Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

Who knows ... 11 years ago, what was in his mind except thoughts about "pussy".
My point was, that if you are going to run for POTUS, your history will be scrutinized and that's the way it is!
If he can't take the heat, then he should not be POTUS!!
Except we know his mind was on his public image, as he said he needed to be sure he didn't trip, because look what happened to Gerald Ford after he tripped.

So despite having a pre presidential candidacy mindset, he still exercised the poor judgment of bragging about being a sexual predator to a guy who gossips for a living.
Nobody gives a shit.

Trump will be the next President....get used to it. :2up:
On a positive note------remember OLIVER NORTH?
He has survived----------well. I was "taken" with him----
he remained completely sober and conscientious no matter
how he was BATTERED. Trump should review the old
footage. He, somehow, got REHABILITATED and he is
actually a convicted felon. Vulgar boyish banter should not
destroy Oliver North--------especially since his rival (and her
spouse) have done worse-----abuse of "underlings" in
IMHO-------beats vulgar banter every time
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They lose my respect rarely, and when they do, I may trash them, like the "bitch" Linda Tripp.
You mean you trash them if they are Republicans. What makes Linda Tripp a "bitch?"
I'm an Independent; whether a Democrat or Republican, if they lose my respect, I will trash them.
Tripp fucked naive Monica big time, like Trump fucks his "bitches".
How did Tripp fuck Monica? It seems to me she gave Monica good advice. It pisses you off only because she had the goods on your idol Slick Willy.
You're the one who makes up shit. Bill is not my idol. LOL,
Monica confided in Linda, who pretended to be her friend. Instead, Linda stabbed Monica in the back.
Would you like getting stabbed in the back by your "confidante"?
How did Linda stab Monica in the back? You are obviously totally unconcerned about the treatment Bill Clinton dished out to her.

??? I do not remember BILL actually abusing the little slut----
he did not FORCE his "member" down her throat
Any Republican that has endorsed or promoted this CHIMPANZEE--has committed political suicide, including those right wing talk show hosts.

Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingram, Ann Coulter, Sara Palin, Michael Savage, Judge Jeanine, Bill O'Reilly, Ted Cruz, Newt Gingrich, Carly Fiorina, Chris Christie, Rudy Giuliani. Mike Pense, Mike Huckabee, etc. etc. etc. The list goes on. You'll never hear from them again.
Bullshit. Hannity, Laura Ingraham and Limbaugh all defended him yesterday.
Goes to show who you listen to, like a choir boy.

No--I don't listen or watch these knuckle heads. I am on all kinds of political boards and READ--something the TEA PARTY groupie is incapable of doing--LOL I have been a political junky for years with over 11,500 posts on this site alone. In fact, I was one of the ones that was sounding the ALARM BELL on Trump, that you ignored. Here is a great article on this, as other Republicans were doing the same.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

You probably didn't see this one either.

All in the name of ratings and those obscene profit breaks.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

We'll see if FOX NEWS survives after this Tsunami hits the Republican party on election night.

"Fox News, meanwhile, has given Donald Trump the level of positive coverage that money could never (legally) buy, and as a result, they’ve dropped in the ratings. It’s no coincidence that as Trump enablers and outright supporters have focused more and more on Trump, their level of appeal has dropped. They don’t have the diversity of panelists CNN has managed to grab, and they don’t have hosts who allow both sides to speak freely.

What’s more, the rising star of Fox News, Megyn Kelly, was fast becoming the most popular personality, and then Donald Trump not only insulted her, but the network on multiple occasions met with Trump to try to work things out and get him to come back on the air. If Kelly decided not to remain with Fox News when her contract is up, Fox News would fall even further – and they would deserve it.

The quality of coverage is key, and Fox News is not providing it. What they have failed to realize is that Donald Trump is but a blip in the ratings. What people will perceive of you when he has come and gone is what will decide your fate. And, if the numbers continue to fall, you can pretty much guess what life is going to be like for them after Trump has gone."

But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings? | RedState


Is number of posts on a message board a CREDENTIAL?
I will have to revise my C.V.
This is about as pathetic a display of how you conduct a political smear as I've ever seen. The Clinton camp has sat on this knowing that they can't run on Hillary's fitness to be President because quite frankly, she's not fit to be President...but they think they can win by bombarding Donald Trump with last minute accusations about how he mistreats women. It's the same strategy that liberals used against Mitt Romney with his mythical "war on women" only taken to the extreme.
Aww, poor, baby.

How is that any different than the reporter who recorded a conversation that Trump thought was private?
Trump was not a naive person fresh out of academia. He knew the "real world" and if he had political aspirations, then talking shit with a reporter would have been incredibly stupid.
As it turned out, his old pompous character was available for scrutiny by the reporter's memory.
If Trump denied the reporter's recollections, them here comes the recording!
What makes you imagine he had any political ambitions 11 years ago?
Who knows ... 11 years ago, what was in his mind except thoughts about "pussy".
My point was, that if you are going to run for POTUS, your history will be scrutinized and that's the way it is!
If he can't take the heat, then he should not be POTUS!!

It's only scrutinized if you are a Republican. Democrats get a pass. They can even be accomplices to rape and still run for office.
BS; everyone running for POTUS gets scrutinized by the opposing parties, if not reporters.
Horseshit. The media ignores all the dirt on Hillary. You only find out about it on the internet. The media reported that Hillary's performance when she testified before Congress was flawless even though she admitted to lying multiple times.
You mean you trash them if they are Republicans. What makes Linda Tripp a "bitch?"
I'm an Independent; whether a Democrat or Republican, if they lose my respect, I will trash them.
Tripp fucked naive Monica big time, like Trump fucks his "bitches".
How did Tripp fuck Monica? It seems to me she gave Monica good advice. It pisses you off only because she had the goods on your idol Slick Willy.
You're the one who makes up shit. Bill is not my idol. LOL,
Monica confided in Linda, who pretended to be her friend. Instead, Linda stabbed Monica in the back.
Would you like getting stabbed in the back by your "confidante"?
How did Linda stab Monica in the back? You are obviously totally unconcerned about the treatment Bill Clinton dished out to her.

??? I do not remember BILL actually abusing the little slut----
he did not FORCE his "member" down her throat

What he did would get any CEO of a major corporation fired and the company sued.
I'm an Independent; whether a Democrat or Republican, if they lose my respect, I will trash them.
Tripp fucked naive Monica big time, like Trump fucks his "bitches".
How did Tripp fuck Monica? It seems to me she gave Monica good advice. It pisses you off only because she had the goods on your idol Slick Willy.
You're the one who makes up shit. Bill is not my idol. LOL,
Monica confided in Linda, who pretended to be her friend. Instead, Linda stabbed Monica in the back.
Would you like getting stabbed in the back by your "confidante"?
How did Linda stab Monica in the back? You are obviously totally unconcerned about the treatment Bill Clinton dished out to her.

??? I do not remember BILL actually abusing the little slut----
he did not FORCE his "member" down her throat

What he did would get any CEO of a major corporation fired and the company sued.

ABSOLUTELY TRUE-----and if he were treated as MILITARY---he would be jailed and discharged dishonorably----losing all
benefits of his CAREER----no matter how long he served. He would be a felon for life
You mean you trash them if they are Republicans. What makes Linda Tripp a "bitch?"
I'm an Independent; whether a Democrat or Republican, if they lose my respect, I will trash them.
Tripp fucked naive Monica big time, like Trump fucks his "bitches".
How did Tripp fuck Monica? It seems to me she gave Monica good advice. It pisses you off only because she had the goods on your idol Slick Willy.
You're the one who makes up shit. Bill is not my idol. LOL,
Monica confided in Linda, who pretended to be her friend. Instead, Linda stabbed Monica in the back.
Would you like getting stabbed in the back by your "confidante"?
How did Linda stab Monica in the back? You are obviously totally unconcerned about the treatment Bill Clinton dished out to her.

??? I do not remember BILL actually abusing the little slut----
he did not FORCE his "member" down her throat

I guess not....she was under his desk while she was a suckin'

The blue dress was a perfect target!
Sounds like every group of men I've ever been around without women presence.
So what is the problem, men love women, it's how we are wired.
He didn't rape her.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Let's not hear any more crying about Bill Clinton, who btw, newsflash! is not running for president.

Bill Clinton and Donald Trump.

One said nasty was accused of raping at least one woman (Juanita Broaddrick) and sexual harassment of many people, plus paying fines for lying under oath...yeah, Trump and the corporate whore's wandering husband are exactly the same, aren't they?
People do not care about this so called scandal or past regurgitated scandals or even future scandals about Mr Trump!

Americans ARE with Trump and will vote for him despite all the rubbish the left throws at him.


We didn't throw anything to your role model..... He did that to himself. Even his wife Melanie was offended. And I can assure you that lots of his supporters that got con will drop him like a rotten egg.
You may want to ask the senators and governors that are withdrawing their support to your role model.

With Donald Trump’s presidential aspirations seemingly at risk, his wife Melania broke her silence Saturday on a leaked video that showed her husband making lewd remarks about women. She called his comments “unacceptable and offensive.”
Let's not hear any more crying about Bill Clinton, who btw, newsflash! is not running for president.

Bill Clinton and Donald Trump.

One said nasty was accused of raping at least one woman (Juanita Broaddrick) and sexual harassment of many people, plus paying fines for lying under oath...yeah, Trump and the corporate whore's wandering husband are exactly the same, aren't they?

Trump has now admitting to groping women's genitals. Trump has been accused of rape. Trump is an adulterer.

Where have you been?
Let's not hear any more crying about Bill Clinton, who btw, newsflash! is not running for president.

Bill Clinton and Donald Trump.

One said nasty was accused of raping at least one woman (Juanita Broaddrick) and sexual harassment of many people, plus paying fines for lying under oath...yeah, Trump and the corporate whore's wandering husband are exactly the same, aren't they?

Trump has now admitting to groping women's genitals. Trump has been accused of rape. Trump is an adulterer.

Where have you been?

But but but, he hasn't been indicted!
Let's not hear any more crying about Bill Clinton, who btw, newsflash! is not running for president.

Bill Clinton and Donald Trump.

One said nasty was accused of raping at least one woman (Juanita Broaddrick) and sexual harassment of many people, plus paying fines for lying under oath...yeah, Trump and the corporate whore's wandering husband are exactly the same, aren't they?

Trump has now admitting to groping women's genitals. Trump has been accused of rape. Trump is an adulterer.

Where have you been?

I've been ignoring your lies and evaluating the situation honestly. Which is why I support Jill Stein and reject both Trump AND your corporate whore.
Where are the leftists? WHERE IS YOUR PUBLIC MELTDOWN?
It's not the same context and you know that. Trump was discussing on trying to sleep with married women (while being recently wed) and telling people that with fame you can do anything; even just grab a girl by her genitalia. It's not the same context.

And don't call me a liberal just because you're mad. I'm pro traditional marriage, believe in Jesus Christ, believe in gender being something set before coming to this life

I've had worse discussions with girlfriends at a sex toy party by far.. Give it a rest.. NO ONE, and I mean no one but you liberals buy your load of crap and lies.

OBAMA USED THE P WORD and took God's name in vain.. WHERE'S THE MELTDOWN?
Another false equivalency! Trump's admission to another of what he attempted and DID and his attitude of and total disrespect toward women WHILE BEING A MARRIED MAN is far from comparing Obama reading words from a book! Actions speak volumes, shit for brains. You fucking Trump apologists are going to be singing a different tune about that narcissistic piece of shit when Trump is going to be watching the next President being sworn in on TV this January whether it's going to be Clinton, Mike Pence or Paul Ryan!
Listening to someone who vote for Slick Willy the rapist twice wax sanctimonious about Trump making a lewd comment about women is the ultimate irony. There is no bar so low that you won't slither under it.
Shut the fuck up you petulant damn child...your fucking crystal ball is broken and your assumptions are fucked, too, you Gawd Damn TROLL!!

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clap:

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