Broward Sheriff Dept stripped of accreditation by hard left Sheriff who wants Job back


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Scott Israel was Sheriff of Broward County during the parkland School Shootings a few years back.
Gross negligence and failure to perform duties was found to be widespread in the department.

Israel was relieved of duty earlier this year after the election of Florida governor, Rick DeSantis.

Now, the Broward County Sheriff's Office has lost it's state accreditation due to a lack of leadership under Scott Israel.

But in spite of the deaths under his watch and the blatant incompetence, Israel has filed to run for re-election next year.

This is the same Sheriff who has OPENLY called for the victimization of women by declaring a war on the 2nd Amendment and declaring that citizens should not be armed. "That's the job of Police" he said.

Typical of the hypocritical Left which refuses to accept responsibility. I'm sure Israel blames the victims for getting shot.

Broward County Sheriff's Office loses accreditation after school massacre, Florida airport shooting: report

Suspended Sheriff Scott Israel files paperwork to run for sheriff in 2020

Sadly, there are enough imbeciles and blind party line voters in Broward to get this clown back in look for more school shootings, compliments of the rabid left.

May I suggest....please take a few moments from your busy forum posting schedule to find out who you think would make a good Broward Sheriff in 2020 and vote accordingly. If you're a leftist and you like your school shootings, vote Israel and you can keep your school shootings. Otherwise, chose someone more responsible and Constitutional and then vote.
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Broward county is almost a hopeless cause. What it needs is for the state to step in, clean house and run it for a few years. After which, the populace can attempt local self governance again. As is, it is totally corrupt and incompetent.
Broward county is almost a hopeless cause. What it needs is for the state to step in, clean house and run it for a few years. After which, the populace can attempt local self governance again. As is, it is totally corrupt and incompetent.

As always....when Dims get control.....chaos and corruption are sure to follow
Scott Israel was Sheriff of Broward County during the parkland School Shootings a few years back.
Gross negligence and failure to perform duties was found to be widespread in the department.

Israel was relieved of duty earlier this year after the election of Florida governor, Rick DeSantis.

Now, the Broward County Sheriff's Office has lost it's state accreditation due to a lack of leadership under Scott Israel.

But in spite of the deaths under his watch and the blatant incompetence, Israel has filed to run for re-election next year.

This is the same Sheriff who has OPENLY called for the victimization of women by declaring a war on the 2nd Amendment and declaring that citizens should not be armed. "That's the job of Police" he said.

Typical of the hypocritical Left which refuses to accept responsibility. I'm sure Israel blames the victims for getting shot.

Broward County Sheriff's Office loses accreditation after school massacre, Florida airport shooting: report

Suspended Sheriff Scott Israel files paperwork to run for sheriff in 2020

Sadly, there are enough imbeciles and blind party line voters in Broward to get this clown back in look for more school shootings, compliments of the rabid left.

May I suggest....please take a few moments from your busy forum posting schedule to find out who you think would make a good Broward Sheriff in 2020 and vote accordingly. If you're a leftist and you like your school shootings, vote Israel and you can keep your school shootings. Otherwise, chose someone more responsible and Constitutional and then vote.

Didn’t he have a policy of not putting blacks in jail? An official policy ?
Didn’t he have a policy of not putting blacks in jail? An official policy ?

That, I hadn't heard. And I can find nothing supporting that claim.

But any time a Law enforcement official sworn to uphold the Constitution starts openly stating that "civilians have no need for guns", that's a shot over the bow of freedom and rights.

So glad I was able to leave that area.
"That's the job of police"

His own deputies sat idle while children were massacred.
Yes. We see how Scott Israel's sheriff's do their jobs. Ask some of the parents who lost children because Israel and his cowardly incompetents sat on their asses while children were murdered.

Please study up on this piece of shit, Israel. He's as evil and dirty as they come and in a fair country he would be in prison right now for his part in the Stoneman-Douglas school shooting.
Liberal Loser Sheriff Israel BUSTED! 'Dirty Secret' Tying Him To School Shooter Just FOUND
He's petitioned to run for Sheriff again.
It seems he was filling the ranks with Socialist sympathetic deputies and officers.

He would be "ideal" if and when a Leftist gains power (2020?) and the confiscations begin. THE PERFECT CONFISCATION SHERIFF. Bar none.

wouldn't be one bit surprisd if he was backed by George Soreass.

One mo time...if you like your freedom....and you're in Broward County Florida, at the very least know who's running for sheriff and VOTE for at least THAT one position.

As soon as I know which person is running and is a "safe" candidate, I'll post it here/
Didn’t he have a policy of not putting blacks in jail? An official policy ?

That, I hadn't heard. And I can find nothing supporting that claim.

But any time a Law enforcement official sworn to uphold the Constitution starts openly stating that "civilians have no need for guns", that's a shot over the bow of freedom and rights.

So glad I was able to leave that area.

This article mentions the policy it but glosses over the effects.

Broward Sheriff Dept stripped of accreditation by hard left Sheriff who wants Job back

However the abstract of the policy clearly states the purpose. When the policy was agreed to between the Broward schools and Broward Sheriffs department a stated goal was to "reduce suspensions, expulsions and arrests (particularly among youth of color)". The NAACP was a signatory to the agreement.
The School Board of Broward County, Florida : II-1. Collaborative Agreement on School Discipline (SPECIAL ORDER - 11:30 A.M.) (ADDED)

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