Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

Where are the leftists? WHERE IS YOUR PUBLIC MELTDOWN?
It's not the same context and you know that. Trump was discussing on trying to sleep with married women (while being recently wed) and telling people that with fame you can do anything; even just grab a girl by her genitalia. It's not the same context.

And don't call me a liberal just because you're mad. I'm pro traditional marriage, believe in Jesus Christ, believe in gender being something set before coming to this life

I've had worse discussions with girlfriends at a sex toy party by far.. Give it a rest.. NO ONE, and I mean no one but you liberals buy your load of crap and lies.

OBAMA USED THE P WORD and took God's name in vain.. WHERE'S THE MELTDOWN?
Another false equivalency! Trump's admission to another of what he attempted and DID and his attitude of and total disrespect toward women WHILE BEING A MARRIED MAN is far from comparing Obama reading words from a book! Actions speak volumes, shit for brains. You fucking Trump apologists are going to be singing a different tune about that narcissistic piece of shit when Trump is going to be watching the next President being sworn in on TV this January whether it's going to be Clinton, Mike Pence or Paul Ryan!
Listening to someone who vote for Slick Willy the rapist twice wax sanctimonious about Trump making a lewd comment about women is the ultimate irony. There is no bar so low that you won't slither under it.
Shut the fuck up you petulant damn child...your fucking crystal ball is broken and your assumptions are fucked, too, you Gawd Damn TROLL!!

What "crystal ball?"

What "assumptions?"
Bill isn't running for President. Trump is. No matter how hard you try and polish the turd that is Trump's presidential run, you can't get around that.

This is the man you want to lead our country. One that says that 'when you're a star you can grab them by the pussy'. This man so perfectly epitomizes the GOP its stunning. This is what true GOP 'family values' are.

No thank you.

So how many people actually consider family values as the sole reason to vote for somebody?

This is wishful thinking on your part. People are upset with these foreigners. They are upset about them coming here and working for nothing thus lowering our wages. We are upset because they are turning this country bilingual. They are upset by the countless terrorist attacks we've suffered under DumBama and nobody is doing anything about it.

But you go ahead and vote for a woman that is so sleazy she lied to you, the US Congress, and the entire country because Donald "SAID" he grabbed some woman.

The rest of us will vote on issues that actually concern this country like the Supreme Court nominations.

Women are going to enter the voting booth and think......This is the same type of jerk I have dealt with my whole life

or will be voting for those women who unfortunately can say that.
Q why was Trump's hand wet ?

I woke up this morning with a feeling of despair
I looked for my pussy but my pussy wasn't there
Well, well, well
My cat fell in the well
Oh puss puss puss poor kitty kitty kitty
My cat fell in the well

I got out a ladder and I climbed down to my pet
I saw in a jiffy that my puss was soakin' wet

Well, well, well
My cat fell in the well
Oh puss puss puss poor kitty kitty kitty
My cat fell in the well

The doggone hole by the pump
Once she pushed, and in she jumped
There never was a kitty half as pretty
as the pussy that fell in the well
There never was a pussy that could quite compare with her
Pretty as a picture with her long and silky fur -

Well, well, well, well my cat fell in the well, well
Oh oh oh pussy pussy pussy poor kitty kitty kitty
My cat fell in the well

If you have a pussy that you wouldn't trade or sell
Never let her wander or she might fall in a well
Well, well, well
My cat fell in the well
Oh puss puss puss poor kitty kitty kitty
My cat fell in the well
Fell in the - well!

Sounds like every group of men I've ever been around without women presence.
So what is the problem, men love women, it's how we are wired.
He didn't rape her.

Deep down inside, even liberals know that. But they're going to try and make this non-story as much of a story as they can.
Sounds like every group of men I've ever been around without women presence.
So what is the problem, men love women, it's how we are wired.
He didn't rape her.

Deep down inside, even liberals know that. But they're going to try and make this non-story as much of a story as they can.

he has a consistent history of 'remarks' & behavior reports are just coming out from the apprentice. many witness' are saying he's a fucking orange dirtbag.
Sounds like every group of men I've ever been around without women presence.
So what is the problem, men love women, it's how we are wired.
He didn't rape her.

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Grabbing a woman by her "chimichanga" is in no way an expression of love for women...
??? I do not remember BILL actually abusing the little slut----
he did not FORCE his "member" down her throat

Trump did nothing like that either, but Bill is older than I am, and I could never imagine taking advantage of a girl that young. She was barely of legal age, but that's about the extent of it.
??? I do not remember BILL actually abusing the little slut----
he did not FORCE his "member" down her throat

Trump did nothing like that either, but Bill is older than I am, and I could never imagine taking advantage of a girl that young. She was barely of legal age, but that's about the extent of it.

I have not accused Trump of anything at all-----the Oval office
thing is kinda "well documented"
Fire can be used to cook food lovingly or to burn down people and property....Human sexuality can be used both as a venue of Love and a Means of Aggression ...Never the Twain shall meet.... Fornication Upon Command of King is not love...
If anything this election might end up being one of the least turned out for, and after Sunday the score might be settled up between these two. Trump said he wasn't going to say something last time, but he might just bust loose this time.

If both of them were smart neither would bring up any personal issues. However, if Hillary throws the first punch, then I would respect Donald to throw one right back.

This type of sleaze in elections is one of the things people are about sick of. Going back over ten years to find this hidden recording, going back 20 years to find a DUI Bush got when he was younger, going back 40 years to find out Romney cut some classmates hair, I mean, left-wing media has gone beyond it's limit to respect.

Then people come here and ask "Gee, are these the best candidates America can come up with?" Well Duh. WTF would want to have things like this done to them? All the good people say to hell with it. I don't want to go through that.
If anything this election might end up being one of the least turned out for, and after Sunday the score might be settled up between these two. Trump said he wasn't going to say something last time, but he might just bust loose this time.

If both of them were smart neither would bring up any personal issues. However, if Hillary throws the first punch, then I would respect Donald to throw one right back.

This type of sleaze in elections is one of the things people are about sick of. Going back over ten years to find this hidden recording, going back 20 years to find a DUI Bush got when he was younger, going back 40 years to find out Romney cut some classmates hair, I mean, left-wing media has gone beyond it's limit to respect.

Then people come here and ask "Gee, are these the best candidates America can come up with?" Well Duh. WTF would want to have things like this done to them? All the good people say to hell with it. I don't want to go through that.

hillary is keeping mum... & I'm betting trump won't be able to keep his mouth shut. he will ramble on, although if bill is there, he might shrivel up.
it doesn't. you know what else doesn't compare? his insanity. tribbles is downright certifiable.

Oh please. You're talking about a woman who claims she was named after a mountain climber who wasn't even known until after she was born; a woman who thinks people shot at her while getting of off a plane; a woman who has regular conversations with dead people. But Trump is certifiable?
it doesn't. you know what else doesn't compare? his insanity. tribbles is downright certifiable.

Oh please. You're talking about a woman who claims she was named after a mountain climber who wasn't even known until after she was born; a woman who thinks people shot at her while getting of off a plane; a woman who has regular conversations with dead people. But Trump is certifiable?


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