Brennan Knows What's Coming His Way

The piece of shit told his pals at MSLSD that he was waiting for the call from Durham to sit down for a little pow wow. He knows Durham is getting his ducks in a row first, maybe laying a Comey-style perjury trap for him. I bet he's spent the lockdown going over his Congressional testimony and the garbage he's said on the air about his role in the coup. And he knows Durham doesn't take any prisoners when somebody sits across from him and lies through his teeth. If I were Brennan, I'd call my muslim brothers in Riyadh (he secretly converted when he was station-chief there) to see if they can put him in a Saddam-style hidey hole until Trump leaves office in.....2025 or 2029 if he's given a third term by a grateful America.


Democrats never go to jail

It's one of the perks of being with the Deep State.

Since 1965....

DEMOCRATS.........25 years in power
3 indictments
1 conviction
1 prison sentence
120 indictments
89 convictions
34 prison sentences
And that explains how the party has become so corrupt.....if no one is watching the hen house the rooster will run wild.....
Well it really does not matter which party you choose to defend, both accuse the other of a myriad of scandals.

Yet no one goes to jail?

Seems like both parties prove that the whole system is now too corrupt and powerful for any checks and balances to work ever again. Whoever has power, is the power and above the law.

Here honey, from your source.

Barr said that Durham is, indeed, investigating whether federal laws were broken. If so, Barr said, those responsible will be held accountable. But he doesn’t expect that there will be probes of Obama and Biden.

President Trump has accused Obama, without evidence or elaboration, of committing a crime.

“I don’t expect Mr. Durham’s work will lead to a criminal investigation of either man,” Barr said of Obama and Biden. He said the Durham investigation is focused on others.

Hey don't call other men "honey" unless they're looking to get cornholed or their teeth knocked it?

I'll call you whatever I want and you'll just have to deal with.

The piece of shit told his pals at MSLSD that he was waiting for the call from Durham to sit down for a little pow wow. He knows Durham is getting his ducks in a row first, maybe laying a Comey-style perjury trap for him. I bet he's spent the lockdown going over his Congressional testimony and the garbage he's said on the air about his role in the coup. And he knows Durham doesn't take any prisoners when somebody sits across from him and lies through his teeth. If I were Brennan, I'd call my muslim brothers in Riyadh (he secretly converted when he was station-chief there) to see if they can put him in a Saddam-style hidey hole until Trump leaves office in.....2025 or 2029 if he's given a third term by a grateful America.


Democrats never go to jail

It's one of the perks of being with the Deep State.

Since 1965....

DEMOCRATS.........25 years in power
3 indictments
1 conviction
1 prison sentence
120 indictments
89 convictions
34 prison sentences
And that explains how the party has become so corrupt.....if no one is watching the hen house the rooster will run wild.....
Well it really does not matter which party you choose to defend, both accuse the other of a myriad of scandals.

Yet no one goes to jail?

Seems like both parties prove that the whole system is now too corrupt and powerful for any checks and balances to work ever again. Whoever has power, is the power and above the law.

Rigged system. Always has been.
The piece of shit told his pals at MSLSD that he was waiting for the call from Durham to sit down for a little pow wow. He knows Durham is getting his ducks in a row first, maybe laying a Comey-style perjury trap for him. I bet he's spent the lockdown going over his Congressional testimony and the garbage he's said on the air about his role in the coup. And he knows Durham doesn't take any prisoners when somebody sits across from him and lies through his teeth. If I were Brennan, I'd call my muslim brothers in Riyadh (he secretly converted when he was station-chief there) to see if they can put him in a Saddam-style hidey hole until Trump leaves office in.....2025 or 2029 if he's given a third term by a grateful America.


Democrats never go to jail

It's one of the perks of being with the Deep State.

Since 1965....

DEMOCRATS.........25 years in power
3 indictments
1 conviction
1 prison sentence
120 indictments
89 convictions
34 prison sentences
And that explains how the party has become so corrupt.....if no one is watching the hen house the rooster will run wild.....
Well it really does not matter which party you choose to defend, both accuse the other of a myriad of scandals.

Yet no one goes to jail?

Seems like both parties prove that the whole system is now too corrupt and powerful for any checks and balances to work ever again. Whoever has power, is the power and above the law.

Rigged system. Always has been.
Which is why I just ignore it anymore

Just endless poo slinging and committee forming cesspools of idiocy.
The piece of shit told his pals at MSLSD that he was waiting for the call from Durham to sit down for a little pow wow. He knows Durham is getting his ducks in a row first, maybe laying a Comey-style perjury trap for him. I bet he's spent the lockdown going over his Congressional testimony and the garbage he's said on the air about his role in the coup. And he knows Durham doesn't take any prisoners when somebody sits across from him and lies through his teeth. If I were Brennan, I'd call my muslim brothers in Riyadh (he secretly converted when he was station-chief there) to see if they can put him in a Saddam-style hidey hole until Trump leaves office in.....2025 or 2029 if he's given a third term by a grateful America.


Democrats never go to jail

It's one of the perks of being with the Deep State.

Since 1965....

DEMOCRATS.........25 years in power
3 indictments
1 conviction
1 prison sentence
120 indictments
89 convictions
34 prison sentences
And that explains how the party has become so corrupt.....if no one is watching the hen house the rooster will run wild.....
Well it really does not matter which party you choose to defend, both accuse the other of a myriad of scandals.

Yet no one goes to jail?

Seems like both parties prove that the whole system is now too corrupt and powerful for any checks and balances to work ever again. Whoever has power, is the power and above the law.

Rigged system. Always has been.
Which is why I just ignore it anymore

Just endless poo slinging and committee forming cesspools of idiocy.

When someone sees it for the very first time it is disheartening, well it was for me. It was a tough pill to swallow to realize that the Nation I served and foought for wasn't really what I thought it was :(
"I don't remember" and "On advice from counsel I take the 5th Amendment", the 2 favorite statements that Brennan is going to say when he finally gets interviewed by Durham's team. Interesting to see if he gets preferential treatment like Hillary did, but in any case he isn't going to say much. None of them will.
The piece of shit told his pals at MSLSD that he was waiting for the call from Durham to sit down for a little pow wow. He knows Durham is getting his ducks in a row first, maybe laying a Comey-style perjury trap for him. I bet he's spent the lockdown going over his Congressional testimony and the garbage he's said on the air about his role in the coup. And he knows Durham doesn't take any prisoners when somebody sits across from him and lies through his teeth. If I were Brennan, I'd call my muslim brothers in Riyadh (he secretly converted when he was station-chief there) to see if they can put him in a Saddam-style hidey hole until Trump leaves office in.....2025 or 2029 if he's given a third term by a grateful America.


Congress in their wisdom passed laws restricting presidents to two terms. Something that they refuse to do for themselves.
Since 1965....

DEMOCRATS.........25 years in power
3 indictments
1 conviction
1 prison sentence
120 indictments
89 convictions
34 prison sentences

This is why it is stupid for the GOP to play nice with the Dems, expecting some sort of reciprocation. To the Dems, politics is a mortal sport.
Democrats never go to jail

It's one of the perks of being with the Deep State.

Since 1965....

DEMOCRATS.........25 years in power
3 indictments
1 conviction
1 prison sentence
120 indictments
89 convictions
34 prison sentences

It's true that finding a white jury in D.C. is almost impossible and most of them will probably walk. But seeing them indicted and dragged before a magistrate is enough for me.....except for Comey and Brennan...they should both hang for treason.
Just slinging poo is enough for you?

Not for me. I'm sick to death of this sort of status quo.
I hope that Commie fuck Brennan takes it in the ass.

He lied to Congress. He said the CIA did not spy on the Senate, yet hey did. They broke into Senate files.

Democrats never go to jail

It's one of the perks of being with the Deep State.

Since 1965....

DEMOCRATS.........25 years in power
3 indictments
1 conviction
1 prison sentence
120 indictments
89 convictions
34 prison sentences

It's true that finding a white jury in D.C. is almost impossible and most of them will probably walk. But seeing them indicted and dragged before a magistrate is enough for me.....except for Comey and Brennan...they should both hang for treason.

Remember when Trump tried to indict McCabe, and they went to the Grand Jury three times with their "evidence" of McCabe's crimes, and not one charge came out of it.

I saw Brennan on TV this weekend. He was relax and smiling. He didn't look to be sweating at all. This is banana republic bullshit on the part of Trump and Barr. The United States isn't Russia. Trump can't just snap his fingers like Putin, and the system arrests and prosecutes his enemies. Trump has to prove they committed crimes.

Mueller had no trouble proving the crimes of the Trump's criminal buddies who the President claims are wrongfully convicted. One Mueller juror who left her MAGA hat in the car and thought the investigation a "hoax" going in called the evidence against Manafort "overwhelming". And that's the trial that was held in a Trump stronghold.

Trump can't even find or fake enough evidence of these supposed "crimes" to convince people to bring charges, even when the accused isn't allowed to defend himself.
If that bunch of dumbfucks had any sense at all they'd be getting out of this country while the getting is good and finding places with no extradition to the US. And I'm talking about the whole bunch of em including Obama, Clinton and all of their co conspiring underlings.
They have more sense than you, Dick Froth. They don’t need to run anyplace. Nothing is going to happen.

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