Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

A 60 year old, engaged to current wife, Donald Trump is recorded talking, like an immature 18 year old college boy, about his sexual prowess.
He called it locker room banter. He was not in a locker room, he was 60 years old, he is a disgusting pig.

He should not be President of anything.
Your last sentence may be right but there is no age that cuts off talk when you're bullshitting around with the fellas. Men are men & women are women. Unless you're a limp wristed sissy.
I don't always engage in banter with the boys but when I do it's Dos Equis

Man up sissy boy
If you think think you have to brag about your sexual exploits to not be called a sissy; YOU ARE A FRICKING SISSY. Grow up grandpa. Learn how to bullshit and kid with buddies about something other than having sex with other women than your wife.
Folks we need a safe space, stat!

Yes, but enough about you needing a place where no one picks on you!
Trump = attempted dating of married women

Clintons husband = assaults on married women.

Trump = attempted dating of married women = candidate for POTUS

Clintons husband = NOT running for POTUS.

I voted for GHWB in '92.

So why do you keep bringing Bill up?

Because you know you can't justify supporting such a amoral, ignorant, racist, sexist loser.

No, because Hillary enabled Bills bizarre behavior toward women.

She is as guilty of those assaults as Bill is.
Hey, but GOP has a "war on women."
"You aren't married, slut. Get down on your knees...."

Yup, this is how you want to be talked to. It's "masculine," right?

You need to stop, you're not impressing me and you look like an insane clown. Now grow up

Just making a point. Stop defending sexual assault. When you defend sexual assault and adultery -- as you are doing in this thread -- you lose your dignity as a human being and respect from others.
Stop defending Hillary's defense of Bill then super champ?

Hillary had a choice, she could've left him. Instead she forgave him. That was her choice, who am I to judge her and her personal life?
She stuck with him because as a power hungry bitch she knew they worked better as a team. Your a dumbass.

It's you're. Learn the difference between your and you're if you're going to try insulting people, dumbass. Fucking Trump supporter. Go enroll in the 3rd grade.
Sassy you can spin it any way you want but he actually said this. Explain and condone it please. I am no Hillary fan but this is dumb. Normal males do not talk this way.
grabbing women by the pussy is a GREAT THING. unless muslims do it, in cologne.
I'm sure Hillary will bring this up at the next debate.

Trump may have to "go there" about Bill's women if he gets desperate.
If he does liberal media will say he is an asshole, if she goes there she will have "exposed him."
Bill Clinton isn't running. Trumps speech cannot be defended. Normal males do not speak like this.
If I was single I'd try the ole furniture shopping and grab em by the pussy trick to see if it really works. Hmmm pissed I never thought of it.

"If I was single I'd try the ole furniture shopping and grab em by the pussy trick to see if it really works. Hmmm pissed I never thought of it."

You'll regret that now for the rest of your life, that you didn't think of it and that's now a lost adventure to you.

Only if you think of jail as an adventure.
What works for Trump ain't gonna work for CK. I guarantee it.
A 60 year old, engaged to current wife, Donald Trump is recorded talking, like an immature 18 year old college boy, about his sexual prowess.
The liberals are developing an extreme case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Every little unimportant remark he makes, they are taking, examining carefully, blowing it up into astonishing size, having heated discussion with each other about what it might mean, and determining their entire voting patterns from it.

Although somehow, their voting patterns never change, they were already going to not vote for him before he made the remark. :rolleyes-41:

These people are getting increasingly desperate almost every day.

And they will support the wife of a serial sexual predator....but clutch their pearls at any mention of Trump....
Come on Guy, you've been known to present some rational arguments... Just admit that this video of Trump was disgusting. How can you watch it and think that you want this guy to be our president. Then retort by dogging on the WIFE of an accused sexual predator. Its a bad argument, you will be better off to swallow this one. Just be honest and say it was a horrible statement by Trump but you like his policies better than Hillary's and that is more important to you than the character of the man.

I haven't listened to first pick was Scott Walker, the next Ted Cruz, Trump is the one left matter what Trump has done as a human being hilary has done far, far worse.......shielding herself with tax dollars and political power.....

This country used to have a rule....if you were a crook in office you were kicked out of office....that rule does not apply anymore......especially if hilary gets into office......she will have complete control over law enforcement and the intelligence services.........and will have shown the way for the next criminals......

Trump is the only way to stop 4 years we can vote him out......but you don't reward political corruption in office, which is what we have with hilary, by electing her to an even more powerful office. It is obvious that none of the law enforcement agencies are going to act against hilary because the democrats control them....the absolute only way to punish to vote Trump into office......

That is where we are......
Here you go... Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005
Sassy you can spin it any way you want but he actually said this. Explain and condone it please. I am no Hillary fan but this is dumb. Normal males do not talk this way.

Yeah normal males talk that way, it's reality and this is nothing. I asked my husband and he just laughed...he didn't have to say anything else
and no, that is not how guys talk about women, that is how assholes talk about women.
Sassy you can spin it any way you want but he actually said this. Explain and condone it please. I am no Hillary fan but this is dumb. Normal males do not talk this way.

Are you nuts?

Geez, I've heard much worse from progressive males in private.

Men are pigs afterall.
Funny how the crazy lefties call Republicans bitter clingers, when they mention some 11 year old audio when Trump was in showbiz. Meanwhile Bill Clinton is a rapist. They sure have been bitter clingers mentioning this non story.
I can promise you that bill clinton has had worse conversations about women....and only some of them were with women who gave their consent.....but he has a Secret Service detail to protect him from audio and video taping......Trump didn't have that.....
The Trump supporters are going to their lowest level to defend this latest revelation.

The lowest level is to pretend either Bill Clinton or Donald John Trump are saints. You will defend Clinton ( Bill ) lack of class while those voting for Trump will defend his... For me the reality is most men ( well except you seeing you are the perfect asshole in life ) have said many childish jokes even after their fucking college days, and there are many Democratic and Republican politicians that have been caught with their pants and panties down in life while making stupid jokes about it!

Now I know you will deny Democratic Politicians are as bad as the Republicans and just remember:

You need to stop, you're not impressing me and you look like an insane clown. Now grow up

Just making a point. Stop defending sexual assault. When you defend sexual assault and adultery -- as you are doing in this thread -- you lose your dignity as a human being and respect from others.
Stop defending Hillary's defense of Bill then super champ?

Hillary had a choice, she could've left him. Instead she forgave him. That was her choice, who am I to judge her and her personal life?
She stuck with him because as a power hungry bitch she knew they worked better as a team. Your a dumbass.

It's you're. Learn the difference between your and you're if you're going to try insulting people, dumbass. Fucking Trump supporter. Go enroll in the 3rd grade.
Man, and im a still smarts enough not to vote for Hillary. What if I said I was black and you are being racist right now? Perhaps I dinnet gigs all that white educations?
Two wrongs do not make a right. It is the do ald that should take the fault. His voters should be miffed. No your vote should not change but what he said was indefensible.

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