BREAKING: White Marine Vet To Be Charged In Death of Jordan Neely

Actually, you just need to show that a reasonable person would fear that people’s lives were in danger, or serious bodily harm, and we had here a raving lunatic threatening to kill somebody, with them trapped in a tin can and him a few feet away. The fact that this was a dangerous criminal with a violent record shows that the Marine’s instinct was correct.

All people’s lives matter, but innocent people should take priority over a dangerous criminal - even when excuses are made for him because he’s black, and the media attempting to paint him over like an innocent Michael Jackson performer, and no mention of his criminal past.

Are you POSITIVE that nobody was is imminent danger? He had punched out an old lady’s eye socket, and had a number of violent arrests on his record. This was not a normal, peaceful fellow. So knowing how violent he has been, how can you be sure he wouldn’t have hurt someone in a matter of seconds if the patriot hadn’t stopped him?

It's not a "reasonable person" being in fear of danger; it's a person having a "reasonable fear" of imminent death or great bodily harm.

As far as him punching an old lady on a prior occasion, it's unknown if Penny knew about that.
You’re comparing someone throwing popcorn to a deranged, violent lunatic threatening to kill someone?

It was hardly a drop of a hat!! You aren’t seeing the situation clearly because liberals side with criminals over innocent people, and that is why you are downplaying this. That is also why they are being released onto the street. The freedom of a dangerous man is deemed more worthy of protection than the innocent people he will terrorize, harm, even kill.

I will give you an example: I, unfortunately, live in a liberal area where felonies are routinely reduced to misdemeanors and criminals are coddled. During COVID, many violent criminals were released in prison because it was deemed better for THEM (and their would-victims, oh well).

They released a rapist. Upon his release, he went directly to his victim‘s house - and killed her. As if this poor girl didn’t endure enough from this criminal, now she’s murdered by him. And all because liberals thought it was better for HIM to be free.
I use the popcorn example to demonstrate how conservatives seem to want to lower the bar in terms of what constitutes an imminent threat to justify the use of deadly force. I think that self defense especially with deadly force is getting almost fetishized among the right. It's almost as if they want to kill someone and are looking for an excuse to do so.

I think that killing Neely was not legally justified which would make the killer a criminal. From my perspective, you're siding with a criminal.
Fetishizing self defense gets people killed.

Shot a kid playing hide and go seek.

Shot because she accidentally got into wrong car.

Shot knocking on the wrong door.

Shot a young woman for pulling into wrong driveway.

We are creating a kill first, ask questions later society.
I use the popcorn example to demonstrate how conservatives seem to want to lower the bar in terms of what constitutes an imminent threat to justify the use of deadly force. I think that self defense especially with deadly force is getting almost fetishized among the right. It's almost as if they want to kill someone and are looking for an excuse to do so.

I think that killing Neely was not legally justified which would make the killer a criminal. From my perspective, you're siding with a criminal.
Yes, from the liberal perspective. That’s the problem.

The real criminal should have been behind bars, and innocent people safe from him. The DA is railroading Penny to deflect from the fact that it is the liberals’ soft on crime approach, and their insistence that violent thugs get back on the street, that is the cause of this.

The real criminal tries to kidnap a 7-year-old girl, in addition to his many other crimes. Why is he walking around free? And he WAS on the watchlist as one of the #50 most dangerous criminals on the subway.

But you skip over all that, and label the brave Marine the criminal.
Yes, from the liberal perspective. That’s the problem.

The real criminal should have been behind bars, and innocent people safe from him. The DA is railroading Penny to deflect from the fact that it is the liberals’ soft on crime approach, and their insistence that violent thugs get back on the street, that is the cause of this.

The real criminal tries to kidnap a 7-year-old girl, in addition to his many other crimes. Why is he walking around free? And he WAS on the watchlist as one of the #50 most dangerous criminals on the subway.

But you skip over all that, and label the brave Marine the criminal.
You seem to think that Neely's criminal history justifies his death. It doesn't. We don't do vigilante justice in this country.
You seem to think that Neely's criminal history justifies his death. It doesn't. We don't do vigilante justice in this country.
No, but it shows what type of dangerous, violent criminal was threatening the innocent passengers, and that Penny’s instinct was correct.

I pray that his jury is not made up of people like you. You’ve already decided Penny is a vigilante.
No, but it shows what type of dangerous, violent criminal was threatening the innocent passengers, and that Penny’s instinct was correct.

I pray that his jury is not made up of people like you. You’ve already decided Penny is a vigilante.
I don't think Penny is a vigilante. He's a guy who didn't intend to kill someone but did. That's what the charge of manslaughter is for.

Your defense of Penny paints him as a vigilante. Neely's criminal history is not relevant to the crime.
Regardless, Penny is being overcharged with 2nd degree manslaughter. We know the pro-criminals progressives are out to get the white man, especially when he isn’t allowing a black thug to injure people, but it should be involuntary manslaughter, at the worst.

Why didn‘t the bicyclist who mowed over the innocent white woman in Central Park get charged at all? Oh right….the killer was black and the victim was white.

Black Lives Matter More, especially when it’s a criminal. The Dems have this election cycle’s new Saint Floyd.
You seem to think that Neely's criminal history justifies his death. It doesn't. We don't do vigilante justice in this country.
Neely's criminal history aside, he was threatening people's lives, and due to the self-defense Constitutional protection, he lost his life scaring them to death. You can't use the "I can do it because I'm a privileged race" card, but his greedy relatives want cash if they can get a conviction. If the Judge is a wussy, this will go to the Supreme Court who will tell them about self-defense, and why the Marine is going free because he heroically saved people's lives since he couldn't be a coward to just let the criminal scream that he's going to kill them all. The Democrats need to pack their bags and go to Russia when we get tired of their attempts to impose the Alinsky method communism in the home of the free and the brave as that Marine was. :cranky:
I don't think Penny is a vigilante. He's a guy who didn't intend to kill someone but did. That's what the charge of manslaughter is for.

Your defense of Penny paints him as a vigilante. Neely's criminal history is not relevant to the crime.
No, but Neely’s criminal history does depict what type of person Neely was - and that he was a dangerous man. My dog is great at identifying dangerous people, even from 50 feet away. He just has a sense.

A Marine is trained to have that sense too. And Penny was correct.

Also, why isn’t it involuntary manslaughter, which carries a much lighter sentence. Seems like the mayor and DA are pressured to make it seem like Penny is a dangerous racist white man via overcharging,
Why didn‘t the bicyclist who mowed over the innocent white woman in Central Park get charged at all? Oh right….the killer was black and the victim was white.

Where's your evidence that was negligent homicide?
Neely's criminal history aside, he was threatening people's lives, and due to the self-defense Constitutional protection, he lost his life scaring them to death. You can't use the "I can do it because I'm a privileged race" card, but his greedy relatives want cash if they can get a conviction. If the Judge is a wussy, this will go to the Supreme Court who will tell them about self-defense, and why the Marine is going free because he heroically saved people's lives since he couldn't be a coward to just let the criminal scream that he's going to kill them all. The Democrats need to pack their bags and go to Russia when we get tired of their attempts to impose the Alinsky method communism in the home of the free and the brave as that Marine was. :cranky:

You're insane. There is absolutely nothing in the Constitution which grants people the right to take another life in all cases. Even the Marine knew this as he wasn't intending to end Neely's life. Self-defense only means sufficient force to stop an imminent threat of death or great bodily harm. If it requires lethal force, that is legally justified. This case did not require lethal force since Penny stopped the threat before killing Neely.
If you act crazy and frighten innocent people you might get killed. That's too bad. That's how it goes in the real world. Tough shit.
No, but Neely’s criminal history does depict what type of person Neely was - and that he was a dangerous man. My dog is great at identifying dangerous people, even from 50 feet away. He just has a sense.

A Marine is trained to have that sense too. And Penny was correct.

Also, why isn’t it involuntary manslaughter, which carries a much lighter sentence. Seems like the mayor and DA are pressured to make it seem like Penny is a dangerous racist white man via overcharging,
"Just had a sense" is absolutely not going to fly as a legal defense. As for being "correct" that claims to know what Neely would have done had he not been killed and also not going to fly as a legal defense.

New York doesn't have involuntary manslaughter, they call it manslaughter in second degree. Penny placed Neely into a headlock for a long time, which is an overt action which reasonable people would know could cause serious bodily harm and death, which is why bystanders were telling him to let go. That seems perfectly consistent with manslaughter in second degree.

The next step down is criminally negligent homicide.

The difference is whether they act recklessly or negligently. Reckless behavior would mean they knew it was dangerous but didn't care. As a former marine, it would be pretty reasonable to say that Penny would have been aware that his chokehold could kill someone. Negligence would mean that he acted in a way that he didn't think was dangerous but that he should have known was dangerous. That doesn't seem to fit the known facts.
No, but Neely’s criminal history does depict what type of person Neely was - and that he was a dangerous man. My dog is great at identifying dangerous people, even from 50 feet away. He just has a sense.

A Marine is trained to have that sense too. And Penny was correct.

Also, why isn’t it involuntary manslaughter, which carries a much lighter sentence. Seems like the mayor and DA are pressured to make it seem like Penny is a dangerous racist white man via overcharging,

Marines are not mind readers.

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