Bright side: Republicans can’t claim to be the party of Law and Order any longer.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
There’s always the bright side.

Because Republicans put a criminal into office an unindicted co-conspirator to multiple felonies, and they refuse to allow the oversight required by the house from the US Constitution, they prove they can no longer call themselves the party of law and order.

I never felt they were, but they always claimed they were.

It’s impossible to make that claim now when they refuse to follow the law.

Republicans can’t even say they are the party of law and order without people guffawing and laughing all around them.

Now the Republicans no longer follow the law, what will they run on in the next election? Will they continue to run on President Obama‘s economy? What else do they have?

Will they to continue to run “make America great again” when they’re destroying all US institutions and giving nose thumbs to the US Constitution?

They can’t say we are more safe after they’ve worked to ruin coalitions between the US and its former friends all around the world.

And what happens when the lack of trade agreements kick in? How will that help our economy?

How will our country look over the next year and a half being a country run by a party that doesn’t believe in law and order
They certainly can't as long as Obama and Hillary are allowed to walk free.

Fixing that should be a priority.
They certainly can't as long as Obama and Hillary are allowed to walk free.

Fixing that should be a priority.

Don't interrupt him...he's having a self pity cry after which he will no doubt seek out the comfort of a hot glass bowl.

LOL you will make up any claim, any lie to further your ignorant claims. Perhaps that's why most of your threads end up in the rubber room.

No proof, just the spoutings of rDerp!

Bright side: Republicans can’t claim to be the party of Law and Order any longer
There’s always the bright side.

So you're saying you're bald on only ONE side of your head? Well obviously the Democrats can't claim they were EVER the party of law and order, and since you say Hillary has never been charged or convicted of anything so she's as clean as a baby's butt, one can hardly find Trump a party to lawlessness either.

He's clean.

He's never been charged with a thing, much less found guilty.

The man is pure as driven snow.
Bright side: Republicans can’t claim to be the party of Law and Order any longer
There’s always the bright side.

So you're saying you're bald on only ONE side of your head? Well obviously the Democrats can't claim they were EVER the party of law and order, and since you say Hillary has never been charged or convicted of anything so she's as clean as a baby's butt, one can hardly find Trump a party to lawlessness either.

He's clean.

He's never been charged with a thing, much less found guilty.

The man is pure as driven snow.

Standards are only good when lefty says they are. When it's a lefty making the transgression they Immediately retreat to the "it's different" position and produce scads of useless prose to support the double standard.

There’s always the bright side.

Because Republicans put a criminal into office an unindicted co-conspirator to multiple felonies, and they refuse to allow the oversight required by the house from the US Constitution, they prove they can no longer call themselves the party of law and order.

I never felt they were, but they always claimed they were.

It’s impossible to make that claim now when they refuse to follow the law.

Republicans can’t even say they are the party of law and order without people guffawing and laughing all around them.

Now the Republicans no longer follow the law, what will they run on in the next election? Will they continue to run on President Obama‘s economy? What else do they have?

Will they to continue to run “make America great again” when they’re destroying all US institutions and giving nose thumbs to the US Constitution?

They can’t say we are more safe after they’ve worked to ruin coalitions between the US and its former friends all around the world.

And what happens when the lack of trade agreements kick in? How will that help our economy?

How will our country look over the next year and a half being a country run by a party that doesn’t believe in law and order

Shut the fuck up... You have 18 months to follow one is stopping you.
1.) have you volunteered for any of the 223 Dem Potus candidates?
2.) Donated?
3.) Reaching out to family and friends for votes?
4.) Having any real kitchen table talks about the future of the nation?


Then shut the fuck up.

LOL you will make up any claim, any lie to further your ignorant claims. Perhaps that's why most of your threads end up in the rubber room.
Lie? Now Trump has Barr breaking the law. And Barr is supposed to be the Nation's top legal officer. Not Trump's personal attorney.
There’s always the bright side.

Because Republicans put a criminal into office an unindicted co-conspirator to multiple felonies, and they refuse to allow the oversight required by the house from the US Constitution, they prove they can no longer call themselves the party of law and order.

I never felt they were, but they always claimed they were.

It’s impossible to make that claim now when they refuse to follow the law.

Republicans can’t even say they are the party of law and order without people guffawing and laughing all around them.

Now the Republicans no longer follow the law, what will they run on in the next election? Will they continue to run on President Obama‘s economy? What else do they have?

Will they to continue to run “make America great again” when they’re destroying all US institutions and giving nose thumbs to the US Constitution?

They can’t say we are more safe after they’ve worked to ruin coalitions between the US and its former friends all around the world.

And what happens when the lack of trade agreements kick in? How will that help our economy?

How will our country look over the next year and a half being a country run by a party that doesn’t believe in law and order

Shut the fuck up... You have 18 months to follow one is stopping you.
1.) have you volunteered for any of the 223 Dem Potus candidates?
2.) Donated?
3.) Reaching out to family and friends for votes?
4.) Having any real kitchen table talks about the future of the nation?


Then shut the fuck up.

I'm just glad we know the difference between Republicans and Democrats.


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