"Brownie....You're Doin' A Helluva Job"

Can't anyone take responsibility for such a horrible sad unnecessary situation. Why is it that Bush gets the " I was misinformed again" crap.

Harry Connick Jr. got there in No time flat helping and the Gov. sends in a what ...??? Nothing for days!!!

As President Bush battled criticism over the response to Hurricane Katrina, his mother declared it a success for evacuees who "were underprivileged anyway,"

Brownie would have had a much better response in his sleep, if he did 1/2 of what happened 10 years ago Fox news , The Blaze, would be news casting it for days.

Remember Katrina and George W. Bush's totally unbelievable mishandling of the massive destruction and death in Louisiana, and Mississippi? I Do!

It wasn't as bad and irresponsible as Iraq but it was in the game.

total bullshit. I lived through it. The mishandling was by the governor, Blanco, and the mayor (now in jail) Nagin. Those two idiots hated each other and were both dems who were determined to make the administration look bad at the expense of the citizens.
the fed government has responsibilities to help americans in natural disasters. There's no reason it should have taken days and days. The hurricane didn't just magically appear that morning..it had already crossed across florida.
On one hand there's personal responsibility..on the other hand the gvt has obligations...we pay taxes, too.

the federal govt can only step in when asked by the governor and/or mayor. Nagin and Blanco are to blame for the delay.

Again, see "Chertoff, Michael". I'll pull a link when I get time.
Sounds to me like you're pretty clueless if you can't turn on the TV and watch the weather.

Yeah I did that, fuck face -- after I got word.

Clearly you're too stupid to comprehend what's being said here. I'm telling tank-boy that 36 hours before the actual landfall, word was just then beginning to get around. It's a time reference.

Understand, stupid?
pogo, as natives there is no excuse not to know a hurricane is coming..and katrina wasn't just a "regular" hurricane

I'm hip. That was just to put some timeline perspective into it. It was about 2pm Saturday (8/27) that I became aware there even was a hurricane coming. Summa these outliers seem to think it was like a scheduled event with posters on telephone poles all month.

Katrina was around for a while and as you mention crossed Florida... but its path was erratic if you remember, and it wasn't certain at all before then that it was coming to NOLA.
A tornado can give you MINUTES of warning.

And an F-5 can packs winds of 250-350 mph (and you may have an hours' warning, if you're lucky).

If a hurricane is headed your way, you have several days... GET OUT!!!

You don't have "several days" stupid. You have several hours.

What kind of moron conflates hurricanes and tornadoes just because they both involve wind?
Then you need to get a TV.
The blame belongs on Nagin and Blanco. There was plenty of warning. BUT, no one anticipated the levees breaking. If the levees had held it would have been a wind event with minimal damage.

Now, why did the levees break? Why were they not properly built and maintained? which party has controlled New Orleans forever? The answer to the last question answers the others. Dems cannot manage anything correctly. NOLA proves it. and I live here, I see it every day.

Neither Nagin nor Blanco built the levees. That's already been established, definitively, as the fault of the Army Corps of Engineers. Nothing Nagin or Blanco did or didn't do is at significant variance with any other hurricane. The difference, as I said before and as you agreed above, is that the levees broke. And that's the ACofE.

Your feeble attempts to make this into a political football are, in a word, disgusting.
Have you ever had to make it through an F-5 tornado??? I had to in Little Rock (shelter-in-place). The point is, if you can get warning of something like Katrina, YOU GET THE FUCK OUT!!!

You CAN'T control the weather!!!

Worry about the property later, unless you are willing to die for it... and then hope the Democrats don't steal the money you need!!!!!

I didn't mention "property", although that can be part of it. In my case it was a little of that and a lot more getting people and animals -- and their food and medications etc -- together. Let alone establishing where we were going.

But your point is taken -- I could have said "fuck it" and left them to drown.

We got the evacuation order by phone at 2:30 am. We were on the road by 8am with everything we considered irreplaceable, two dogs and two cats and some food water and wine. took 16 hours to go a distance that usually takes 4 hours. Saw many people stranded on the road with no gas, stopped at a station in Ala where there was a very long line and about 10 state troopers, they let you buy 10 gallons, no more. spent one night in the car at a rest stop, finally got to Jackson and spent 4 days there with no power. Came home, secured the house with a tarp and left until the power came back on 10 days later. I do not ever want to have to do that again.

By phone from a friend? See, that's even 12 hours later than I got word.

Your travel story is consistent with mine. Somehow I got on the wrong contraflow lane and had to go through Baton Rouge :puke: and they wouldn't let me up I-55. My destination was southern Mississippi, on the river. There we got a minor storm and some wind, some light branches broken, no big deal, but the power went out for days. Yet right across the river in Vidalia everybody had power. It's the way the states are set up. Eventually they got crews coming down -- from Arkansas -- to get power restored.

At the time there were fine generous people offering housing everywhere from Mexico to Nova Scotia. I seriously thought about Nova Scotia but I ended up coming to the mountains of Carolina, a vacation house in the mountains with seven levels of Appalachian peaks to look at. We weren't allowed back into the city for five weeks -- early October --- and even then there was no power, no utilities, no police, no traffic lights and no place to eat but for a couple of joints out in Metairie. And the first order of business was to tape up your refrigerator and haul it outside to be picked up and taken away...
slidell, here..we came back on wednesday...heard all that BS about no one being allowed in...I was thinking fuck you..pay my mortgage and you can tell me what to do with my property...otherwise STFU..
Where was the National Guard? Where they overwhelmed or deployed somewhere else?
With so much advance warning it's criminal the state and local government didn't do their jobs.

And how much "advance warning" would that be, Sparky?

No help from the audience please... this could be entertaining.
I live on the Gulf Coast so you cant tell me shit about hurricanes.
But I can say you were obviously unprepared which is a sign of stupidity for someone who lives in N.O.

Cram it up your ass, moron. I'm telling tank-boy how little time there was. If you don't know about that, then I think the stupidity lives in your mirror. :fu:

Than why did most people have time to get out?
I mean you dont have to go far to get out of the fish bowl thats N.O.
Hell, I lived in Tennessee at the time, and we were putting up evacuees there.
that's where we went...somewhere near Jackson Tn. Stayed 2 days and watching tv...couldn't stand it..had to go home...

In the city we couldn't go home until October. That's when I came here to Carolina.
it wasn't fun or easy for any of us... we may hate each others guts politically but this is/was different...no one was aksing if you were a repub. or a demo. "You need some help"? is how we do it
Neither Nagin nor Blanco built the levees. That's already been established, definitively, as the fault of the Army Corps of Engineers. Nothing Nagin or Blanco did or didn't do is at significant variance with any other hurricane. The difference, as I said before and as you agreed above, is that the levees broke. And that's the ACofE.

Your feeble attempts to make this into a political football are, in a word, disgusting.
Have you ever had to make it through an F-5 tornado??? I had to in Little Rock (shelter-in-place). The point is, if you can get warning of something like Katrina, YOU GET THE FUCK OUT!!!

You CAN'T control the weather!!!

Worry about the property later, unless you are willing to die for it... and then hope the Democrats don't steal the money you need!!!!!

I didn't mention "property", although that can be part of it. In my case it was a little of that and a lot more getting people and animals -- and their food and medications etc -- together. Let alone establishing where we were going.

But your point is taken -- I could have said "fuck it" and left them to drown.

We got the evacuation order by phone at 2:30 am. We were on the road by 8am with everything we considered irreplaceable, two dogs and two cats and some food water and wine. took 16 hours to go a distance that usually takes 4 hours. Saw many people stranded on the road with no gas, stopped at a station in Ala where there was a very long line and about 10 state troopers, they let you buy 10 gallons, no more. spent one night in the car at a rest stop, finally got to Jackson and spent 4 days there with no power. Came home, secured the house with a tarp and left until the power came back on 10 days later. I do not ever want to have to do that again.

By phone from a friend? See, that's even 12 hours later than I got word.

Your travel story is consistent with mine. Somehow I got on the wrong contraflow lane and had to go through Baton Rouge :puke: and they wouldn't let me up I-55. My destination was southern Mississippi, on the river. There we got a minor storm and some wind, some light branches broken, no big deal, but the power went out for days. Yet right across the river in Vidalia everybody had power. It's the way the states are set up. Eventually they got crews coming down -- from Arkansas -- to get power restored.

At the time there were fine generous people offering housing everywhere from Mexico to Nova Scotia. I seriously thought about Nova Scotia but I ended up coming to the mountains of Carolina, a vacation house in the mountains with seven levels of Appalachian peaks to look at. We weren't allowed back into the city for five weeks -- early October --- and even then there was no power, no utilities, no police, no traffic lights and no place to eat but for a couple of joints out in Metairie. And the first order of business was to tape up your refrigerator and haul it outside to be picked up and taken away...
slidell, here..we came back on wednesday...heard all that BS about no one being allowed in...I was thinking fuck you..pay my mortgage and you can tell me what to do with my property...otherwise STFU..

And how'd you get in? Did you have to take circuitous routes?

I dunno about Slidell, and didn't come in that way, but the city was closed off except to emergency personnel and the National Guard. But damn, I rode by that way after things were more settled, and the devastation was mind boggling.
Cram it up your ass, moron. I'm telling tank-boy how little time there was. If you don't know about that, then I think the stupidity lives in your mirror. :fu:

Than why did most people have time to get out?
I mean you dont have to go far to get out of the fish bowl thats N.O.
Hell, I lived in Tennessee at the time, and we were putting up evacuees there.
that's where we went...somewhere near Jackson Tn. Stayed 2 days and watching tv...couldn't stand it..had to go home...

In the city we couldn't go home until October. That's when I came here to Carolina.
it wasn't fun or easy for any of us... we may hate each others guts politically but this is/was different...no one was aksing if you were a repub. or a demo. "You need some help"? is how we do it

Exactly, thank you! That's why it so disgusts me that armchair pundits want to come along after the fact and try to score "points" off those of us who went through it.
Have you ever had to make it through an F-5 tornado??? I had to in Little Rock (shelter-in-place). The point is, if you can get warning of something like Katrina, YOU GET THE FUCK OUT!!!

You CAN'T control the weather!!!

Worry about the property later, unless you are willing to die for it... and then hope the Democrats don't steal the money you need!!!!!

I didn't mention "property", although that can be part of it. In my case it was a little of that and a lot more getting people and animals -- and their food and medications etc -- together. Let alone establishing where we were going.

But your point is taken -- I could have said "fuck it" and left them to drown.

We got the evacuation order by phone at 2:30 am. We were on the road by 8am with everything we considered irreplaceable, two dogs and two cats and some food water and wine. took 16 hours to go a distance that usually takes 4 hours. Saw many people stranded on the road with no gas, stopped at a station in Ala where there was a very long line and about 10 state troopers, they let you buy 10 gallons, no more. spent one night in the car at a rest stop, finally got to Jackson and spent 4 days there with no power. Came home, secured the house with a tarp and left until the power came back on 10 days later. I do not ever want to have to do that again.

By phone from a friend? See, that's even 12 hours later than I got word.

Your travel story is consistent with mine. Somehow I got on the wrong contraflow lane and had to go through Baton Rouge :puke: and they wouldn't let me up I-55. My destination was southern Mississippi, on the river. There we got a minor storm and some wind, some light branches broken, no big deal, but the power went out for days. Yet right across the river in Vidalia everybody had power. It's the way the states are set up. Eventually they got crews coming down -- from Arkansas -- to get power restored.

At the time there were fine generous people offering housing everywhere from Mexico to Nova Scotia. I seriously thought about Nova Scotia but I ended up coming to the mountains of Carolina, a vacation house in the mountains with seven levels of Appalachian peaks to look at. We weren't allowed back into the city for five weeks -- early October --- and even then there was no power, no utilities, no police, no traffic lights and no place to eat but for a couple of joints out in Metairie. And the first order of business was to tape up your refrigerator and haul it outside to be picked up and taken away...
slidell, here..we came back on wednesday...heard all that BS about no one being allowed in...I was thinking fuck you..pay my mortgage and you can tell me what to do with my property...otherwise STFU..

And how'd you get in? Did you have to take circuitous routes?

I dunno about Slidell, and didn't come in that way, but the city was closed off except to emergency personnel and the National Guard.

came down through Bogalusa...the Twin Span was wrecked, as you know. on the way down there was damage all the way up into north miss.
I had to get out with a flashlight and a map to try to see where we were..there were no signs, lights..no way to know..a cop pulled up and asked if we were ok..explained we were trying to get to slidell..he said follow me...
Than why did most people have time to get out?
I mean you dont have to go far to get out of the fish bowl thats N.O.
Hell, I lived in Tennessee at the time, and we were putting up evacuees there.
that's where we went...somewhere near Jackson Tn. Stayed 2 days and watching tv...couldn't stand it..had to go home...

In the city we couldn't go home until October. That's when I came here to Carolina.
it wasn't fun or easy for any of us... we may hate each others guts politically but this is/was different...no one was aksing if you were a repub. or a demo. "You need some help"? is how we do it

Exactly, thank you! That's why it so disgusts me that armchair pundits want to come along after the fact and try to score "points" off those of us who went through it.
fuckem...if the shit ever hits the fan, we know how to live...they'll be statistics..
Can't anyone take responsibility for such a horrible sad unnecessary situation. Why is it that Bush gets the " I was misinformed again" crap.

Harry Connick Jr. got there in No time flat helping and the Gov. sends in a what ...??? Nothing for days!!!

As President Bush battled criticism over the response to Hurricane Katrina, his mother declared it a success for evacuees who "were underprivileged anyway,"

Brownie would have had a much better response in his sleep, if he did 1/2 of what happened 10 years ago Fox news , The Blaze, would be news casting it for days.

John travolta is a pilot and owns his own plane..a big plane...he packed it with supplies and flew in..sean penn came and helped..I mean shortly afterward...not weeks later...I have no use for "celebrities" but to actually see them get involved and get their hands dirty was nice..
Remember Katrina and George W. Bush's totally unbelievable mishandling of the massive destruction and death in Louisiana, and Mississippi? I Do!

It wasn't as bad and irresponsible as Iraq but it was in the game.
You talking about when Nagin went to prison for corruption over the way he handled the money?
No, he's talking about how Bush and the republicans criminally mishandled the response to a national emergency and 1500 people died.

Yeppers, Bush ordered Nagin to park the buses and not use them to evacuate people. You folks are desperate, and silly.
Remember Katrina and George W. Bush's totally unbelievable mishandling of the massive destruction and death in Louisiana, and Mississippi? I Do!

It wasn't as bad and irresponsible as Iraq but it was in the game.

Ya but it didn't hold a candle to Benghazi or some stupid e-mail thingy.

Bush was the most willfully ignorant and therefor dangerous president in my lifetime.
I didn't mention "property", although that can be part of it. In my case it was a little of that and a lot more getting people and animals -- and their food and medications etc -- together. Let alone establishing where we were going.

But your point is taken -- I could have said "fuck it" and left them to drown.

We got the evacuation order by phone at 2:30 am. We were on the road by 8am with everything we considered irreplaceable, two dogs and two cats and some food water and wine. took 16 hours to go a distance that usually takes 4 hours. Saw many people stranded on the road with no gas, stopped at a station in Ala where there was a very long line and about 10 state troopers, they let you buy 10 gallons, no more. spent one night in the car at a rest stop, finally got to Jackson and spent 4 days there with no power. Came home, secured the house with a tarp and left until the power came back on 10 days later. I do not ever want to have to do that again.

By phone from a friend? See, that's even 12 hours later than I got word.

Your travel story is consistent with mine. Somehow I got on the wrong contraflow lane and had to go through Baton Rouge :puke: and they wouldn't let me up I-55. My destination was southern Mississippi, on the river. There we got a minor storm and some wind, some light branches broken, no big deal, but the power went out for days. Yet right across the river in Vidalia everybody had power. It's the way the states are set up. Eventually they got crews coming down -- from Arkansas -- to get power restored.

At the time there were fine generous people offering housing everywhere from Mexico to Nova Scotia. I seriously thought about Nova Scotia but I ended up coming to the mountains of Carolina, a vacation house in the mountains with seven levels of Appalachian peaks to look at. We weren't allowed back into the city for five weeks -- early October --- and even then there was no power, no utilities, no police, no traffic lights and no place to eat but for a couple of joints out in Metairie. And the first order of business was to tape up your refrigerator and haul it outside to be picked up and taken away...
slidell, here..we came back on wednesday...heard all that BS about no one being allowed in...I was thinking fuck you..pay my mortgage and you can tell me what to do with my property...otherwise STFU..

And how'd you get in? Did you have to take circuitous routes?

I dunno about Slidell, and didn't come in that way, but the city was closed off except to emergency personnel and the National Guard.

came down through Bogalusa...the Twin Span was wrecked, as you know. on the way down there was damage all the way up into north miss.
I had to get out with a flashlight and a map to try to see where we were..there were no signs, lights..no way to know..a cop pulled up and asked if we were ok..explained we were trying to get to slidell..he said follow me...

Oh yeah that's right--- pieces of I-10 literally floated away .... I remember now many trips down old US 90 for some time until it was reconstructed.

Hey wait -- I-10 that's a federal highway. So it's Eisenhower's fault. :eusa_shifty:
"Ya but it didn't hold a candle to Benghazi or some stupid e-mail thingy.

Bush was the most willfully ignorant and therefor dangerous president in my lifetime."

Mine too....'course I'm just 80!

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