British cop asks... is it okay in your culture for a man to date a 12 year old?

This is a great example of fake news.

A policeman doing his job and making enquiries. It gets picked up and twisted to make him look like an enabler. Theen a dickhead like the OP tries to give it some traction amongst the low information.
Lol. If the policeman was actually doing his job instead of being worried about being ā€˜culturally insensitiveā€™ he would have arrested the paedo without having to phone a charity.
That you think this is OK is not surprising though, as you also donā€™t seem to have a problem with the authorities turning a blind eye to the muslim paedo gangs operating with impugnity.

Do you think the PC would have phoned a charity if the paedo was a white English Male???

It is precisely this PC crap that has resulted in thousands upon thousands of British children being drugged, trafficked, beaten, prostituted and gang raped by the muslim paedo filth gangs for the last four decades.
If you actually read the story you will see that the officer had already arrested the suspect.

Which kind of invalidates the rest of your rant.

But I will point out the following to you.

If a case is going to court the police have to present a file to the CPS who then make a decision on whether to proceed or not. As part of that the Police have to make as strong a case as possible. The officers research in this instance destroyed the pervs defence and made the case for prosecution stronger.

Wouldnt you agree that this officer was diligent and did a very good job ?
No, YOU seem to be missing the point, Tammy.

The officer phoned a charity to find out if it was the norm for Iraqi men to have relationships with children as he didnā€™t want to be ā€˜culturally insensitiveā€™ FFS.

This is the U.K. - it is not OK for a man of whatever origin or belief to have a relationship of that nature with a child, and it is of no relevance to the officer wether the suspected paedo BELIEVES otherwise or not.

BTW, most paedos think thereā€™s nothing wrong with their perversion either, and that is irrelevant too.

Do police officers treat white British paedos with kid gloves for fear of offending them since they believe there is nothing wrong with their proclivities? NO. And thatā€™s how it should be REGARDLESS OF WHO THE PERP IS.

Our behaviour and attitudes should not change because the man allegedly believes itā€™s all fine for WHATEVER REASON,- yet the police officer was more concerned about cultural sensitivity than anything else.

This is the attitude that led to the disgusting abuse of thousands of young girls all across the nation. But Iā€™m not at all surprised you are OK with it, as youā€™ve done nothing but obfuscate and make excuses since Rotherham was exposed, and youā€™ve never even expressed sympathy for the children raped.

The officer SHOULD NOT have had to phone anyone to check if it was a cultural norm for a grown man to be with a child in this way as it is irrelevant and not something a police officer - of all people - should be concerned about on the basis of perhaps hurting the suspected paedophiles feewings!

Wether the officer treated the man with extra sensitivity or not is also totally irrelevant to whether the CPS believes they can pursue a prosecution or not, you creepy tard, WHICH IS PRECISELY WHY the charity pointed out the obvious when it advised ā€œdeal with the Iraqi in the same way they would deal with any other suspected child sex predatorā€.
Sigh .

Maybe if you had read the story you would have understood that the Officer had arrested the Perv and was doing some checks which ensured that the perv will get a longer sentence.
Those of us who want to see kids protected applaud that.
Those of you who just want to hang muslims are so blinded by hatred that you will never get it.
Just to repeat - the officer had already arrested the perv. Its not difficult hun.
The article said nothing of
Republican culture supports trolling the malls looking for 14 year olds
you should look up the term tu quoque. .

I realize your goal is to defend Muslims having sex with children, but this is a particularly stupid way to go about it.
I donā€™t care how many times Republicans tu quoque young girls

It is still wrong
The lies about Roy Moore reached their half life and died.
Evidently not

He liked to date young teens just like that Muslim guy

The OP condemns Muslim culture for allowing older men to date young girls

Yet, Republican culture encourages the same thing

Republicans? You mean the democrats who run Hollywood, who allow convicted child molestors to continue to work in the industry, and give them awards and honor them, and the democrat controlled public schools where sex offenders are protected by the democrat unions...

You can lie about republicans, but the truth about democrats is there for all to see...

I didnā€™t vote for them as my Senator

Republicans did
Love your pic.
Typical of our SS Medicare VA socialist benefit old white fart posters?
Commemorates sewer workers everywhere
As some of us have been saying, the British police is hopelessly paralysed by fear.

A police officer phoned a charity to ask whether it was ā€œculturally acceptableā€ for an Iraqi paedophile to have a 12-year-old girlfriend.

The detective had arrested the 26-year-old man but wanted to be ā€œculturally sensitiveā€ after the suspect said the relationship was acceptable in his community. Karma Nirvana, the charity that took the call, told the officer to deal with the man as he would any other suspected child abuser.

The charity, which works with victims of forced marriage, said that the case showed the danger of officers whose professional judgement was clouded by fear of being called racist.

Just let that sink in. The fear of being thought of as racist, or accused of racism, has forced state employees to lose all sense. Itā€™s a very real fear. One accusation will ruin your career. So instead of simply enforcing the law and following procedure, it actually crosses the mind of a copper to let a paedophile carry on.

I know; whatā€™s an Iraqi paedophile doing here? This country is beyond mental. People who live elsewhere have no idea how mental the entire state sector has become, under the terror of far-Left indoctrination.

Posted in ATW
This is a great example of fake news.

A policeman doing his job and making enquiries. It gets picked up and twisted to make him look like an enabler. Theen a dickhead like the OP tries to give it some traction amongst the low information.

That he asked the question in the first place is beyond retarded. I don't expect you to realize that. Did you march in that "Another

Brick in The Wall, part 2" video?
Is this thread turning into what goes on in America?

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The lies about Roy Moore reached their half life and died.
Evidently not

He liked to date young teens just like that Muslim guy

12 is not teen. Not only are you repeating lies, but you are lying yourself.

So 13 is OK?

TO you maybe. I was just pointing out your lie.
Just admit it

Conservatives and Muslims like young girls
The lies about Roy Moore reached their half life and died.
Evidently not

He liked to date young teens just like that Muslim guy

12 is not teen. Not only are you repeating lies, but you are lying yourself.

So 13 is OK?

TO you maybe. I was just pointing out your lie.
Just admit it

Conservatives and Muslims like young girls

And your accusation against your fellow Americans is based on lies and your hate.

YOu are an asshole.
There seems to be two strands to this OP going on here.

One, the over politically correct culture of fear prevailing in the UK.

And two, dirty old men in the United States.
And they voted for him as well.

Any more rape rings discovered?

Because of policies your people vote for, over and over again.
Yes, Telford. Even more victims than Rotherham et al, and covered up for four decades.

Wasn't there another one in Suffolk? Or was it Essex?
There have been so many I lose track! Also recently a senior police person said that itā€™s occurring nationwide.
There seems to be two strands to this OP going on here.

One, the over politically correct culture of fear prevailing in the UK.

And two, dirty old men in the United States.
Well, the leftards have to obfuscate and muddy the waters when the issue of muslim paedos is raised. They just canā€™t help themselves.
Every single time.
And they voted for him as well.

Any more rape rings discovered?

Because of policies your people vote for, over and over again.
Yes, Telford. Even more victims than Rotherham et al, and covered up for four decades.

Wasn't there another one in Suffolk? Or was it Essex?
There have been so many I lose track! Also recently a senior police person said that itā€™s occurring nationwide.

That is the obvious fear. I've saw an article discussing how bad it could be, if the ones found, are just the ones found, and it is everywhere.

The potential damage to the young of the UK is staggering.
The lies about Roy Moore reached their half life and died.
Evidently not

He liked to date young teens just like that Muslim guy

The OP condemns Muslim culture for allowing older men to date young girls

Yet, Republican culture encourages the same thing

Republicans? You mean the democrats who run Hollywood, who allow convicted child molestors to continue to work in the industry, and give them awards and honor them, and the democrat controlled public schools where sex offenders are protected by the democrat unions...

You can lie about republicans, but the truth about democrats is there for all to see...
I feel better now.
So we are the safest among educated nations??
You are kidding?
Read about the repub bathroom guy?

Since child rape is apparently allowed by democrats in hollywood and excused in democrat controlled public schools... what is your argument again?

Why do you keep repeating this? It is far from true. There may be a few isolated instances, but you need to put away the broad brush!
Evidently not

He liked to date young teens just like that Muslim guy

12 is not teen. Not only are you repeating lies, but you are lying yourself.

So 13 is OK?

TO you maybe. I was just pointing out your lie.
Just admit it

Conservatives and Muslims like young girls

And your accusation against your fellow Americans is based on lies and your hate.

YOu are an asshole.
Bad enough that Republicans nominated Creepy Roy Moore
They voted for him
12 is not teen. Not only are you repeating lies, but you are lying yourself.

So 13 is OK?

TO you maybe. I was just pointing out your lie.
Just admit it

Conservatives and Muslims like young girls

And your accusation against your fellow Americans is based on lies and your hate.

YOu are an asshole.
Bad enough that Republicans nominated Creepy Roy Moore
They voted for him

MOre and more we are done pretending that your lies are worthy of notice.

That terrifies you. And we both know why.

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