BREAKING: Trump To Be Arrested Next Week

Jack Smith was appointed as the acting US Attorney for Tennessee by Donald Trump.
Acting US Atty's are appointed by the AG. Smith was in acting capacity from March 2017 until September 2017. He left when Donald Cochran was nominated for US Atty.

In response to a request by the Attorney General that its
office be vested with authority to appoint interim United
States Attorneys, Congress enacted former section 546(d) of
title 28 of the United States Code in 1986.\19\ Pursuant to
this authority, the Attorney General was authorized to appoint
an interim United States Attorney for 120 days and, if the
Senate did not confirm a new United States Attorney within such
period, the district court was then authorized to appoint an
interim United States Attorney to serve until a permanent
replacement was confirmed.\20\ By retaining a role for the
district court in the selection of an interim United States
Attorney, former section 546(d) allowed the Judicial Branch to
act as a check on Executive power. In practice, if a vacancy
was expected, the Attorney General would typically solicit the
opinion of the chief judge of the relevant district regarding
possible temporary appointments.\21\
Twenty years after section 546(d) was enacted, the USA
PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005 removed the
court's role entirely on March 9, 2006.\22\ As amended, section
546(c) now provides that ``[a] person appointed as United
States attorney under this section may serve until the
qualification of a United States Attorney for such district
appointed by the President under section 541 of this title.''

The 2005 Act amended section 546 in two critical respects.
It not only removed district court judges from the interim
appointment process, vesting the Attorney General with the sole
authority; \24\ it also eliminated the 120-day limit on how
long an interim United States Attorney appointed by the
Attorney General could serve.\25\ As a result of the Act,
judicial input in the interim appointment process was
eliminated and, perhaps more importantly, it created a possible
loophole that could permit United States Attorneys appointed on
an interim basis to serve indefinitely without Senate


The thing is, they never get anything close to 51% of any vote without cheating.

They will not act in good faith.

National Divorce.

Russia supports your message.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we lose our freedoms it will be because we have destroyed ourselves from within."

The only question is are you a Russian troll or a dupe?
Why would you think there should be some two tiered system of justice that would give preferential treatment to Trump?
If convicted shouldn't he be treated just like any other multiple felon in the U.S.?
If charged, it ought to be based on actual evidence of criminality with resort to meaningful interpretations of criminal statutes. But I’m sure you won’t understand that concept.
Criminal convictions of political opponents is bad mojo, and should only be done when there is clear consensus on the matter. When that consensus isn't there, partisan prosecutions (no matter the merits of the case) will harm the nation. They will further divide us and further erode trust in the system.

That's the whole point.

Collapse the system, usher in the Great Reset.
Trying to appease the crazy right wingers is what allowed us to get so divided. Fuck them. Time to get back to reality based government.

Yes, because it was the "crazy right wingers" who sabotaged a Presidency by falsely accusing T of being a Russian asset.

When it comes to the Trump Presidency, that is your original sin - and until you own up to it you're just digging the hole of delusion ever deeper.
Just gonna point out this is the only thread on this entire board regarding a Trump arrest or court hearing that was consigned to Law And Justice.

Months later, there gotta be a million threads like this on the Politics Forum.

Funny how that works.

Must be a moderator or two that I evidently bother the absolute hell out of.

I aim to please. ;)
Just gonna point out this is the only thread on this entire board regarding a Trump arrest or court hearing that was consigned to Law And Justice.

Months later, there gotta be a million threads like this on the Politics Forum.

Funny how that works.

Must be a moderator or two that I evidently bother the absolute hell out of.

I aim to please. ;)
If charged, it ought to be based on actual evidence of criminality with resort to meaningful interpretations of criminal statutes. But I’m sure you won’t understand that concept.
Are you trying to speak English here?
"with resort to meaningful interpretations of criminal statutes"
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
I know Trump committed offenses that are very hard to ignore (that's why he committed them) - but we'd all be better off if they were. Criminal convictions of political opponents is bad mojo, and should only be done when there is clear consensus on the matter. When that consensus isn't there, partisan prosecutions (no matter the merits of the case) will harm the nation. They will further divide us and further erode trust in the system.
I do not think politicians should be above the law.
According to your logic here they should be.
Also, Trump is not being prosecuted for his crimes just because he happens to be running for office.
He is running for office ONLY because he knew he had a reconing coming and he figured he'd be able to use the "political persecution" line as a weak "defense."
He is being charged because his crimes against the U.S.A. are so egregious and serious to not prosecute him would in effect be the end of our republic.
One of Trumps favorite whines about all of this is goes something like "never thought this could happen in America," and "this is unprecedented!"
But the truth is the ONLY reason it is happening is because we've never elected a criminal bufoon like Trump before.

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