Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

Well I guess we will have to look back at the doc. video of it then.. I think I viewed it here, but I will look for it and post it if I can find it again.
The entire video, not just the nervous laugh that you use from your quote mine.
. Huh ? From my quote what ?Ok I looked it up on snopes, and it was a 42 year old case, and she was appointed to the case, and later she chuckled about different aspects of the case, but the guy settled with a plea bargain. Look it up, because my program won't let me paste copy the link from there. I use a program that holds back the adds, but it messes up some of the functions.
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oh give me a break.....try being honest fudd....and if you are then you have never been around a bunch of guys partying....

no...most guys do not talk about it being ok to grab women without their consent. most men in business do not harass the women in their employ by saying to the men around the table "you'd f**k her, wouldn't you? i'd f**k her".

you know what the problem is with that video, harry? it's EXACTLY who we knew donald is. he's a pig. And the minute he tries to talk about bill cltinon, he's done.... if he's not done already...

and before you say "monica".... monica never complained about their relationship and *he* never humiliated her.... that was the work of her "friend" linda tripp and her puppet master lucianne goldberg. and a "man" who cheated on all three of his wives and thinks you should walk up and grab women by the p***y has no business even mentioning it.
so jill when was the last time you were in the company of a bunch of guys sitting around and shooting the shit?.....and i dont mean mixed company,just guys....if the subject of women come up it can be just like the trump talk....
I think the point is why would Trump allow himself to be taped saying these things. Apparently, he was ok with it at the time. In 2005, that image was not really damaging but today it certainly is. If I voted for Trump, I would be pretty embarrassed if my 10 year old daughter pointed to this video and ask, is this the guy you voted for?
. The gloves need to come off on Hillary now.
Hopefully that will happen at the debate tomorrow night and that will be the end of Trump.
Sounds like every group of men I've ever been around without women presence.
So what is the problem, men love women, it's how we are wired.
He didn't rape her.

Deep down inside, even liberals know that. But they're going to try and make this non-story as much of a story as they can.

he has a consistent history of 'remarks' & behavior reports are just coming out from the apprentice. many witness' are saying he's a fucking orange dirtbag.
. Still yet we have a woman that got a man off for raping a 12 year old girl, and then joked about it... Your talking blowhard talk by Trump, but Hillary is the more ominous character in this race. So what does that make her voter base that is holding their noses on her ???
Hillary asked to be removed from the case because she was uncomfortable working with this client but the judge denied her request. As a lawyer, she had to offer her client the best defense she could provide. As it turned out, the girl had made previous false accusations. Instead of forcing the girl to testify, Hillary had the court order a psychiatric investigation which confirmed that the girl had made false accusations. The client was not freed but was sentenced to a year in jail for molestation. Hillary did exactly what you would expect a good lawyer to do.
. Wow she couldn't recuse herself from such a case ???? That sounds outrageous to me, so a lawyer has to defend a case she or he might be against, and do such a thing no matter what ??
If anything this election might end up being one of the least turned out for, and after Sunday the score might be settled up between these two. Trump said he wasn't going to say something last time, but he might just bust loose this time.

If both of them were smart neither would bring up any personal issues. However, if Hillary throws the first punch, then I would respect Donald to throw one right back.

This type of sleaze in elections is one of the things people are about sick of. Going back over ten years to find this hidden recording, going back 20 years to find a DUI Bush got when he was younger, going back 40 years to find out Romney cut some classmates hair, I mean, left-wing media has gone beyond it's limit to respect.

Then people come here and ask "Gee, are these the best candidates America can come up with?" Well Duh. WTF would want to have things like this done to them? All the good people say to hell with it. I don't want to go through that.
. Yes, and that is just it, their are none perfect no not one, and the Demon-crats are working hard for their master Satan. It is who he is, and that is that he is the accuser of the brethren. If go by these tactics used, then like you say no one truly qualifies anymore, and that's sad. Just as in the case of Mark Sanford of S.C. people need to assess what is at stake, and go ahead and hold their noses to do the right thing. It worked out just like they thought, even though they were appalled at Sanford's bull crap in his private life.

If anything this election might end up being one of the least turned out for, and after Sunday the score might be settled up between these two. Trump said he wasn't going to say something last time, but he might just bust loose this time.

If both of them were smart neither would bring up any personal issues. However, if Hillary throws the first punch, then I would respect Donald to throw one right back.

This type of sleaze in elections is one of the things people are about sick of. Going back over ten years to find this hidden recording, going back 20 years to find a DUI Bush got when he was younger, going back 40 years to find out Romney cut some classmates hair, I mean, left-wing media has gone beyond it's limit to respect.

Then people come here and ask "Gee, are these the best candidates America can come up with?" Well Duh. WTF would want to have things like this done to them? All the good people say to hell with it. I don't want to go through that.
. Yes, and that is just it, their are none perfect no not one, and the Demon-crats are working hard for their master Satan. It is who he is, and that is that he is the accuser of the brethren. If go by these tactics used, then like you say no one truly qualifies anymore, and that's sad. Just as in the case of Mark Sanford of S.C. people need to assess what is at stake, and go ahead and hold their noses to do the right thing. It worked out just like they thought, even though they were appalled at Sanford's bull crap in his private life.

. Back when SNL was awesome, but long gone are those days.
Nobody gives a shit.

Trump will be the next President....get used to it. :2up:

his whole campaign is imploding.
Hmmmm . . right, a 0.1% decline in the polls is an "implosion."
It's okay if women are molested by Donald Trump. It's okay if Donald Trump fucks married women.

We learn something new about Trump's Chumps every day, and it never reflects well on them.
Of course it's not ok.
Now please list all the Righteous Presidents we ever had before the advent of recording.
It's the same with Corporate Directors and CEOs...they're all scumbags.
You're going to start recording people and stop doing business with everyone who doesn't meet your moral standards?
Go ahead and starve to death.
Still yet we have a woman that got a man off for raping a 12 year old girl, and then joked about it...
What a fuckin LIAR you are!!
Gotta resort to that Repub propaganda to support the Trump clown?
:) :)

For the accurate record, Hillary was assigned that rape case, the perp was CONVICTED, and she laughed about the LEGAL aspects of the case.
"She hasn't been indicted" is the leftwing standard of excellence.

Um, that's right. Her own husband set up the SP of Whitewater. Look where that put them? What about Bush? He turned down the chance to appoint a SP over the WMDs in Iraq. Gee, I wonder why?
It's okay if women are molested by Donald Trump. It's okay if Donald Trump fucks married women.

We learn something new about Trump's Chumps every day, and it never reflects well on them.
Of course it's not ok.
Now please list all the Righteous Presidents we ever had before the advent of recording.
It's the same with Corporate Directors and CEOs...they're all scumbags.
You're going to start recording people and stop doing business with everyone who doesn't meet your moral standards?
Go ahead and starve to death.
. Like I said, the democrats are now the party of morals ??????? Wow... I guess they don't like for anyone to join their exclusive club eh ? Awwhh Anthony Weiner will be lonely if they don't allow any newbies in.
What a sad state of affairs and what pitiful choices we have on election day. IMHO we should do a reboot on the whole nomination process. Neither principal obtained their victory ethically.
What a sad state of affairs and what pitiful choices we have on election day. IMHO we should do a reboot on the whole nomination process. Neither principal obtained their victory ethically.
Trump bribed Super Delegates prior to the Primaries?
Still yet we have a woman that got a man off for raping a 12 year old girl, and then joked about it...
What a fuckin LIAR you are!!
Gotta resort to that Repub propaganda to support the Trump clown?
:) :)

For the accurate record, Hillary was assigned that rape case, the perp was CONVICTED, and she laughed about the LEGAL aspects of the case.
. So I'm a liar for watching a video on this site, and the repeating what I saw ? Now I went to snopes and checked it out, and yes there was a few things different about the case on snopes, but I still can't understand how Hillary couldn't get off of a case that involved a 12 year old female having been alledgedly raped, and her having to defend her rapist. Wow.
oh give me a break.....try being honest fudd....and if you are then you have never been around a bunch of guys partying....

no...most guys do not talk about it being ok to grab women without their consent. most men in business do not harass the women in their employ by saying to the men around the table "you'd f**k her, wouldn't you? i'd f**k her".

you know what the problem is with that video, harry? it's EXACTLY who we knew donald is. he's a pig. And the minute he tries to talk about bill cltinon, he's done.... if he's not done already...

and before you say "monica".... monica never complained about their relationship and *he* never humiliated her.... that was the work of her "friend" linda tripp and her puppet master lucianne goldberg. and a "man" who cheated on all three of his wives and thinks you should walk up and grab women by the p***y has no business even mentioning it.
so jill when was the last time you were in the company of a bunch of guys sitting around and shooting the shit?.....and i dont mean mixed company,just guys....if the subject of women come up it can be just like the trump talk....
I think the point is why would Trump allow himself to be taped saying these things. Apparently, he was ok with it at the time. In 2005, that image was not really damaging but today it certainly is. If I voted for Trump, I would be pretty embarrassed if my 10 year old daughter pointed to this video and ask, is this the guy you voted for?
. The gloves need to come off on Hillary now.
Bring it.
What a sad state of affairs and what pitiful choices we have on election day. IMHO we should do a reboot on the whole nomination process. Neither principal obtained their victory ethically.
. I don't know, do you think we could actually find someone unscaved in today's times ??

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