Out of 30,000 "palestinian"-terrorists Hamas/PIJ: how many were eliminated?

  • 10,000

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • 15,000

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • 70% of whatever Jihad regime provides

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • Most of them - eliminated

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Most killed are non-combatants human shields used by Hamas

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters
S. Sand is a fantasy fake "author." Not pro Arab, but anti-Jew.
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From your link Surada: "case is quite simple:... Palestine has been almost 100 per cent Arab."
Not for that many years. But this shows again, it's about Arab racism.
Most Arab "Palestinians" (AKA children or grandchildren of Arab immigrants) never accepted the Jews returning to their historic land.

The non-native "Palestinians" in the land...

And here's from:
"Police Agree Arab Illegal Immigrants Match Jews Fifty to One," The Canadian Jewish Chronicle, Oct 19, 1945.:

"JERUSALEM (JPS-Palcor) — Assistant Superintendent of Police, Matthews, a Briton, confirmed charges by Jews that every Jew crossing the Syrian-Lebanese frontiers into Palestine, fifty Arabs have entered the country without permission.

Mr. Matthews confirmed the Jewish charges at a conference attended by him, of Jordan Valley settlers and Assistant District Commissioner J. F. Cornes at Safad. The settlers pointed out that the Trans-Jordan Frontier Force, comprised mainly of Arabs, made no effort to halt the engaging in provocative acts against Jews crossing the frontier and Jewish settlers in Galilee."

And more:

Palestine. (1946). United States: AZC, p. 71.

The Palestine press reports a constant influx of illegal Arab immigrants from neighboring lands.
" Zionist menace " notwithstanding , Palestine's higher wage level and general development attract citizens of the large and decidedly underpopulated Arab states. It is significant that King Abdullah of Transjordan is reported by a Palestine Arab paper to have issued an order permitting free immigration of Arabs, particularly Bedouin tribes, with a view to overcoming the present sparsity of population.
Palestine apparently has no need to issue orders permitting free Arab immigration.


The Smoking Gun: Arab Immigration into Palestine, 1922-1931

by Fred M. Gottheil
Middle East Quarterly
Winter 2003, pp. 53-64

When and How the Arabs and Muslims Immigrated to the Land of Israel—Period of British Rule, 1918–1948: Volume Two


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So, why does humane Israel go into painstaking, risks at every anti- racist-Arab / Islamic-jihad terror op. instead of just carpet bombing?

What would have happened if Israel with its mighty weapons would, even for once, not be careful? How many would even survive?

Everyday, the IDF loses soldiers. Risking their lives for Gazans.

It's not just now with some 239 hostages men women including 32 kids - held by the barbarian cowards in tunnels.

This was always the case, whether fighting jihado-fascist / radical Arabists: Fatah, PFLP, Hezbollah or Hamas or PIJ.

The roof knocking. The efforts on precision weapons.
The house to house, urban warfare.

All the while, the Arab Islamist side uses its own people (bedrooms, UNRWA schools, kindergartens, houses of warship, ambulances, hospitals, etc.) for the 'dead baby strategy' so that global TV monitors can have strong photos.
Not to mention the misfired rockets killing their people.

BTW the (so-called Gaza health ministry) Hamas's controlled pictures industry supplied to the nedia rarely shows adults...it's always kids...

Attached is also file (terrorists use of their own civilians as) Human shields 1982-2023.

Humane Israel? They have betrayed every US president since Truman.
Ignoring factual errors.. but you are now purely "a US patriot" and not just simply anti-Israel... lol.

Taqiya. all the way...

I am just old. I was in Iran in 1953. I know how they betrayed Reagan. I was there for the Operation Ajax, the Suez Crisis and the Six Day War, the bombing of the USS Liberty. I have read Truman's letters to Eleanor Roosevelt.

I am a US patriot. My family has been here since NY was New Amsterdam.
So, why does humane Israel go into painstaking, risks at every anti- racist-Arab / Islamic-jihad terror op. instead of just carpet bombing?

Carpet bombing women and children? ... that profanes Allah ... you'd be hard pressed to get an American pilot to fly that mission ... we don't let butchers fly our bombers ... but check with the Russians ... remember Apello? ...
The self infliced militant racist-Arab Islamic-jihadists using their people for that 'Dead Baby Strategy' to get sympathy ("genocide" myth)
This tactic of using its ewn people as human shields by anti-Israel racist terrorists dates back to at least 1982/3 Lebanon by Arafat.

It has been used in different methods since.

Today Hamas, Islamic jihad, Hezbollah fire from residential areas, terror infrastructure under UNRWA schools, use hospitals and ambulances to transfer weapons and terrorists and rocket launchers have been found in playgrounds, youth centers etc.


The White House

OCTOBER 10, 2023 Remarks by President Biden on the Terrorist Attacks in Israel

THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon.
You know, there are moments in this life — and I mean this literally — when the pure, unadulterated evil is unleashed on this world.

The people of Israel lived through one such moment this weekend. The bloody hands of the terrorist organization Hamas — a group whose stated purpose for being is to kill Jews.
This was an act of sheer evil.
More than 1,000 civilians slaughtered — not just killed, slaughtered — in Israel. Among them, at least 14 American citizens killed.

Parents butchered using their bodies to try to protect their children.

Stomach-turning reports of being — babies being killed.

Entire families slain.

Young people massacred while attending a musical festival to celebrate peace — to celebrate peace.

Women raped, assaulted, paraded as trophies.

Families hid their fear for hours and hours, desperately trying to keep their children quiet to avoid drawing attention.

And thousands of wounded, alive but carrying with them the bullet holes and the shrapnel wounds and the memory of what they endured.

You all know these traumas never go away.

There are still so many families desperately waiting to hear the fate of their loved ones, not knowing if they’re alive or dead or hostages.

Infants in their mothers’ arms, grandparents in wheelchairs, Holocaust survivors abducted and held hostage — hostages whom Hamas has now threatened to execute in violation of every code of human morality.

It’s abhorrent.

The brutality of Hamas — this bloodthirstiness — brings to mind the worst — the worst rampages of ISIS.

This is terrorism.

But sadly, for the Jewish people, it’s not new.

This attack has brought to the surface painful memories and the scars left by a millennia of antisemitism and genocide of the Jewish people.

So, in this moment, we must be crystal clear: We stand with Israel. We stand with Israel. And we will make sure Israel has what it needs to take care of its citizens, defend itself, and respond to this attack.

There is no justification for terrorism. There is no excuse.

Hamas does not stand for the Palestinian people’s right to dignity and self-determination. Its stated purpose is the annihilation of the State of Israel and the murder of Jewish people.

They use Palestinian civilians as human shields.

Hamas offers nothing but terror and bloodshed with no regard to who pays the price...


Hamas again using human shields in Gaza
"To mitigate harm to noncombatants, the IDF carries out surgical strikes," said the army.

(October 10, 2023 / JNS)
Hamas continues to use Gazan civilians as human shields by building its terrorist infrastructure in densely populated civilian areas...


Palestinian Media Watch
Hamas calls on Gazans to be human shields
Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Oct 11, 2023

Hamas’ Interior Ministry: “We again call on [Gazan] citizens not to cooperate with the recorded phone messages that the occupation (i.e., Israel) is sending at random, asking people to leave their homes”
Using civilians as human shields, Hamas has called on Gazans not to leave their homes when Israel warns about bombings.

While the Israeli army has been notifying Gazan civilians to leave their homes and seek safety elsewhere before Israel attacks terrorists or terror infrastructure in their apartment buildings, Hamas’ Interior Ministry is calling on Palestinians to remain in their homes to serve as human shields:
[Hamas encourages civilians to act as human shields | PMW Analysis].
Even Fatah has mocked Hamas for its use of civilians as human shields [Fatah mocks Hamas for using children as human shields when attacking Israel | PMW Analysis] and criticized them for storing explosives among the civilian population. [Hamas âoppresses life⦠[with] torture, murder, oppression" and uses civilians as human shields, say PA daily | PMW Analysis]
[Website of the Fatah Commission of Information and Culture, Aug. 29, 2021]


Blinken: Cruelty of Hamas onslaught ‘defies comprehension,’ Gazans used as human shield
By Lazar Berman, October 12, 2023
Blinken: Cruelty of Hamas onslaught ‘defies comprehension,’ Gazans used as human shield


Hamas terrorists use Gaza hospital as shield

Palestinian terrorist group Hamas uses hospitals to escape Israeli bombardment amid war
Reporting from Sderot, Journalist Yeshaya Rosenman said that the Hamas leadership is hiding in a bunker underneath Al Shifa Hospital.

Kamal Joshi, Updated October 11th, 2023 at 23:31 IST


Muslim Doctor Shot and Held Hostage By Hamas, Used as Human Shield, Rescued By IDF
By Hana Levi Julian - 26 Tishri 5784 – October 11, 2023.
The Jewish Press


13 Oct 2023
‘Hamas wants to use people as human shields’, says White House National Security spokesperson
Matt Frei
Europe Editor and Presenter
We spoke to John Kirby, the White House National Security spokesperson.


Newsweek, Oct 13, 2023
Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Hamas is allegedly blocking roads and preventing civilians from evacuating Northern Gaza. Israel warned 1.1 million Gazans to flee to the south ahead of an anticipated ground invasion.

Yoni Ben Menachem @yonibmen:
Hamas leadership hiding in bunkers in Gaza under pressure!
Calls on the residents of the northern Gaza Strip not to evacuate the area, wants to continue using them as a human shield.
Oct 13, 2023


Hamas 'are using civilians and children as human shields and placing rocket launch sites beside a kindergarten, schools and a mosque', according to Israeli satellite images
By David Averre, 23 Oct 2023
... A series of satellite images, shared on the IDF's official website and social media accounts, shows what they claim are launch pits dug into the ground right next to the civilian structures - something Israel says backs up their claims that Hamas is using the Palestinian people as human shields.


'They are shooting at people,’ Gazan says Hamas preventing evacuation to safety
IDF releases recording of call urging civilians to move southward to safety ahead of Israeli strike as part of military intelligence effort to minimize civilian casualties.
Yoav Zitun | published: October 26, 2023


N12 - The IDF spokesman revealed in a statement: "Hamas is using the hospital in Gaza as a terrorist headquarters"

During a briefing to the international media, Brigadier General Daniel Hagari showed intelligence information from the security system - according to which the central terror headquarters of Hamas is located under the central hospital in the Gaza Strip • "The hospital has several underground complexes, and a control center of Hamas," he said • A recording with a senior member of the system was revealed The energy in the Gaza Strip, which clarified: "It is certain that there is at least half a million liters of fuel underground"
N12| Posted 10/27/23 17:04

The hospital has several underground compounds used by the leaders of the terrorist organization Hamas to direct their activities and a tunnel that reaches the hospital, which allows entry to the Hamas headquarters without going through the hospital," he said. He said that from the existing set-up in the hospitals, the intention is to fire rockets, store IEDs, weapons and ammunition.

The hospital is a human shield for the leaders of Hamas," he emphasized. "The hospital's energy infrastructure that is supposed to be used by its patients is actually used at the same time by the terrorist organization's underground terrorist infrastructure." Brigadier General Hagari added: "The heads of the terrorist organization are using this shelter while endangering the civilian population."

IDF: Hamas’s terror command center built under Gaza’s main hospital
The Israeli military shares detailed information on how Hamas has turned hospitals into terror command centers and hideouts.
Yaakov Lappin.
(October 27, 2023 / JNS)


Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh: We Need The Blood Of Women, Children, And The Elderly Of Gaza – So It Awakens Our Revolutionary Spirit
October 27, 2023
Palestine | Special Dispatch No. 10911

Hamas leader Isamil Haniyeh called in an October 26, 2023 address upon all the "free people of the world" to stop the bombing of Gaza, which he referred to as the "new holo...st." He said: "The blood of the women, children and elderly […] we are the ones who need this blood, so it awakens within us the revolutionary spirit, so it awakens with us resolve." He said that the demise of the Israeli occupation is "inevitable," and therefore, preparations must be made for the post-occupation phase. The address was aired on Mayadeen Network (Lebanon), and other TV networks.


Hamas officials admit its strategy is to use Palestinian civilians as human shields
By Natalie Ecanow
Published Nov. 1, 2023


In battle for Gaza stronghold, 100 women and children pushed forward by Hamas to act as human barrier.

IDF troops met with a disturbing tactic at base of Hamas's Force 17 near Jabaliya; 'We stand ready to face more instances of such cynical and brutal use of civilians,' Israeli officer says

Yoav Zitun | published: November 1, 2023


The criticism in Gaza: "All this happened because of the dogs of Hamas" | Watch the video
A resident of Gaza who was documented among the ruins, decided to condemn the terrorist organization in an unusual step - but she was immediately silenced and removed from the scene • Protests are also on social networks: "Hamas is hiding in the tunnels and uses residents as human shields" • The Green Prince claims: "Hamas must be reckoned with"
Sapir Lipkin | N12 | Published 02.11.23


Israel Defense Forces on X:
"A Hamas terrorist cell was identified using an ambulance. In response, an IDF aircraft struck and neutralized the Hamas terrorists, who were operating within the ambulance.

We emphasize that this area in Gaza is a war zone. Civilians are repeatedly called upon to evacuate southward for their own safety.
Nov 3, 2023


Horrific video purportedly shows Gaza street strewn with at least a dozen bodies gunned down by Hamas
By Chris Nesi
Published Nov. 3, 2023


Hamas using Qatar-funded hospital for terrorism, IDF says
The Israeli military also presented evidence of terrorist activities at the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza.
The Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani Hospital in Gaza. Source: X/Qatar Fund for Development.The Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani Hospital in Gaza. Source: X/Qatar Fund for Development.

IDF reopens Gaza humanitarian corridor despite Hamas attacks
Over 2,500 targets have been hit since the start of ground operations in the Strip, according to the IDF.
Joshua Marks, November 5, 2023 / JNS


IDF shows Hamas rockets next to children’s pool, playground
“This is further proof of the terror organization’s constant use of the civilian population as a human shield for terror purposes.”
November 5, 2023 / JNS

Israel Uncovers Hamas Rocket Launchers Next to Children’s Pool, Playground
By TPS / Tazpit News Agency - 22 Heshvan 5784 – November 5, 2023
Israel Uncovers Hamas Rocket Launchers Next to Childrenâs Pool, Playground


Dozens of Hamas rockets found inside youth center, mosque
Over 50 rockets found inside youth center in Gaza together with launchers, rocket launching sites found inside mosque.
Israel National News, Nov 6, 2023, 6:32 PM (GMT+2).
rocket launchers found in youth center
IDF Spokesperson

Hamas tunnels, weapons found near amusement park and university

By Jerusalem Post Staff Published: November 7, 2023

IDF soldiers operate near an amusement park in the Gaza Strip.

A weapons warehouse containing chemicals, RPGs, and explosives, among other objects, was found near a university in Gaza.

Tunnels and weapons warehouses used by Hamas were found near an amusement park and a university in the Gaza Strip during the IDF's ongoing operations in the coastal enclave, the IDF Spokesperson's Unit revealed on Tuesday.


Terror tunnel shafts, weapons found near Ferris wheel, university
IDF continues to find more proof of Hamas' exploitation of civilian areas for military purposes, use of human shields.

Israel National News, Nov 7, 2023, 7:16 PM (GMT+2)

As part of the ground operations in the Gaza Strip, the Paratroopers Brigade led a targeted operation in northern Gaza, during which the soldiers completed taking control of the area.

During the operation, soldiers of the Paratroopers Brigade exposed the shaft of an underground tunnel adjacent to an amusement park. The soldiers then destroyed the shaft. In addition, in cooperation with soldiers of the Armored Corps from the divisional combat team of the 7th Brigade, an underground tunnel shaft and a weapons warehouse were found near a university, containing chemical materials, RPGs, Claymore mines and more.

"This is all further evidence of Hamas’ cynical use of the civilian population and various facilities as a human shield for its needs," the IDF stated.

Nobody is going to read all that.. just post your blood libel thing.
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Gf no
I recognize that which happened was inevitable. But to suggest that Palestinians are the same quality as our indigenous peoples indicates an equality of nature and ability that simply does not exist.

We are one with our climate, terrain, and life. You are antithetical to all of yours.

The Jews simply do not want you trying to kill them every time they turn their back on you after you have promised you won;t.

The same quality? Did you actually say such a thing? What the hell is wrong with you?
Gf no

The same quality? Did you actually say such a thing? What the hell is wrong with you?
The Jews simply do not want you trying to kill them every time they turn their back on you after you have promised you won't.

Native America recognizes no relationship with the Palestinians.
The zionists refer to the military operations and bombing campaigns they periodically launch against Gaza as "mowing the lawn" to the great amusement of people in the West.

On October, 7 the palestinians decided to "mow the lawn" themselves but this time the "grass" and "weeds" were Jews and suddenly the joke was not so funny anymore.
bullshit. never heard that term and never saw the reaction you're referring to. These hamas people and their supporters are monsters.
The irony.

In 1948, the Arabs in Mandatory-Palestine were told by their leaders, including (Hitler's) Mufti, to leave, to flee the land before the Arab states (and Arab fighters, trained, aided by former SS throw the Jews into the sea..

While the Arab world kicked out almost a Million Jews. Ethnic cleansed.

Now, the Jihado-fascist Arab-Supremacist HAMAS
(who also control the "Health ministry Gaza" and the pictures you see on TV coming out from Gaza and their mouthpiece is mostly al JihadZeera) tells (and previously forced) people to stay for their 'dead baby strategy'. Despite humane Israel urging them to leave, for their safety.

Hamas Minister of the Interior and of National Security Fathi Hammad Slams Egypt over Fuel Shortage in Gaza Strip, and Says: 'Half of the Palestinians Are Egyptians and the Other Half Are Saudis'



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The irony.

In 1948, the Arabs in Mandatory-Palestine were told by their leaders, including (Hitler's) Mufti, to leave, to flee the land pbefore the Arab states throw the Jews into the sea..

While the Arab world kicked out almost a Million Jews. Ethnic cleansed.

Now, the Jihado-fascist Arab-Supremacist HAMAS
(who also control the "Health ministry Gaza" and the pictures you see on TV coming out from Gaza and their mouthpiece is mostly al JihadZeera) tells (and previously forced) people to stay for their 'dead baby strategy'. Despite humane Israel urging them to leave, for their safety.

Hamas Minister of the Interior and of National Security Fathi Hammad Slams Egypt over Fuel Shortage in Gaza Strip, and Says: 'Half of the Palestinians Are Egyptians and the Other Half Are Saudis'

Very informative. Kudos
At the time of the Basel congress, Arabs represented 95 percent of the population of Palestine and they owned 99 percent of the land.2 Thus it was obvious from the beginning of Zionism that dispossession of the Palestinian majority, either politically or physically, would be an inevitable requirement for achieving a Jewish state. It was not only land that was needed to reach Zionism's goal, but land without another people in the majority.

Since Palestinian Arabs were by far the majority throughout the period up to Israel's establishment as a Jewish state in 1948, the Zionist state could emerge only by denying the majority its rights or by becoming the majority either through immigration or in reducing the number of Palestinians by ethnic cleansing. There was no other way to create a Jewish, rather than democratic, state.3



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