Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

Fashion model. LMAO She did soft core porn. She's a sleaze.
This is NOT what a fashion model does. 'Fashion' refers to clothing: she isn't wearing any. It's pornograpy. How many of you men would like your wife, sister, mother or daughter to do this kind of thing? Few I think. You'd have to say you would be more than fine with your loved ones doing this, or adimit you realize it is porn. Men jerk off looking at this kind of picture. It's porn.,


That's EXACTLY what a fashion model does and I can prove that point by posting pictures of virtually EVERY SINGLE TOP FASHION MODEL POSING IN EXACTLY THE SAME MANNER! Would you like me to do so?

I normally just scroll by your posts but your caps and what you said caught my eye.

I'm a professional photographer.

I've worked with Victoria Secret and Vogue Magazine models.

What you posted is a lie.

I know because I would have gotten copies of the photos.

I get copies of a lot of the work models do before I photograph them. Most photographers who shoot classy women in classy photos get told if they're going to photograph a skank so they can avoid that and not ruin their reputation as a photographer.
Uhm, no sale. There's nothing wrong with the nude body. Skanky is a spread shot or something. I'm and artist and have drawn MANY nude women and no one thinks anything of it, especially the model. You are so full of shit!

I didn't say there was anything wrong with a nude body.

I did say that I would have received copies of those type of photos if the Victoria Secret and Vogue Magazines I photographed had posed for photos like that.

Photographers who do that kind of work aren't well received in the photography profession. We who have class and decency who stay away from that kind of photography are warned and we decline to do the job.

It's an inside thing in my profession. Those who take those kinds of photos, aren't allowed to take photos of decent women. So we avoid taking them.

I always get information on the shoot before I do it. That includes photos of the model. If there were photos like that of the model I would receive them.

But I've only worked with classy and decent models and companies that hire them to model their products so I've never received photos like that for anyone I've worked with.

Photographers who do that kind of work are a dime a dozen who rarely are able to break out of the label they've established for themselves which means they will never be able to work in any other type of photography again. Very few models or companies will work with them.

Doing that kind of work is a great way to destroy your career.

You are so full of crap! Once me a single super model that hasn't posed for provocative photos!

According to you...they're all "skanks"?
They lose my respect rarely, and when they do, I may trash them, like the "bitch" Linda Tripp.
You mean you trash them if they are Republicans. What makes Linda Tripp a "bitch?"
I'm an Independent; whether a Democrat or Republican, if they lose my respect, I will trash them.
Tripp fucked naive Monica big time, like Trump fucks his "bitches".
How did Tripp fuck Monica? It seems to me she gave Monica good advice. It pisses you off only because she had the goods on your idol Slick Willy.
You're the one who makes up shit. Bill is not my idol. LOL,
Monica confided in Linda, who pretended to be her friend. Instead, Linda stabbed Monica in the back.
Would you like getting stabbed in the back by your "confidante"?
How did Linda stab Monica in the back? You are obviously totally unconcerned about the treatment Bill Clinton dished out to her.
The "treatment" was personal, between two consenting adults.
Monica did not approve, or even know that Linda was secretly taping their personal conversations.
Then, she/Tripp goes to Starr without Monica's approval, making Monica a victim too ... for Tripp's egocentric political gain.
What an asshole that Tripp was/is.
If you don't see that lack of integrity, then you must also be an asshole.
Outrage ten yrs too late..........sorta stale dont ya think

So if I murder someone 10 years ago and you find out yesterday, its all good?
No analogous....fails as false libs like to say.......

It does?
Did I murder someone on tape in front of

Don’t know.
But if you did and nobody knew about it until yesterday, wouldn’t you expect people to be outraged even though you did it 10 years ago?
Isnt that the whole point.....people again
The "treatment" was personal, between two consenting adults.
Monica did not approve, or even know that Linda was secretly taping their personal conversations.
Then, she/Tripp goes to Starr without Monica's approval, making Monica a victim too ... for Tripp's egocentric political gain.
What an asshole that Tripp was/is.
If you don't see that lack of integrity, then you must also be an asshole.

Lack of integrity is not apologizing in the first place to Jones. That would have stopped everything in it's tracks right there. But Clinton was too bull headed to lower himself to those standards, and that's all Jones wanted--an apology.
How come it matters for Trump?
It does not.

Trump supporters are so abundantly stupid that they don't realize that the only way their position is the least bit credible is if they demand Melania comes out calls Donald a pig and divorces him.

If she deals with this behind closed doors and stays with him, she will be EXACTLY like Hillary.
No, if she come out and trashes the women he groped, displayed himself to and had affairs with she would be similar. Like I said, you have filters.
Any Republican that has endorsed or promoted this CHIMPANZEE--has committed political suicide, including those right wing talk show hosts.

Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingram, Ann Coulter, Sara Palin, Michael Savage, Judge Jeanine, Bill O'Reilly, Ted Cruz, Newt Gingrich, Carly Fiorina, Chris Christie, Rudy Giuliani. Mike Pense, Mike Huckabee, etc. etc. etc. The list goes on. You'll never hear from them again.
Bullshit. Hannity, Laura Ingraham and Limbaugh all defended him yesterday.
Goes to show who you listen to, like a choir boy.
It goes to show that you make stuff up like a douche bag liar.

Trump admitted he said it last night on CNN--and there's nothing made up about this--LOL

What isn't your right wing media bubble reporting this? No surprise but it's all over CNN. You were warned that this was going to happen when he jumped iinto this race. It's October surprise month, and they have unleashed the Kracken.

No one said it was. What is made up is the faux outrage spewed by douche bags like you.
You mean you trash them if they are Republicans. What makes Linda Tripp a "bitch?"
I'm an Independent; whether a Democrat or Republican, if they lose my respect, I will trash them.
Tripp fucked naive Monica big time, like Trump fucks his "bitches".
How did Tripp fuck Monica? It seems to me she gave Monica good advice. It pisses you off only because she had the goods on your idol Slick Willy.
You're the one who makes up shit. Bill is not my idol. LOL,
Monica confided in Linda, who pretended to be her friend. Instead, Linda stabbed Monica in the back.
Would you like getting stabbed in the back by your "confidante"?
How did Linda stab Monica in the back? You are obviously totally unconcerned about the treatment Bill Clinton dished out to her.
The "treatment" was personal, between two consenting adults.
Monica did not approve, or even know that Linda was secretly taping their personal conversations.
Then, she/Tripp goes to Starr without Monica's approval, making Monica a victim too ... for Tripp's egocentric political gain.
What an asshole that Tripp was/is.
If you don't see that lack of integrity, then you must also be an asshole.
How is that any different than the reporter who recorded a conversation that Trump thought was private?
Outrage ten yrs too late..........sorta stale dont ya think

So if I murder someone 10 years ago and you find out yesterday, its all good?
Come onnnnnnn... Murder and guy talk are hardly the same thing candy.

The content isn’t the thing.
The comment was made that it was “stale”.
We just found out about this new degree of loathsome behavior yesterday.
So I made the analogy that if I did something shocking 10 years ago and you found out about it yesterday, are you not allowed to be shocked?
So if I murder someone 10 years ago and you find out yesterday, its all good?
No analogous....fails as false libs like to say.......

It does?
Did I murder someone on tape in front of

Don’t know.
But if you did and nobody knew about it until yesterday, wouldn’t you expect people to be outraged even though you did it 10 years ago?
Isnt that the whole point.....people again

Did you know about the tape that surfaced yesterday in June? In July? In August, or September?
No analogous....fails as false libs like to say.......

It does?
Did I murder someone on tape in front of

Don’t know.
But if you did and nobody knew about it until yesterday, wouldn’t you expect people to be outraged even though you did it 10 years ago?
Isnt that the whole point.....people again

Did you know about the tape that surfaced yesterday in June? In July? In August, or September?
Those who knew werent outraged then......why should I be now.......try to keep up
It does?
Did I murder someone on tape in front of

Don’t know.
But if you did and nobody knew about it until yesterday, wouldn’t you expect people to be outraged even though you did it 10 years ago?
Isnt that the whole point.....people again

Did you know about the tape that surfaced yesterday in June? In July? In August, or September?
Those who knew werent outraged then......why should I be now.......try to keep up

Its impossible to follow your logic.
Because there isn’t any.
Thanks for playing.
If it was JUST talk most people could probably brush it off. But Trump is describing things he DOES. Actions, not just words.

So if I told you I conned somebody out of 20 grand by selling them a bridge, would you believe I actually did it?

Most all of the liberals here on USMB are either wealthy, work from home or have their own business. Yeah, I believe that too. Actually, I'm one of the few blue collar workers on USMB according to most here.

And of course, these wealthy liberal business owners come here supporting Democrat politicians that want to tax their business more, take more of their personal income, or make it more difficult to run their so-called business. How could anybody not believe that????

One thing I've win the blue ribbon for being full of shit!
Did I murder someone on tape in front of

Don’t know.
But if you did and nobody knew about it until yesterday, wouldn’t you expect people to be outraged even though you did it 10 years ago?
Isnt that the whole point.....people again

Did you know about the tape that surfaced yesterday in June? In July? In August, or September?
Those who knew werent outraged then......why should I be now.......try to keep up

Its impossible to follow your logic.
Because there isn’t any.
Thanks for playing.
Stale outrage.......thanks for confirming
Do people think that there isn't different characters found in women ?????? How do we know about the characters in which Donald a billionaire has been around most his life, and how do we know that Donald wasn't referring to the very sharks who hang around or go after billionaire's when he was talking his smack ????? The question is or should be this, would Donald trash talk all women in this way or is he just referring to the ones he has known over the years that exist in his world in which he has lived mostly around in his life ???? Was he referring to the ones who don't hold themselves in the high regards, even though people think that they as women should hold themselves in high regard as according to them and their judgement of them ??? So women according to democrats can't have the freedom to be trash talked about if they like that kind of thing coming from the billionaire of their choice ????? Was he referring to the ones on the Hollywood scene who will do just about anything for a shot at some of his attention or his money or the ones looking to marry in hopes that he might slip on a banana peel or the ones who may be strippers that love that kind of dirty talk ??? Should his comments be applied to his mother in your opinions or would he say such a thing around his mother for which he holds in high regards ?? A multi-faceted person can work in and out of every situation in life, and all women are not mother Teresa's who wouldn't go anywhere near 95% of the American men in this nation.
If it was JUST talk most people could probably brush it off. But Trump is describing things he DOES. Actions, not just words.

So if I told you I conned somebody out of 20 grand by selling them a bridge, would you believe I actually did it?

Most all of the liberals here on USMB are either wealthy, work from home or have their own business. Yeah, I believe that too. Actually, I'm one of the few blue collar workers on USMB according to most here.

And of course, these wealthy liberal business owners come here supporting Democrat politicians that want to tax their business more, take more of their personal income, or make it more difficult to run their so-called business. How could anybody not believe that????

One thing I've win the blue ribbon for being full of shit!

Or, we could modify this one...


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