BREAKING: U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara has just been FIRED

I said this is what I would do, and others said shit about me for it... now this guy will be considered a martyr for standing his ground and getting fired. He will make five times the amount of money he would have made if he they let him keep his job... good for him.
Because ALL Patriotic Marines name themselves after a Japanese weapon of war. Kid you've NEVER pointed your weapon at ANYTHING but a paper target. THAT'S reality.

Seek help! You're one sick puppy.

When did Leathernecks become a Japanese weapon?

Please get down on your knees and praise God for men who are capable and willing to do that which you are incapable of doing.

BREAKING: U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara has just been FIRED

Last year, Bharara said Trump had asked him to stay on in his position.

Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, and one of the most high profile federal prosecutors in the country said he had been fired Saturday after refusing to resign his post.

“The president-elect asked, presumably because he’s a New Yorker and is aware of the great work that our office has done over the past seven years, asked to meet with me to discuss whether or not I’d be prepared to stay on as the United States attorney to do the work as we have done it, independently, without fear or favor for the last seven years,” Bharara said in November. “We had a good meeting. I said I would absolutely consider staying on. I agreed to stay on. I have already spoken to Senator Sessions, who is as you know is the nominee to be the attorney general. He also asked that I stay on, and so I expect that I will be continuing to work at the southern district.”

Though it is within his power to dismiss Bharara, doing so at this juncture contains political peril for Trump, to the extent that it suggests he’s immunizing himself from potential investigations. The Southern District of New York ― Bharara’s jurisdiction ― includes Trump Towers, the home and office of Trump and the headquarters of his presidential campaign.

More: After Refusing To Resign, U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara Says He Was Fired By Trump Justice Department

Why exactly was he fired? Did it have to do with his investigations?

Same kind of questions were asked back in 1993 when Clinton fired ALL 93 US Attorneys and hardly anyone uttered a word.

Those weren't fired immediately on the spot. They were phased out over time. That's not the case with this week's action.

wrong again genius,


BREAKING: U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara has just been FIRED

Last year, Bharara said Trump had asked him to stay on in his position.

Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, and one of the most high profile federal prosecutors in the country said he had been fired Saturday after refusing to resign his post.

“The president-elect asked, presumably because he’s a New Yorker and is aware of the great work that our office has done over the past seven years, asked to meet with me to discuss whether or not I’d be prepared to stay on as the United States attorney to do the work as we have done it, independently, without fear or favor for the last seven years,” Bharara said in November. “We had a good meeting. I said I would absolutely consider staying on. I agreed to stay on. I have already spoken to Senator Sessions, who is as you know is the nominee to be the attorney general. He also asked that I stay on, and so I expect that I will be continuing to work at the southern district.”

Though it is within his power to dismiss Bharara, doing so at this juncture contains political peril for Trump, to the extent that it suggests he’s immunizing himself from potential investigations. The Southern District of New York ― Bharara’s jurisdiction ― includes Trump Towers, the home and office of Trump and the headquarters of his presidential campaign.

More: After Refusing To Resign, U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara Says He Was Fired By Trump Justice Department

Why exactly was he fired? Did it have to do with his investigations?

Same kind of questions were asked back in 1993 when Clinton fired ALL 93 US Attorneys and hardly anyone uttered a word.

Those weren't fired immediately on the spot. They were phased out over time. That's not the case with this week's action.

wrong again genius,

View attachment 116450

Were they also asked to vacate their offices on the same day?

BREAKING: U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara has just been FIRED

Last year, Bharara said Trump had asked him to stay on in his position.

Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, and one of the most high profile federal prosecutors in the country said he had been fired Saturday after refusing to resign his post.

“The president-elect asked, presumably because he’s a New Yorker and is aware of the great work that our office has done over the past seven years, asked to meet with me to discuss whether or not I’d be prepared to stay on as the United States attorney to do the work as we have done it, independently, without fear or favor for the last seven years,” Bharara said in November. “We had a good meeting. I said I would absolutely consider staying on. I agreed to stay on. I have already spoken to Senator Sessions, who is as you know is the nominee to be the attorney general. He also asked that I stay on, and so I expect that I will be continuing to work at the southern district.”

Though it is within his power to dismiss Bharara, doing so at this juncture contains political peril for Trump, to the extent that it suggests he’s immunizing himself from potential investigations. The Southern District of New York ― Bharara’s jurisdiction ― includes Trump Towers, the home and office of Trump and the headquarters of his presidential campaign.

More: After Refusing To Resign, U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara Says He Was Fired By Trump Justice Department

Why exactly was he fired? Did it have to do with his investigations?

Same kind of questions were asked back in 1993 when Clinton fired ALL 93 US Attorneys and hardly anyone uttered a word.

Those weren't fired immediately on the spot. They were phased out over time. That's not the case with this week's action.

wrong again genius,

View attachment 116450

Were they also asked to vacate their offices on the same day?

They were all asked to leave just like Sessions did with the 46. No one refused back in 1993 if memory serves. The guy in NY did and was fired on the spot.

BREAKING: U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara has just been FIRED

Last year, Bharara said Trump had asked him to stay on in his position.

Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, and one of the most high profile federal prosecutors in the country said he had been fired Saturday after refusing to resign his post.

“The president-elect asked, presumably because he’s a New Yorker and is aware of the great work that our office has done over the past seven years, asked to meet with me to discuss whether or not I’d be prepared to stay on as the United States attorney to do the work as we have done it, independently, without fear or favor for the last seven years,” Bharara said in November. “We had a good meeting. I said I would absolutely consider staying on. I agreed to stay on. I have already spoken to Senator Sessions, who is as you know is the nominee to be the attorney general. He also asked that I stay on, and so I expect that I will be continuing to work at the southern district.”

Though it is within his power to dismiss Bharara, doing so at this juncture contains political peril for Trump, to the extent that it suggests he’s immunizing himself from potential investigations. The Southern District of New York ― Bharara’s jurisdiction ― includes Trump Towers, the home and office of Trump and the headquarters of his presidential campaign.

More: After Refusing To Resign, U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara Says He Was Fired By Trump Justice Department

Why exactly was he fired? Did it have to do with his investigations?

Same kind of questions were asked back in 1993 when Clinton fired ALL 93 US Attorneys and hardly anyone uttered a word.

Those weren't fired immediately on the spot. They were phased out over time. That's not the case with this week's action.

wrong again genius,

View attachment 116450

Were they also asked to vacate their offices on the same day?

They were all asked to leave just like Sessions did with the 46. No one refused back in 1993 if memory serves. The guy in NY did and was fired on the spot.

Why did Trump say he could stay back in November - and then fire him now?

BREAKING: U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara has just been FIRED

Last year, Bharara said Trump had asked him to stay on in his position.

Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, and one of the most high profile federal prosecutors in the country said he had been fired Saturday after refusing to resign his post.

“The president-elect asked, presumably because he’s a New Yorker and is aware of the great work that our office has done over the past seven years, asked to meet with me to discuss whether or not I’d be prepared to stay on as the United States attorney to do the work as we have done it, independently, without fear or favor for the last seven years,” Bharara said in November. “We had a good meeting. I said I would absolutely consider staying on. I agreed to stay on. I have already spoken to Senator Sessions, who is as you know is the nominee to be the attorney general. He also asked that I stay on, and so I expect that I will be continuing to work at the southern district.”

Though it is within his power to dismiss Bharara, doing so at this juncture contains political peril for Trump, to the extent that it suggests he’s immunizing himself from potential investigations. The Southern District of New York ― Bharara’s jurisdiction ― includes Trump Towers, the home and office of Trump and the headquarters of his presidential campaign.

More: After Refusing To Resign, U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara Says He Was Fired By Trump Justice Department

Why exactly was he fired? Did it have to do with his investigations?

Same kind of questions were asked back in 1993 when Clinton fired ALL 93 US Attorneys and hardly anyone uttered a word.

Those weren't fired immediately on the spot. They were phased out over time. That's not the case with this week's action.

wrong again genius,

View attachment 116450

Were they also asked to vacate their offices on the same day?
Were they also asked to vacate their offices on the same day?

Clinton replacement required senate confirmation. Trump's replacements will be political cronies picked by Sessions, who is under a recusal cloud.

Same cronyism under O and clinton.

Obama and Clinton replacements required senate confirmation. The one's Sessions will chose will be interim fill-ins With no congressional approval.

Obama and Clinton got interim appointees as well. Trump's nominations will get Senate confirmation. It is the same. It's just awful because it's Trump.
Not a Trump fan, but 2017 is proving to be a very entertaining year!

I have little doubt that Trump will eventually implode, but the shit-pot stirring he's doing is awesome to watch. The Democrats have been shitting themselves since the election. The Republicans are more confusing than a Special Olympics relay race. Trump's quickly proving to all intelligent Americans that he's a Twitter Troll. Who can't appreciate this major malfunction of the Federal government? Oh, partisan assholes, that's who. LOL

I voted for Trump because Hillary is an insane bitch, but in watching Trump's Military moves thus far I believe we are going to war.
South China Sea? How soon do you think that will be?

North Korea will be the igniter, we already sent B-52's down there. The troops he sent to Syria have multiple threats to them. Iran, Russia, and now Turkey.
I think NK could be the one to launch the Super EMP (that was tested in Iran) but if not Iran would be the second possibility because they can launch one from off our coast (international waters) and hit us dead center (of the country) knocking out any chance of response once we get hit by land, by sea and by air.

With what? Their missiles never go where they are supposed to go and most have to be blown up from the ground lest they crash into somebody's fishing boat.

You have got to get off the conspiracy nut pages. NK's nukes are about as big as a popcorn fart in a hurricane.
Obama appointed activist. Good, he needed to go.
. Especially after all the hostilities the left has been dealing out... The swamp definitely needs drained. I have seen Trump try to reach across the isle, but clearly that isn't working, so draining it shall be on anyone who is working to undermine this nation now.

Must be a small island.
Not a Trump fan, but 2017 is proving to be a very entertaining year!

I have little doubt that Trump will eventually implode, but the shit-pot stirring he's doing is awesome to watch. The Democrats have been shitting themselves since the election. The Republicans are more confusing than a Special Olympics relay race. Trump's quickly proving to all intelligent Americans that he's a Twitter Troll. Who can't appreciate this major malfunction of the Federal government? Oh, partisan assholes, that's who. LOL

I voted for Trump because Hillary is an insane bitch, but in watching Trump's Military moves thus far I believe we are going to war.
South China Sea? How soon do you think that will be?

North Korea will be the igniter, we already sent B-52's down there. The troops he sent to Syria have multiple threats to them. Iran, Russia, and now Turkey.

We have Obama to thank for the Syrian fiasco. What a mess! I knew when he was first opening his big mouth about it that it was going to be trouble for us! We should have minded our business!
This was a tough firing since Preet Bharara was not afraid to battle against various jewish criminal enterprises in addition to democrat corruption in the state of New York.
Justices are supposed to be "non-Partisan". This is just more PARINOIA coming out of Comrade Trump.

What he still hasn't figured out, is that these leaks are coming from Barack Obama, someone they can't fire--LOL.....

US Attorneys are not Justices. They're Prosecutors. Their job is to represent the US Government in court.

Maybe the monkey needs to eat a copper "banana" or have a Vincent Foster moment if he's that interested in committing what I (if not the Constitution) consider to be Treasonous acts.
I said this is what I would do, and others said shit about me for it... now this guy will be considered a martyr for standing his ground and getting fired. He will make five times the amount of money he would have made if he they let him keep his job... good for him.
Fucking lawyers always make more money in the private sector but agreed he'll become a martyr for standing his ground.

2017 continues to be a fascinating year in US history and we are all here to see it!


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