Brit PM spells it right out


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Wow, this is fucking amazing!!!!
I wonder if this means the Brit's will be willing to get in the mosques and weed out the bad people? Will they suspend the open door policies?

I'm shocked to see someone of her stature (other than Trump) actually state that Islamic extremeism and Western culture are at odds.

"We cannot and must not pretend that things can continue as they are. Things need to change, and they need to change in 4 important ways.

First, while the recent attacks are not connected by common networks, they are connected in one important sense. They are bound together by the single, evil ideology of Islamist extremism that preaches hatred, sows division, and promotes sectarianism. It is an ideology that claims our Western values of freedom, democracy and human rights are incompatible with the religion of Islam. It is an ideology that is a perversion of Islam and a perversion of the truth."

UK Prime Minister May's statement following London attack
Wow, this is fucking amazing!!!!
I wonder if this means the Brit's will be willing to get in the mosques and weed out the bad people? Will they suspend the open door policies?

I'm shocked to see someone of her stature (other than Trump) actually state that Islamic extremeism and Western culture are at odds.

"We cannot and must not pretend that things can continue as they are. Things need to change, and they need to change in 4 important ways.

First, while the recent attacks are not connected by common networks, they are connected in one important sense. They are bound together by the single, evil ideology of Islamist extremism that preaches hatred, sows division, and promotes sectarianism. It is an ideology that claims our Western values of freedom, democracy and human rights are incompatible with the religion of Islam. It is an ideology that is a perversion of Islam and a perversion of the truth."

UK Prime Minister May's statement following London attack

I'm sure the British MSM will savage her now, she has correctly linked the Terror Kebabs to Islam, that these are Islamic Terrorist attacks and of course the world MSM keeps insisting that these Islamic Terrorist attacks have nothing to do with Islam, they cannot even say ISLAMIC Terrorist attacks, they even are reluctant to say the perpetrators are Muslim.

The situation is that Islam isn't compatible with Western values or Western Civilisation, Islam has never been compatible with Western values or Western Civilisation, they are the polar opposites.

How is Islam compatible with anything even modern, it isn't, Islam has remained unchanged in it's philosophy and practices since the 7th Century.

Do we want to be taken back to 7th Century thinking and practices? No.
Wow, this is fucking amazing!!!!
I wonder if this means the Brit's will be willing to get in the mosques and weed out the bad people? Will they suspend the open door policies?

I'm shocked to see someone of her stature (other than Trump) actually state that Islamic extremeism and Western culture are at odds.

"We cannot and must not pretend that things can continue as they are. Things need to change, and they need to change in 4 important ways.

First, while the recent attacks are not connected by common networks, they are connected in one important sense. They are bound together by the single, evil ideology of Islamist extremism that preaches hatred, sows division, and promotes sectarianism. It is an ideology that claims our Western values of freedom, democracy and human rights are incompatible with the religion of Islam. It is an ideology that is a perversion of Islam and a perversion of the truth."

UK Prime Minister May's statement following London attack
Let me translate it for you.

There is an election on thursday and I need to deflect peoples attention away from the fact that I reduced police numbers by 30,000 including the crucial role of community officer. This has lead to an intelligence breakdown and an upsurge of terrorist attacks.
Wow, this is fucking amazing!!!!
I wonder if this means the Brit's will be willing to get in the mosques and weed out the bad people? Will they suspend the open door policies?

I'm shocked to see someone of her stature (other than Trump) actually state that Islamic extremeism and Western culture are at odds.

"We cannot and must not pretend that things can continue as they are. Things need to change, and they need to change in 4 important ways.

First, while the recent attacks are not connected by common networks, they are connected in one important sense. They are bound together by the single, evil ideology of Islamist extremism that preaches hatred, sows division, and promotes sectarianism. It is an ideology that claims our Western values of freedom, democracy and human rights are incompatible with the religion of Islam. It is an ideology that is a perversion of Islam and a perversion of the truth."

UK Prime Minister May's statement following London attack
Let me translate it for you.

There is an election on thursday and I need to deflect peoples attention away from the fact that I reduced police numbers by 30,000 including the crucial role of community officer. This has lead to an intelligence breakdown and an upsurge of terrorist attacks. learned something....but you fail to go farther...the reason they cut those police is because they need that money to fund social welfare programs that they still can't afford.....we have the same problem here, our politicians spend money on everything except for police...and our violent crime since the Ferguson event has gone up because of it....your police are also backing down for fear of discrimination accusations, as are our police......
Maybe the Brits will come to their senses.

We are dealing with a hateful barbaric political ideology hiding under the cloak of religion.

These Barbarians need to be banned because of their medieval culture & political views; never mind their religion....much like we banned Communists from Russia during the Cold War, without regard for the fact that they were Atheists as well.

When will the Vote-Whoring Democrats in this country come to their senses? These Barbarians from the Middle East and North Africa won't even be reliable Democratic voters. They hate Gays and Women's Rights, for starters.

And yes, only a few actually blow themselves up just to take some Infidels with them, but the ones that do are glorified as Martyrs by a HUGE portion of the rest of the Sick Cultural and their mothers are accorded special status in their communities for birthing one of these Sickos...and all that does is breed more Sickos.

Can anybody tell what these ridiculous Democrats are thinking by insisting we bring in a mass of this Europe and England have done...for which they are now paying dearly.
I'm shocked to see someone of her stature (other than Trump) actually state that Islamic extremeism and Western culture are at odds.
What?!? Really?!? Out of what cave did you just emerge?

Western culture is at odds with almost all forms of extremism...Islamic, Christian, social/racial, political, Zionist, animist, cannibalism, and a host of others. About the only extreme states of mind and being that're not intrinsically at odds with Western culture are extreme wealth and, when exhibited discretely on an individual level, intensive indolence, ignorance and inanity. Indeed, Western culture may be the only one that enables one, on rare occasion, to be both very wealthy and very stupid/ignorant. In other cultures, one can be very wealthy and very crazy, but not very stupid/ignorant.
Wow, this is fucking amazing!!!!
I wonder if this means the Brit's will be willing to get in the mosques and weed out the bad people? Will they suspend the open door policies?

I'm shocked to see someone of her stature (other than Trump) actually state that Islamic extremeism and Western culture are at odds.

"We cannot and must not pretend that things can continue as they are. Things need to change, and they need to change in 4 important ways.

First, while the recent attacks are not connected by common networks, they are connected in one important sense. They are bound together by the single, evil ideology of Islamist extremism that preaches hatred, sows division, and promotes sectarianism. It is an ideology that claims our Western values of freedom, democracy and human rights are incompatible with the religion of Islam. It is an ideology that is a perversion of Islam and a perversion of the truth."

UK Prime Minister May's statement following London attack

She's right. And she isn't attacking all of Islam - she's specific and accurate.
Sounds like she's finally starting to agree with Trump.

And Obama. And Bush.

"Groups like ISIL and al-Qaida want to make this war a war between Islam and America, or between Islam and the West. They want to claim that they are the true leaders of over a billion Muslims around the world who reject their crazy notions. They want us to validate them, by implying that they speak for those billion-plus people, that they speak for Islam. That's their propaganda. That's how they recruit. And if we fall into the trap of painting all Muslims with a broad brush, and imply that we are at war with an entire religion, then we are doing the terrorists' work for them."
Wow, this is fucking amazing!!!!
I wonder if this means the Brit's will be willing to get in the mosques and weed out the bad people? Will they suspend the open door policies?

I'm shocked to see someone of her stature (other than Trump) actually state that Islamic extremeism and Western culture are at odds.

"We cannot and must not pretend that things can continue as they are. Things need to change, and they need to change in 4 important ways.

First, while the recent attacks are not connected by common networks, they are connected in one important sense. They are bound together by the single, evil ideology of Islamist extremism that preaches hatred, sows division, and promotes sectarianism. It is an ideology that claims our Western values of freedom, democracy and human rights are incompatible with the religion of Islam. It is an ideology that is a perversion of Islam and a perversion of the truth."

UK Prime Minister May's statement following London attack

She's right. And she isn't attacking all of Islam - she's specific and accurate.
Like I just said.... she's starting to sound like President Trump.

I can only guess he told her something that is finally sinking in.

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