Bud Light in serious trouble

It is Panama City and not the one in Florida.

Though we are leaning more towards Boquete, we are also thinking about spending the first year in Panama City as we get the true lay of the land.

They say that Mars is a lovely place for libs to retire to

The natives agree with you 100% of the time on every issue
What about the families and employees of companies effected by woke agendas though? It works both ways.

It's not the workers fault for what the higher ups in their company did that ruined their brand and it's a shame they had to take a hit. But if a small handful of people have to find new jobs because America is pushing back against this kind of thing then that is an acceptable loss.

The real lesson learned is, is if you're a company you should shut up with politics or agendas and just make or produce whatever it is you make. Companies need to just make what they make and keep their opinions to themselves. All bud light had to do was just make beer and market it to their biggest customer, the average American.

Companies are trying to up their esg rating, they’re not making political statements.
Budweiser is only ONE retail brand name of beer but the company holds the rights to over 70 brand names and 200+ beverages worldwide.

Now with the American brand name circling the drain, the drawback is the horses. Clydesdale horses are not exactly a common horse breed....and their continued existence is largely due to the branding funding their ongoing breeding and farming. (Which upsets PETA)

These horses are mammoth sized beasts that dwarf other horses(a short guy can walk upright underneath easily)....very expensive to feed, raise, train, and move about. The ferriers for these animals is also custom work...same with bridle and harness makers.
Well done, you all not only fucked Bud Light but all those other companies that dare to supply it with things.

All because you were triggered by a beer can!

Ain't America great!
Not too long back, you were saying that boycotts don't work. Today? A different tune.

Bud Light chose who they wanted to cater to. They slapped the faces of their loyal customers, and they slapped the faces of mothers, sisters, aunts, and women nationwide. They deserve exactly what they got.

The laid off employees will get unemployment for a while, then find another job.
It is Panama City and not the one in Florida.

Though we are leaning more towards Boquete, we are also thinking about spending the first year in Panama City as we get the true lay of the land.

Whew! That's a relief.
What would motivate a company in the beverage business to unnecessarily involve itself in such an issue? This will be studied in business schools for quite some time. People certainly have the right to adjust their economic orientations according to how they perceive where their money is going.
It’s been a trainwreck for Bud Light and everybody connected, and things are reportedly getting even worse for the beer giant as production is now being impacted.

Production plants that work with the Anheuser-Busch brand are now starting to shut down, with a glass bottle factory in Wilson, North Carolina being forced to close its doors in the next few weeks.

“With Bud Light’s huge drop in sales, last week, the plant’s owner, the Ardagh group, announced it would be shutting down the factory in Mid-July, laying off close to 400 employees.”

Another plant associated with Bud Light in Ruston, Louisiana is also shutting down, with 245 jobs being lost.

Guess this woke idea didn't work out. Apparently, liberals aren't supporting the cause?

REPORT: Bud Light Production Plants Are Starting To Shut Down Due To Plummeting Sales
/----. And this appeared on Fox this morning.

The ad titled, "Backyard Grunts with Travis Kelce," appears to be aimed at Bud Light's alienated male drinkers but most of the video's comments lambasted the brand for the latest attempt to save face.

"Man Bud Light is going for the death blow at this point," one commenter wrote. "This is what they think of their client base, stupid grunting cavemen."
What would motivate a company in the beverage business to unnecessarily involve itself in such an issue? This will be studied in business schools for quite some time. People certainly have the right to adjust their economic orientations according to how they perceive where their money is going.
/----/ Mr. Wonderful will be discussing this marketing disaster in his business classes.
^^^ OH LOOK, after the left cancels a thousand good things, Mac is upset now cause Bud Lite got a kick in the teeth for promoting deviance and perversion.
OH LOOK, here's Mac hammering on the Left over Cancel Culture.

Really, all "cancel culture" is, is giving a name to the weaponization of PC and Identity Politics that the hardcore left had been doing for many years. I was screaming about this long before Trump showed up, and sure as hell, the pushback helped get him elected.
Hopefully the momentum is increasing by the minute. "The Left has become the Right" is now being used as a term to describe how the hardcore Left has become what it used to loathe: Restrictive in what words are allowed to be uttered in public, etc.

This is one of the many excellent long-form political conversations that can be found on YouTube nowadays. This one includes one of my favorite thinkers and writers, Matt Taibbi. These are three liberals who see what has happened to the hardcore Left, and how it has become repressive, and how the Right is now the side that is more libertarian in its freedom of expression protections.

For example, from Taibbi: "One of the features of the new politics... is that it's losing some young people because the codes of behavior are so strict. The tendency to be that person who is constantly policing the speech of everyone else in the group -- that used to be the conservative in the room, and that was why a lot of us became political liberals. The rules have been reversed now".

They also discuss how the "left intelligencia" is denying that Cancel Culture is even happening.


You're an ignorant rube. A fine Trumpster.

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