"Brilliant" Trump drives up health care costs (again)!

I knew you would start bawling for obamacare soon enough.
Oh....you don't have health care?!?!? Figures......just another sad sack sucking off the teat of the system.

Don't worry sunshine...we got you covered. Default on your health care bills....we'll cover it. Mommy must be proud!
Good Christ.........are you serious?!?! You do realize the google machine can help you here?~!?!
The Many Scandals of Donald Trump: A Cheat Sheet
For fun, they go into the multiple times Trump Industries screwed creditors and went bankrupt. What a stand up guy?!?!?!?
None of those court rulings resulted in a "conviction" as you claim.

Try again...... :cool:
Not so much.....tell you what, google Trump University.....see what comes up. Have fun!

STILL would love to hear why you support Trump increasing the budget deficit to write himself and the people who caused the financial crisis 10 years ago billions in tax cuts.

True story.
There was an admission of damages done and a settlement of $25000000.

Yeah, Donnie is a crook, and, yes, he is driving up health care costs.
I knew you would start bawling for obamacare soon enough.
Oh....you don't have health care?!?!? Figures......just another sad sack sucking off the teat of the system.

Don't worry sunshine...we got you covered. Default on your health care bills....we'll cover it. Mommy must be proud!
I don't know what you're talking about.:114:
Of course you don't......the perfect dodge. That's Trumpism at its finest.....when in doubt; DENY, DENY, DENY.

If you DO have health insurance and are willing to allow Trump to drive up your rates for political purposes.......sad how little you understand about how the system works.
High healthcare costs makes America great
/----/ Yes, that was Obama's philosophy.
You don't "get" health insurance....do you? Not sure how getting more people involved in risk pools increases health care costs?????

By the way, based on your posts.....you're one of those who gives Trump credit for the economy, right?! Even though he hasn't done jackdiddlysquat for it (other than ride the wave started by Obama). I'd LOVE to hear how giving the people who crashed the economy 10 years ago a windfall of cash was great for the economy?!?

Oh, God...you're one of those idiots that think Obama's responsible for the economy growing at the rate it is now? Tell me something, Frank? How many times did the Fed raise interest rates from the time Barack Obama was elected until the time Donald Trump was elected? How many times have they raised them since? You can say what you want about Trump being "heartless" because he won't subsidize your health insurance but it's not even debatable at this point that he's done far better with the economy than Barry did!
How?!?! What has he done?

Silly argument......look at what they started with when they took office. Obama started with 800,000 jobs being lost per month, a $1.6 trillion deficit, and unemployment moving to over 10%.....that, by the way, was the result of the POTUS before him. Trump, took an economy that was already growing for 6 straight years and sat on it. Then, he INCREASED the budget deficit to give himself a tax cut.

Yeah.....he sure has done a great job?!?!? Plus, the moron has INCREASED insurance rates for everyone. Has nothing to do with being heartless....has everything to do with good, sound policy. Good sound policy is everything Trump is against.

Sat on it? Donald Trump has done two very important things with the economy. He's slashed regulations to make it easier for businesses to operate and he's cut taxes to put more money into the Private Sector. Barack Obama did the exact opposite of that and it's why he oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history!

Obama's economy was bad but it would have gotten worse if the Democrats hadn't lost the mid terms back in 2010. They had Cap & Trade legislation cued up as their next thing to be pushed through something that would have raised energy costs across the board for businesses in the US!

As for what Barry started with? He started with TARP already in place thanks to the work of George W. Bush! That was what stabilized the financial institutions and was the number one thing that kept us from going into a full blown depression! Obama managed to spend almost a trillion dollars in stimulus and create so few jobs they had to start using "Jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs they actually created! If the energy boom that fracking created (something that Obama opposed!) hadn't taken place his economic numbers would have been off the charts bad!

You keep telling yourself how good Obama was with the economy, Frank...and I'll keep laughing at you!
Not so much.....tell you what, google Trump University.....see what comes up.
I did......there was No "conviction". ..... :cool:
Liar, liar, pants on fire. Good God you're pathetic. (sigh)
$25 million settlement finalized in Trump University lawsuit - CNNPolitics

Let me guess....you're going to ignore tax cut question. How 'yella' of you!

Do you not grasp the difference between a conviction and a settlement, Frank? You're not the sharpest tool in the shed...are you?
I knew you would start bawling for obamacare soon enough.
Oh....you don't have health care?!?!? Figures......just another sad sack sucking off the teat of the system.

Don't worry sunshine...we got you covered. Default on your health care bills....we'll cover it. Mommy must be proud!
I don't know what you're talking about.:114:
Of course you don't......the perfect dodge. That's Trumpism at its finest.....when in doubt; DENY, DENY, DENY.

If you DO have health insurance and are willing to allow Trump to drive up your rates for political purposes.......sad how little you understand about how the system works.
Do you not grasp the difference between a conviction and a settlement, Frank? You're not the sharpest tool in the shed...are you?
I was hoping the tard would figure it out by himself without me telling him.

But he never did catch on. .... :cuckoo: .. :lol:
Not so much.....tell you what, google Trump University.....see what comes up.
I did......there was No "conviction". ..... :cool:
Liar, liar, pants on fire. Good God you're pathetic. (sigh)
$25 million settlement finalized in Trump University lawsuit - CNNPolitics

Let me guess....you're going to ignore tax cut question. How 'yella' of you!

Do you not grasp the difference between a conviction and a settlement, Frank? You're not the sharpest tool in the shed...are you?
RIGHT! Lord knows businesses settle all the time because they're going to win a lawsuit?!?! Good God that's stupid....
Not so much.....tell you what, google Trump University.....see what comes up.
I did......there was No "conviction". ..... :cool:
Liar, liar, pants on fire. Good God you're pathetic. (sigh)
$25 million settlement finalized in Trump University lawsuit - CNNPolitics

Let me guess....you're going to ignore tax cut question. How 'yella' of you!

Do you not grasp the difference between a conviction and a settlement, Frank? You're not the sharpest tool in the shed...are you?
RIGHT! Lord knows businesses settle all the time because they're going to win a lawsuit?!?! Good God that's stupid....

They settle because it's cheaper you dipshit.
The wife see's it all the time. A black screams racism in the work place and they give her a months pay and tell her to hit the door.
The wife see's it all the time. A black screams racism in the work place and they give her a months pay and tell her to hit the door.
It's called the Negro Lottery.

Scream "racism" and collect the winnings. .... :cool:

You'd be amazed at how many times this has happened with my wife's employees.
Even had one embezzle a half million bucks.
Bitch only got two years at club fed.
High healthcare costs makes America great
/----/ Yes, that was Obama's philosophy.
You don't "get" health insurance....do you? Not sure how getting more people involved in risk pools increases health care costs?????

By the way, based on your posts.....you're one of those who gives Trump credit for the economy, right?! Even though he hasn't done jackdiddlysquat for it (other than ride the wave started by Obama). I'd LOVE to hear how giving the people who crashed the economy 10 years ago a windfall of cash was great for the economy?!?

Oh, God...you're one of those idiots that think Obama's responsible for the economy growing at the rate it is now? Tell me something, Frank? How many times did the Fed raise interest rates from the time Barack Obama was elected until the time Donald Trump was elected? How many times have they raised them since? You can say what you want about Trump being "heartless" because he won't subsidize your health insurance but it's not even debatable at this point that he's done far better with the economy than Barry did!
How?!?! What has he done?

Silly argument......look at what they started with when they took office. Obama started with 800,000 jobs being lost per month, a $1.6 trillion deficit, and unemployment moving to over 10%.....that, by the way, was the result of the POTUS before him. Trump, took an economy that was already growing for 6 straight years and sat on it. Then, he INCREASED the budget deficit to give himself a tax cut.

Yeah.....he sure has done a great job?!?!? Plus, the moron has INCREASED insurance rates for everyone. Has nothing to do with being heartless....has everything to do with good, sound policy. Good sound policy is everything Trump is against.

Sat on it? Donald Trump has done two very important things with the economy. He's slashed regulations to make it easier for businesses to operate and he's cut taxes to put more money into the Private Sector. Barack Obama did the exact opposite of that and it's why he oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history!

Obama's economy was bad but it would have gotten worse if the Democrats hadn't lost the mid terms back in 2010. They had Cap & Trade legislation cued up as their next thing to be pushed through something that would have raised energy costs across the board for businesses in the US!

As for what Barry started with? He started with TARP already in place thanks to the work of George W. Bush! That was what stabilized the financial institutions and was the number one thing that kept us from going into a full blown depression! Obama managed to spend almost a trillion dollars in stimulus and create so few jobs they had to start using "Jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs they actually created! If the energy boom that fracking created (something that Obama opposed!) hadn't taken place his economic numbers would have been off the charts bad!

You keep telling yourself how good Obama was with the economy, Frank...and I'll keep laughing at you!
High healthcare costs makes America great
/----/ Yes, that was Obama's philosophy.
You don't "get" health insurance....do you? Not sure how getting more people involved in risk pools increases health care costs?????

By the way, based on your posts.....you're one of those who gives Trump credit for the economy, right?! Even though he hasn't done jackdiddlysquat for it (other than ride the wave started by Obama). I'd LOVE to hear how giving the people who crashed the economy 10 years ago a windfall of cash was great for the economy?!?

Oh, God...you're one of those idiots that think Obama's responsible for the economy growing at the rate it is now? Tell me something, Frank? How many times did the Fed raise interest rates from the time Barack Obama was elected until the time Donald Trump was elected? How many times have they raised them since? You can say what you want about Trump being "heartless" because he won't subsidize your health insurance but it's not even debatable at this point that he's done far better with the economy than Barry did!
How?!?! What has he done?

Silly argument......look at what they started with when they took office. Obama started with 800,000 jobs being lost per month, a $1.6 trillion deficit, and unemployment moving to over 10%.....that, by the way, was the result of the POTUS before him. Trump, took an economy that was already growing for 6 straight years and sat on it. Then, he INCREASED the budget deficit to give himself a tax cut.

Yeah.....he sure has done a great job?!?!? Plus, the moron has INCREASED insurance rates for everyone. Has nothing to do with being heartless....has everything to do with good, sound policy. Good sound policy is everything Trump is against.

Sat on it? Donald Trump has done two very important things with the economy. He's slashed regulations to make it easier for businesses to operate and he's cut taxes to put more money into the Private Sector. Barack Obama did the exact opposite of that and it's why he oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history!

Obama's economy was bad but it would have gotten worse if the Democrats hadn't lost the mid terms back in 2010. They had Cap & Trade legislation cued up as their next thing to be pushed through something that would have raised energy costs across the board for businesses in the US!

As for what Barry started with? He started with TARP already in place thanks to the work of George W. Bush! That was what stabilized the financial institutions and was the number one thing that kept us from going into a full blown depression! Obama managed to spend almost a trillion dollars in stimulus and create so few jobs they had to start using "Jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs they actually created! If the energy boom that fracking created (something that Obama opposed!) hadn't taken place his economic numbers would have been off the charts bad!

You keep telling yourself how good Obama was with the economy, Frank...and I'll keep laughing at you!
HA! Bush passed the first part of TARP on three sheets of paper! There was NOTHING in the Bush version of TARP that required repayment from the banks. That repayment from the banks was 100% thanks to the second installment of TARP that was negotiated by the Obama Administration. So....you're full of **** on that one.

Second, regarding the Obama era recovery.....the stable Obama recovery (yes, that includes the stimulus package that DID stop job losses and reversed trends...unless that happened by witchcraft or sorcery?) is stated to save the US economy. That isn't me saying it....those are the words of economists who understand these things better than I do.
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The link provided even provides pretty pictures with trend lines! Fracking?!?!? WTF?
How Many Jobs Does Fracking Really Create?

The fracking jobs are a "drop in the bucket" according to the article.
Try again sunshine....it was the ADMINISTRATION'S decision to suspend payments. They COULD (if their interest was to stabilize markets) continue those payments until resolved.

By they way, since when has the Trump Administration listened to the courts? That's a real knee slapper.

So...to be clear.....TRUMP is the reason health care costs are going up. Started last year when he decided not to subsidize the HI market and is continuing now.
/-----/ "They COULD (if their interest was to stabilize markets) continue those payments until resolved. " Yeah you wish, then Chuckie Schumer and Nancy Pants Pelosi could screech IMPEACHMENT for defying a court order.

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