BREAKING : UK/US 'lethal aid' arrives in Kyiv amid border build-up. BAD NEWS FOR MOSCOW AND ITS USEFUL IDIOTS LIKE Fox News Carlson

If you selected ten Americans randomly on the street, how many of them would be able to identify what kind of government Russia has, what kind of government Ukraine has and why the U.S. should be protecting Ukraine from Russia?

Europeans are like farm animals. Mostly peaceful and happy to live in their own filth until they are needed. But every twenty to fifty years, they go feral and try to destroy each other.

The U.S. rushed in to save them from themselves three times in the last century, not to mention spending trillions of dollars on the Cold War.

Time to let them have their own "Animal Farm," and leave Americans out of it.
Some 90 tonnes of US "lethal aid" has arrived in Ukraine, amid tensions over Russia's troop build-up on the border.
It was the first shipment of a recently approved package of US military aid for Ukraine, and included ammunition for "front-line defenders".
The delivery followed US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's visit to Kyiv this week, where he warned of a tough response if Moscow was to invade.
Moscow has denied any plans to attack or invade Ukraine."
Great News ! qestion to our military men , what weaponry Kyiv needs most today, in order to stop Moscow barbaric aggression ? Drones , anti - tank rockets ?
Your title whines about Tucker Carlson, but your OP doesn't mention him. Getting senile?
If you selected ten Americans randomly on the street, how many of them would be able to identify what kind of government Russia has, what kind of government Ukraine has and why the U.S. should be protecting Ukraine from Russia?

Europeans are like farm animals. Mostly peaceful and happy to live in their own filth until they are needed. But every twenty to fifty years, they go feral and try to destroy each other.

The U.S. rushed in to save them from themselves three times in the last century, not to mention spending trillions of dollars on the Cold War.

Time to let them have their own "Animal Farm," and leave Americans out of it.

Ok. How do we stay out of it? We tried that in War 1 and 2. We got sucked in. And the cost was much higher. In money and men, than if we had gotten involved sooner.

Giving Putin access to more Oil would be dumb wouldn’t it? Giving him more money and more leverage. Then what?

Do you think he stops there? Or does he take all the old Satellites? Then we are left shoving troops and material into Germany again. That was expensive too wasn’t it?

Which Founder said this. We hang together or we shall surely hang separately.
Ok. How do we stay out of it? We tried that in War 1 and 2. We got sucked in. And the cost was much higher. In money and men, than if we had gotten involved sooner.

Giving Putin access to more Oil would be dumb wouldn’t it? Giving him more money and more leverage. Then what?

Do you think he stops there? Or does he take all the old Satellites? Then we are left shoving troops and material into Germany again. That was expensive too wasn’t it?

Which Founder said this. We hang together or we shall surely hang separately.
With Biden they might as well just send them to the Russians.
That would be a bit obvious. Perhaps Afghanistan was just a test run. We'll probably be arming Russia to fight against NATO, that seems like just the thing Biden and is clown crew would cook up.
That would be a bit obvious. Perhaps Afghanistan was just a test run. We'll probably be arming Russia to fight against NATO, that seems like just the thing Biden and is clown crew would cook up.


Warthog Defense

Ok. How do we stay out of it? We tried that in War 1 and 2. We got sucked in. And the cost was much higher. In money and men, than if we had gotten involved sooner.
You say that as if you are certain that the U.S. had to get into WWI, or WWII at some point. If FDR had not antagonized the Japanese by interfering with their war with China, Pearl Harbor would not have happened. If FDR had not been so determined to enter the war on the side of the Soviet Union, we would have stayed safe with a large ocean to our east and a giant ocean to our west.
Giving Putin access to more Oil would be dumb wouldn’t it? Giving him more money and more leverage. Then what?

Do you think he stops there? Or does he take all the old Satellites? Then we are left shoving troops and material into Germany again. That was expensive too wasn’t it?

Which Founder said this. We hang together or we shall surely hang separately.
Yeah, he meant the United States, not the whole world.
Lethal aid, give me strength --- we gave the Afghan "army" lots of that and they dropped it and ran as soon as we started to leave.

The Ukrainians will do the same, IMO.
Looks like the Russian incursion will start this coming week: apparently they just warned the U.S. to get our diplomats out of Kiev. Headlines all around. Generally the aggressive powers don't do that till right before time they plan to move.
What did Ukraine ever do to you?
Bribed the son of an ex-VP? Trying to get at someone important? We don't like that. I have no interest in Ukraine after all that bribery and corruption.

Don't have much use for the targets, either, all the Bidens.
Bribed the son of an ex-VP? Trying to get at someone important? We don't like that. I have no interest in Ukraine after all that bribery and corruption.

Don't have much use for the targets, either, all the Bidens.
Good point, I wasn't even thinking about that.

Biden should recuse himself from all decisions regarding military action on behalf of the Ukraine government. His son has funneled so much Ukraine government and corporate money to "the big guy," that no one could believe he wasn't acting as their agent.

Yeah, leave this call to Kamala. Make her the border czar for the Russia-Ukraine border also. I'm sure she be just as proactive as she is on our own border with Mexico.
You say that as if you are certain that the U.S. had to get into WWI, or WWII at some point. If FDR had not antagonized the Japanese by interfering with their war with China, Pearl Harbor would not have happened. If FDR had not been so determined to enter the war on the side of the Soviet Union, we would have stayed safe with a large ocean to our east and a giant ocean to our west.

Yeah, he meant the United States, not the whole world.
Does Putin pay you by the post or by the word?
Bribed the son of an ex-VP? Trying to get at someone important? We don't like that. I have no interest in Ukraine after all that bribery and corruption.

Don't have much use for the targets, either, all the Bidens.
Which didn't happen.

But then Russia DID hack our elections

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