Brett Kavanaugh was forced out of a DC restaurant by protesters amid anger at SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade

Why? You're the one pitching such a satisfying fit. I'm doing a public service, giving you something to get pissy about.
I'm not the one getting pissy. You're the one whining about what right wingers can't use.
Additionally, Kavanaugh said it can be appropriate for the court to revisit prior decisions. "I listen to all arguments," he said. "You have an open mind. You get the briefs and arguments. And some arguments are better than others. Precedent is critically important. It is the foundation of our system. But you listen to all arguments."

Interesting that in Dodd, nobody was asking to reopen Roe v Wade, only rule on 15 week abortion

Yet, Kavanaugh and the court chose to expand it to a complete reversal of Roe

Kavanaugh lied about respecting the precedence of Roe
No, I posted what Kavanaugh said in answer to a question at the Senate confirmation hearing.
From your source.....Kavanaugh said he believed it was “settled as a precedent of the Supreme Court” and should be “entitled the respect under principles of stare decisis,” the notion that precedents should not be overturned without strong reason.

From my source
Additionally, Kavanaugh said it can be appropriate for the court to revisit prior decisions. "I listen to all arguments," he said. "You have an open mind. You get the briefs and arguments. And some arguments are better than others. Precedent is critically important. It is the foundation of our system. But you listen to all arguments."
Interesting that in Dodd, nobody was asking to reopen Roe v Wade, only rule on 15 week abortion

Yet, Kavanaugh and the court chose to expand it to a complete reversal of Roe

Kavanaugh lied about respecting the precedence of Roe
That would be your interpretation that he lied. He did say that "you listen to all arguments."
Hard for me to get into some deep argument on this gig. I read the decision. I have posted before, the RvW thing was a poorly crafted decision and this just turned it over to the states.
You used the term "hysterical nonsense" to describe how people were reacting to the Cavanaugh situation in the OP. I just asked if it was similar to the hysterical nonsense being displayed by the left regarding the RvW turnover. Do you really need me to walk you through this like a child?
Are you sure, you are addressing the correct member poster? You must be confused about something.
Not confused at all. Passive/aggressive trolling won't work on me.
Every day it seems we are closer to the edge.

  • Protestors chased Brett Kavanaugh out of a Washington DC restaurant.
  • The restaurant said "unruly" protestors "harassed" Kavanaugh and other patrons.
  • Protestors have demonstrated outside the homes of justices after the Roe v. Wade ruling.

Great stuff. My experience with this is that it is better to lobby at their homes. It gets inside their head and any small noise they hear sets them off.
Not every night. Sometimes leave a gap of a few nights so that they think it is over. Or tell them you are oming and go and do something else.
It fucks their heads up.
That would be your interpretation that he lied. He did say that "you listen to all arguments."

Arguments questioning the Constitutionality of Roe v Wade?

During confirmation he raised no question as to its Constitutionality. He repeatedly called it “settled law” and confirmed that he respected prior court decisions

Actually it is not hysterical because we who really know the truth understood that decision immediately ended abortion in 13 states and there is legislation pending to end it in many others. Furthermore, we know if republicans get the majority the right wing congress will pass a law ending it. We all know this, including you.
The decision didn't end anyone's abortion privileges, it just didn't stand in the way of the pre-existing laws at the state level. The decision didn't make abortion legal or illegal. Think better, if possible.
Arguments questioning the Constitutionality of Roe v Wade?

During confirmation he raised no question as to its Constitutionality. He repeatedly called it “settled law” and confirmed that he respected prior court decisions

He did not lie, you think he lied. You select a sentence and base your whole argument on that.
And leave out the other part of what he said.
Arguments questioning the Constitutionality of Roe v Wade?

During confirmation he raised no question as to its Constitutionality. He repeatedly called it “settled law” and confirmed that he respected prior court decisions


Actually, Roe was only overturned in part.

The abortion trade is still Legal in most states, including all of the marxist ones in America like NY and Massachusetts.

Dobbs only grants people the Freedom of Choice in whether they will put up with this atrocity in their states or not.

Those who live in pro-life states only need to take a drive to an anti-life state to patronize an abortion mill.

Is Roe v. Wade “settled law,” Feinstein asked Kavanaugh, “or can it be overturned?”

It is settled as precedent under the Supreme Court,” Kavanaugh responded. “One of the important things to keep in mind about Roe v. Wade is it has been reaffirmed many times over the years, as you know.”

After this response, Feinstein asked about Kavanaugh’s personal beliefs on “a woman’s right to choose.” He responded that “as a judge” he would respect the “important precedent” of Roe v. Wade and its reaffirmations.


Is Roe v. Wade “settled law,” Feinstein asked Kavanaugh, “or can it be overturned?”

It is settled as precedent under the Supreme Court,” Kavanaugh responded. “One of the important things to keep in mind about Roe v. Wade is it has been reaffirmed many times over the years, as you know.”
That would be foolish if he did give his own opinion. The Justice should hear the case without a preconceived opinion. :eusa_eh:
That would be foolish if he did give his own opinion. The Justice should hear the case without a preconceived opinion. :eusa_eh:

Yet, he didn’t hear a case on the legality of Roe v Wade, he heard a case on Mississippi’s 15 week ban

He expanded it


He responded that “as a judge” he would respect the “important precedent” of Roe v. Wade and its reaffirmations.

Is Roe v. Wade “settled law,” Feinstein asked Kavanaugh, “or can it be overturned?”

It is settled as precedent under the Supreme Court,” Kavanaugh responded. “One of the important things to keep in mind about Roe v. Wade is it has been reaffirmed many times over the years, as you know.”

After this response, Feinstein asked about Kavanaugh’s personal beliefs on “a woman’s right to choose.” He responded that “as a judge” he would respect the “important precedent” of Roe v. Wade and its reaffirmations.

You're still leaving out a pertinent part of what he stated, RW.
Also, look at the wording he uses..."he would respect the important precedent". He didn't say he wouldn't vote to overrule it.
Yet, he didn’t hear a case on the legality of Roe v Wade, he heard a case on Mississippi’s 15 week ban

He expanded it


He responded that “as a judge” he would respect the “important precedent” of Roe v. Wade and its reaffirmations.
It's what he didn't say is what counts, and he didn't say that he wouldn't overrule it. He said he would RESPECT the important precedent.
You can respect something, but still change it.
Every day it seems we are closer to the edge.

  • Protestors chased Brett Kavanaugh out of a Washington DC restaurant.
  • The restaurant said "unruly" protestors "harassed" Kavanaugh and other patrons.
  • Protestors have demonstrated outside the homes of justices after the Roe v. Wade ruling.

Anything in the Constitution about this?
He told Trump a different story on his position on Roe v Wade than he told the Senate and key Senate voters

He told them he considered Roe v Wade to be settled law

No he didn’t you stupid troll. Better tell the Court to cancel the Brown vs Board of Education and Dred Scott decisions too. He never stated how he would vote if a case came up. Stop lying. Oh wait, that’s all you ever do....

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