Bring back the rep system.

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Poor, poor, bullied Mertrex...

Poor Kg, it's getting to her and she can't engage her cronies to come help her....they're ensconced in pink lemonade.

Very pink. But it's all Obamas fault, of course.

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No, it means I'm distracted and you are not important enough to me to care about a correction. Righties are such whiney pussies about lots of stuff.

Grab the crab boil ... Here comes the crawfish.
Give some folks enough rope and they hang each other out to dry ... Then try to divert situations away from their admissions.

You may end up being very embarrassed by what you wrote. I think that a lesson in humanity is in the offing for you.

Okay, whatever ... I am game and you damn sure cannot give me any lessons in humility or least don't practice it yourself.

Holy crap, statist went on weeks/months long neg rep benders. He put people on SCHEDULES so he could neg rep them every 48 hours + 1 minute.

And it's that his rep ability is removed, he's exposed as a completely inconsequential and irrelevant poster.
Ironic post is ironic,

Don't know why this thread hasn't been locked. nothing good has been posted in the last 5 pages just reminiscing about a feature that was abused and turned into a badge of (dis)honor by the /Righties who abused it and their ad homs.
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Ironic post is ironic,

Don't know why this thread hasn't been locked. nothing good has been posted in the last 5 pages just reminiscing about a feature that was abused and turned into a badge of (dis)honor by the /Righties who abused it and their ad homs.

Ironic indeed ... *snicker*

I am only assuming the rules were amended to help stem abuse ... I wouldn't know whether or not you were conspiring with staff to progress what I would consider abuse.


We all know what happens when one "assumes". And your suggestion that "I was conspiring with staff" just shows how shallow and paranoid those on the right are....yeah, like I'm one of the staff's favorite and they cater to me.......:badgrin:
Oh that's right, you believe I'm Mani.

Mani has a better sense of humor.

He is not mani....he is mal

Reported for flaming in the non flame area of the board

You will have to prove it is not true first

If it were true I'd be banned.
Why that must mean....


Bodey couldn't possibly be Pete.

Oh that's right, you believe I'm Mani.

Mani has a better sense of humor.

He is not mani....he is mal

Reported for flaming in the non flame area of the board

You will have to prove it is not true first

If it were true I'd be banned.

Many people are posting here under a second or third screen name

You should know
Mani has a better sense of humor.

He is not mani....he is mal

Reported for flaming in the non flame area of the board

You will have to prove it is not true first

If it were true I'd be banned.
Why that must mean....


Bodey couldn't possibly be Pete.



Read the rules .

Individuals are allowed only one (1) account. Anyone found to be in violation risk, having all accounts banned.

It says you risk having all accounts banned . Surely even you are honest enough to admit that the moderation staff would deal with bode being here currently when she was Pete 5 years ago differently than they would deal with Mal having 2 CURRENT accounts

In fact the way the rule is written I suppose you COULD claim that I as Mal have permission to have 20 different user accounts the rules clearly say its a risk not a certainty that I'd be banned.

In either case I'm simply not Mal. So stop getting your nipples all exposed over it.
Mani has a better sense of humor.

He is not mani....he is mal

Reported for flaming in the non flame area of the board

You will have to prove it is not true first

If it were true I'd be banned.
Why that must mean....


Bodey couldn't possibly be Pete.


Andy yes indeed Mal was smart enough to know EXACTLY what pictures Bode would use as her signature and created the same signature a year before she did. That is TOTES logical.
You can't have it both ways, MP.

I don't have it any way Ravi but the board certainly can have it both ways. If C_K decides to ignore that Bode was Pete 5 years ago that doesn't mean he is going to ignore it if I were Mal today.

Why must you be dishonest about EVERYTHING?
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