BREAKING: White Marine Vet To Be Charged In Death of Jordan Neely

Agree. He didn’t intend to kill him but he did.

That’s why he is charged with manslaughter and not murder.

If you respond to a threat of future harm, then the threat is not imminent and therefore self defense cannot be employed. Imminence is a required component of use of self defense.

I know the law.
Future harm? How far into the future? Five seconds?

If I am trapped with a man in a subway car, and he threatens to kill me, I would be within my rights to kill him first. Since, let’s face it, I cannot do so (without a weapon), I would forever be grateful if a Marine stepped up on my behalf to remove the threat.

That the black guy didn’t recover once the chokehold was released is probably due to drugs in his system. That’s why they’re not releasing the tox report.
Future harm? How far into the future? Five seconds?

If I am trapped with a man in a subway car, and he threatens to kill me, I would be within my rights to kill him first. Since, let’s face it, I cannot do so (without a weapon), I would forever be grateful if a Marine stepped up on my behalf to remove the threat.

That the black guy didn’t recover once the chokehold was released is probably due to drugs in his system. That’s why they’re not releasing the tox report.
It’s not so simple. You don’t have an imminent threat and you don’t even have a specific threat.

Furthermore, you have problems with proportionality. Remember that it was one man against the entire train car and multiple people restrained him. At that point he’s no longer an imminent threat. He didn’t kill him quickly. He killed him slowly by slowly strangling him to death.

And finally, he says he didn’t intend to kill him reinforces the allegation that a rational person wouldn’t find the need to use deadly force.
It’s not so simple. You don’t have an imminent threat and you don’t even have a specific threat.

Furthermore, you have problems with proportionality. Remember that it was one man against the entire train car and multiple people restrained him. At that point he’s no longer an imminent threat. He didn’t kill him quickly. He killed him slowly by slowly strangling him to death.

And finally, he says he didn’t intend to kill him reinforces the allegation that a rational person wouldn’t find the need to use deadly force.
He didn’t strangle him to death. He was breathing upon the release of the chokehold.

A normal person who hadn’t abused his body with drugs would have recovered.
Penny is PRAYING that he doesn’t get a jury of Marener types, who has already made up his mind that the white Marine is guilty and the black, violent criminal no threat.
This is the result of putting dangerous criminals back on the street because they are disproportionately black, and the leftists want to “bring racial equity” to the prison population.
Penny is PRAYING that he doesn’t get a jury of Marener types, who has already made up his mind that the white Marine is guilty and the black, violent criminal no threat.

And if they're all as stupid as Marener who spouts lies and then ignores requests to back them up, he is screwed.

I just keep wondering when we are going to get some men in this country. The blatancy of the lies and anti-white racism gets more heinous by the day.

Penny is PRAYING that he doesn’t get a jury of Marener types, who has already made up his mind that the white Marine is guilty and the black, violent criminal no threat.
I said that Neely was not posing an imminent threat of severe bodily harm and death. You need to be truthful.

The fact that he claimed he didn’t intend to kill him is evidence that lethal force in self defense was not necessary.
The medical examiner ruled it a homicide. But I’m sure you know more than a medical expert who actually is a part of the investigation.

Says the troll who doesn't think that he/she/it has to prove anything that he/she/it says.

Leftist vermin.

.Because you can't respond to my request that you prove your bullshit.

And I'm the troll.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Because there's no point to responding to your request when actual discussion is not possible with someone like you.

I respond to the requests of people who aren't trolls. You have no right to demand anything.
Because there's no point to responding to your request when actual discussion is not possible with someone like you.

I respond to the requests of people who aren't trolls. You have no right to demand anything.

Hey Lisa558, do you think it's time to put the Marener troll back on ignore?

It has proven very clearly that it's incapable of rational discourse and thus has no right to be treated as an adult human in my world.


Hey Lisa558, do you think it's time to put the Marener troll back on ignore?

It has proven very clearly that it's incapable of rational discourse and thus has no right to be treated as an adult human in my world.

Yeah, I give up with him. The black criminal said he would kill someone and didn’t care if he had to spend his life in prison - and Marener says that’s not an imminent threat? How does HE know how many seconds the deranged thug was away from doing bodily harm?

The pro-black criminal leftists talk about him as if he were an innocent, harmless person - another black killed by whitey for nothing.

The left has their new George Floyd - just in time for election season.
I’ve been engaging in rational discourse with Lisa who isn’t the troll you are.

We got it.

Because I asked you to prove what you stated, I'm a troll.

That's the rule in your world.

That's why your cult is now flopping like a fish on the river bank, knowing that you will soon lose the fight and be in a sizzling hot frying pan.

Yeah, I give up with him. The black criminal said he would kill someone and didn’t care if he had to spend his life in prison - and Marener says that’s not an imminent threat? How does HE know how many seconds the deranged thug was away from doing bodily harm?

The pro-black criminal leftists talk about him as if he were an innocent, harmless person - another black killed by whitey for nothing.

The left has their new George Floyd - just in time for election season.

They know the push-back has begun and they are losing. That's why rationality is out the window and they are employing the few tools that they have that used to work -- projection, deflection, name calling and lies.

Those tools no longer work and they are terrified of what is coming, now that they are powerless.

Did you see how the Marener troll started with name calling when I made the simple request that it prove what it said?

No, you’ve been getting worse, and I’m giving up.

I just hope someone like you isn’t on the jury. You’ve already determined that the thug wasn’t an imminent threat.
Everything I've seen indicates that he wasn't an imminent threat of severe bodily harm or death.

Speaking a non-specific threat as a lone individual amid dozens of others doesn't seem to cross that threshold.

I think this is less about race and more about conservatives seeing mentally ill and homeless people as subhuman and without constitutional rights. Their lives don't matter.

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