Brett Kavanaugh was forced out of a DC restaurant by protesters amid anger at SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade

Great stuff. My experience with this is that it is better to lobby at their homes. It gets inside their head and any small noise they hear sets them off.
Not every night. Sometimes leave a gap of a few nights so that they think it is over. Or tell them you are oming and go and do something else.
It fucks their heads up.
So you encourage breaking federal law by protesting at a justice’s home. Learn about laws foreigner.
Yet, he didn’t hear a case on the legality of Roe v Wade, he heard a case on Mississippi’s 15 week ban

He expanded it


He responded that “as a judge” he would respect the “important precedent” of Roe v. Wade and its reaffirmations.
Cry harder. Your lies have been debunked several times, but you keep parroting them. Listen to all sides of the case.
It's what he didn't say is what counts, and he didn't say that he wouldn't overrule it. He said he would RESPECT the important precedent.
You can respect something, but still change it.
He showed no respect to the precedence of Roe v Wade

He threw it out first chance he got

You used the term "hysterical nonsense" to describe how people were reacting to the Cavanaugh situation in the OP. I just asked if it was similar to the hysterical nonsense being displayed by the left regarding the RvW turnover. Do you really need me to walk you through this like a child?

Not confused at all. Passive/aggressive trolling won't work on me.
Oh, if ya feel like, go ahead and start a thread on it, but I wouldn't change this thread to that subject. This one is doing fine with the hysterics over protesters outside a restaurant, where the guy they were protesting, didn't even hear or see the protestors outside, business not disrupted, no assaults, no arrests, and it turned out the headline on the original linked article was same as thread title, but the story underneath just didn't support it. I just got off another thread where the posted twitter vid did not say what the twitter twat posted, so our member got screwed by no watching the vid before posting. I see this crap every day, and it gets boring, to tell the truth. I understand and all. Some people just want attentention. Some want to break a new story and don't even read their own source material. Some sources used here post crazy ass headlines to get clicks, and the story completely different than headline. Some people just don't learn to look before they leap.
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He showed no respect to the precedence of Roe v Wade

He threw it out first chance he got


He didn't throw it out at all, just modified it.

Abortion is still quite legal, the decision was merely to grant people the sacred Right to Choose whether to keep it legal in every state.
If Kavanaugh‘s game plan is to just lay low for a couple of weeks and this will all pass over……He is sadly mistaken

His lie about respecting Roe v Wade as settled law may have gotten him on the court……But he is now the man who killed Roe v Wade

He can expect heckling and derision every time he appears in public. It will not go away
Doesn‘t matter if his family witnesses it, he is eating dinner or going for a walk

That will be his life
He told Trump a different story on his position on Roe v Wade than he told the Senate and key Senate voters

He told them he considered Roe v Wade to be settled law


It was settled law. At the time. Now it's not settled anymore. Things change. What, are you suddenly turning conservative or something?
Great stuff. My experience with this is that it is better to lobby at their homes. It gets inside their head and any small noise they hear sets them off.
Not every night. Sometimes leave a gap of a few nights so that they think it is over. Or tell them you are oming and go and do something else.
It fucks their heads up.
This is a FOREIGNER meddling in our politics. ^^^

No thanks asshole, keep that shit on your side of the pond

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