Bud Light boycott by the numbers (new poll)

It's not an organized boycott. It's a logical reaction to a distasteful and ignorant and incredibly bad campaign apparently designed by a single marketing exec. in Anheuser-Bush. They should know better. Unsold cases of Bud Lite were falling out of the display case the last time I was in my local Walmart.
yes that is where the bigots shop....
That was dumb, even for you
not really, walmart shoppers are mainly rural poor people and guess what LOL. they're all listening to Fox noise and believing the most ridiculous hateful garbage. just like you honey. Here it is 72% trump voters And they are wonderful people but the last 20-30 years their politics are a hateful brain washed anti-american Mess... you might as well listen to Russian and Chinese propaganda, and probably do half the time on social media....
Nobody changes their sex
That much is true^^. Sex is assigned at birth. You either have XX or XY chromosomes and no amount of surgical or hormonal therapies will ever change that. Granted there are anomalies, but they only account for about 1/20th of 1% of the total population--not enough to rate more than a fleeting glance, certainly not the amount of press that it has generated due to you poorly educated democrats. Dylan Mulvaney is not afflicted with that anomaly and HE is an imposter.
Bud Lite really isn't that good. It's relatively tasteless and they probably increase the co2 from regular beer. People used to buy it out of habit until a smarmy marketing babe said that Anheuser didn't want or need their old customer base and the new target base would be represented by a skinny man in a dress. What did they think would happen? People said they didn't like the stuff anyway and sales sunk to almost zero. Lame commercials featuring heroic horses only insults our intelligence.
What would happen if Bud dropped the price of Bud Lite to say.....5 bucks a 12 pack?
Sorry bout that,

1. It seems they will need to slash prices to a buck a six pack, to sell off the remainder of beer, and then drop it all together from now on.

What would happen if Bud dropped the price of Bud Lite to say.....5 bucks a 12 pack?
Doesn't seem to be working here. Twelve packs are under $10 in WA and that is about a 33% reduction from pre-tranny advertising and all Keystone Light, Busch Light and Bud Light shelves remain full (they all probably come from the same tank anyway). Screw 'em. There isn't a domestic beer in the US that is worth drinking anyway. Micro/craft brews are the only ones I'll drink anymore.
Doesn't seem to be working here. Twelve packs are under $10 in WA and that is about a 33% reduction from pre-tranny advertising and all Keystone Light, Busch Light and Bud Light shelves remain full (they all probably come from the same tank anyway). Screw 'em. There isn't a domestic beer in the US that is worth drinking anyway. Micro/craft brews are the only ones I'll drink anymore.
Just because it's craft means it's good? Either or not. Good is good. Bad is bad.
A couple of thoughts:

1. Just like when the NFL went woke and everyone was crying for a boycott, you all will forget about this in time and go back to A.B. products.

2. My immediate reaction was "Dammit! Here's another boycott I can't participate in because i never consumed the product being boycotted in the first place." But I learned several days ago that one of my favorite beers; Shock Top is owned by AB. I was both excited to be able to participate and bummed because i really like the beer.

3. Some republicans are asking us not to boycott AB because they give a lot of money to the GOP, well fuck them. It's always going to be principles first with me.
1. There is no alternative to NFL. There are literally thousands of beer brands. And no, college football isn't the same thing. People will get used to the new beer and never look back.

2. Grow a spine. Lots of beers besides Shock Top (good beer btw)

3. Fuck those money hungry faggots
Doesn't seem to be working here. Twelve packs are under $10 in WA and that is about a 33% reduction from pre-tranny advertising and all Keystone Light, Busch Light and Bud Light shelves remain full (they all probably come from the same tank anyway). Screw 'em. There isn't a domestic beer in the US that is worth drinking anyway. Micro/craft brews are the only ones I'll drink anymore.
Yeah they are on sale here too. Not buying ever again

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