Brokaw - "Republican Party has been declaring war on Hispanics "

Sure they are. That's why more Hispanics voted for President Trump than they did for Romney or McCain.

Trump got 28% of the Hispanic vote, down 12 pts. from the Republican's peak in 2004,

and 2004 is also the last time Republicans won the popular vote since 1988.

In the lead-up to the election, there was a lot of talk about how Latinos would turn out in record numbers to stop Donald Trump. But not only did Trump end up winning, exit polls also indicated that he won 29 percent of the Latino vote — better than Mitt Romney had done four years earlier. 27%.2014 Fox News Exit Polls

But this issue of "illegal immigrants" is exactly WHY the Democrats get a lot of votes.
Couple with the BIASED MSM the Legal hispanic vote just hear from Dems/MSM... "Trump against immigrants!" "Trump Anti-immigrant"!
Which is just the opposite of the truth! GEEZ Trump married an immigrant! 40+million Americans are "legal immigrants". So with the biased MSM
totally ignoring that simple adjective "ILLEGAL" they paint all of us people that love and encourage LEGAL immigrants into "anti-immigrants".
Such a gigantic lie that sadly many of the uninformed "LEGAL" Latinos don't comprehend. Trump and millions like us LOVE LEGAL immigrants.
Because "LEGAL" immigrants do what is necessary to become a LEGAL immigrant. Not sneak across the border, or paying coyotes thousands of dollars.
The sad fact is Obama and is evil ilk encouraged illegals! Encourage coyotes to take money from these illegals because every illegal was a vote.
That simple.
The fact is, we should have solved our illegal problem on a permanent basis via our Commerce Clause. Only the right wing prefers to criminalize everything and "blame the poor".
Sure they are. That's why more Hispanics voted for President Trump than they did for Romney or McCain.

Trump got 28% of the Hispanic vote, down 12 pts. from the Republican's peak in 2004,

and 2004 is also the last time Republicans won the popular vote since 1988.

In the lead-up to the election, there was a lot of talk about how Latinos would turn out in record numbers to stop Donald Trump. But not only did Trump end up winning, exit polls also indicated that he won 29 percent of the Latino vote — better than Mitt Romney had done four years earlier. 27%.2014 Fox News Exit Polls

But this issue of "illegal immigrants" is exactly WHY the Democrats get a lot of votes.
Couple with the BIASED MSM the Legal hispanic vote just hear from Dems/MSM... "Trump against immigrants!" "Trump Anti-immigrant"!
Which is just the opposite of the truth! GEEZ Trump married an immigrant! 40+million Americans are "legal immigrants". So with the biased MSM
totally ignoring that simple adjective "ILLEGAL" they paint all of us people that love and encourage LEGAL immigrants into "anti-immigrants".
Such a gigantic lie that sadly many of the uninformed "LEGAL" Latinos don't comprehend. Trump and millions like us LOVE LEGAL immigrants.
Because "LEGAL" immigrants do what is necessary to become a LEGAL immigrant. Not sneak across the border, or paying coyotes thousands of dollars.
The sad fact is Obama and is evil ilk encouraged illegals! Encourage coyotes to take money from these illegals because every illegal was a vote.
That simple.
Let's go have our drug war in Europe instead of Latin America.
When Reagan gave amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants, it was both incentive and encouragement for millions more to follow in their footsteps.

When Clinton tried to crack down with tougher penalties on employers hiring illegals, Republicans blocked him from doing so.

Trump talks about getting tough on illegals but so far ICE deportations are down from this time last year and way way down from Obama's first year in office.

While Trump was celebrating "Made in America" week, his clothing and housewares were still being manufactured off-shore and Mar-a-lago was applying for 70 H1N1 visas to import hotel maids and cooks from Mexico.

Trump talks the talk, but at every step of the way and at every opportunity, he fails to walk the walk.

Republicans like cheap illegal labour. Always have. Always will.

You're wrong.

About what?

Immigration arrests up, deportations down under Trump

The disastrous, forgotten 1996 law that created today's immigration problem

What Donald Trump Knew About Undocumented Workers at His Signature Tower

Opinion | Trump’s ‘Made in America’ week is a hypocritical joke

Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort applies for 70 foreign worker visas during 'Made in America' week

Your dishonesty towards president Trump is either intentional or you are ignorant as hell on illegal immigration. Even your liberal media have admitted illegals trying to sneak across the border is down 70% vs Obama. Typical of the left you are telling twisted half truths and spinning dishonestly.
Links or it is just, right wing fantasy.
When Reagan gave amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants, it was both incentive and encouragement for millions more to follow in their footsteps.

When Clinton tried to crack down with tougher penalties on employers hiring illegals, Republicans blocked him from doing so.

Trump talks about getting tough on illegals but so far ICE deportations are down from this time last year and way way down from Obama's first year in office.

While Trump was celebrating "Made in America" week, his clothing and housewares were still being manufactured off-shore and Mar-a-lago was applying for 70 H1N1 visas to import hotel maids and cooks from Mexico.

Trump talks the talk, but at every step of the way and at every opportunity, he fails to walk the walk.

Republicans like cheap illegal labour. Always have. Always will.

You're wrong.

About what?

Immigration arrests up, deportations down under Trump

The disastrous, forgotten 1996 law that created today's immigration problem

What Donald Trump Knew About Undocumented Workers at His Signature Tower

Opinion | Trump’s ‘Made in America’ week is a hypocritical joke

Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort applies for 70 foreign worker visas during 'Made in America' week

Your dishonesty towards president Trump is either intentional or you are ignorant as hell on illegal immigration. Even your liberal media have admitted illegals trying to sneak across the border is down 70% vs Obama. Typical of the left you are telling twisted half truths and spinning dishonestly.

No that's not what they say at all. Illegal immigration is down from 70% from last fall but that happens every year. It peaks in the late fall and drops bigtime in the spring. Illegal immigration from Mexico has dropped like a stone since 2009.

Trump lied to you but that shouldn't be a surprise by this time.

Why undocumented immigration from Latin America to the US will slow to a crawl—even without a border wall

Apparently you lack the integrity to acknowledge president Trump's reduction in illegal immigration, a reduction backed up by the very government agency responsible for combating illegal immigration. Apparently they are all lying and your spin is correct is that really your claim??

Until the left stop lying they will make no measureable gains in elections, I would have thought they figured that out by now.
Links? Right wing fantasy may Only be right, twice a day.
Sure they are. That's why more Hispanics voted for President Trump than they did for Romney or McCain.

Trump got 28% of the Hispanic vote, down 12 pts. from the Republican's peak in 2004,

and 2004 is also the last time Republicans won the popular vote since 1988.
So Trump is President because of Hispanics.

No, Trump is president because every once in awhile Americans in fairly large numbers do something they later really really really regret.

Supporting the Vietnam War at the beginning, for example. Supporting the Iraq War in the beginning, for example.

Voting for Trump, for example.
I am working on, "no buyers' remorse".
What crime did they commit? They did not come to this country of their own volition...but they have been raised as Americans. America and its values are all they know.

You don't know that. None of these dreamers were vetted. Aunt Barry just took them at their word and ALL illegals have learned to say they were brought here by their parents as infants. THINK
They grew up here as your neighbors.
...It does matter and who is "in charge" is what does not matter.
God bless your kind heart... and your naivete... you go right on believing that.

The only poll that matters at the moment is the one held on November 8, 2016.

Your only chances are (1) that a Republican -controlled Congress will rescue them within 5 months and 28 days or (2) the Imperial Cheeto rescues them.

Some odds, eh?

Good luck with that...
Interesting. The right wing has had nothing but repeal since the campaign.

Even wo-men in the non-porn sector can do that.
What crime did they commit? They did not come to this country of their own volition...but they have been raised as Americans. America and its values are all they know.

They had five years to do it and they didn't.
That says they don't want to become legal citizens.
All of them had plenty of chances under Regan and Clinton and they didn't to it.
They are all breaking our immigration laws and refuse to become legal citizens like everyone else has done.

They were kids. They were going to school and planning their futures. Some don't even know they aren't U.S. citizens so just stop. Learn what the DACA program is for piss sake.

That's an excuse seawytch, there is always excuses with each and every program that has been given to all of them.
I do know what DACA is, as well as Reagan's and Clintons programs.
They don't want to become Americans.
No you don't if you think these kids who weren't even born yet could take advantage of Reagan's amnesty or whatever you think Clinton did.

They already are Americans.

I wasn't talking about just the kids.
I was talking about the pattern.
New people are coming in. That is the pattern for the previous generation.
What crime did they commit? They did not come to this country of their own volition...but they have been raised as Americans. America and its values are all they know.

You don't know that. None of these dreamers were vetted. Aunt Barry just took them at their word and ALL illegals have learned to say they were brought here by their parents as infants. THINK

All of the DACA kids were vetted when they got their temporary green cards. They had to jump through a lot of hoops to get those green cards, including a criminal records check.

To say they've been here for years and done nothing towards getting legal is an outright lie. They're doing all they can to get legal short and Trump is ending the program that would do it.
Illegals are criminals and everyone should declare war on them. Hispanic, asian, irish. Doesn't matter. They come here illegally to steal jobs and welfare dollars from the taxpayer citizens.

get a better education and nobody can steal your job.


RW dolts are all about cutting education.

never mind, stay stupid.
Oh, look! Someone who thinks an education can only be had at a University.
so one point to keep in mind as we discuss this illegal's topic, why would democrats fight so hard for illegals if it wasn't the intentions to get them voting for them? I see no other logical explanation. So this entire argument proves Mr. Trump's illegals voted comments. exponentially

What it proves is you'll buy into any conspiracy you want to believe.
So you lean to the undead and buried D auxillary?
Does the MSM ever wonder why their viewership is in a death spiral?
Since the November 2016 elections, only about 25% of the population even trusts
anything these lying a**holes in the media have to say. And Brokaw is nothing more
than an over-the-hill lefty loudmouth.
What crime did they commit? They did not come to this country of their own volition...but they have been raised as Americans. America and its values are all they know.

You don't know that. None of these dreamers were vetted. Aunt Barry just took them at their word and ALL illegals have learned to say they were brought here by their parents as infants. THINK

All of the DACA kids were vetted when they got their temporary green cards. They had to jump through a lot of hoops to get those green cards, including a criminal records check.

To say they've been here for years and done nothing towards getting legal is an outright lie. They're doing all they can to get legal short and Trump is ending the program that would do it.
do they have to wait until they are eighteen to complete the process?
Illegals are criminals and everyone should declare war on them. Hispanic, asian, irish. Doesn't matter. They come here illegally to steal jobs and welfare dollars from the taxpayer citizens.

get a better education and nobody can steal your job.


RW dolts are all about cutting education.

never mind, stay stupid.

"If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to the library" -- Frank Zappa

Our educational system is begging to be reformed
I believe the left wing should be advocating for ending the drug war, and redistributing that wealth, toward funding healthcare.

I would be willing to vote blue instead of red, just for that.

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