BREKING: Issa to Subpoena Kerry over Benghazi Documents


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
The plot thickens...

A key House committee has subpoenaed Secretary of State John Kerry to testify about newly released Benghazi documents, after the Republican chairman accused the administration of hiding the records following an earlier congressional subpoena.

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee announced Friday that it has issued the subpoena for Kerry to testify at a May 21 hearing.
"The State Department's response to the congressional investigation of the Benghazi attack has shown a disturbing disregard for the Department's legal obligations to Congress," Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., wrote in a letter to Kerry.

He added: "Compliance with a subpoena for documents is not a game. Because your Department is failing to meet its legal obligations, I am issuing a new subpoena to compel you to appear before the Committee to answer questions about your agency's response to the congressional investigation of the Benghazi attack."

Issa, at a hearing on Thursday, lashed out at the administration over the latest documents. The emails in question were obtained and published by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, following a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. Issa said the State Department also told his committee about those emails in an April 17 letter.

One email showed White House adviser Ben Rhodes discussing a "prep call" with then-U.N. ambassador Susan Rice, before she went on several Sunday shows and made controversial and flawed statements linking the attack to an anti-Islam Internet video. The email from Rhodes emphasized the role of the Internet video, though the White House claims that was in reference to protests elsewhere in the Middle East and Africa.
House committee subpoenas Kerry to testify over Benghazi documents | Fox News
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Issa doubling down.....good. Tho, unfortunately, his district would re-elect a rattlesnake if it declared itself a Republican. :D

Interestingly enough, you elected one, twice.

:lol: My Republican district used to elect and re-elect Duke Cunningham...a rattlesnake too. However, having experienced what he was like in the Navy....I never voted for him....ever.
From the letter sent by Rep. Darryl Issa:

"New documents the State Department released to the Committee only after compulsion in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit appear to offer conclusive evidence that your agency attempted to illegally withhold subpoenaed material.

"The fact that these documents were withheld from Congress for more than 19 months is alarming. The Department is not entitled to delay responsive materials because it is embarrassing or implicates the roles and actions of senior officials."


It's a constant source of weary amazement that well-known facts - obvious to all normal people - have to be patiently explained to liberals time and again.

Kerry still wants to be president. He could easily use this opportunity to spill the beans from the inside to expose Her Royal Thighness. Expose her for her incompetence and criminal negligence. It would get her out the way of his run for the nomination. He'd be seen as the guy who cleaned up the State Department.

Internal Emails: State Dept. Immediately Attributed Benghazi Attacks to Terrorist Group
by Sharyl Attkisson, May 1, 2014

A newly-released government email indicates that within hours of the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks on Americans in Benghazi, Libya; the State Department had already concluded with certainty that the Islamic militia terrorist group Ansar al Sharia was to blame.

The private, internal communication directly contradicts the message that President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice and White House press secretary Jay Carney repeated publicly over the course of the next several weeks. They often maintained that an anti-Islamic YouTube video inspired a spontaneous demonstration that escalated into violence.

The email is entitled “Libya update from Beth Jones. ” Jones was then-Assistant Secretary
of State to Hillary Clinton. According to the email, Jones spoke to Libya’s Ambassador at
9:45am on Sept. 12, 2012 following the attacks.

“When [the Libyan Ambassador] said his government suspected that former Qaddafi regime elements carried out the attacks, I told him the group that conducted the attacks—Ansar Al Sharia—is affiliated with Islamic extremists,” Jones reports in the email.

State Dept. Al Sharia Email, May 1, 2014
From the letter sent by Rep. Darryl Issa:

"New documents the State Department released to the Committee only after compulsion in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit appear to offer conclusive evidence that your agency attempted to illegally withhold subpoenaed material.

"The fact that these documents were withheld from Congress for more than 19 months is alarming. The Department is not entitled to delay responsive materials because it is embarrassing or implicates the roles and actions of senior officials."


It's a constant source of weary amazement that well-known facts - obvious to all normal people - have to be patiently explained to liberals time and again.

The LIE and the liars are about to come unraveled like a cheap suit.
The plot thickens...

A key House committee has subpoenaed Secretary of State John Kerry to testify about newly released Benghazi documents, after the Republican chairman accused the administration of hiding the records following an earlier congressional subpoena.

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee announced Friday that it has issued the subpoena for Kerry to testify at a May 21 hearing.
"The State Department's response to the congressional investigation of the Benghazi attack has shown a disturbing disregard for the Department's legal obligations to Congress," Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., wrote in a letter to Kerry.

He added: "Compliance with a subpoena for documents is not a game. Because your Department is failing to meet its legal obligations, I am issuing a new subpoena to compel you to appear before the Committee to answer questions about your agency's response to the congressional investigation of the Benghazi attack."

Issa, at a hearing on Thursday, lashed out at the administration over the latest documents. The emails in question were obtained and published by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, following a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. Issa said the State Department also told his committee about those emails in an April 17 letter.

One email showed White House adviser Ben Rhodes discussing a "prep call" with then-U.N. ambassador Susan Rice, before she went on several Sunday shows and made controversial and flawed statements linking the attack to an anti-Islam Internet video. The email from Rhodes emphasized the role of the Internet video, though the White House claims that was in reference to protests elsewhere in the Middle East and Africa.
House committee subpoenas Kerry to testify over Benghazi documents | Fox News

Oh Yes, Fixed Lies, the least trusted source for news. They lie and you follow.

Giving Bundy blowjobs was their favorite past time.

What exactly did then Senator Kerry know?
Oh Yes, Fixed Lies, the least trusted source for news. They lie and you follow. Giving Bundy blowjobs was their favorite past time.
I see Faux and Rushbo are still aghast over this.

Looks like the liberals are shouting their usual smears, lies, and namecalling, wailing that the wrong people are reporting the news.... and carefully ignoring what the news says, also as usual.

Do these people ever change?
Oh Yes, Fixed Lies, the least trusted source for news. They lie and you follow. Giving Bundy blowjobs was their favorite past time.
I see Faux and Rushbo are still aghast over this.

Looks like the liberals are shouting their usual smears, lies, and namecalling, wailing that the wrong people are reporting the news.... and carefully ignoring what the news says, also as usual.

Do these people ever change?
NO. Anything to protect the criminals they worship.
Man, I thought this whole Benghazi thing was over. Our resident liberals swear up and down it's a non-issue.
The plot thickens...

A key House committee has subpoenaed Secretary of State John Kerry to testify about newly released Benghazi documents, after the Republican chairman accused the administration of hiding the records following an earlier congressional subpoena.

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee announced Friday that it has issued the subpoena for Kerry to testify at a May 21 hearing.
"The State Department's response to the congressional investigation of the Benghazi attack has shown a disturbing disregard for the Department's legal obligations to Congress," Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., wrote in a letter to Kerry.

He added: "Compliance with a subpoena for documents is not a game. Because your Department is failing to meet its legal obligations, I am issuing a new subpoena to compel you to appear before the Committee to answer questions about your agency's response to the congressional investigation of the Benghazi attack."

Issa, at a hearing on Thursday, lashed out at the administration over the latest documents. The emails in question were obtained and published by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, following a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. Issa said the State Department also told his committee about those emails in an April 17 letter.

One email showed White House adviser Ben Rhodes discussing a "prep call" with then-U.N. ambassador Susan Rice, before she went on several Sunday shows and made controversial and flawed statements linking the attack to an anti-Islam Internet video. The email from Rhodes emphasized the role of the Internet video, though the White House claims that was in reference to protests elsewhere in the Middle East and Africa.
House committee subpoenas Kerry to testify over Benghazi documents | Fox News
And the Issa witch hunt of utter futility continues I see? So be it.

His next subpoena will be for Chris Stevens.
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The plot thickens...

A key House committee has subpoenaed Secretary of State John Kerry to testify about newly released Benghazi documents, after the Republican chairman accused the administration of hiding the records following an earlier congressional subpoena.

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee announced Friday that it has issued the subpoena for Kerry to testify at a May 21 hearing.
"The State Department's response to the congressional investigation of the Benghazi attack has shown a disturbing disregard for the Department's legal obligations to Congress," Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., wrote in a letter to Kerry.

He added: "Compliance with a subpoena for documents is not a game. Because your Department is failing to meet its legal obligations, I am issuing a new subpoena to compel you to appear before the Committee to answer questions about your agency's response to the congressional investigation of the Benghazi attack."

Issa, at a hearing on Thursday, lashed out at the administration over the latest documents. The emails in question were obtained and published by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, following a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. Issa said the State Department also told his committee about those emails in an April 17 letter.

One email showed White House adviser Ben Rhodes discussing a "prep call" with then-U.N. ambassador Susan Rice, before she went on several Sunday shows and made controversial and flawed statements linking the attack to an anti-Islam Internet video. The email from Rhodes emphasized the role of the Internet video, though the White House claims that was in reference to protests elsewhere in the Middle East and Africa.
House committee subpoenas Kerry to testify over Benghazi documents | Fox News
And the Issa witch hunt of utter futility continues I see? So be it.


it's getting closer and closer

can you take the heat leftardz?

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