Breaking !!


Nice, thanks for the laugh, you are so funny with your comment

Fuel Fix US gasoline diesel exports nearing record again

build Keystone so we can sell more Canadian gas from OUR ports, we don't need their oil ..

Thanks Capitalism and Kock Bros. (in spite of Obama's efforts to thwart our economic rebound).

I see you posted a picture of a Liberal! Nice.

Capitalism wins the day ... again!!
Fuel Fix US gasoline diesel exports nearing record again

build Keystone so we can sell more Canadian gas from OUR ports, we don't need their oil ..

Thanks Capitalism and Kock Bros. (in spite of Obama's efforts to thwart our economic rebound).

the Koch Bros built the largest refinery in the Country?

funny, Saudi thinks they did ... maybe it was the 10$ billion they spent in Texas City building it ..

or the THWART Obama crushed them with

or the OPEC thumb the Koch Bros has up their ass ..
OTOH, thanks to Obama, we have the equivalent of Iraq in oil production and a lot of high paid jobs.

We would be stupid to allow Keystone to go through. The nation would gain nothing but cost, oil spills and 35 permanent jobs.

But the new (and old) R congress doesn't work for the country. They work for the 1% so -


Whether you like it or not Alberta crude is coming to the Gulf Refineries by rail and transport truck.

Re: Keystone. TransCanada pays for the XL and is responsible for any spills. Stop your lies will ya? That's all you left wing whackos have are lies.


And where were you when Keystone I and Keystone II and the latest extension from Cushing to the Gulf?

All completed with no issues.
moved to current events ... no politics involving Keystone, gas prices, or the oil industry.

mea culpa.

Fuel Fix US gasoline diesel exports nearing record again

build Keystone so we can sell more Canadian gas from OUR ports, we don't need their oil ..

Thanks Capitalism and Kock Bros. (in spite of Obama's efforts to thwart our economic rebound).

the Koch Bros built the largest refinery in the Country?

funny, Saudi thinks they did ... maybe it was the 10$ billion they spent in Texas City building it ..

or the THWART Obama crushed them with

or the OPEC thumb the Koch Bros has up their ass ..

Interesting that you seem proud of what the Saudis while criticizing the Koch Bros. Do you have something against American Capitalism?
Fuel Fix US gasoline diesel exports nearing record again

build Keystone so we can sell more Canadian gas from OUR ports, we don't need their oil ..

You can't stop the import of Canadian gas fool. And fool you are. Canada is your number one supplier and no matter how many times you barf out your garbage that fact is not going to change.


You look like a bigger asshole daily. You have a burr up your ass over Canadian crude for some bizarro reason and you won't give it up.

Watch it. It'll drive you to an early grave stressing out over it. You shouldn't fret over things you have no control over.

this country is exporting gas at record levels
this country has record oil reserves

along come the RW's with their standard mantra ..

but but but but ...

who knew?

You still don't produce enough for your own consumption. Deal with it.

Keystone is driving the price of gasoline all the way down to FREE.

oh wait, Keystone hasn't been finished yet.

Keystone was a job creator.

Gasoline is going down because of bad economic indicators overseas.
prices at the home for the lowest eighteen in four years ... and analysts expect him to put on one thing ... why ... gas prices tracking pretty closely to the cost of purchase unrefined oil ... deal with all the mayhem rocking the Middle East crude oil prices are plummeting ... to the more than twenty percent in recent weeks for the three major reasons why all the extract of us rock formations has fueled the oil market supply glut ... us good to be pumping more oil on the ground in Saudi Arabia then there's the demand side ... over the past several years the developed world has been improving fuel economy now other signs that Europe's economy is slowing ... for sample determine factor the horse fell five point seven percent in August ... means fewer trucks on the road and fewer ships going toilet seat that economists see the world's most powerful quote and in China slowing down ... at the same time ... that ... some of the world's biggest oil producers ... which controls about a sort of global oil supplies ... hasn't been willing to rainy and help book ... historically collectively limiting supply has been organization strategy to keep up the price of oil ... but this time there's a rift among its members ... Saudi Arabia at the Mentone over the summit to cut its oil prices ... instead of reducing its output is unclear whether the organization can fully get her to pull back production so how low can the price of oil goes energy companies producing shale oil could continue doing so from that ... as long as crude oil prices stay above eighty dollars a barrel core prices are during that break even point ... at which they may slow down our ... which could and bolster prices for the first time in a long time ... the U S finds itself in the driver's seat ... of prices ... that's the short answer.

Gasoline Prices Why Are They Going Down Now

gasoline prices are down because Saudi has the pumps running and AMERICAN Shale production is up and running.

no more no less ...
And Obabble has nothing to do with either.
That's right. This is in spite of him. If he and his counterproductive energy policy were out of the way, every American household would have an increase of several thousand dollars of spending money every year and our economy would expand like a snowball in an avalanche.
OTOH, thanks to Obama, we have the equivalent of Iraq in oil production and a lot of high paid jobs.

We would be stupid to allow Keystone to go through. The nation would gain nothing but cost, oil spills and 35 permanent jobs.

But the new (and old) R congress doesn't work for the country. They work for the 1% so -

Obutthurt hasn't done a thing to help oil production in us. I love it when you idiots give him credit for what he hasn't done and no credit for what he ha done.

Keystone is driving the price of gasoline all the way down to FREE.

oh wait, Keystone hasn't been finished yet.

Keystone was a job creator.

Gasoline is going down because of bad economic indicators overseas.
prices at the home for the lowest eighteen in four years ... and analysts expect him to put on one thing ... why ... gas prices tracking pretty closely to the cost of purchase unrefined oil ... deal with all the mayhem rocking the Middle East crude oil prices are plummeting ... to the more than twenty percent in recent weeks for the three major reasons why all the extract of us rock formations has fueled the oil market supply glut ... us good to be pumping more oil on the ground in Saudi Arabia then there's the demand side ... over the past several years the developed world has been improving fuel economy now other signs that Europe's economy is slowing ... for sample determine factor the horse fell five point seven percent in August ... means fewer trucks on the road and fewer ships going toilet seat that economists see the world's most powerful quote and in China slowing down ... at the same time ... that ... some of the world's biggest oil producers ... which controls about a sort of global oil supplies ... hasn't been willing to rainy and help book ... historically collectively limiting supply has been organization strategy to keep up the price of oil ... but this time there's a rift among its members ... Saudi Arabia at the Mentone over the summit to cut its oil prices ... instead of reducing its output is unclear whether the organization can fully get her to pull back production so how low can the price of oil goes energy companies producing shale oil could continue doing so from that ... as long as crude oil prices stay above eighty dollars a barrel core prices are during that break even point ... at which they may slow down our ... which could and bolster prices for the first time in a long time ... the U S finds itself in the driver's seat ... of prices ... that's the short answer.

Gasoline Prices Why Are They Going Down Now
Oh, so, when gas prices are down, the cause is elsewhere, but when they go up, it's all Obama's fault. Nifty little trick.

How's that Ebola thingy working out for the Right?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Gasoline dips below 2 a gallon in Oklahoma Texas Business Dallas Business Texas B...

Keystone is driving the price of gasoline all the way down to FREE.

oh wait, Keystone hasn't been finished yet.

Keystone was a job creator.

Gasoline is going down because of bad economic indicators overseas.
prices at the home for the lowest eighteen in four years ... and analysts expect him to put on one thing ... why ... gas prices tracking pretty closely to the cost of purchase unrefined oil ... deal with all the mayhem rocking the Middle East crude oil prices are plummeting ... to the more than twenty percent in recent weeks for the three major reasons why all the extract of us rock formations has fueled the oil market supply glut ... us good to be pumping more oil on the ground in Saudi Arabia then there's the demand side ... over the past several years the developed world has been improving fuel economy now other signs that Europe's economy is slowing ... for sample determine factor the horse fell five point seven percent in August ... means fewer trucks on the road and fewer ships going toilet seat that economists see the world's most powerful quote and in China slowing down ... at the same time ... that ... some of the world's biggest oil producers ... which controls about a sort of global oil supplies ... hasn't been willing to rainy and help book ... historically collectively limiting supply has been organization strategy to keep up the price of oil ... but this time there's a rift among its members ... Saudi Arabia at the Mentone over the summit to cut its oil prices ... instead of reducing its output is unclear whether the organization can fully get her to pull back production so how low can the price of oil goes energy companies producing shale oil could continue doing so from that ... as long as crude oil prices stay above eighty dollars a barrel core prices are during that break even point ... at which they may slow down our ... which could and bolster prices for the first time in a long time ... the U S finds itself in the driver's seat ... of prices ... that's the short answer.

Gasoline Prices Why Are They Going Down Now
Oh, so, when gas prices are down, the cause is elsewhere, but when they go up, it's all Obama's fault. Nifty little trick.

How's that Ebola thingy working out for the Right?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Keystone is driving the price of gasoline all the way down to FREE.

oh wait, Keystone hasn't been finished yet.

Keystone was a job creator.

Gasoline is going down because of bad economic indicators overseas.
prices at the home for the lowest eighteen in four years ... and analysts expect him to put on one thing ... why ... gas prices tracking pretty closely to the cost of purchase unrefined oil ... deal with all the mayhem rocking the Middle East crude oil prices are plummeting ... to the more than twenty percent in recent weeks for the three major reasons why all the extract of us rock formations has fueled the oil market supply glut ... us good to be pumping more oil on the ground in Saudi Arabia then there's the demand side ... over the past several years the developed world has been improving fuel economy now other signs that Europe's economy is slowing ... for sample determine factor the horse fell five point seven percent in August ... means fewer trucks on the road and fewer ships going toilet seat that economists see the world's most powerful quote and in China slowing down ... at the same time ... that ... some of the world's biggest oil producers ... which controls about a sort of global oil supplies ... hasn't been willing to rainy and help book ... historically collectively limiting supply has been organization strategy to keep up the price of oil ... but this time there's a rift among its members ... Saudi Arabia at the Mentone over the summit to cut its oil prices ... instead of reducing its output is unclear whether the organization can fully get her to pull back production so how low can the price of oil goes energy companies producing shale oil could continue doing so from that ... as long as crude oil prices stay above eighty dollars a barrel core prices are during that break even point ... at which they may slow down our ... which could and bolster prices for the first time in a long time ... the U S finds itself in the driver's seat ... of prices ... that's the short answer.

Gasoline Prices Why Are They Going Down Now

gasoline prices are down because Saudi has the pumps running and AMERICAN Shale production is up and running.
no more no less ...
And Obabble has nothing to do with either.

Lets see if we can follow your slack jawed "logik" if gas prices go up its Obama fault , but if goes down Obama had nothing to do with it

Keystone is driving the price of gasoline all the way down to FREE.

oh wait, Keystone hasn't been finished yet.

Keystone was a job creator.

Gasoline is going down because of bad economic indicators overseas.
prices at the home for the lowest eighteen in four years ... and analysts expect him to put on one thing ... why ... gas prices tracking pretty closely to the cost of purchase unrefined oil ... deal with all the mayhem rocking the Middle East crude oil prices are plummeting ... to the more than twenty percent in recent weeks for the three major reasons why all the extract of us rock formations has fueled the oil market supply glut ... us good to be pumping more oil on the ground in Saudi Arabia then there's the demand side ... over the past several years the developed world has been improving fuel economy now other signs that Europe's economy is slowing ... for sample determine factor the horse fell five point seven percent in August ... means fewer trucks on the road and fewer ships going toilet seat that economists see the world's most powerful quote and in China slowing down ... at the same time ... that ... some of the world's biggest oil producers ... which controls about a sort of global oil supplies ... hasn't been willing to rainy and help book ... historically collectively limiting supply has been organization strategy to keep up the price of oil ... but this time there's a rift among its members ... Saudi Arabia at the Mentone over the summit to cut its oil prices ... instead of reducing its output is unclear whether the organization can fully get her to pull back production so how low can the price of oil goes energy companies producing shale oil could continue doing so from that ... as long as crude oil prices stay above eighty dollars a barrel core prices are during that break even point ... at which they may slow down our ... which could and bolster prices for the first time in a long time ... the U S finds itself in the driver's seat ... of prices ... that's the short answer.

Gasoline Prices Why Are They Going Down Now

gasoline prices are down because Saudi has the pumps running and AMERICAN Shale production is up and running.
no more no less ...
And Obabble has nothing to do with either.

Lets see if we can follow your slack jawed "logik" if gas prices go up its Obama fault , but if goes down Obama had nothing to do with it
Three Katyushas awarded.
Gasoline dips below 2 a gallon in Oklahoma Texas Business Dallas Business Texas B...

Keystone is driving the price of gasoline all the way down to FREE.

oh wait, Keystone hasn't been finished yet.

Keystone was a job creator.

Gasoline is going down because of bad economic indicators overseas.
prices at the home for the lowest eighteen in four years ... and analysts expect him to put on one thing ... why ... gas prices tracking pretty closely to the cost of purchase unrefined oil ... deal with all the mayhem rocking the Middle East crude oil prices are plummeting ... to the more than twenty percent in recent weeks for the three major reasons why all the extract of us rock formations has fueled the oil market supply glut ... us good to be pumping more oil on the ground in Saudi Arabia then there's the demand side ... over the past several years the developed world has been improving fuel economy now other signs that Europe's economy is slowing ... for sample determine factor the horse fell five point seven percent in August ... means fewer trucks on the road and fewer ships going toilet seat that economists see the world's most powerful quote and in China slowing down ... at the same time ... that ... some of the world's biggest oil producers ... which controls about a sort of global oil supplies ... hasn't been willing to rainy and help book ... historically collectively limiting supply has been organization strategy to keep up the price of oil ... but this time there's a rift among its members ... Saudi Arabia at the Mentone over the summit to cut its oil prices ... instead of reducing its output is unclear whether the organization can fully get her to pull back production so how low can the price of oil goes energy companies producing shale oil could continue doing so from that ... as long as crude oil prices stay above eighty dollars a barrel core prices are during that break even point ... at which they may slow down our ... which could and bolster prices for the first time in a long time ... the U S finds itself in the driver's seat ... of prices ... that's the short answer.

Gasoline Prices Why Are They Going Down Now
Oh, so, when gas prices are down, the cause is elsewhere, but when they go up, it's all Obama's fault. Nifty little trick.

How's that Ebola thingy working out for the Right?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Obama jacked up the price of gas for military installations. He also jacked up prices in our commissary system. Despite Obama's attempts to cut the world's oil supply and his attempts to put federal lands and deepwater drilling in the gulf off-limits, the price is dropping.

Imagine what the price would be if he wasn't in Washington.
Gasoline dips below 2 a gallon in Oklahoma Texas Business Dallas Business Texas B...

Keystone is driving the price of gasoline all the way down to FREE.

oh wait, Keystone hasn't been finished yet.

Keystone was a job creator.

Gasoline is going down because of bad economic indicators overseas.
prices at the home for the lowest eighteen in four years ... and analysts expect him to put on one thing ... why ... gas prices tracking pretty closely to the cost of purchase unrefined oil ... deal with all the mayhem rocking the Middle East crude oil prices are plummeting ... to the more than twenty percent in recent weeks for the three major reasons why all the extract of us rock formations has fueled the oil market supply glut ... us good to be pumping more oil on the ground in Saudi Arabia then there's the demand side ... over the past several years the developed world has been improving fuel economy now other signs that Europe's economy is slowing ... for sample determine factor the horse fell five point seven percent in August ... means fewer trucks on the road and fewer ships going toilet seat that economists see the world's most powerful quote and in China slowing down ... at the same time ... that ... some of the world's biggest oil producers ... which controls about a sort of global oil supplies ... hasn't been willing to rainy and help book ... historically collectively limiting supply has been organization strategy to keep up the price of oil ... but this time there's a rift among its members ... Saudi Arabia at the Mentone over the summit to cut its oil prices ... instead of reducing its output is unclear whether the organization can fully get her to pull back production so how low can the price of oil goes energy companies producing shale oil could continue doing so from that ... as long as crude oil prices stay above eighty dollars a barrel core prices are during that break even point ... at which they may slow down our ... which could and bolster prices for the first time in a long time ... the U S finds itself in the driver's seat ... of prices ... that's the short answer.

Gasoline Prices Why Are They Going Down Now
Oh, so, when gas prices are down, the cause is elsewhere, but when they go up, it's all Obama's fault. Nifty little trick.

How's that Ebola thingy working out for the Right?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Obama jacked up the price of gas for military installations. He also jacked up prices in our commissary system. Despite Obama's attempts to cut the world's oil supply and his attempts to put federal lands and deepwater drilling in the gulf off-limits, the price is dropping.

Imagine what the price would be if he wasn't in Washington.

Surely you don't believe your own bullshit, or?
In this case, in my opinion, it has more to it than supply and demand. Isis has control of over 350,000 barrels per day. One group theorizes they are only producing 50,000 to 60,000 barrels per day, but I suspect it is much higher. They are selling it thru Turkey at an average of $40 a barrel (Oct. pricing, it may be even lower now)
OPEC is having to compete with slowing demand , along with the production from Canada, and the US, as well as the black market oil pricing. They also want the price to drop low enough the US and Canadian producers don't find it feasible for them to produce at the lower pricing.
In this case, in my opinion, it has more to it than supply and demand. Isis has control of over 350,000 barrels per day. One group theorizes they are only producing 50,000 to 60,000 barrels per day, but I suspect it is much higher. They are selling it thru Turkey at an average of $40 a barrel (Oct. pricing, it may be even lower now)
OPEC is having to compete with slowing demand , along with the production from Canada, and the US, as well as the black market oil pricing. They also want the price to drop low enough the US and Canadian producers don't find it feasible for them to produce at the lower pricing.
It's clear now that the real reason Obama is trying to destroy ISIS is to make the price of oil go up again...this madman tyrant needs to be stopped!!!
If he wanted to destroy them, it would already have been done or almost done.
In this case, in my opinion, it has more to it than supply and demand. Isis has control of over 350,000 barrels per day. One group theorizes they are only producing 50,000 to 60,000 barrels per day, but I suspect it is much higher. They are selling it thru Turkey at an average of $40 a barrel (Oct. pricing, it may be even lower now)
OPEC is having to compete with slowing demand , along with the production from Canada, and the US, as well as the black market oil pricing. They also want the price to drop low enough the US and Canadian producers don't find it feasible for them to produce at the lower pricing.
It's clear now that the real reason Obama is trying to destroy ISIS is to make the price of oil go up again...this madman tyrant needs to be stopped!!!
Last edited:
If he wanted to destoy them, it would already have been done or almost done.
In this case, in my opinion, it has more to it than supply and demand. Isis has control of over 350,000 barrels per day. One group theorizes they are only producing 50,000 to 60,000 barrels per day, but I suspect it is much higher. They are selling it thru Turkey at an average of $40 a barrel (Oct. pricing, it may be even lower now)
OPEC is having to compete with slowing demand , along with the production from Canada, and the US, as well as the black market oil pricing. They also want the price to drop low enough the US and Canadian producers don't find it feasible for them to produce at the lower pricing.
It's clear now that the real reason Obama is trying to destroy ISIS is to make the price of oil go up again...this madman tyrant needs to be stopped!!!
Exactly...the fiend!!!
I don't know that I would call him a fiend, but I do believe he thinks as Hillary does, we should have empathy for our enemies. And that is nuts, as our enemies are enemies-not just a misunderstanding between each other. In fact I would think they love those attitudes, as they can catch us off guard, such as they did in Benghazi. That attitude seems to be a theme within this administration.
If he wanted to destoy them, it would already have been done or almost done.
In this case, in my opinion, it has more to it than supply and demand. Isis has control of over 350,000 barrels per day. One group theorizes they are only producing 50,000 to 60,000 barrels per day, but I suspect it is much higher. They are selling it thru Turkey at an average of $40 a barrel (Oct. pricing, it may be even lower now)
OPEC is having to compete with slowing demand , along with the production from Canada, and the US, as well as the black market oil pricing. They also want the price to drop low enough the US and Canadian producers don't find it feasible for them to produce at the lower pricing.
It's clear now that the real reason Obama is trying to destroy ISIS is to make the price of oil go up again...this madman tyrant needs to be stopped!!!
Exactly...the fiend!!!

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