"Brownie....You're Doin' A Helluva Job"

I saw Army helicopters rescuing people as soon as the wind died down enough for them to safely fly.

more likely coast guard, but your point is valid. By not landing Bush allowed the rescue people to do their jobs without the delays that his security detail would have caused. It was the right thing to do----give up a photo op and let the recovery proceed.
Umm, the federal response did not require a personal appearance by Bush. Aid, food, and medical supplies would have sufficed. There was no excuse to take a week to get down there.

Only a submarine would have been able to deliver anything there until the water receded and the roads were made passable. I saw boats rescuing people and delivering water and food to stranded people in homes.
10 years later and righties are still making excuses. :eusa_doh: Brown's been fired for FEMA's horrible response, you can stop fluffing him now.

Ray Nagin is sitting in prison right now for his actions in the aftermath of Katrina...FEMA responded as it always does...slowly. The reason that Katrina was such a disaster was because the locals were incompetent or corrupt and those locals were all Democrats. Sorry to point out the inconvenient, Kiddies...but Brown was a scapegoat...nothing more nothing less.
Ray Nagin has nothing to do with this thread and Ray Nagin did nothing to slow down FEMA's response. Your deflection is noted and I suggest you start a thread about Ray Nagin if that's what you want to discuss. Meanwhile, pertinent to this thread, FEMA's response was neglectfully slow and Brown was rightfully terminated.
there was no place to land..the airport wasn't magically immune from storm damage...

That he flew over isn't the problem really..the problem was the lack of response for days and days.

I saw Army helicopters rescuing people as soon as the wind died down enough for them to safely fly.

more likely coast guard, but your point is valid. By not landing Bush allowed the rescue people to do their jobs without the delays that his security detail would have caused. It was the right thing to do----give up a photo op and let the recovery proceed.
Umm, the federal response did not require a personal appearance by Bush. Aid, food, and medical supplies would have sufficed. There was no excuse to take a week to get down there.

Only a submarine would have been able to deliver anything there until the water receded and the roads were made passable. I saw boats rescuing people and delivering water and food to stranded people in homes.
10 years later and righties are still making excuses. :eusa_doh: Brown's been fired for FEMA's horrible response, you can stop fluffing him now.

Everyone with more than half a brain knows that the clusterfuck was caused by the Governor not allowing Bush to federalize the rescue efforts. FEMA did everything they were allowed to do.
more likely coast guard, but your point is valid. By not landing Bush allowed the rescue people to do their jobs without the delays that his security detail would have caused. It was the right thing to do----give up a photo op and let the recovery proceed.
Umm, the federal response did not require a personal appearance by Bush. Aid, food, and medical supplies would have sufficed. There was no excuse to take a week to get down there.

Only a submarine would have been able to deliver anything there until the water receded and the roads were made passable. I saw boats rescuing people and delivering water and food to stranded people in homes.
10 years later and righties are still making excuses. :eusa_doh: Brown's been fired for FEMA's horrible response, you can stop fluffing him now.

Ray Nagin is sitting in prison right now for his actions in the aftermath of Katrina...FEMA responded as it always does...slowly. The reason that Katrina was such a disaster was because the locals were incompetent or corrupt and those locals were all Democrats. Sorry to point out the inconvenient, Kiddies...but Brown was a scapegoat...nothing more nothing less.
Ray Nagin has nothing to do with this thread and Ray Nagin did nothing to slow down FEMA's response. Your deflection is noted and I suggest you start a thread about Ray Nagin if that's what you want to discuss. Meanwhile, pertinent to this thread, FEMA's response was neglectfully slow and Brown was rightfully terminated.

Ray Nagin selected the Superdome as a safe haven after being warned that it could not survive more than a Cat III hurricane but he ignored that warning. The first thing that happened was the roof was torn off and it was surrounded by 12 feet of water. FEMA had stored some basic food and other emergency gear in the Superdome, but since they knew it was susceptible to considerable damage, they did not store a lot due to the risk of losing it. Say thank you Ray Nagin.
I saw Army helicopters rescuing people as soon as the wind died down enough for them to safely fly.

more likely coast guard, but your point is valid. By not landing Bush allowed the rescue people to do their jobs without the delays that his security detail would have caused. It was the right thing to do----give up a photo op and let the recovery proceed.
Umm, the federal response did not require a personal appearance by Bush. Aid, food, and medical supplies would have sufficed. There was no excuse to take a week to get down there.

Only a submarine would have been able to deliver anything there until the water receded and the roads were made passable. I saw boats rescuing people and delivering water and food to stranded people in homes.
10 years later and righties are still making excuses. :eusa_doh: Brown's been fired for FEMA's horrible response, you can stop fluffing him now.

Everyone with more than half a brain knows that the clusterfuck was caused by the Governor not allowing Bush to federalize the rescue efforts. FEMA did everything they were allowed to do.

Anyone who lives in hurricane prone areas and has lived through some large storms knows full well what FEMA is good at doing and what they are NOT good at! FEMA will NOT be rescuing you if you're trapped by rising flood waters. FEMA deliberately stages emergency responders well outside of areas the storm will affect to keep them and equipment safe. FEMA will NOT be getting you food, water and medical supplies shortly after a storm hits. In the beginning you're on your own...a fact that is repeatedly stressed by public services messages of what you should expect if you don't evacuate during a bad storm. You are told over and over again that if you DO choose not to evacuate that you need to stockpile enough food and water to last you a minimum of five days because it's going to take a long time for agencies like FEMA to move assets into heavily damaged areas from where they have been staged.
Umm, the federal response did not require a personal appearance by Bush. Aid, food, and medical supplies would have sufficed. There was no excuse to take a week to get down there.

Only a submarine would have been able to deliver anything there until the water receded and the roads were made passable. I saw boats rescuing people and delivering water and food to stranded people in homes.
10 years later and righties are still making excuses. :eusa_doh: Brown's been fired for FEMA's horrible response, you can stop fluffing him now.

Ray Nagin is sitting in prison right now for his actions in the aftermath of Katrina...FEMA responded as it always does...slowly. The reason that Katrina was such a disaster was because the locals were incompetent or corrupt and those locals were all Democrats. Sorry to point out the inconvenient, Kiddies...but Brown was a scapegoat...nothing more nothing less.
Ray Nagin has nothing to do with this thread and Ray Nagin did nothing to slow down FEMA's response. Your deflection is noted and I suggest you start a thread about Ray Nagin if that's what you want to discuss. Meanwhile, pertinent to this thread, FEMA's response was neglectfully slow and Brown was rightfully terminated.

Ray Nagin selected the Superdome as a safe haven after being warned that it could not survive more than a Cat III hurricane but he ignored that warning. The first thing that happened was the roof was torn off and it was surrounded by 12 feet of water. FEMA had stored some basic food and other emergency gear in the Superdome, but since they knew it was susceptible to considerable damage, they did not store a lot due to the risk of losing it. Say thank you Ray Nagin.


I'm not sure there was 12 feet of water anywhere, certainly not there, nor was the roof "torn off". There were a few panels blown off, not the whole roof. And the idea of using the Stupordome as a shelter was there long before Nagin.

I just tore the roof off your latest fantasy and drowned it in 12 feet of experience. Say thank you.
What's disgusting about Ray Nagin is that he sought to profit personally from the tragedy that befell New Orleans because of that hurricane. How do you do that to YOUR people?
Only a submarine would have been able to deliver anything there until the water receded and the roads were made passable. I saw boats rescuing people and delivering water and food to stranded people in homes.
10 years later and righties are still making excuses. :eusa_doh: Brown's been fired for FEMA's horrible response, you can stop fluffing him now.

Ray Nagin is sitting in prison right now for his actions in the aftermath of Katrina...FEMA responded as it always does...slowly. The reason that Katrina was such a disaster was because the locals were incompetent or corrupt and those locals were all Democrats. Sorry to point out the inconvenient, Kiddies...but Brown was a scapegoat...nothing more nothing less.
Ray Nagin has nothing to do with this thread and Ray Nagin did nothing to slow down FEMA's response. Your deflection is noted and I suggest you start a thread about Ray Nagin if that's what you want to discuss. Meanwhile, pertinent to this thread, FEMA's response was neglectfully slow and Brown was rightfully terminated.

Ray Nagin selected the Superdome as a safe haven after being warned that it could not survive more than a Cat III hurricane but he ignored that warning. The first thing that happened was the roof was torn off and it was surrounded by 12 feet of water. FEMA had stored some basic food and other emergency gear in the Superdome, but since they knew it was susceptible to considerable damage, they did not store a lot due to the risk of losing it. Say thank you Ray Nagin.


I'm not sure there was 12 feet of water anywhere, certainly not there, nor was the roof "torn off". There were a few panels blown off, not the whole roof. And the idea of using the Stupordome as a shelter was there long before Nagin.

I just tore the roof off your latest fantasy and drowned it in 12 feet of experience. Say thank you.

What's disgusting about Ray Nagin is that he sought to profit personally from the tragedy that befell New Orleans because of that hurricane. How do you do that to YOUR people?

Nagin left a parting-shot gift when he was thankfully on the way out -- new parking meters, the kind where you leave a ticket on your dash instead of feeding a post, which means they can double-dip for the same time, plus parking started to get charged on Saturdays.

I wouldn't be the least surprised if he got some kind of kickback from that. In fact I'd be shocked if he didn't.
speaking of trying to profit off Katrina. did you see the little man Obama go down and say it was Because there wasn't ENOUGH GOVERNMENT. the man will take any tragedy with death and try to capitalize on it. he's as low as Ray Nagin
10 years later and righties are still making excuses. :eusa_doh: Brown's been fired for FEMA's horrible response, you can stop fluffing him now.

Ray Nagin is sitting in prison right now for his actions in the aftermath of Katrina...FEMA responded as it always does...slowly. The reason that Katrina was such a disaster was because the locals were incompetent or corrupt and those locals were all Democrats. Sorry to point out the inconvenient, Kiddies...but Brown was a scapegoat...nothing more nothing less.
Ray Nagin has nothing to do with this thread and Ray Nagin did nothing to slow down FEMA's response. Your deflection is noted and I suggest you start a thread about Ray Nagin if that's what you want to discuss. Meanwhile, pertinent to this thread, FEMA's response was neglectfully slow and Brown was rightfully terminated.

Ray Nagin selected the Superdome as a safe haven after being warned that it could not survive more than a Cat III hurricane but he ignored that warning. The first thing that happened was the roof was torn off and it was surrounded by 12 feet of water. FEMA had stored some basic food and other emergency gear in the Superdome, but since they knew it was susceptible to considerable damage, they did not store a lot due to the risk of losing it. Say thank you Ray Nagin.


I'm not sure there was 12 feet of water anywhere, certainly not there, nor was the roof "torn off". There were a few panels blown off, not the whole roof. And the idea of using the Stupordome as a shelter was there long before Nagin.

I just tore the roof off your latest fantasy and drowned it in 12 feet of experience. Say thank you.


Are those guys standing in the water 32 feet tall then?

No. So the claim falls to the ground. Dumbass.

Let's have a look at the Stupordome, September 5, a week after the storm and after it had been evacuated ...


Not quite the light show we'd expect from a "roof torn off", now is it?

So that claim go bye bye too.

Revisionists...... :fu:
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speaking of trying to profit off Katrina. did you see the little man Obama go down and say it was Because there wasn't ENOUGH GOVERNMENT. the man will take any tragedy with death and try to capitalize on it. he's as low as Ray Nagin

Go fuck yourself. Barack O'bama wasn't involved in Katrina, any more than the governor fled the state, the Stupordome was under 12 feet of water, or George Fucking Bush created the hurricane. Fuck you.
Remember Katrina and George W. Bush's totally unbelievable mishandling of the massive destruction and death in Louisiana, and Mississippi? I Do!

It wasn't as bad and irresponsible as Iraq but it was in the game.

I hate Kenye West, but damn, that was spot on.
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What's disgusting about Ray Nagin is that he sought to profit personally from the tragedy that befell New Orleans because of that hurricane. How do you do that to YOUR people?

Nagin left a parting-shot gift when he was thankfully on the way out -- new parking meters, the kind where you leave a ticket on your dash instead of feeding a post, which means they can double-dip for the same time, plus parking started to get charged on Saturdays.

I wouldn't be the least surprised if he got some kind of kickback from that. In fact I'd be shocked if he didn't.

Dude, Nagin got more than $200,000 cash in kickbacks plus vacations to Hawaii and Jamaica for him and his family and even free cell phone service from the companies he extorted. He pretty much got kick backs from everything and he was doing it before Katrina...during Katrina and AFTER Katrina!
What's disgusting about Ray Nagin is that he sought to profit personally from the tragedy that befell New Orleans because of that hurricane. How do you do that to YOUR people?

Nagin left a parting-shot gift when he was thankfully on the way out -- new parking meters, the kind where you leave a ticket on your dash instead of feeding a post, which means they can double-dip for the same time, plus parking started to get charged on Saturdays.

I wouldn't be the least surprised if he got some kind of kickback from that. In fact I'd be shocked if he didn't.

Dude, Nagin got more than $200,000 cash in kickbacks plus vacations to Hawaii and Jamaica for him and his family and even free cell phone service from the companies he extorted. He pretty much got kick backs from everything and he was doing it before Katrina...during Katrina and AFTER Katrina!

No shit Sherlock. Everybody in New Orleans knows that. That's why he's universally despised.
Working Very Well for Them

Former first lady Barbara Bush said that New Orleans refugees being housed in the Houston Astrodome were "underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them."

Status: True.

Origins: On 5 September 2005, Mrs. Bush and her husband,
former president George Bush, toured the Astrodome complex in Houston that is being used as temporary lodging for thousands of displaced citizens from New Orleans and visited with evacuees being housed there. On this walk-thru of the make-shift quarters that amount to little more than a sea of cots in a wide open room, they were accompanied by former president Bill Clinton and his wife, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. The visit was intended as a bipartisan show of support for victims and a as forum for announcing the creation of the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund, a charitable endeavor aimed at facilitating short and long term relief efforts in the afflicted Gulf Coast states.

Later that day, Mrs. Bush was a guest on Marketplace, a show on public radio. During that interview she made these remarks about her interactions with the people quartered in the Astrodome:
Almost everyone I've talked to says, 'We're going to move to Houston.' What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality.

And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this, this is working very well for them.

snopes.com: Barbara Bush 'Working Very Well for Them' Quote
Ray Nagin is sitting in prison right now for his actions in the aftermath of Katrina...FEMA responded as it always does...slowly. The reason that Katrina was such a disaster was because the locals were incompetent or corrupt and those locals were all Democrats. Sorry to point out the inconvenient, Kiddies...but Brown was a scapegoat...nothing more nothing less.
Ray Nagin has nothing to do with this thread and Ray Nagin did nothing to slow down FEMA's response. Your deflection is noted and I suggest you start a thread about Ray Nagin if that's what you want to discuss. Meanwhile, pertinent to this thread, FEMA's response was neglectfully slow and Brown was rightfully terminated.

Ray Nagin selected the Superdome as a safe haven after being warned that it could not survive more than a Cat III hurricane but he ignored that warning. The first thing that happened was the roof was torn off and it was surrounded by 12 feet of water. FEMA had stored some basic food and other emergency gear in the Superdome, but since they knew it was susceptible to considerable damage, they did not store a lot due to the risk of losing it. Say thank you Ray Nagin.


I'm not sure there was 12 feet of water anywhere, certainly not there, nor was the roof "torn off". There were a few panels blown off, not the whole roof. And the idea of using the Stupordome as a shelter was there long before Nagin.

I just tore the roof off your latest fantasy and drowned it in 12 feet of experience. Say thank you.


Are those guys standing in the water 32 feet tall then?

No. So the claim falls to the ground. Dumbass.

The Superdome was surrounded by flood waters making your claim that it was not a giant FAIL! Who's the real dumbass?
Ray Nagin has nothing to do with this thread and Ray Nagin did nothing to slow down FEMA's response. Your deflection is noted and I suggest you start a thread about Ray Nagin if that's what you want to discuss. Meanwhile, pertinent to this thread, FEMA's response was neglectfully slow and Brown was rightfully terminated.

Ray Nagin selected the Superdome as a safe haven after being warned that it could not survive more than a Cat III hurricane but he ignored that warning. The first thing that happened was the roof was torn off and it was surrounded by 12 feet of water. FEMA had stored some basic food and other emergency gear in the Superdome, but since they knew it was susceptible to considerable damage, they did not store a lot due to the risk of losing it. Say thank you Ray Nagin.


I'm not sure there was 12 feet of water anywhere, certainly not there, nor was the roof "torn off". There were a few panels blown off, not the whole roof. And the idea of using the Stupordome as a shelter was there long before Nagin.

I just tore the roof off your latest fantasy and drowned it in 12 feet of experience. Say thank you.


Are those guys standing in the water 32 feet tall then?

No. So the claim falls to the ground. Dumbass.

The Superdome was surrounded by flood waters making your claim that it was not a giant FAIL! Who's the real dumbass?

he first thing that happened was the roof was torn off and it was surrounded by 12 feet of water.


Twelve feet would have submerged all these cars, and the guys wading in TooFail's photo in nut-deep water would be completely invisible, even if one stood on the other's shoulders.

Learn to read, DUMBASS.
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Working Very Well for Them

Former first lady Barbara Bush said that New Orleans refugees being housed in the Houston Astrodome were "underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them."

Status: True.

Origins: On 5 September 2005, Mrs. Bush and her husband,
former president George Bush, toured the Astrodome complex in Houston that is being used as temporary lodging for thousands of displaced citizens from New Orleans and visited with evacuees being housed there. On this walk-thru of the make-shift quarters that amount to little more than a sea of cots in a wide open room, they were accompanied by former president Bill Clinton and his wife, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. The visit was intended as a bipartisan show of support for victims and a as forum for announcing the creation of the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund, a charitable endeavor aimed at facilitating short and long term relief efforts in the afflicted Gulf Coast states.

Later that day, Mrs. Bush was a guest on Marketplace, a show on public radio. During that interview she made these remarks about her interactions with the people quartered in the Astrodome:
Almost everyone I've talked to says, 'We're going to move to Houston.' What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality.

And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this, this is working very well for them.

snopes.com: Barbara Bush 'Working Very Well for Them' Quote

One of the problems that FEMA ran into was that people who were living in FEMA provided trailers following Katrina refused to move out because the trailers were better than what they could afford to live in on their own. Babs could have chosen her words more judiciously than she did but in many ways they were spot on. For so many of the refugees from New Orleans...conditions in Texas WERE better for than what they had back in Louisiana.

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