Breaking: Van mows down people walking on London Bridge.

Should the practice of Islam be banned in Western / civilized nations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 28 36.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters
I'm not the one shivering under my, scratch that.....shivering and looking for muslim terrorists under my bed.

So, THAT'S why you don't care how many innocent people have to die as long as it isn't you.

That makes you sound so very brave.
Ah. The usual Appeal to Emotion fallacy so popular with rubes and demagogues.


Hey! You are four times more likely to be hit by lightning than killed by a terrorist. And many thousands more likely to be killed by a friend or relative. Better cancel your Thanksgiving plans!

Using your own TardLogic, you should never leave the house, pants shitter!

You bigots need to man up and walk upright.


Support Islamic terrorism or be called a bigot.

My goodness, you are stupid.
Wrong. What makes you bigots is your willful and deliberate refusal to separate the majority of Muslims from the terrorists.

According to PEW the overwhelming majority of Muslims (90%+) are homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, theocrats
Then you should get along with them just fine.
Religion Of Pieces at it again
Where are the Muslim apologists and USA haters?

Funny how "it's only 1% that are radical" gets thrown around a lot, each and every time.

Well in USA every liberal wants the heads of our 1%(wealthiest) but no one dare harm a hair anywhere, anytime on the murderous muzzie 1%
Why we do not hear about something like that in Japan or Korea? Because there no muslims there.
They have Muslims in Japan but they are very restricted.

Actually - that's a myth, they aren't restricted at all.

There's like ten of them and they do not offer the pedophile worshipping murder monkeys asylum or citizenship so gfys lying scum.
Viral graphic says Japan keeps out radical Islam through strong restrictions on Muslims

All Muslims in Japan are under surveillance:
Japan has ruled to spy on all Muslims – after living there, this is no surprise

There is no such thing as a foreign Muslim citizen of Japan, the only Muslim citizens of Japan are converts, death to Islam, Je Suis Breivik!
Great find!! Bravo.
I'm not the one shivering under my, scratch that.....shivering and looking for muslim terrorists under my bed.

So, THAT'S why you don't care how many innocent people have to die as long as it isn't you.

That makes you sound so very brave.
Ah. The usual Appeal to Emotion fallacy so popular with rubes and demagogues.


Hey! You are four times more likely to be hit by lightning than killed by a terrorist. And many thousands more likely to be killed by a friend or relative. Better cancel your Thanksgiving plans!

Using your own TardLogic, you should never leave the house, pants shitter!

You bigots need to man up and walk upright.


Support Islamic terrorism or be called a bigot.

My goodness, you are stupid.
Wrong. What makes you bigots is your willful and deliberate refusal to separate the majority of Muslims from the terrorists.

According to PEW the overwhelming majority of Muslims (90%+) are homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, theocrats why do you support the largest hate group on the planet?
I notice you didn't provide a link to that poll.

Homosexuality is legal in these 10 Muslim countries

In America, Muslims Are More Likely to Support Gay Marriage Than Evangelical Christians
So, THAT'S why you don't care how many innocent people have to die as long as it isn't you.

That makes you sound so very brave.
Ah. The usual Appeal to Emotion fallacy so popular with rubes and demagogues.


Hey! You are four times more likely to be hit by lightning than killed by a terrorist. And many thousands more likely to be killed by a friend or relative. Better cancel your Thanksgiving plans!

Using your own TardLogic, you should never leave the house, pants shitter!

You bigots need to man up and walk upright.


Support Islamic terrorism or be called a bigot.

My goodness, you are stupid.
Wrong. What makes you bigots is your willful and deliberate refusal to separate the majority of Muslims from the terrorists.

According to PEW the overwhelming majority of Muslims (90%+) are homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, theocrats
Then you should get along with them just fine.

Why do you support the largest hate group on the planet?
So, THAT'S why you don't care how many innocent people have to die as long as it isn't you.

That makes you sound so very brave.
Ah. The usual Appeal to Emotion fallacy so popular with rubes and demagogues.


Hey! You are four times more likely to be hit by lightning than killed by a terrorist. And many thousands more likely to be killed by a friend or relative. Better cancel your Thanksgiving plans!

Using your own TardLogic, you should never leave the house, pants shitter!

You bigots need to man up and walk upright.


Support Islamic terrorism or be called a bigot.

My goodness, you are stupid.
Wrong. What makes you bigots is your willful and deliberate refusal to separate the majority of Muslims from the terrorists.

According to PEW the overwhelming majority of Muslims (90%+) are homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, theocrats why do you support the largest hate group on the planet?
I notice you didn't provide a link to that poll.

Homosexuality is legal in these 10 Muslim countries

In America, Muslims Are More Likely to Support Gay Marriage Than Evangelical Christians
It maybe legal but does islam still kill you in those countries?
Ah. The usual Appeal to Emotion fallacy so popular with rubes and demagogues.


Hey! You are four times more likely to be hit by lightning than killed by a terrorist. And many thousands more likely to be killed by a friend or relative. Better cancel your Thanksgiving plans!

Using your own TardLogic, you should never leave the house, pants shitter!

You bigots need to man up and walk upright.


Support Islamic terrorism or be called a bigot.

My goodness, you are stupid.
Wrong. What makes you bigots is your willful and deliberate refusal to separate the majority of Muslims from the terrorists.

According to PEW the overwhelming majority of Muslims (90%+) are homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, theocrats
Then you should get along with them just fine.

Why do you support the largest hate group on the planet?
Show me the poll, dipshit.

And it appears the largest hate group in America is evangelical Christians:

Homosexuality is legal in these 10 Muslim countries

In America, Muslims Are More Likely to Support Gay Marriage Than Evangelical Christians
Support Islamic terrorism or be called a bigot.

My goodness, you are stupid.
Wrong. What makes you bigots is your willful and deliberate refusal to separate the majority of Muslims from the terrorists.

According to PEW the overwhelming majority of Muslims (90%+) are homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, theocrats
Then you should get along with them just fine.

Why do you support the largest hate group on the planet?
Show me the poll, dipshit.

And it appears the largest hate group in America is evangelical Christians:

Homosexuality is legal in these 10 Muslim countries

In America, Muslims Are More Likely to Support Gay Marriage Than Evangelical Christians
Good. Now gays have somewhere to go.
So, THAT'S why you don't care how many innocent people have to die as long as it isn't you.

That makes you sound so very brave.
Ah. The usual Appeal to Emotion fallacy so popular with rubes and demagogues.


Hey! You are four times more likely to be hit by lightning than killed by a terrorist. And many thousands more likely to be killed by a friend or relative. Better cancel your Thanksgiving plans!

Using your own TardLogic, you should never leave the house, pants shitter!

You bigots need to man up and walk upright.


Support Islamic terrorism or be called a bigot.

My goodness, you are stupid.
Wrong. What makes you bigots is your willful and deliberate refusal to separate the majority of Muslims from the terrorists.

According to PEW the overwhelming majority of Muslims (90%+) are homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, theocrats why do you support the largest hate group on the planet?
I notice you didn't provide a link to that poll.

Homosexuality is legal in these 10 Muslim countries

In America, Muslims Are More Likely to Support Gay Marriage Than Evangelical Christians

On homosexuality the overwhelming majority of Muslims view homosexuality as a sin:

Muslim Views on Morality | Pew Research Center

On Anti-Semitism the overwhelming majority of Muslims have a negative view of Jews:

Antisemitism | Pew Research Center

On theocracy the overwhelming majority of Muslims surveyed want Sharia to be the official law of the land:

Muslim Beliefs About Sharia | Pew Research Center

On Anti-Semitism:

The only representative comparative survey of different European countries that distinguishes between Muslims and non-Muslims was conducted by the Pew Global Attitudes Project in April 2006.5 Unfortunately, only a single ques- tion was used to measure antisemitic attitudes.6 The study showed that Muslims in France, Germany, and Spain were twice as likely as non-Muslims to harbor negative views of Jews. The factor was almost seven for Great Britain. The dif- ference is even greater concerning “very unfavorable” views of Jews. In 2006, Muslims were three to ten times more likely to harbor “very unfavorable” views of Jews than did non-Muslims in France, Germany, and Great Britain. The factor was slightly lower in Spain, where negative views of Jews were by far the highest among both Muslims (60 percent) and the general population (39 percent). Other surveys confirm particularly high levels of antisemitic attitudes in Spain in the general population.7

On homophobia:

Muslims in Britain have zero tolerance towards homosexual acts compared to their counterparts in France and Germany, according to a survey published today. The most dramatic contrast was found in attitudes towards homosexuality. None of the 500 British Muslims interviewed believed that homosexual acts were morally acceptable. By comparison, 35% of French Muslims found homosexual acts to be acceptable. A question on pornography also elicited different reactions, with French and German Muslims more likely than British Muslims to believe that watching or reading pornography was morally acceptable.

Muslims in Britain have zero tolerance of homosexuality, says poll | UK news | The Guardian

On theocracy:

According to the study (German and English), which was funded by the German government, two thirds (65%) of the Muslims interviewed say Islamic Sharia law is more important to them than the laws of the country in which they live.

Three quarters (75%) of the respondents hold the opinion that there is only one legitimate interpretation of the Koran, which should apply to all Muslims, and nearly 60% of Muslims believe their community should return to "Islamic roots."

The survey shows that 44% of the Moroccans and Turks interviewed agree with all three of the above statements, which makes them "consistent fundamentalists," and fundamentalist attitudes are just as widespread among younger Muslims as they are among older Muslims.

According to the study, Islamic fundamentalism is most pronounced in Austria, where 73% of Muslims interviewed say Sharia law is more important than the secular laws of the state; 79% say there is only one correct interpretation of the Koran that should apply to all, and 65% believe Muslims should return to their Islamic roots. In Austria, 55% of the Muslims surveyed say they agree with all three of the above statements.

Europe: Islamic Fundamentalism is Widespread
Serious question here.

How would you go about banning Islam from America without violating the Constitution? Specifics if you please.
Have the courts rule Islam is not a religion but is instead a criminal group. And that's been done before with the KKK.

Also institute a complete travel and immigration ban against all Muslims, regardless of country of origin or citizenship, although we should certainly allow them to fly out of the US.
Why we do not hear about something like that in Japan or Korea? Because there no muslims there.
They have Muslims in Japan but they are very restricted.

Actually - that's a myth, they aren't restricted at all.

There's like ten of them and they do not offer the pedophile worshipping murder monkeys asylum or citizenship so gfys lying scum.
Viral graphic says Japan keeps out radical Islam through strong restrictions on Muslims

All Muslims in Japan are under surveillance:
Japan has ruled to spy on all Muslims – after living there, this is no surprise

There is no such thing as a foreign Muslim citizen of Japan, the only Muslim citizens of Japan are converts, death to Islam, Je Suis Breivik!

Muslims in Japan
The claim that in Japan permanent residency is not given to Muslims is also false. The Guidelines for Permission for Permanent Residence published by the Immigration Bureau of Japan make no mention of religion. In fact, according to an article published by the Asian Quarterly, the Japanese government does not inquire about religion:

The Japanese government does not keep any statistics on the number of Muslims in Japan. Neither foreign residents nor ethnic Japanese are ever asked about their religion by official government agencies. While it is conceivable that this policy may change in the future due to official concerns about international terrorism, there has yet to be any public indication of such an effort. Introducing such a policy might lead to objections by the Japanese public that the government has no business inquiring into matters of religion, which is regarded by most Japanese as a strictly personal affair that should exist outside of the public sphere.

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