill him, metaphorically. You can’t just wound him.”

IMHO, Comey appears to be a very meticulous person that documents everything so I think we will see more than just this memo. The House Over site Committee has demanded that the FBI turnover all memorandum, notes, summaries, and recordings of meetings between Trump and Comey. This will likely contain the memo.

Trump Officials on Comey Memo: ‘Don’t See How Trump Isn’t Completely F*cked’

Guess what skippy, if Comey truly thought Trump was trying to obstruct justice and didn't report it, he is fucked. He has a duty to report. On the other hand if Comey thought it was innocent conversation, then this is much a do about nothing.

If Comey didn't do his duty as director, what's Trump going to do, fire him.
Apparently he did report it in his memo. It will be interesting to see who got copies of it.

Actually he could face obstruction charges himself, and possible perjury charges since he testified under oath that no one has tried to interfere with the investigation.

How could he face obstruction charges if he documented the incident and saw to it that others in the bureau got the information. He probably acted by the book because it was in his interest to do so. What we're doing is just speculating.

Because he was asked four times under oath if he was getting jammed up and he said no. Lying under oath is pergery. This would be his crime. McCabe also said as Much under oath.
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To those of you cheering the most recent "misstep" of President Trump, calling him the full gambit of names, calling for impeachment, and so on. Have you stopped long enough to ask yourself one simple question: "what damage to the country am I doing by furthering this line of attack?" Have you stopped, in your blind hatred long enough to ask if YOUR actions are further damaging our country? Have you stopped your blind attacks long enough to wonder if YOU are feeding into the division of this country that will be its demise?
Just set aside what Trump may or may not have done for a moment and ask yourself if what YOU are doing is part of the problem or part of the solution. If you are not part of the solution (AKA ending the division in our country)
Sometimes the treatment for a disease is painful! The excising of festering and necrotic flesh at times is the only cure for the survival of the patient. The infection to our Nation must be removed so it may rise again. The sooner the Orange One is removed, the sooner the Nation can heal. Fuck your status quo!
See, now this is exactly what I am talking about. Did you/do you say the same about other people who have made similar errors? Hillary Clinton for example?

I agree that there is a disease infecting our country, I, however, also realise, and accept, that it is not one person, one party, or any one group. There are people from ALL walks of life that are adding to the divisiveness(even I have been part of the problem), and ultimate destruction, of our great nation. Trump is one, Hillary is another, so are ALL the people who are doing NOTHING to end the divisiveness.

So, what are YOU doing to end this disease called "Divisiveness"?
So, what are YOU doing to end this disease called "Divisiveness"?
In your first paragraph, you made an astoundingly stupid conflation of two unfit people for public office as if it were relevant while diminishing their transgressions as mere errors! Then in your second paragraph, you agree a 'disease' is roaring through the Nation, but blame the dissatisfied electorate, which has been driven/indoctrinated/conditioned/schooled to hold a binary concept of political thought, as the root cause! How very, very uninformed of things Constitutional you appear!

It's not the People who are to blame for being dissatisfied! The blame should be lain at the feet of the formal and informal factions who have cultivated the divisions while pimping their various candidates for the preservation of their cabals.

You're railing at the result of the unrest you see rather than the source and genesis of the unrest! Trying to hush the People allows the reins to be drawn just that much tighter, and thereby maintain control of the status quo you seem to desire!
To those of you cheering the most recent "misstep" of President Trump, calling him the full gambit of names, calling for impeachment, and so on. Have you stopped long enough to ask yourself one simple question: "what damage to the country am I doing by furthering this line of attack?" Have you stopped, in your blind hatred long enough to ask if YOUR actions are further damaging our country? Have you stopped your blind attacks long enough to wonder if YOU are feeding into the division of this country that will be its demise?
Just set aside what Trump may or may not have done for a moment and ask yourself if what YOU are doing is part of the problem or part of the solution. If you are not part of the solution (AKA ending the division in our country)
Sometimes the treatment for a disease is painful! The excising of festering and necrotic flesh at times is the only cure for the survival of the patient. The infection to our Nation must be removed so it may rise again. The sooner the Orange One is removed, the sooner the Nation can heal. Fuck your status quo!
See, now this is exactly what I am talking about. Did you/do you say the same about other people who have made similar errors? Hillary Clinton for example?

I agree that there is a disease infecting our country, I, however, also realise, and accept, that it is not one person, one party, or any one group. There are people from ALL walks of life that are adding to the divisiveness(even I have been part of the problem), and ultimate destruction, of our great nation. Trump is one, Hillary is another, so are ALL the people who are doing NOTHING to end the divisiveness.

So, what are YOU doing to end this disease called "Divisiveness"?
So, what are YOU doing to end this disease called "Divisiveness"?
In your first paragraph, you made an astoundingly stupid conflation of two unfit people for public office as if it were relevant while diminishing their transgressions as mere errors! Then in your second paragraph, you agree a 'disease' is roaring through the Nation, but blame the dissatisfied electorate, which has been driven/indoctrinated/conditioned/schooled to hold a binary concept of political thought, as the root cause! How very, very uninformed of things Constitutional you appear!

It's not the People who are to blame for being dissatisfied! The blame should be lain at the feet of the formal and informal factions who have cultivated the divisions while pimping their various candidates for the preservation of their cabals.

You're railing at the result of the unrest you see rather than the source and genesis of the unrest! Trying to hush the People allows the reins to be drawn just that much tighter, and thereby maintain control of the status quo you seem to desire!

So do pointless investigations.
“The obstruction of justice articles of impeachment counts are stacking up, it seems,” an active duty FBI agent told The Daily Beast on Tuesday. Firing Comey, the agent added, was a “big gamble. You’ve got to kill him, metaphorically. You can’t just wound him.”

IMHO, Comey appears to be a very meticulous person that documents everything so I think we will see more than just this memo. The House Over site Committee has demanded that the FBI turnover all memorandum, notes, summaries, and recordings of meetings between Trump and Comey. This will likely contain the memo.

Trump Officials on Comey Memo: ‘Don’t See How Trump Isn’t Completely F*cked’

Guess what skippy, if Comey truly thought Trump was trying to obstruct justice and didn't report it, he is fucked. He has a duty to report. On the other hand if Comey thought it was innocent conversation, then this is much a do about nothing.

If Comey didn't do his duty as director, what's Trump going to do, fire him.
Apparently he did report it in his memo. It will be interesting to see who got copies of it.

Actually he could face obstruction charges himself, and possible perjury charges since he testified under oath that no one has tried to interfere with the investigation.

How could he face obstruction charges if he documented the incident and saw to it that others in the bureau got the information. He probably acted by the book because it was in his interest to do so. What we're doing is just speculating.

Because he was asked four times under oath if he was getting jammed up and he said no. Lying under oath is pergery. This would be his crime. McCabe also said as Much under oath.
I looked at several transcripts and did not see any place where Comey was asked if he was "getting jammed up". Do you have a link?

Comey has only testified once before Congress since Trump was inaugurated, March 20th. There is no mention in the transcript of any such question.
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DOJ Appoints Special Counsel To Investigate Russia Ties

WASHINGTON ― Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has appointed former FBI Director Robert Mueller to serve as special counsel overseeing the investigation into Russian influence in the 2016 presidential election.

More: DOJ Appoints Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump Campaign's Russia Ties

Great news! Now we have an honorable and reputable special counsel who will follow the facts and report the truth. Let the chips fall where they may.
It's too late, the cats out the bag.
Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation
That's obstruction of justice.

IF it happened at all.
According to two people who read the memo, it was part of a paper trail Mr. Comey created documenting what he perceived as the president’s improper efforts to influence a continuing investigation. I think we see that memo in a matter of days. According to Sen. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah the necessary paperwork to get the memo is being drafted so we will find out in a hurry if it's out there.

Mm, Comey also said four times Trump did
Nothing of the kind. McCabe said the same I believe both were under oath. As for the memo, those get sent to people so who was Comey sending memos to after and during meetings with the presidant? Then there is the guy who said Comey showed the memo to him. That person needs to be up on capital hill under oath.
“The obstruction of justice articles of impeachment counts are stacking up, it seems,” an active duty FBI agent told The Daily Beast on Tuesday. Firing Comey, the agent added, was a “big gamble. You’ve got to kill him, metaphorically. You can’t just wound him.”

IMHO, Comey appears to be a very meticulous person that documents everything so I think we will see more than just this memo. The House Over site Committee has demanded that the FBI turnover all memorandum, notes, summaries, and recordings of meetings between Trump and Comey. This will likely contain the memo.

Trump Officials on Comey Memo: ‘Don’t See How Trump Isn’t Completely F*cked’

great. but if he has to report obstruction of justice the minute he thinks that's what it is - isn't he just as fucked?
When did Comey claim Trump's request amounted to obstruction of justice?

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