Bribery is a loser

WTF are you smoking?

Biden was pushing Ukraine to remove a widely known-to-be corrupt prosecutor, which is called GOOD FOREIGN POLICY.

To say that this is bribery is to funadamentally not understand wtf is going on.
I agree. But it fits the same definition your using for bribe which is why it’s not a good line of attack against Trump. He threatened to withhold aid in order to force a policy change in Ukraine

The element of the bribery charge you are missing is PERSONAL GAIN.

We can show that Trump was trying to extract personal political gain, same thing has not been shown in the case of Joe Biden, which is a critical distiction.
How do you prove that it was for personal gain and not for national security?

Umm simple - Ukrainian President going on CNN to announce to the world investigation of Biden (based on just pure circumstatial fact that his son happened to work at Burisma) has nothing to do with national security and everything to do with Trump's re-election campaign.

As Sondland said (and will say again, unless he wants to go to prison) - Trump doesn't give a shit about Ukraine, he is concerned with much bigger stuff, like investigating Bidens.
Trump can simply say that he had suspicion that Biden was acting to help his son and wanted to make sure Burisma didn’t get favorable treatment because of anything Biden did. There are enough crumbs there for Trump to work up a narrative and nothing concrete that proves your accusation.

As I said, I agree that Trump is dirty in this... I just don’t see the case where the accusations can be proven... he has too many outs

Trump day in and out says all kinds of crazy nonsence. No one except his true zealots put any stock into that.

Zelensky going on CNN to announce investigations has ZERO to do with any sort of proper conduct of investigations. On the contrary, investigations are usually kept under wraps untill there is actual indictment.

And it may seem "normal" now but POTUS pressuring his own DOJ, never mind foreign countries to investigate specific persons, especially his political opponents IS FUNDAMAENTALLY HIGHLY UNETHICAL AND WRONG, no matter what excuse.

Thats not how our justice system works, thats how swamp works.
?? When did it "lose"? Was there Obstruction impeachment hearings that I've missed?

Trump would have been impeached for Obstruction, but it just so happens that he gifted Democrats a much simpler example of why he is unfit for office, one where his corrupt behavior was no only about himself and his cronies, but serious foreign policy implications.
i don’t think he would have been impeached over obstruction but I guess we shall see. The impeachment road leads to 4 more years of Trump.

Thats just your speculations.
Yes that’s my opinion. The senate won’t convict and will gain power over the trial right in the heart of the election. They can then drag it out. Call their own witnesses. It will become all about the dirty DNC and Hunter/Joe Biden and their “corruption”... lock him up will follow and it will be a big repeat of last election. Trump vs Crooked Joe... no, it’s a losing path.

If the case against Trump is strong then Republicans in the Senate will refuse to hold Trumpa accontable at their own political peril.

We are not talking about a blowjob here. We are talking about POTUS that can't be trusted to un-corruptly conduct America's foreign policy.
we are talking about a POTUS who is rather brilliant at spinning up his own narratives and spreading seeds of doubt everywhere.

Can't fool all the people all the time.
wouldnt want you to spend your whole life an ignorant moron


Those are Glenn Beck videos, not documents.


that include links to documents

Liar. The only links with the videos you posted go to Glenn Beck websites and his social media.


You just can't stop lying.
wouldnt want you to spend your whole life an ignorant moron


Those are Glenn Beck videos, not documents.


that include links to documents

Liar, there are no links to documents in the links you gave. Only
wouldnt want you to spend your whole life an ignorant moron


Those are Glenn Beck videos, not documents.


that include links to documents

Liar. The only links with the videos you posted go to Glenn Beck websites and his social media.

View attachment 290484

You just can't stop lying.

did you watch it???
I agree. But it fits the same definition your using for bribe which is why it’s not a good line of attack against Trump. He threatened to withhold aid in order to force a policy change in Ukraine

The element of the bribery charge you are missing is PERSONAL GAIN.

We can show that Trump was trying to extract personal political gain, same thing has not been shown in the case of Joe Biden, which is a critical distiction.
How do you prove that it was for personal gain and not for national security?

thats simple,,,you go off the facts and leave the emotions at home,,,
excellent suggestion. Post your facts then. Let’s see the documentation you say you have

I just posted them a few minutes ago,,,you were crying pretty hard
wouldnt want you to spend your whole life an ignorant moron

included in these are all the links to the documents I was talking about,,,

wouldnt want you to spend your whole life an ignorant moron

included in these are all the links to the documents I was talking about,,,
ive seen the Beck videos and I also listen to his radio show which is way tamer. This actually explains a lot about you. You are very gullible.

Entertaining notion that Soros is funding a deep state conspiracy aimed at controlling the people through illegal surveillance and a shadow court system. But like your weak arguments there just aren’t any facts to back it all up. It’s all hyperbole and spun up narratives based on suspicions not hard evidence. More importantly there were no documents shown proving that there is a legitimate investigation into Biden corruption in Ukraine. That was the topic. You failed to support your argument. Thanks for the rabbit hole though. You lose.
The element of the bribery charge you are missing is PERSONAL GAIN.

We can show that Trump was trying to extract personal political gain, same thing has not been shown in the case of Joe Biden, which is a critical distiction.
How do you prove that it was for personal gain and not for national security?

thats simple,,,you go off the facts and leave the emotions at home,,,
excellent suggestion. Post your facts then. Let’s see the documentation you say you have

I just posted them a few minutes ago,,,you were crying pretty hard
wouldnt want you to spend your whole life an ignorant moron

included in these are all the links to the documents I was talking about,,,

wouldnt want you to spend your whole life an ignorant moron

included in these are all the links to the documents I was talking about,,,
ive seen the Beck videos and I also listen to his radio show which is way tamer. This actually explains a lot about you. You are very gullible.

Entertaining notion that Soros is funding a deep state conspiracy aimed at controlling the people through illegal surveillance and a shadow court system. But like your weak arguments there just aren’t any facts to back it all up. It’s all hyperbole and spun up narratives based on suspicions not hard evidence. More importantly there were no documents shown proving that there is a legitimate investigation into Biden corruption in Ukraine. That was the topic. You failed to support your argument. Thanks for the rabbit hole though. You lose.

if you watched the latest then you would know its the state dept funding soros,,,Secretary Clinton Announces Civil Society 2.0 Initiative to Build Capacity of Grassroots Organizations

all I am trying to do is help you with your ignorance,,,
The actions were the same, the differentiator is that Biden was following US policy and Trump is accused of working in his personal interest. So you’d have to prove it was in his personal interest and it had nothing to do with US security. I actually do believe that was the case but it’s near impossible to prove and the half of the country that supports trump are not going to believe it unless there is absolute proof. How are you going to prove his intent?

The actions were most emphatically NOT the same, as one was proudly public, and in concert with both U.S. foreign policy and the international community, the other was desperately kept secret, and in contravention to stated U.S. foreign policy and without coordination with the international community. The secrecy along with the fact that there was not a shred of evidence justifying the investigation of the Bidens, and with no discernible connection to current U.S. security interests, demonstrates the corrupt intent.
wouldnt want you to spend your whole life an ignorant moron


Those are Glenn Beck videos, not documents.


that include links to documents

You’re too lazy to post the links and then tie the documents to support your argument. You saw a clip of a 2 hour video and are throwing on here acting like it’s proving your point. That’s a pretty pathetic way to debate. #fail

what you want me to do is already done in the videos far better than I could do it,,,
I agree. But it fits the same definition your using for bribe which is why it’s not a good line of attack against Trump. He threatened to withhold aid in order to force a policy change in Ukraine

The element of the bribery charge you are missing is PERSONAL GAIN.

We can show that Trump was trying to extract personal political gain, same thing has not been shown in the case of Joe Biden, which is a critical distiction.
How do you prove that it was for personal gain and not for national security?

Umm simple - Ukrainian President going on CNN to announce to the world investigation of Biden (based on just pure circumstatial fact that his son happened to work at Burisma) has nothing to do with national security and everything to do with Trump's re-election campaign.

As Sondland said (and will say again, unless he wants to go to prison) - Trump doesn't give a shit about Ukraine, he is concerned with much bigger stuff, like investigating Bidens.
Trump can simply say that he had suspicion that Biden was acting to help his son and wanted to make sure Burisma didn’t get favorable treatment because of anything Biden did. There are enough crumbs there for Trump to work up a narrative and nothing concrete that proves your accusation.

As I said, I agree that Trump is dirty in this... I just don’t see the case where the accusations can be proven... he has too many outs

Trump day in and out says all kinds of crazy nonsence. No one except his true zealots put any stock into that.

Zelensky going on CNN to announce investigations has ZERO to do with any sort of proper conduct of investigations. On the contrary, investigations are usually kept under wraps untill there is actual indictment.

And it may seem "normal" now but POTUS pressuring his own DOJ, never mind foreign countries to investigate specific persons, especially his political opponents IS FUNDAMAENTALLY HIGHLY UNETHICAL AND WRONG, no matter what excuse.

Thats not how our justice system works, thats how swamp works.
i agree but unethical and Trump doesn’t exactly matter at this point. He plays dumb because he isn’t a career politician and doesn’t know the proper procedures plus he has his base convinced the deep state is out to get him so using people that he trusts is what he will lean on.
wouldnt want you to spend your whole life an ignorant moron


Those are Glenn Beck videos, not documents.


that include links to documents

Liar, there are no links to documents in the links you gave. Only
wouldnt want you to spend your whole life an ignorant moron


Those are Glenn Beck videos, not documents.


that include links to documents

Liar. The only links with the videos you posted go to Glenn Beck websites and his social media.

View attachment 290484

You just can't stop lying.

did you watch it???

Who is stupid enough to spend 4 hours watching Glenn Beck give his opinions?
wouldnt want you to spend your whole life an ignorant moron


Those are Glenn Beck videos, not documents.


that include links to documents

You’re too lazy to post the links and then tie the documents to support your argument. You saw a clip of a 2 hour video and are throwing on here acting like it’s proving your point. That’s a pretty pathetic way to debate. #fail

what you want me to do is already done in the videos far better than I could do it,,,

I want you to make concise points regarding the topic at hand and then back them up without dodging it for 30 pages. Posting a 2 hour video and saying the proof is in there somewhere is a lazy way to debate. You fail. Do better
How do you prove that it was for personal gain and not for national security?

thats simple,,,you go off the facts and leave the emotions at home,,,
excellent suggestion. Post your facts then. Let’s see the documentation you say you have

I just posted them a few minutes ago,,,you were crying pretty hard
wouldnt want you to spend your whole life an ignorant moron

included in these are all the links to the documents I was talking about,,,

wouldnt want you to spend your whole life an ignorant moron

included in these are all the links to the documents I was talking about,,,
ive seen the Beck videos and I also listen to his radio show which is way tamer. This actually explains a lot about you. You are very gullible.

Entertaining notion that Soros is funding a deep state conspiracy aimed at controlling the people through illegal surveillance and a shadow court system. But like your weak arguments there just aren’t any facts to back it all up. It’s all hyperbole and spun up narratives based on suspicions not hard evidence. More importantly there were no documents shown proving that there is a legitimate investigation into Biden corruption in Ukraine. That was the topic. You failed to support your argument. Thanks for the rabbit hole though. You lose.

if you watched the latest then you would know its the state dept funding soros,,,Secretary Clinton Announces Civil Society 2.0 Initiative to Build Capacity of Grassroots Organizations

all I am trying to do is help you with your ignorance,,,

Holy shit!! Clinton initiates a campaign to help grass root organiazations learn how to build websites, work with government and market their causes?! The horror!!!!! The whore!!! This is crazy I can’t can’t believe our world hasn’t imploded yet! Get out of here man, your arguments are a joke
The element of the bribery charge you are missing is PERSONAL GAIN.

We can show that Trump was trying to extract personal political gain, same thing has not been shown in the case of Joe Biden, which is a critical distiction.
How do you prove that it was for personal gain and not for national security?

thats simple,,,you go off the facts and leave the emotions at home,,,
excellent suggestion. Post your facts then. Let’s see the documentation you say you have

I just posted them a few minutes ago,,,you were crying pretty hard
wouldnt want you to spend your whole life an ignorant moron

included in these are all the links to the documents I was talking about,,,

wouldnt want you to spend your whole life an ignorant moron

included in these are all the links to the documents I was talking about,,,
ive seen the Beck videos and I also listen to his radio show which is way tamer. This actually explains a lot about you. You are very gullible.

Entertaining notion that Soros is funding a deep state conspiracy aimed at controlling the people through illegal surveillance and a shadow court system. But like your weak arguments there just aren’t any facts to back it all up. It’s all hyperbole and spun up narratives based on suspicions not hard evidence. More importantly there were no documents shown proving that there is a legitimate investigation into Biden corruption in Ukraine. That was the topic. You failed to support your argument. Thanks for the rabbit hole though. You lose.

I dont see where your opinion of beck has anything to do with the evidence presented,,,
The actions were the same, the differentiator is that Biden was following US policy and Trump is accused of working in his personal interest. So you’d have to prove it was in his personal interest and it had nothing to do with US security. I actually do believe that was the case but it’s near impossible to prove and the half of the country that supports trump are not going to believe it unless there is absolute proof. How are you going to prove his intent?

The actions were most emphatically NOT the same, as one was proudly public, and in concert with both U.S. foreign policy and the international community, the other was desperately kept secret, and in contravention to stated U.S. foreign policy and without coordination with the international community. The secrecy along with the fact that there was not a shred of evidence justifying the investigation of the Bidens, and with no discernible connection to current U.S. security interests, demonstrates the corrupt intent.
i literally just said all that
wouldnt want you to spend your whole life an ignorant moron


Those are Glenn Beck videos, not documents.


that include links to documents

You’re too lazy to post the links and then tie the documents to support your argument. You saw a clip of a 2 hour video and are throwing on here acting like it’s proving your point. That’s a pretty pathetic way to debate. #fail

what you want me to do is already done in the videos far better than I could do it,,,

I want you to make concise points regarding the topic at hand and then back them up without dodging it for 30 pages. Posting a 2 hour video and saying the proof is in there somewhere is a lazy way to debate. You fail. Do better

I want you to watch the video,,,
How do you prove that it was for personal gain and not for national security?

thats simple,,,you go off the facts and leave the emotions at home,,,
excellent suggestion. Post your facts then. Let’s see the documentation you say you have

I just posted them a few minutes ago,,,you were crying pretty hard
wouldnt want you to spend your whole life an ignorant moron

included in these are all the links to the documents I was talking about,,,

wouldnt want you to spend your whole life an ignorant moron

included in these are all the links to the documents I was talking about,,,
ive seen the Beck videos and I also listen to his radio show which is way tamer. This actually explains a lot about you. You are very gullible.

Entertaining notion that Soros is funding a deep state conspiracy aimed at controlling the people through illegal surveillance and a shadow court system. But like your weak arguments there just aren’t any facts to back it all up. It’s all hyperbole and spun up narratives based on suspicions not hard evidence. More importantly there were no documents shown proving that there is a legitimate investigation into Biden corruption in Ukraine. That was the topic. You failed to support your argument. Thanks for the rabbit hole though. You lose.

I dont see where your opinion of beck has anything to do with the evidence presented,,,

There was no evidence presented that proves the point you were trying to make. You failed
thats simple,,,you go off the facts and leave the emotions at home,,,
excellent suggestion. Post your facts then. Let’s see the documentation you say you have

I just posted them a few minutes ago,,,you were crying pretty hard
wouldnt want you to spend your whole life an ignorant moron

included in these are all the links to the documents I was talking about,,,

wouldnt want you to spend your whole life an ignorant moron

included in these are all the links to the documents I was talking about,,,
ive seen the Beck videos and I also listen to his radio show which is way tamer. This actually explains a lot about you. You are very gullible.

Entertaining notion that Soros is funding a deep state conspiracy aimed at controlling the people through illegal surveillance and a shadow court system. But like your weak arguments there just aren’t any facts to back it all up. It’s all hyperbole and spun up narratives based on suspicions not hard evidence. More importantly there were no documents shown proving that there is a legitimate investigation into Biden corruption in Ukraine. That was the topic. You failed to support your argument. Thanks for the rabbit hole though. You lose.

if you watched the latest then you would know its the state dept funding soros,,,Secretary Clinton Announces Civil Society 2.0 Initiative to Build Capacity of Grassroots Organizations

all I am trying to do is help you with your ignorance,,,

Holy shit!! Clinton initiates a campaign to help grass root organiazations learn how to build websites, work with government and market their causes?! The horror!!!!! The whore!!! This is crazy I can’t can’t believe our world hasn’t imploded yet! Get out of here man, your arguments are a joke

your to fucking stupid to know that a government doesnt start grass roots uprising,,, thats called astroturf,,,
and its clear you just went off the headline and didnt educate yourself on all the facts,,,AGAIN,,,

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