Breaking: Van mows down people walking on London Bridge.

Should the practice of Islam be banned in Western / civilized nations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 28 36.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters
I'm not the one shivering under my, scratch that.....shivering and looking for muslim terrorists under my bed.

So, THAT'S why you don't care how many innocent people have to die as long as it isn't you.

That makes you sound so very brave.
Ah. The usual Appeal to Emotion fallacy so popular with rubes and demagogues.


Hey! You are four times more likely to be hit by lightning than killed by a terrorist. And many thousands more likely to be killed by a friend or relative. Better cancel your Thanksgiving plans!

Using your own TardLogic, you should never leave the house, pants shitter!

You bigots need to man up and walk upright.


Support Islamic terrorism or be called a bigot.

My goodness, you are stupid.
Wrong. What makes you bigots is your willful and deliberate refusal to separate the majority of Muslims from the terrorists.

Who the fuck do you think the Muslim refugees are fleeing, you unbelievably stupid idiot? They hate the terrorists more than you do, and have better reasons than you ignorant fucks do.

They would also be an excellent source of intel on the terrorists. So your pants shitting bigotry is self-defeating.
Quite vigorous? Many are coming from war torn countries that have no records.

Nation’s Top Security Officials’ Concerns on Refugee Vetting - House Committee on Homeland Security

Vetting Syrian Refugees: Mission Impossible | HuffPost

I think it's more about real risk assessment rather than perceived risk - especially risks who's simplest solutions seem to involve conveniently scapegoating minorities for complex problems.

I didn't say anything about scapegoating minorities. In fact you've seen me defending them. There are people on this thread who want to take overly simplistic, blatantly unconstitutional measures against them. All I want is a rigorous vetting system, which I view is well within the bounds of our Constitution.

I agree - I was speaking broadly and partially in response to a lot of what is being said in this thread. And I agree about a rigorous vetting system, though I think we have a one in place that has been quite rigorous.

But what is the real risk that you will be involved in something this terrible? Chances are more likely you will be injured by a drunk driver or a random shooting then by a terrorist.


Coyote, nothing in life is a certainty, not even your safety. I can't take the "this will never happen to me" approach. Those people on that bridge didn't think they'd be mowed down by terrorists today. But they were.

Exactly! That's kind of the point I was making. It's not "this will never happen to me" - it's how likely is something to happen and how much should I worry about it? It means you take common sense security measures to protect our citizens, but it also means you look at how much of a threat it actually is when weighing the possible curtailment of people's rights and liberties.

I think we have to be careful. Look at all the rhetoric abounding. Look at people actively calling for totally innocent citizens to be rounded up, shot, expelled (never mind they've lived generations in the land of their citizenship) to foreign nations.

For the record, I am not one of those issuing such rhetoric. However, I think we're being TOO careful. We throw caution to the wind in order to be more accepting and tolerant of other people. That's what Europe is doing and it is suffering dearly for it.

I know you're not - I don't mean to imply you are. I am not sure how comparable we are to Europe for several reasons. One is our approach to immigration and integration is very different. The other is Europe has been overwelmed by huge numbers of migrants, assylum seekers, refugees far faster than can be assimilated or vetted. In addition - in many European countries - immigrants have not integrated well, isolating themselves in enclaves and but also, they haven't been able to share in the same economic and job opportunities that native born citizens have.[/QUOTE]
I know you're not - I don't mean to imply you are. I am not sure how comparable we are to Europe for several reasons. One is our approach to immigration and integration is very different. The other is Europe has been overwhelmed by huge numbers of migrants, asylum seekers, refugees far faster than can be assimilated or vetted. In addition - in many European countries - immigrants have not integrated well, isolating themselves in enclaves and but also, they haven't been able to share in the same economic and job opportunities that native born citizens have.

You have precisely diagnosed the problem.

And yet I see some liberals on this board wanting to take the European approach to immigration. Just look at how that's turning out thus far. Instilling quotas would ensure that a country could vet asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants properly. Trump's travel ban, regardless of what if you think its a "Muslim ban" or not is what I see as an attempt to do just that. However, some believe that we are being bigoted and intolerant if we do.

I got some simple advice as a brash young teenager "don't bite off more than you can chew."

Pardon mouth is full and I'm having trouble chewing....burp...that's better :p

I don't believe in unlimited immigration either. But, in reality we take in VERY few refugees - a fraction of what other countries have to contend with yet we have more resources and space to deal with it. So I'm not concerned that we'll be over run faster than we can assimilate. I support it, as long as they are well vetted and within our capacity to integrate. And part of that reason is also, because our actions have in part led to the disintegration of those countries - we bear some responsibility for the refugee situation that other countries - less well equipt then we are, are having to bear the brunt of.
What would be the harm of taking none for five years?

Because 5 years can mean death for some of those people.
I'm not the one shivering under my, scratch that.....shivering and looking for muslim terrorists under my bed.

So, THAT'S why you don't care how many innocent people have to die as long as it isn't you.

That makes you sound so very brave.
Ah. The usual Appeal to Emotion fallacy so popular with rubes and demagogues.


Hey! You are four times more likely to be hit by lightning than killed by a terrorist. And many thousands more likely to be killed by a friend or relative. Better cancel your Thanksgiving plans!

Using your own TardLogic, you should never leave the house, pants shitter!

You bigots need to man up and walk upright.


Support Islamic terrorism or be called a bigot.

My goodness, you are stupid.
Wrong. What makes you bigots is your willful and deliberate refusal to separate the majority of Muslims from the terrorists.

Who the fuck do you think the Muslim refugees are fleeing, you unbelievably stupid idiot? They hate the terrorists more than you do, and have better reasons than you ignorant fucks do.

They would also be an excellent source of intel on the terrorists. So your pants shitting bigotry is self-defeating.
Tell that to the dead in London okay. That shit ain't selling here.
I know you're not - I don't mean to imply you are. I am not sure how comparable we are to Europe for several reasons. One is our approach to immigration and integration is very different. The other is Europe has been overwhelmed by huge numbers of migrants, asylum seekers, refugees far faster than can be assimilated or vetted. In addition - in many European countries - immigrants have not integrated well, isolating themselves in enclaves and but also, they haven't been able to share in the same economic and job opportunities that native born citizens have.

You have precisely diagnosed the problem.

And yet I see some liberals on this board wanting to take the European approach to immigration. Just look at how that's turning out thus far. Instilling quotas would ensure that a country could vet asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants properly. Trump's travel ban, regardless of what if you think its a "Muslim ban" or not is what I see as an attempt to do just that. However, some believe that we are being bigoted and intolerant if we do.

I got some simple advice as a brash young teenager "don't bite off more than you can chew."

Pardon mouth is full and I'm having trouble chewing....burp...that's better :p

I don't believe in unlimited immigration either. But, in reality we take in VERY few refugees - a fraction of what other countries have to contend with yet we have more resources and space to deal with it. So I'm not concerned that we'll be over run faster than we can assimilate. I support it, as long as they are well vetted and within our capacity to integrate. And part of that reason is also, because our actions have in part led to the disintegration of those countries - we bear some responsibility for the refugee situation that other countries - less well equipt then we are, are having to bear the brunt of.
What would be the harm of taking none for five years?

Because 5 years can mean death for some of those people.
So? It's not our problem.
Why we do not hear about something like that in Japan or Korea? Because there no muslims there.
They have Muslims in Japan but they are very restricted.

Actually - that's a myth, they aren't restricted at all.

There's like ten of them and they do not offer the pedophile worshipping murder monkeys asylum or citizenship so gfys lying scum.
Viral graphic says Japan keeps out radical Islam through strong restrictions on Muslims
I'm not the one shivering under my, scratch that.....shivering and looking for muslim terrorists under my bed.

So, THAT'S why you don't care how many innocent people have to die as long as it isn't you.

That makes you sound so very brave.
Ah. The usual Appeal to Emotion fallacy so popular with rubes and demagogues.


Hey! You are four times more likely to be hit by lightning than killed by a terrorist. And many thousands more likely to be killed by a friend or relative. Better cancel your Thanksgiving plans!

Using your own TardLogic, you should never leave the house, pants shitter!

You bigots need to man up and walk upright.


Support Islamic terrorism or be called a bigot.

My goodness, you are stupid.
Wrong. What makes you bigots is your willful and deliberate refusal to separate the majority of Muslims from the terrorists.

Who the fuck do you think the Muslim refugees are fleeing, you unbelievably stupid idiot? They hate the terrorists more than you do, and have better reasons than you ignorant fucks do.

They would also be an excellent source of intel on the terrorists. So your pants shitting bigotry is self-defeating.

Is there some sort of contest I missed for writing the most idiotic drivel possible?

You are certainly on the leaderboard, if so.

So, now you are trying to posit the rejection of the sort of Islamic terrorism you defend as an inability to distinguish between Islamic terrorists and the majority of Muslims, are you?

You have no fucking idea what he majority of Muslims even believe. All you know is that you are required to defend them.
I'm not the one shivering under my, scratch that.....shivering and looking for muslim terrorists under my bed.

So, THAT'S why you don't care how many innocent people have to die as long as it isn't you.

That makes you sound so very brave.
Ah. The usual Appeal to Emotion fallacy so popular with rubes and demagogues.


Hey! You are four times more likely to be hit by lightning than killed by a terrorist. And many thousands more likely to be killed by a friend or relative. Better cancel your Thanksgiving plans!

Using your own TardLogic, you should never leave the house, pants shitter!

You bigots need to man up and walk upright.


Support Islamic terrorism or be called a bigot.

My goodness, you are stupid.
Wrong. What makes you bigots is your willful and deliberate refusal to separate the majority of Muslims from the terrorists.

According to PEW the overwhelming majority of Muslims (90%+) are homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, theocrats why do you support the largest hate group on the planet?
According to PEW the overwhelming majority of Muslims (90%+) are homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, theocrats why do you support the largest hate group on the planet?

Because he is extraordinarily stupid, sees nothing but brown skin and thinks to himself "gotta support that to earn my cred".
Why we do not hear about something like that in Japan or Korea? Because there no muslims there.
They have Muslims in Japan but they are very restricted.

Actually - that's a myth, they aren't restricted at all.

There's like ten of them and they do not offer the pedophile worshipping murder monkeys asylum or citizenship so gfys lying scum.
Viral graphic says Japan keeps out radical Islam through strong restrictions on Muslims

All Muslims in Japan are under surveillance:
Japan has ruled to spy on all Muslims – after living there, this is no surprise

There is no such thing as a foreign Muslim citizen of Japan, the only Muslim citizens of Japan are converts, death to Islam, Je Suis Breivik!

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