Brutal NYT/CBS Poll for Obama

Okay sweetie.

Taking sig bets.

You in?

I am thinking Obama wins in 2012.

I bet he wins too. Over 50% of the population is fucking retarded, like you. You people will vote for him again. Even if you're broke, jobless, out of gas, hungry, and surrounded by illegal aliens and jihadis. Thats how fucking mentally screwed up you lefties are.

Yeah, the Republicans did a good job with all those problems, didn't they? Which candidate would you choose to fix all those problems? Charlie Cook described the Republican presidential wannabes as resembling the bar scene in Star Wars.
Why would the NYT "bury" its own poll? The poll question was the main discussion on Morning Joe as well as C-Span's call-in program this morning, Washington Journal so it isn't as though the public is being kept in the dark.

Obama just happens to be president of the country as it experiences a rotten set of circumstances, and if you look deeper, you'll see there's equal blame for not doing enough to "fix it."

Hiring just started up again. Tech sector is on fire.

Guess those idiots finally figured out that Americans are the best employees bar none.:clap2:

Yep. Now....if only Obama would stop filing lawsuits against the companies who don't hire the "proper" employees: Boeing lawsuit: South Carolina vs. big labor | The Post and Courier, Charleston SC - News, Sports, Entertainment

Guess we are NOT all in this together after all, since Obama sues those who dare hire people who are non-union.

The union filed the lawsuit, not the Obama administration, but I see that LIE is making its way throughout the Internet anyway. It's what you guys do best. LIE LIE LIE.

"Tell a lie often enough, loud enough, and long enough and people will believe you."
:eusa_shhh:this can't be true.

.The New York Times is burrying the lead on their latest poll. The numbers are just brutal for the White House:

•70% of Americans feel things in this country are seriously off on the wrong track. That is the highest number since the 79% registered in 1/11/09 when President Bush was still in office.
•80% rate the national economy as bad (44% fairly/36% very). Only 19% rate it as good (2% very/17% fairly).
•39% think the economy is getting worse, only 23% say it is getting better. Last month those numbers were even at 26. In February they were flipped at 32% better, 22% worse.
•57% disapprove of Obama’s handling of the economy. That is the highest disapproval measured by the CBS/NYT poll. His 38% approval is matched only once by a pre-Democractic election wipe out October poll.
•59% disapprove of Obama’s handling of the federal budget. Also the highest CBS/NYT has ever measured that number.
•Obama’s Libya approval numbers have completely flipped from 50/29 approve in March to 45/39 disapprove today.
•46% disapprove of the way Obama is handling foreign policy. That is the highest number ever for Obama in a CBS/NYT poll. His 39% approval on FP is also his lowest score ever.
•55% tell NYT/CBS they would rather have a smaller government providing fewer services. Only 33% want a bigger government with more services.
•When asked “Do you think Barack Obama has the same priorities for the country as you have, or doesn’t he?” 53% said no and 43% said yes. When Obama was inaugurated those numbers were 65% and 28% no.

Brutal NYT/CBS Poll for Obama | Conn Carroll | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner


People aren't happy, no doubt about it.

But hey! they're not exactly thrilled with his opponents, either.

70% of the population ALSO thinking that we ought to raise the taxes on the rich.

The natives, dear fellow citizens, are getting restless.
Why is it you guys start the gay shit..every single time.

What the fuck?

Let me ammend that least its not the most gay avatar amongst the far left guys on this board. That'd be GT..........HOLY MOTHER OF GOD.........the guy has a pic of himself up as an avatar.

Now THAT is fcukking gay as shit gets............

Actually Sallow.......truth be told........Ive always been a big werewolf fan. In fact, American Werewolf in London is one of the best all time flicks. The recent one with Anthony Hopkins was great until the end when it got real goofy.

Hey Sallow........Im coming into the city on Thursday night to see Buffalo Tom at the Bowery Ballroom. We could throw down some beers and see a great politics ( you'd love Buffalo Tom........all card carrying members of the ACLU and Im not kidding)

I got moved to "third shift"..12am - 8am. But I am not opposed to having a beer or 2 before my shift. If you are serious..PM me..and maybe we will have a couple.


Hey Sallow.........a definate posssibility. Usually go with my two bro's but both might be out this time through. Cant get my wife to go to shit anymore but I go to city shows on occassion solo. If Im going, I'll hit you up but it would suck if you couldnt see the show. Buffalo Tom doesnt come on until about 10:30 or so
Sallow, you are indeed a lunatic, moronic brain dead lefty. have the best avatar on this forum. Well done.
I bet he wins too. Over 50% of the population is fucking retarded, like you. You people will vote for him again. Even if you're broke, jobless, out of gas, hungry, and surrounded by illegal aliens and jihadis. Thats how fucking mentally screwed up you lefties are.

I just moved into a luxury duplex and that's after renovating my manhattan co-op which I am renting out. My bonus this year was double what it was last year (but still half of what it was at it's peak).

How you doin'?

I'm doing fine. And you're lying. Retarded liberals always respond with "I'm so rich" when you attack them. You probably work at McDonalds. But whatever. You're still retarded enough to vote for Obama again.

(But for the record, I own a home in a suburb. Doing fine. And my dog is cooler than yours, dickwad.)

You loons make it seem like Obama's popularity is in the 20 percentile or some wickedly low number. It isn't. He's about where every president going back to Nixon was at this point in their presidencies. Don't believe me? Click on a president and slide the bar across to the timeframe for a comparison.

Presidential Job Approval Center

Then there's this, ALL the up-to-date polls on Obama's favorability. Read it and weep.

Obama: Job Ratings
Let me ammend that least its not the most gay avatar amongst the far left guys on this board. That'd be GT..........HOLY MOTHER OF GOD.........the guy has a pic of himself up as an avatar.

Now THAT is fcukking gay as shit gets............

Actually Sallow.......truth be told........Ive always been a big werewolf fan. In fact, American Werewolf in London is one of the best all time flicks. The recent one with Anthony Hopkins was great until the end when it got real goofy.

Hey Sallow........Im coming into the city on Thursday night to see Buffalo Tom at the Bowery Ballroom. We could throw down some beers and see a great politics ( you'd love Buffalo Tom........all card carrying members of the ACLU and Im not kidding)

I got moved to "third shift"..12am - 8am. But I am not opposed to having a beer or 2 before my shift. If you are serious..PM me..and maybe we will have a couple.


Hey Sallow.........a definate posssibility. Usually go with my two bro's but both might be out this time through. Cant get my wife to go to shit anymore but I go to city shows on occassion solo. If Im going, I'll hit you up but it would suck if you couldnt see the show. Buffalo Tom doesnt come on until about 10:30 or so

Okay cool.

I can't see the show..but a beer sounds good.

Let me know.
I just moved into a luxury duplex and that's after renovating my manhattan co-op which I am renting out. My bonus this year was double what it was last year (but still half of what it was at it's peak).

How you doin'?

I'm doing fine. And you're lying. Retarded liberals always respond with "I'm so rich" when you attack them. You probably work at McDonalds. But whatever. You're still retarded enough to vote for Obama again.

(But for the record, I own a home in a suburb. Doing fine. And my dog is cooler than yours, dickwad.)

You loons make it seem like Obama's popularity is in the 20 percentile or some wickedly low number. It isn't. He's about where every president going back to Nixon was at this point in their presidencies. Don't believe me? Click on a president and slide the bar across to the timeframe for a comparison.

Presidential Job Approval Center

Then there's this, ALL the up-to-date polls on Obama's favorability. Read it and weep.

Obama: Job Ratings

I'm doing fine. And you're lying. Retarded liberals always respond with "I'm so rich" when you attack them. You probably work at McDonalds. But whatever. You're still retarded enough to vote for Obama again.

(But for the record, I own a home in a suburb. Doing fine. And my dog is cooler than yours, dickwad.)

Notice..I didn't insult you.

And my dog is the best. He's strong, he doesn't start shit, but if shit comes to him he kicks ass.

Like his owner.:clap2:

Well........seems we have here..............


Anybody else sorta intimidated by that wolf mask in Sallows avatar??? I shit my pants every time I see it.

I notice yours is simply violent. Nice.
Okay sweetie.

Taking sig bets.

You in?

I am thinking Obama wins in 2012.

I bet he wins too. Over 50% of the population is fucking retarded, like you. You people will vote for him again. Even if you're broke, jobless, out of gas, hungry, and surrounded by illegal aliens and jihadis. Thats how fucking mentally screwed up you lefties are.

Yeah, the Republicans did a good job with all those problems, didn't they? Which candidate would you choose to fix all those problems? Charlie Cook described the Republican presidential wannabes as resembling the bar scene in Star Wars.

Come on. Both parties are responsible for this mess. All they have done is throw printed dollars at the problem. They saved companies that had a right to fail. The house was collapsing and they built a house of cards. This is not over.
The inflation rate is going to rise, hurting the poor first. Especially when it comes to the price of oil. One trillion dollars leaves our economy for every ten dollar oil increases. The market and main street is going to crash. Maybe as soon as June most likely by Christmas.
Things will be worst by January of 2012. So bad that Obama may face challengers from with in his own party.
Okay sweetie.

Taking sig bets.

You in?

I am thinking Obama wins in 2012.

The only way Obama is going to win in 2012 is if the republicans lose it.
Sorta like with Bush's 2nd term...he didn't win...the democrats lost.
To win by default is merely coming in 2nd to losing.
Okay sweetie.

Taking sig bets.

You in?

I am thinking Obama wins in 2012.

The only way Obama is going to win in 2012 is if the republicans lose it.
Sorta like with Bush's 2nd term...he didn't win...the democrats lost.
To win by default is merely coming in 2nd to losing.


Um...I hope the laugh is at how I put it and not laugh as in "haha your wrong!"
Surely you don't believe Obama would win on his own merit?
... those idiots finally figured out that Americans are the best employees bar none.:clap2:
There's no question that American workers are far more productive than workers of any other country. The problem is that America is no longer the best place to run a business that hires people, especially when the president calls you a 'fat cat' and people on chat forums call you 'idiots'.

So while hiring Americans may be a smart move, it's even smarter to hire them is say, Hong Kong or Australia.
I won't comment on the polls but if Obama doesn't get a handle on food and energy prices he is gone, Jimmy Carter all over again. The other problems he has is the spread of photo ID voter laws (Interferes with the vote early and often D traditions) and reapportionment on the state level which is screwing up the get out the vote effort. The last D president reelected to a second term full without a divided opposition was FDR and prior to that Grover Cleveland. As long as the Rs do not split the odds are heavily against Obama. Even with the Reagan-Anderson split of 1980 Carter still lost.
A few details the OP's biased article left out:

1. The poll gave Congress a 16% approval, right about what the Democratic Congress was getting in October 2010.

2. 32% approval for John Boehner, 15 points worse than the President.

3. 27% approval for the Republican Congress on handling the deficit.

4. Favorable opinion of the Republican Party? 37%

5. Favorable opinion of the Democratic Party? 44%

...and on and on the poll went, showing the president and the Democrats STILL beating the Republicans in most categories.
LOL, the OPs biased poll.

good gawd, it's a frikken Nyslime/CBS POLL.

I guess they just couldn't HIDE the real numbers any longer.:lol:
Hiring just started up again. Tech sector is on fire.

Guess those idiots finally figured out that Americans are the best employees bar none.:clap2:

Yep. Now....if only Obama would stop filing lawsuits against the companies who don't hire the "proper" employees: Boeing lawsuit: South Carolina vs. big labor | The Post and Courier, Charleston SC - News, Sports, Entertainment

Guess we are NOT all in this together after all, since Obama sues those who dare hire people who are non-union.

The union filed the lawsuit, not the Obama administration, but I see that LIE is making its way throughout the Internet anyway. It's what you guys do best. LIE LIE LIE.

"Tell a lie often enough, loud enough, and long enough and people will believe you."

WRONG!! The suit was filed by the National Labor Relations Board, a federal agency, or did you not read the link?

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