Brit Hume: A Problem for Biden Is Growing Concern ‘That Senility Is Overtaking Him’

They are all pretty out of touch. Our leaders should be younger.
FALSE! I'm 73 years old. I remember Biden in his younger days, and he made these stunning gaffes way back then too. It's just HIM, not his age.

There are plenty of politicians Biden's age and older, and they don't gaffe constantly like Biden does (ex. Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Grassley, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Mitch McConnell, Diane Feinstein, etc)

My favorite Biden gaffe though, was about 10 years ago, when he was in a foreign country doing a press conference with that country's prime minister. He stood at his podium, and looked across to the prime minister, and expressed his heartfelt condolences for the death of the PM's wife. Trouble is, she was very much alive at the time. :confused: :rolleyes:

The only ones who believe that are Washington insiders and people who are worried about Trump losing.
But SO MANY psychologists....without knowing or examining Trump say Trump has dementia....where are they with the hundreds of statements by Jojo "The World's Dumbest Politician and Sexual (Smelling hair???) Abuser" Biden.....left wing doctors missing in action!

----------- ^ | 9/3/19 |

Fox News’ Brit Hume spoke with Tucker Carlson tonight and said Biden’s made gaffes many times in the past, but things are getting worse now:

“The stuff you see with him more recently, for example, not remembering that when he met with the students at Parkland High School that he wasn’t still in office. He had been out of office more than a year when that happened. The fact that he misremembered that, that’s not a gaffe. That’s the kind of memory problems that people his age and indeed my age have all the time. I think the thing that may catch up with Biden over time, even among Democrats who would otherwise be for him, is the feeling that senility is overtaking him, and I think it is.”

“No one wants to say that,” Carlson reacted. “But you make a compelling case for it.”

Carlson is a propagandist and nothing else. The only people who are concerned are Washington insiders. The latest poll from IBD/TIPP shows this. IBD is a supporter of Donald Trump. They have Biden at 54 to Trump's 42. Sanders leads by 4 and Warren by 3.

So you're reconfirming that Trump has no path to the White House?
Lads whats the problem...

Trump is a fucking twit...

Never heard of a cat 5 hurricane.
Alabama is in hurricane path.
I’ve read lots of your posts, you are out of touch.
Out of touch with Democrat lunacy, which I foolishly was immersed in for 40 years. You could graduate out too, if you expand your perceptions. I could help you do that.
Lads whats the problem...

Trump is a fucking twit...

Never heard of a cat 5 hurricane.
Alabama is in hurricane path.
Maybe you are not aware of hurricane paths. They frequently go up the Gulf, and make landfall at Alabama, which certainly is in a typical hurricane path.
I was a repub till bush proved repub policy doesn’t work. Trump is proving that again. I’m an independent now.
Bush was a RINO, not a Republican. If you were a Republican, and you now think these pandering, out of touch Democrats are worth 10 cents, then you're just as out of touch as they are.

How about loose-wire O'Rourke, who wants to take all guns away from law-abiding citizens, leaving only the criminals to be armed ? I was an independent for a few years. No need for that now, after looking at this current crop of Democrat candidates.

As for Trump, he is proving that Republican policy DOES work. Like the lowered corporate tax, the tariffs, and the massive cuts in business regulations that has the economy booming and stable. Also, his fight against the crazy open borders policies of the Democrats, willing to turn America into a 3rd world hellhole, because they need the votes. And his common sense ban on Muslim immigration. As we approach another September 11, what does it take to convince people of Muslim insanity ?
The only ones who believe that are Washington insiders and people who are worried about Trump losing.
Believing is for when there is doubt, There is no doubt that Biden's age is not too old, as I showed in the post you just quoted.
Trump doesn't even know what a cat 5 hurricane is. That is DUMB.
That is not "dumb". It is ignorance, but only of one particular aspect of one particular subject.

If Trump was dumb, he wouldn't own valuable real estate all over the world, and be flying around in his own private 757. What kind of jet do you own ?
I was a repub till bush proved repub policy doesn’t work. Trump is proving that again. I’m an independent now.
Bush was a RINO, not a Republican. If you were a Republican, and you now think these pandering, out of touch Democrats are worth 10 cents, then you're just as out of touch as they are.

How about loose-wire O'Rourke, who wants to take all guns away from law-abiding citizens, leaving only the criminals to be armed ? I was an independent for a few years. No need for that now, after looking at this current crop of Democrat candidates.

As for Trump, he is proving that Republican policy DOES work. Like the lowered corporate tax, the tariffs, and the massive cuts in business regulations that has the economy booming and stable. Also, his fight against the crazy open borders policies of the Democrats, willing to turn America into a 3rd world hellhole, because they need the votes. And his common sense ban on Muslim immigration. As we approach another September 11, what does it take to convince people of Muslim insanity ?
I said I am independent.

Proving they work by drastically increasing deficits? Slowing the economy? Stagnating the market? I see lots of white guys mass killing people. Lotta good the Muslim ban does...
I said I am independent.

Proving they work by drastically increasing deficits? Slowing the economy? Stagnating the market? I see lots of white guys mass killing people. Lotta good the Muslim ban does...
Sounds like you've been watching CNN. Gotta steer away from that. Like I said, the economy has been booming. Muslims are being kept out, and people are getting killed because of Democrat policies like the "Promise Program" and gun-free zones.

And it doesn't help the deficit to be importing millions of pennliless paupers from the 3rd world. Also doesn't help when Democrats align with criminals, and let them walk free >>>

Democrats overturn kate steinle killers murder conviction

Harmeet Dhillon: Kate Steinle’s killer escapes punishment – Sanctuary for illegal immigrants endangers us all
Last edited:
I said I am independent.

Proving they work by drastically increasing deficits? Slowing the economy? Stagnating the market? I see lots of white guys mass killing people. Lotta good the Muslim ban does...
Sounds like you've been watching CNN. Gotta steer away from that. Like I said, the economy has been booming. Muslims are being kept out, and people are getting killed because of Democrat policies like the "Promise Program" and gun-free zones.

And it doesn't help the deficit to be importing millions of pennliless paupers from the 3rd world. Also doesn't help when Democrats align with criminals, and let them walk free >>>

Democrats overturn kate steinle killers murder conviction
You sound senile. The facts are clear and nothing is going well. Your guy failed healthcare. Talks with China failing. NK failed. Many of our shootings aren’t in gun free zones.
Heck many have been in pro gun Texas. Our jails are the fullest in the world. Fewer go free here than anywhere. You are too old for this...
But SO MANY psychologists....without knowing or examining Trump say Trump has dementia....where are they with the hundreds of statements by Jojo "The World's Dumbest Politician and Sexual (Smelling hair???) Abuser" Biden.....left wing doctors missing in action!

----------- ^ | 9/3/19 |

Fox News’ Brit Hume spoke with Tucker Carlson tonight and said Biden’s made gaffes many times in the past, but things are getting worse now:

“The stuff you see with him more recently, for example, not remembering that when he met with the students at Parkland High School that he wasn’t still in office. He had been out of office more than a year when that happened. The fact that he misremembered that, that’s not a gaffe. That’s the kind of memory problems that people his age and indeed my age have all the time. I think the thing that may catch up with Biden over time, even among Democrats who would otherwise be for him, is the feeling that senility is overtaking him, and I think it is.”

“No one wants to say that,” Carlson reacted. “But you make a compelling case for it.”

Carlson is a propagandist and nothing else. The only people who are concerned are Washington insiders. The latest poll from IBD/TIPP shows this. IBD is a supporter of Donald Trump. They have Biden at 54 to Trump's 42. Sanders leads by 4 and Warren by 3.

So you're reconfirming that Trump has no path to the White House?

The reason that Trump won in 2016 was because Clinton was the weakest candidate. The polls showed that voters thought that Clinton and Trump were dishonest and untrustworthy. The Democrat candidate is likely to have a advantage.

Trump is facing much longer odds in 2020. Trump lost some Republican support in the suburbs in 2016 however he is facing a disaster in 2020 especially from suburban women. He's likely lost Michigan and Pennsylvania. Arizona, Texas, and Georgia are likely toss-ups. He also has a record to run on that is disastrous to suburban voters. On nearly every issue, voters are opposed to his policies. Female suburban voters will bury Trump.
I was a repub till bush proved repub policy doesn’t work. Trump is proving that again. I’m an independent now.
Bush was a RINO, not a Republican. If you were a Republican, and you now think these pandering, out of touch Democrats are worth 10 cents, then you're just as out of touch as they are.

How about loose-wire O'Rourke, who wants to take all guns away from law-abiding citizens, leaving only the criminals to be armed ? I was an independent for a few years. No need for that now, after looking at this current crop of Democrat candidates.

As for Trump, he is proving that Republican policy DOES work. Like the lowered corporate tax, the tariffs, and the massive cuts in business regulations that has the economy booming and stable. Also, his fight against the crazy open borders policies of the Democrats, willing to turn America into a 3rd world hellhole, because they need the votes. And his common sense ban on Muslim immigration. As we approach another September 11, what does it take to convince people of Muslim insanity ?

Bush was a Republican. Trump is a RINO. The Ronald Reagan Republican Party has never stood with white supremacists, neo-nazis and fascists. This makes the Republicans worse than Democrats. These people have been responsible for numerous terrorist attacks. You are the one who is out of touch.

Trump's policies are not working. The lowered corporate tax rate has done nothing he has said it would do. Businesses are not raising wages and they are not increasing business investment. They are using it for useless things like stock buybacks which benefit the rich. The tariffs are dragging us into a slowdown or recession. The fact is that voters disapprove of Trump's border security policies, immigration policies, oppose building a wall and care about the treatment or mis-treatment of detainees. Muslims are not a threat to this country. White Supremacists are the threat to our company. You are the one who is insane.
You sound senile. The facts are clear and nothing is going well. Your guy failed healthcare. Talks with China failing. NK failed. Many of our shootings aren’t in gun free zones.
Heck many have been in pro gun Texas. Our jails are the fullest in the world. Fewer go free here than anywhere. You are too old for this...
You sound brainwashed. "Nothing is going well" is the speech of the left fake news media.

1. You want healthcare free ? Younger people can do that by joining the military. I did years ago, and I get free healthcare all my life. But listening to the leftist media will put you right where you are> Clueless about Trump's healthcare accomplishments.
Trump is expanding access to affordable healthcare choices and taking action to lower drug prices. His administration is working to provide Americans with affordable alternatives to Obamacare.
  • The Administration expanded short-term, limited duration health insurance plans that are expected to be nearly 50 percent cheaper than unsubsidized Obamacare plans.
  • President Trump has expanded association health plans, allowing more employers to join together across State lines and affordably offer coverage to their employees.
  • The Administration proposed a reform to Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) regulations that will give consumers more freedom to purchase benefits that fit their needs.
    • Roughly 800,000 employers are expected to provide HRAs for more than 10 million employees once the rule finalized.
    • Americans have more healthcare freedom thanks to the President signing legislation that ended Obamacare’s individual mandate penalty.
    • While healthcare premiums had been steadily increasing as a result of Obamacare, the average benchmark exchange premium will decline for the first time in 2019 thanks to President Trump’s policies.
    • Next year, Americans will benefit from more insurer participation on the exchanges.
    • Medicare Advantage plans offer more benefit options than ever before, and average premiums in 2019 will be 6 percent lower than in 2018.
    • President Trump launched an unprecedented campaign to drive down drug prices, leading more than a dozen drug manufactures to enact price freezes, reductions, or rollbacks.
    • In 2018, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a record number of generic drugs, breaking the previous record set by the Administration in 2017.
    • The FDA’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 generic drug approvals brought nearly $9 billion in savings in 2017 alone.
      • President Trump signed legislation eliminating contractual gag clauses that stopped pharmacists from informing patients about lower drug prices.
      • The President put forth an initiative to stop global freeloading that drives up prices for American patients.
      • The Administration provided Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D plans with new negotiating tools to drive down drug costs for American patients.
      • The Administration implemented reforms to the amount Medicare pays hospitals for drugs that are purchased under the 340B program, saving seniors $320 million in 2018.
      • President Trump signed “Right to Try” legislation to expand access to experimental treatments for terminally ill patients.
    • Talks with China are not failing. Not on the US side they're not. Leftists, and anyone watching OMISSION MSM are so information-deprived, that often they don't even know what is supposed to be achieved. You know that 4 idiot ex-presidents gave China unrestricted access to our huge/wealthy MARKET right ? And you know that finally somebody (Trump) is taking that away from them now, right ? And you know that's a good thing right ? And you know there's not a damn thing China can do about it, because they need our huge wealthy market to sell their stuff to. Overwhelmingly, we don't need them. Trade war ? Ha. We eat their lunch. China can never engage in a trade war with the US. They have everything to lose. We have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Trump is doing fine with China. Fake news media doesn't say what's going on, and they distort the whole thing.

North Korea hasn't failed. What's your definition of "fail" or succeed ? NK isn't going to denuclearize, and they shouldn't. They have other things to worry about besides the US, like China, Russia, India, and Pakistan. All nuclear armed nations in Asia. Since Trump got friendly with Kim, hostilities have ceased. Trump has done better there any of the last 4 duds.

Again, it looks like you are getting fake news false information. ALL the mass shootings (let's say starting with Fort Hood in 2009) have been in gun-free zones. Why do you think the shooters were able to kill so many people. Nobody was shooting back. Duh!

So our jails are the fullest in the world ? So ? Looks like the cops and courts have been doing their job. And we have more money for cops, courts and prisons, than most countries do. Many of those countries have far worse crime than we do, but they can't afford the law enforcement we have. And we'd have less crime if liberal judges would send criminals to prison for long stretches, and keep them there.

I'm "old" enough to not be suckered by liberal OMISSION media, and their routine fake news "reports".
Trump doesn't even know what a cat 5 hurricane is. That is DUMB.
That is not "dumb". It is ignorance, but only of one particular aspect of one particular subject.

If Trump was dumb, he wouldn't own valuable real estate all over the world, and be flying around in his own private 757. What kind of jet do you own ?

I didn't have a sugar daddy like Trump did. All it shows is Trump is a con man extraordinaire.
You have not shown anything. A old Biden is better than Trump.
I'll show it AGAIN. >>
I remember Biden in his younger days, and he made these stunning gaffes way back then too. It's just HIM, not his age.

There are plenty of politicians Biden's age and older, and they don't gaffe constantly like Biden does (ex. Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Grassley, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Mitch McConnell, Diane Feinstein, etc)

Some people have to be told twice. :rolleyes:

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